persimmon / 1082 posts
Our nuchal scan is next week. I really want to have a sonogram but our first appointment was so late the tech was leaving.
pear / 1547 posts
Had an informal u/s (no pic) yesterday because I was feeling anxious and baby looked great! Moving around and looked like a real baby instead of a little gummy bear
apricot / 390 posts
August 2019
• Cyoung - Aug 3
• Petitduck - Aug 6
• DillionLion - Aug 14
• Smuckers - Aug 15
• NDEPET - Aug 17
• MenagerieMama - Aug 17
• Cake2017 - Aug 19
• Doodle - Aug 25
• Mrs. K - Aug 29
Sending love to LAZB
pear / 1547 posts
@smuckers: I forgot to add that we adjusted my due date based on my first ultrasound (which I think is not accurate because there was not much BD that month and I KNOW we did not conceive over Thanksgiving weekend with my ILs visiting...), but, I play by the rules So I'm due 8/17.
persimmon / 1082 posts
How is everyone feeling and doing?! I’m okay! Waiting for the next appointment in another week and first sono ️
apricot / 469 posts
@cake2017: I'm feeling really good! I've been productive around my house and besides crazy dreams I forget i'm pregnant sometimes. I'm 13 weeks and a few days. My next appointment is the 14th of February. The next day we are doing a private scan to find out the gender of nugget.
apricot / 390 posts
@cake2017: Doing ok over here My office is infested with the ick, so just trying to stay healthy. Morning sickness is still around, which is annoying (11+6 today). It's not BAD, it's just around. I'm ready to be able to smell things without feeling terrible again, please.
I have my NIPT sono tomorrow morning, so I'm kind of just in a holding pattern until then.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Had an appt on Monday and got to see the little bean bouncing around. Did the blood test where they check for genetic abnormalities and can determine the gender. Anxiously waiting for the phone to ring!
persimmon / 1082 posts
So glad to hear you all are doing okay!@smuckers: Yeah, I still having morning sickness and I’m around 12weeks 2days. I’m anxiously waiting for the scan next week. UGH. I wish I could get in sooner! @DillonLion: Soooo exciting! are you going to share the gender, gender reveal etc? LO1 my dh and I kept it to ourselves hehehe it about killed everyone else lol.@cyoung: Yeah I have funky dreams too but i don’t pay too much attention to them lol. I’m glad you are feeling great!
apricot / 390 posts
Had my NIPT today, everything looked great! Baby was super wiggly, and was showing off their ability to roll around almost as soon as the tech but the wand on my belly The pictures are not great (they weren't super cooperative for them), but I could see everything really clearly on the screen, which was A+.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@cake2017: Probably just share it without anything fancy, lol
DH is moving to Chicago for work next week (we are following behind in May) so there's not really time to do a big party or anything for a gender reveal.
apricot / 390 posts
@DillonLion: Congratulations!!
August 2019
• Cyoung - Aug 3
• Petitduck - Aug 6
• DillionLion - Aug 14
• Smuckers - Aug 15
• NDEPET - Aug 17
• MenagerieMama - Aug 17
• Cake2017 - Aug 19
• Doodle - Aug 25
• Mrs. K - Aug 29
Sending love to LAZB
pear / 1547 posts
Had my nuchal scan today, baby looked awesome! Also tech said my dates matched better with my LMP so I’m going to talk with my OB and maybe we’ll go back to my original due date which would mean I’m 13+1 today!
apricot / 390 posts
You guys. Morning sickness is getting so much worse this past week. Like, ugh. I feel miserable 90% of the time, throw up most of what I eat, and generally am just READY to be feeling like I'm as far along as I am. First pregnancy I felt like I feel now for the entire first trimester, but it magically disappated at 11 weeks. This time I felt ok/gaggy for the first 11 weeks and suddenly from week 11-present (almost 14 weeks) it's just been getting worse and worse. Sights are set on week 16 as my safe haven.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@smuckers: my M/S (really all day sickness) is so much worse, and is lasting so much longer this time. Last time was a girl and this time is a boy so it is weird!!
I'm nearly 14 weeks and gagged so hard this morning brushing my teeth.
apricot / 469 posts
Found out the gender today!! We are having another little girl! We are so shocked. We were sure it was a boy. We were wrong but are so excited! We already have a name. It's a family name. Meet Rebecca Marie!!
apricot / 308 posts
@cyoung: oh my gosh congrats!! What a great picture!! That’s very exciting!
@smuckers @dillonlion: I’m so sorry you guys have MS as bad as you do, that really sucks!! I had it worse than last time too but it has luckily gone away. Hope it goes away for you guys soon too!
Just found out the other day that we are having a girl! I’m totally nervous since our other is a boy and this will probably be different (or not?). I just wasn’t mentally prepared for a girl but lifehas a funny way of always throwing you a curve ball to keep you on your toes. Just grateful for a healthy baby ️
Any other gender updates out there?
apricot / 390 posts
August 2019
• Cyoung - Aug 3
• Petitduck - Aug 6
• DillionLion - Aug 14
• Smuckers - Aug 15
• NDEPET - Aug 17
• MenagerieMama - Aug 17
• Cake2017 - Aug 19
• Doodle - Aug 25
• Mrs. K - Aug 29
Sending love to LAZB
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Are yall feeling movement yet? I can definitely feel the baby move, but not everyday. It is giving me anxiety because some days I feel him a ton and other days not at all. I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow, which I know is super early to feel movement, but since it is #2 I think that is why.
pear / 1547 posts
I'm feeling little pops here and there, but in all honesty it could just be my gut gurgling and I can't tell the difference!
Ugh, DH was sick with what we figured out was likely the flu and now I've been sick. Today is the first day I've been able to drag myself out of bed. I had to call out of work which I hate, because I barely have any days to use for my upcoming maternity leave as it is. We all had our vaccines - apparently the flu was going around DH's (very dysfunctional) place of work and no one was notified or offered prophylaxis. So when he got sick he thought it was a bad cold for the first 24 hrs (at least the vaccine helped him have a pretty mild course!) so we didn't appropriately quarantine him from the family. I've been more sick - thanks pregnancy - and started tamiflu last night. I'm just so afraid our kids are going to get sick next! We've been trying to keep them out of the house and away from us...but keeping a respiratory virus quarantined in our family is practically impossible. It's just terrible timing with finally getting out of a bunch of snow days we had the past 2 weeks. Not to mention I've just been miserable, ugh!
persimmon / 1082 posts
I feel some movement once in awhile! We find out the gender in a few weeks! Can’t wait! Not sure if we will do something to celebrate like a gender reveal with family? But I wanna know right away lol- can you just do a gender reveal party with the family and guest not knowing but DH and I know? ...
Also, I’m having a lot of round ligament pain especially when I walk. It’s so annoying and very uncomfortable. I’m going back to working out in March. I didn’t have this with my first pregnancy and I strongly believe because i was working out a lot? Ugh! I hope everyone is feeling better and fighting this season strong with all the sickness! We have colds in my house:/
kiwi / 624 posts
Sadly not feeling movement and likely won’t for a while. I have an anterior placenta this time and haven’t had one before so that sucks. Have my anatomy booked for March 18th and we’ll be bringing our oldest hopefully. Won’t be finding out gender, but I’m very anxious to see if everything is going okay.
apricot / 390 posts
Little pops and bubbles here or there, nothing consistent (and honestly it still could be gas). Anatomy scan scheduled for March 27th; we're excited to find out the sex!
Feeling MUCH better but also knocking on all of the wood while saying that. Still nauseous here and there, still not super hungry, so still being careful with what I'm eating (gross but true fact: some things are delicious to eat but AWFUL to throw up).
Food cravings are in full effect. The other day I wanted a blizzard from DQ SO BADLY (with Reeses PB Cups, Caramel, and cheesecake bits). My BIL (who was hanging out at our house with me while DH was running errands) went and got me one (bless him), and DH came home with one because he didn't bother reading the texts I sent him telling him BIL got me one, lol. So I ended up with 2, and they were literally the best things I'd ever tasted. Have also SUPER been craving ice. Like, just ice. Helps with the nausea, plus keeps me hydrated. Just means that when I mention it to my OB next week they're going to test my iron levels (craving ice can be a sign of anemia).
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Had a quickie visit where we heard the heartbeat yesterday. My chart showed that I've lost 15 lbs since getting pregnant but I just highly doubt that. I don't look at my weight since it is triggering. My appetite has been mostly normal.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@smuckers: I craved ice my whole pregnancy. My doctor told me there is anemic, and then there is pregnant anemic; the day my pica turned into wanting to eat dirt was the day he'd worry my levels were too low.
apricot / 390 posts
@Sams Mom: that's hilarious! I'm hoping my OB will take it that lightly.
Honestly, I'm way more worried about GD. My husband is diabetic (as is his ENTIRE immediate family, save for his twin brother), and since I've been feeling off the past week or so I took my BGL on his glucometer this morning when I first woke up. The result was 104. That is a... poor result (it should be 95 or under for a non-diabetic). I'm almost certain I will be diagnosed with GD.
It's bittersweet. If I have it, I want to know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, because GD can truck a mother up (get it? nyuk nyuk nyuk). And it's SO dangerous for the baby for it to get out of control. But also, like, I don't wannnnnaaa have GD. It's not faaiiirrrr. Carbs are the only reliable thing I can keep down right now, I've just barely started introducing proteins back into my diet. And I just got the Girl Scout cookies I ordered in January delivered to my desk TODAY.
Long story short, I've already called my OB and asked for them to administer the GD test next week at my appointment (just about 8 weeks earlier than they normally would). This is not something I want to get out of control. I'll likely also be starting a low(er) carb diet (though I'm not going to go Type-A with it until I have an official diagnosis).
apricot / 469 posts
Havnt posted in a while since we found out the gender. Nothing crazy has happened lol. This pregnancy has been fairly easy thank goodness. I hope it stays that way. Besides being really tired cause I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old to take care of I've been good otherwise. No aches or pains. I'll be 18 weeks Saturday! Almost half way done. It's going by super fast.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
How are we doing, ladies?
I will be 20 weeks next Wednesday. I can't believe it is almost halfway done!
The nausea is STILL coming and going, which is just insane to me, since we're having a boy this time.
I'm starting to feel kicks from the outside, but just barely.
And my ankles have started to swell at the end of the day.
Next Thursday is the big anatomy scan, and I'm bringing my mom along. DH will be out of town.
kiwi / 624 posts
20 weeks now and had the anatomy scan. Everything looks good. Haven’t really felt anything due to an anterior placenta, my first one. Boo.
I have a feeling I’m going to swell this pregnancy and gain more weight than I did with my second. I had no swelling in my second pregnancy and a bunch in my first. I have been through some or all of the summer with every baby.
I’m quite tired every afternoon and if I don’t go to bed early enough then I feel wrecked when I wake up in the morning due to tossing and turning at night.
Good luck at your scan!
pear / 1547 posts
I finally got over being sick for about a month, first the flu and then sinusitis and then an ear infection!
I'm about 19.5 wks and my anatomy scan is next week. I am so anxious to find out if this is a girl or a boy! I'm actually hoping for a third girl, but I know DH would really love a boy. I've finally been feeling some good baby kicks.
I'm also majorly nesting/purging although only have the energy to do it half the time! We are closing on our house for sale (that's been on the market for 8 months across the country ) in a couple weeks, so I think the impending financial stability from that is really making me excited to get some put off projects done, and we will need to shop for a van!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@MenagerieMama: Yeah we are in the process of selling one house and buying (renting actually) a house on across the country. I won't be able to do any nesting until June! Gah.
apricot / 469 posts
Glad to hear you ladies are doing well overall! I had my anatomy last Thursday. We are having a girl for sure lol. Im so excited!! We have a name already. I have to do another scan next appointment cause baby girl didn't want to show her profile and her heart much. Doctor isn't worried though. They just want to double check since they couldn't get good images. I also do my glucose next appointment April 11th. I hope I dont fail my one hour. I usually do and have to do a three hour. I also pass that one though. We will see.
kiwi / 624 posts
@MenagerieMama: I have nesting urges sometimes, but my energy level depleted very rapidly these days. I feel like everything is overdoing it. Haha!
We looooove our van. Got it a few months before we started ttc #3
kiwi / 624 posts
@cyoung: that nearly happened to me this time and happened to me with my first. Had a lazy baby in the ultrasound. This baby is super lazy and chill. But it’s an extra excuse to see your baby again! I make sure to drink something sweet or you could have some caffeine before the ultrasound to get the baby moving? I should have done caffeine for mine. The juice didn’t work. I’m hoping I’ll feel movement soon. Anterior placenta is lame.
pear / 1547 posts
Ahhh!!! We're having a boy!! We have 2 girls and I was so convinced this one was a girl too, and looking forward to reusing all my cute little girl clothes and going on a shopping spree for my oldest knowing it would be going through 3 kids. I don't know that I'm disappointed, just in shock. I think DH is secretly thrilled. I just had the girl mom thing down so well that I'm thrown for a loop!
kiwi / 624 posts
@MenagerieMama: congratulations! It would be a bit of a shock to have that ringer thrown in there. :). I’ve got one of each so this little last one is the tie breaker. I have no guesses this time about who is in there either so birth day will be such a surprise.
persimmon / 1082 posts
We are having a girl! LO1 is a boy so we are excited! How is everyone feeling? I feel fine for most of the day but today I don’t feel so well. Hoping for warm weather soon and we can get rid of all these colds!
apricot / 469 posts
@cake2017: im sorry you dont feel good! Cold suck!
I'm feeling pretty good. My little nugget is moving a lot lately. Thats super cool to feel. It's not just flutters. Its turned into pops. I even feel then when I'm walking. This is one of the best parts of pregnancy is feeling her move.
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