kiwi / 624 posts
@cyoung: I wonder if I’m feeling hiccups too. Because of my placenta it feels funny so I just wondered today that maybe what I think is flippy stuff is hiccups?! Who knows.
4d scan sounds cool! And it’s nice to know where baby is. I feel they should have an ultrasound in each trimester as standard practice.
apricot / 469 posts
@Petitduck: I agree. I only had two with my daughter. One at 8 weeks and one at 20. I've had more this time around just due to her not cooperating for some ultrasounds. I really hope she cooperates for the 4D. My son didn't and my pictures were okay. My daughters were amazing!!!!
I also always measured big when it came to fundal height.
The left was my son's and the right was my a daughter's
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Saw maternal fetal specialist today for high blood pressure. It was high at my last two regular OB appts and high at my hospital monitoring visit on Friday, but has been low ever since. So, MFS doesn't need to see me back, but I got a super amazing longggg ultrasound with them today. Even got a 3d (or 4d?) peek on their amazing equipment.
It had beem a stressful scramble trying to fit in extra appts (OB wanted to see me extra, send me to hospital for monitoring, 24 hr urine catch, MFS visit, etc). On top of all all of these places have like forgotten my appts or tried to reschedule me, and I am moving cross country in 8 days and in the middle of finals at the school I teach at, so it is nearly impossible to take extra time off work right now.
All the extra stress is starting to manifest itself the way is usually does with me: scratchy throat turning into a cold. Grr! Have an all day cheer practice (cheer coach here too) on Saturday and movers are coming Sunday to officially start our cross country move. No time to be sick!!
kiwi / 624 posts
@DillonLion: that sounds so stressful and busy all around. Nice that you got to have an extended sneak peek ultrasound and your bp went down so you don’t have to go back!
Hope the move goes well. I could not imagine moving right now.
apricot / 469 posts
@DillonLion: lovely picture of baby! I love seeing 4Ds! I'm sorry about your blood pressure! I hope it goes down. I imagine you have a lot of stress from the big move and doctor appointments and stuff!! I'm praying and hoping you have a safe and smooth trip and move.
I'm thinking about going to a chiropractor cause my back the past two days has been awful. I have so many pinched nerves. I also am worried my hips are out of wack.
I woke up this morning with a tight belly so I need to rest and drink water today. I hate it when my uturan irritability acts up
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@Petitduck: It has been rough, but it is a job relocation, so luckily DH's company is paying for everything, so we have full service packers/movers.
@cyoung: Thank you! I saw a chiro a bunch last pregnancy and I think it really helped.
apricot / 390 posts
Keeping this on the most active page for reference
August 2019
• Cyoung - Aug 3
• Petitduck - Aug 6
• MenagerieMama - Aug 12
• DillionLion - Aug 14
• Smuckers - Aug 15
• NDEPET - Aug 17
• Cake2017 - Aug 19
• Doodle - Aug 25
• Mrs. K - Aug 29
Sending love to LAZB
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Oh, the other thing we saw on the U/S is that he's humongous! They did a bunch of measurements (head circ, bone lenths, etc.) and all of them have him measuring 2-3+ weeks bigger than this gestational age.
My first baby (a girl) was 7 lb, 10 oz, but my husband was a 10 lb baby, so we may have a big little guy on our hands. If he comes early we might share a birthday! Due date is 8/14 and my birthday is 8/4.
apricot / 469 posts
@DillonLion: wow 10lbs! Are they gonna keep monitoring you to see if he stays that big?
My son was 8lbs 1oz. And my daughter was 8lbs 10oz....I may have a 9lbs baby. Last ultrasound they said she was in the 50th percentile so who knows.
My mom was born August 1st. I'm due on the 3rd. So idk maybe shell be born that day. We will see.
I got an appointment an appointment to see a chiropractor tomorrow. I'm so happy cause my back needs help lol.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@cyoung: We'll see. It depends on what my new OB wants to do once we get up to Chicago next week (eep!). They won't let me book an appointment up there until my TX OB sends my records and they won't send my records until I'm done seeing them, I think, so everything is up in the air for now.
Good luck at the chiro!!
apricot / 469 posts
I went to the chiropractor and it was great! My back is so much better!! I go back the 7th of June. Also we maybe getting a van this weekend...we need one with 3 kids. Also I think baby is head down now. She is gonna be tall I I know like her siblings.
Do you ladies have names picked out yet?
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@cyoung: Glad your back is better!
We had a boy and girl name last time and since last time it was a girl and this time is a boy, we are just using our boy name: Lucas (Luke)
apricot / 469 posts
@DillonLion: we did that as well last pregnancy. Since my son was a boy we couldn't use the girl name we wanted. So we went with it when we found out my daughter was a girl which was Lillian. This time is after my grandmother which is Rebecca
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@cyoung: Nice! I'm named after a Rebecca (but parent named me Rachel)
apricot / 469 posts
Now to keep asking myself the age old question...did my waters spring a leak or this sweat or pee?
My belly doesn't seem as high up in my ribs and I breathe a bit more. Idk I'm hoping she moved down some. I have my next appointment this Friday!
apricot / 469 posts
Well it looks like in for another rough last 10 weeks of pregnancy. With my daughter I would have contractions nonstop for hours. They would range from being irregular to being super regular but they always stopped by morning. They do hurt but not like mid labor pains. My last doctor said there wasn't anything I could do and i just had to deal with it. I was hoping it wouldn't happen this time around but unfortunately last night I had thos kind of contractions. From 4pm to about 3am. I hardly slept. I'll talk with my doctor Friday. I have a new one. This time they feel slightly different just cause I get backpain with them and cervix hurts but like last time they fizzle out. I just get aggravated cause I can't enjoy my last weeks because of these things. This time I have 2 toddlers so I don't have much options to resting more. Hopefully this doctor will have an answer.
apricot / 469 posts
Sorry for all the posting. We did a 4D and she looks great!! She is 4lbs!!! I'm measuring almost 32 weeks...31 weeks and 4 days exsactly. I'm actually 31 weeks tomorrow...she is a big baby lol. She also in an oblique position. She needs to turn.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
How's it going, ladies??
We moved a couple of weeks ago (Dallas to Chicago) and are getting settled.
I am 31 weeks but keep measuring way ahead (final height had me at 5 weeks ahead at my last appt)
Blood pressure has remained slightly elevated, but nothing major/dangerous.
apricot / 469 posts
@DillonLion: I'm doing good today. It's been a whirlwind these last few weeks. I just think my body really struggles in the 3rd trimester. More so then normal lol. I've had some dizziness and heart palpitations which we found out was from low sugar. I have to eat small snack regularly or I get so dizzy I almost pass out. I've also been having my irritable uturus act up again. I'll have contractions for hours. They dont do anything yo my cervix though. More annoying then anything but besides all that baby girl looks great. I'm measuring ahead too from my last 4D scan. It was at 30 weeks when I got it and she was measuring 32 weeks. She was already 4lbs then. Boy was she chunky. I'm 33 weeks tomorrow and I have an appointment today.
How was the move? Did it go smoothly? I'm glad your blood pressure isn't dangerous
pear / 1547 posts
I am just feeling ginormous. I'm almost 32 weeks and almost daily at work (I work in healthcare) I have multiple patients shocked I'm not due within weeks, and one who almost didn't believe me I'm not having twins. I didn't feel this way with my other 2 pregnancies, so I"m not sure if it's just this way now that it's my third, or it's a huge baby I'm growing, or I just need to quit the ice cream! Either way, it's rather demoralizing. I'm also just feeling way more worn down. Being this pregnant with 2 kids, one of which a very saucy 2 yo who we started potty training, is no joke.
apricot / 469 posts
@MenagerieMama: I feel like you descibe me. I'm potty training my son right now. I have 2 toddlers and it really is no joke. I dont work but I went to a family reunion yesterday and a lot of people were surprised I wasnt due sooner.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@cyoung: move went fine!
Had a doc visit today and they want induce at 37 weeks due to baby measuring large and moderately high blood pressure (last full week in July) and I have mega mixed feelings about it.
apricot / 390 posts
Also feeling huge over here. 32 weeks on Thursday.
FINALLY haven't been feeling nauseous all the time as of like, a month ago. But started getting wicked swollen feet by the end of the day as of a month ago (just due to the weather getting warmer, my BP is perfect).
So because of my local hospital's BMI cutoff (I am a lady of size), I have to switch providers. I knew this going in, based on what happened with my first kid, so it's not a surprise. I actually picked it this time because I was so happy with my prenatal care locally, and my hospital experience last time was wonderful. The biggest problem is that the place they transfer me to is an hour away.
This wouldn't be a big deal, except that A) I have little to no PTO left to accommodate 2 hours of drive time for EACH appointment, and B) my last birth (which was my 1st), I went from water breaking to baby in my arms in less than 3 hours. Local dr's are going to be recommending to the farther drs that they induce at 39 weeks if my cervix looks favorable.
Another, much smaller problem: the farther office can't see me until July 11th. Just over a month before my due date. I'll be seeing the local office until then (works for me!), but like, come on guys. Going to cram 2 appointments into the first day (apparently I have to have a nurses appointment and a dr's appointment?), then going to do a hospital tour while I'm there (they redid L&D since I had my last baby).
apricot / 469 posts
@DillonLion: I'm glad the move went well. @smuckers: I'm glad you are feeling better rand not as nauseous.
I've been having irregular contractions since yesterday but nothing to make doctors worry. I've had no bleeding, spot or mucus plug, or water breaking. They also are not super painful so who knows what my body is doing. They keep starting and stopping.
coffee bean / 25 posts
Hi August 2019 moms! Am I far too late to join?
I created an account on this site last year, we were NTNP, and then switched to actively TTC in October 2018, during which I had an anovulatory cycle. However, because of some life changes, we decided to wait a little longer to TTC. Well surprise, I fell pregnant the next cycle!
I am currently 34w4d with a little boy, my due date is August 9th!
apricot / 469 posts
@lioness21: never too late! Welcome! It's kinda quiet here but I check daily. How have you been feeling. I'm due on the 3rd of August and I'm 35 weeks and a few days.
coffee bean / 25 posts
@cyoung: Thank you for responding .
I'm feeling good. I'm currently on holiday, but I go back to work next week for 3 weeks before I'll go on maternity leave, so I've been relaxing.
I'm at the point now where things are uncomfortable. My bump is in the way, my clothes don't fit anymore, it's hard to do things like put on underwear, shoes and shave my legs and I've been struggling to fall asleep/stay asleep! Can't wait for this baby to come!
apricot / 469 posts
@lioness21: I understand that feeling!
I've had some cramping and backache and I may have started to have my show last night. We will see what this week holds
coffee bean / 25 posts
@cyoung: omw! Are you scared or excited?
I think I've been feeling baby drop as now and again a have a burning sensation in my pelvis, I think they call it lightening? And since yesterday I've been getting a weird cramp/spasm in my left hip
apricot / 469 posts
@lioness21: yes I'm definitely excited. You never know though. I still may go to 40 weeks. It's my 3rd baby and my others never came early so we will see.
apricot / 390 posts
Welcome @lioness21!
August 2019
• Cyoung - Aug 3
• Petitduck - Aug 6
• Lioness21- Aug 9
• MenagerieMama - Aug 12
• DillionLion - Aug 14
• Smuckers - Aug 15
• NDEPET - Aug 17
• Cake2017 - Aug 19
• Doodle - Aug 25
• Mrs. K - Aug 29
Sending love to LAZB
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@lioness21: welcome!!!! We have the exact same symptoms
I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow and we are still looking at a 37 week induction/possibly a scheduled c-section (had an induction and vaginal delivery last time so I'm worried about recovery with a c section but skipping labor and going right to a scheduled c section would be easier on the front end I guess . I had pre eclampsia last time and high blood pressure this time so everyone is on high alert.
I have another appt/growth scan/non stress test tomorrow and should get the official word on the game plan.
If 37 weeks is the plan, then I'll give birth the last week in July!!
coffee bean / 25 posts
@smuckers: Thank you for adding me
@DillonLion: It's so close! Well, I hope that everything goes well for you.
apricot / 469 posts
@DillonLion: my friend had 3 c sections and she said planned ones are so much easier. She said it's super chill. She had an emergency one with her first daughter and she said it was so hard.
I could also give birth in July. My doctor will probably induce me at 39 weeks and I have a few days that week left in July. We will see. I also could have her then if she comes early. (Doubt it)
Also my belly looks so weird this time around. It's not super high like my other kids were
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@cyoung: my belly was rarely a nice, round shape during my first baby (a girl) and she was mega low (and I weighed a lot less)
This one has been a basketball the entire time and I'm already 10 lbs more than when i delivered at 41 weeks last time (34 weeks today). He's also really high.
Bellies are weird, man.
apricot / 469 posts
@DillonLion: yeah my belly isnt like a ball. It was but she keeps changing positions. I think she is sideways right now. I could be wrong. I'll find out next week.
persimmon / 1082 posts
Ladies! We will be having our babies soon if not already for some! Good luck to everyone!
apricot / 469 posts
@cake2017: good luck to you as well. I go in for induction tonight!! I'm so excited
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