apricot / 403 posts
@sera_87: oh no! I'm almost 13 weeks and have been looking forward to the mythical second trimester energy burst. Are you saying you're still dealing with major exhaustion. There's no hope for me! I feel ya on the 2pm death feeling. I usually want to hide under my desk and take a 4 hour nap around that time too!
cherry / 240 posts
Woohoo for the fun new calendar!
@JennyPenny: How cute! I've got a little bump going on but its not lopsided like yours.
pear / 1616 posts
old fashioned list! can't believe ppl are in the 16th week +! can't wait to hear more gender reveals!
August mamas!
8/2 -jennypenny (#1)
8/4 - apples4teacher (#1)
8/6 - sera_87 (#2)
8/6 - claire.peonies (#1)
8/7 - avabear (#3)
8/7 - babybean404 (#1) - Team Pink!
8/7 - buffalove (#2)
8/8 - yellowskates (#1)
8/9 - phxbee (#2)
8/13 - Aandmklover (#2)
8/14 - sharpie (#1)
8/16 - mrs.someone (#1)
8/16 - mrst927 (#1)
8/16 - mrskc (#2)
8/17 - kodybear (#2)
8/17 - dankrist (#1)
8/18 - stratosphere (#1) -Team Pink!
8/18 - t.h.o.u (#2)
8/20 - bakerbee (#1)
8/21 - chibee (#1)
8/21 - xinfinity (#1)
8/23 - beckysue (#1)
8/23 - pui (#1)
8/26 - erind425 (#1)
8/27 - locavore_mama (#2)
8/30 - mrs.64 (#1)
8/30 - msmug (#1)
8/31 - jmarionsmith (#2)
TBD - swurlygurl (#2)
Upcoming appointments!
2/21 - swurlygurl (first appt)
2/24 - aandmklover (16 week appt)
2/25 - mrst927 (midwife appt)
2/26 - msmug (14 week appt)
2/28 - mrskc (16 week appt)
2/28 - pui (appt)
3/4 - mrs.someone (16 week appt)
3/5 - kodybear (16 week appt)
3/7 - apples4teacher (anatomy scan)
3/17 - mrs.64 (appt)
3/19 - kodybear (anatomy scan)
3/19 - t.h.o.u. (anatomy scan)
4/3 - locavore_mama (anatomy scan)
pomegranate / 3895 posts
Is anyone having break-out issues?
This is super embarrassing, but my husband rubbed my back this morning when I got out of the shower and he goes "eek it feels like sandpaper!" UGH! I have always had great skin - never even needed to wash it. Now that my husband pointed it out, I'm starting to notice that my breakouts are a little out of control. It looks like I'm going to have to start wearing make-up to work now.
nectarine / 2132 posts
Hey guys! So super sorry that I've been MIA, my entire family had a nasty stomach bug so we've been down for the count. Can I just say that having a stomach virus while being pregnant makes me feel so much more sympathy for you ladies dealing with nausea and morning sickness. It really is awful!
Anyways, I'm having a sort of freak out.
We had our NT Scan today and the tech SAID everything looked good except the baby was being super uncooperative and she could only get 2 out of the 3 measurements that she wanted. But the 2 she got were well within the normal range.
But when I was in line to check out, I was reading over the checkout papers and this is why I'm freaking out. There was a code for the NT Scan, a code for an OB appointment (which I didn't even have an OB appointment so I don't know why that was there) and then a third code below them (like it wasn't grouped with the previous 2) that said 655.83 - Other Known or Suspected Fetal Abnormality. At this point I couldn't ask anyone what it meant because, like I said, I was already checking out.
So I googled the code and I got "Other known or suspected fetal abnormality, not elsewhere classified, affecting management of mother, antepartum condition or complication" whatever that means.
I guess it's possible that's just how they code a NT Scan, but like I said there was already a code for that so I don't know why there would be a need for another. OR because she couldn't get the 3rd measurement she coded it like this so that another scan could be justified to my insurance company?
Either way, WHY would they give me a piece of paper with those words and no explanation!? I called and left a message asking for someone to call me back to either explain why it was there or what it means.
Sorry for the novel but I'm really upset! There could be a very simple explanation but I just don't think it's right that I even had to see that, especially if it's nothing.
nectarine / 2460 posts
@BakerBee: Yes, me too! I looks like teen mom with how broken out my face has gotten, and now its going to my back too which has never happened to me before. So much for that glowing beautiful skin we're supposed to get
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@jmarionsmith: I don't have my paperwork and I am not a medical coder.. but I'm wondering if that's the code for running the blood work portion?
You have the scan code, the OB code (that's the "consult" they gave you in the beginning), and then UNIKNOWN code.
Deep breaths! I was on the phone with my DH when I read this and asked him what he thought (he works as an administrator for a healthcare company and deals with coding issues a lot) and he said that he usually tells patients to ignore what the codes mean, that they usually are more about what the doctor has to put down to get paid, and less diagnostic.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@JennyPenny: It's the back thing that is getting to me -- not to be vain, but my first thought was that this was going to be embarrassing come summer when I'm already whale sized and have to put on a swimsuit.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@jmarionsmith: those are purely for billing. Every doctor office codes differently!
olive / 51 posts
@JMARIONSMITH: Deep breaths mamma! I know it's easier said than done, but try not to freak out and stress before you have all of the information. Can you call the office again? I would keep calling until you got someone on the phone. Even a billing person might be able to shed some light on the coding. Like Bakerbee said, there is a chance it's just a code for the insurance company so the office can get paid. It seems very unlikely that the tech would tell you that the 2 measurments were within normal range if she suspected something needed further analysis. Hang in there and keep us posted! Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
nectarine / 2132 posts
@BakerBee: @locavore_mama: this is what I've been trying to to tell myself. Just seeing those words is scary and it seems like there could be a better process than literally handing me a piece of paper that says suspected fetal abnormality, you know? If it just had the code and not the explanation I would have never known!
But thank you ladies, it does make me feel better having other people tell me what I should rationally know.
nectarine / 2132 posts
@MrsT927: thank you! I agree that it's most likely just how my office bills.
The only other measurement the tech took was the crown to rump and I didn't even ask what it was so now I'm worried that the baby isn't growing properly, but I'm trying to stay calm. I'm so dramatic! Haha!!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@jmarionsmith: I think you are right that its probably just how they had to code it so that they could cover it for insurance to get you to come back for the last measurement.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
Hey ladies,
If anyone is looking I just listed a lot of maternity clothes in size medium for a friend. She's got a bunch of work/casual stuff!
nectarine / 2132 posts
@T.H.O.U.: @MrsT927: @locavore_mama: @BakerBee: Just got off the phone with my doctor's office, and like most of you said it's purely for billing purposes. Whew! Thanks for keeping me calm, ladies!!
bananas / 9357 posts
@BakerBee: I've been having more breakouts on my face.
@jmarionsmith: I'm glad you got it all straightened out and it was nothing! They shouldn't put the description there for you to see!
cherry / 240 posts
@BakerBee: Me too! I still have breakouts like a teenager now at 27 but my back/shoulders have suddenly started and I've never had that problem before. Not fair!
Now that we're all hitting the 2nd trimester should we do another getting to know you/check in with some new questions? Like if you're going to find out or are team green, what baby stuff you've bought so far, current symptoms...
cherry / 163 posts
@chibee: how scary! Glad you're ok!!
@jmarionsmith: what a relief for you it was just for billing!! I find myself always getting paranoid after appointments like "what do those numbers on the ultrasound mean?" Etc....it's easy to stress out!
My biggest paranoid thought now is that I don't think my "belly" has gotten any bigger in the past two weeks. A coworker is 2 weeks ahead and clearly looks pregnant (it's her second) but it still makes me worried something is wrong with me...gaah.
Anyone else feeling movement? I think @jennypenny said she was? I think I have been but I'm not sure if what I'm feeling is the baby or just normal body flutters and movements. Normally it's been when I'm laying down in the evening but today at work I though I felt flutters throughout the day!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Apples4Teacher: awesome! I think I have felt a little pop or two.
I wouldn't worry at all about size. Right now it's mostly other stuff being pushed around. Think of it as you have really strong ab muscles to hold it all in tight!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@Apples4Teacher: with #1 I always had a small bump. I think at FT mine was probably 1/2 the size of most pregnant ladies!!! My little girl was still a healthy 7lbs plus. So some just carry smaller than others! But it's definitely hard not to compare and worry. Everyone' stomach stretches differently too.
bananas / 9899 posts
@Apples4Teacher: Yeah I think everyone is just different. I look pretty obviously pregnant now (and already have stretch marks, yikes!) but my SIL who is about a month ahead of me has a pretty small bump and could probably still pass as not pregnant. Her baby is perfectly healthy!
cherry / 163 posts
Thanks @pui, @locavore_mama and @t.h.o.u.!! It's not to say I haven't gotten bigger bc I have...but it looks more like I'm fat than pregnant
Does anyone's bump extend above their belly button? Why does it do that? Because organs or something are being pushed up there? Now I have weight above my belly button and below so my belly dips down/in at my belly button...ugh. Am I making sense?
kiwi / 506 posts
@xInfinity: I think another gtky would be great. I've been dying to get gold to be able to see the other August threads but it's not in the budget right now.
@BakerBee: I am big time broken out this time around. I hate it!
@jmarionsmith: I'm so glad you were able to get it resolved. I would have been going crazy!
Nothing new here. I have my 16 week appointment Monday and DH is going to California for work for a week starting Sunday. Eek. Single parenting is pretty intimating. The last time he was out of town DS was only a few months old.
kiwi / 645 posts
Hi everyone! I'm definitely behind in joining the group as I was hesitant to speak up until I was further along!
My due date is 8/4 and this is LO #2. My daughter is 13-months old and I'm on a leave of absence from teaching to be a SAHM. I've had really bad morning sickness and headaches (just like my first pregnancy) and it has not let up.
I caught up on some of the August thread today during LO's naps since I was having a really bad case of morning sickness and couldn't get much cleaning done. I'm looking forward to being a part of the group! My next appointments are 2/26 and 3/10 (anatomy scan).
bananas / 9357 posts
@xInfinity: I think a nongold GTKY thread would be great for those of you who don't have gold! You can start one if you want!
@Apples4Teacher: I wouldn't worry about how big your belly is. Everyone woman is different. I have been feeling little flutters here and there.
@Mrs. M: Hi and welcome!
pear / 1616 posts
@Mrs. M: congrats and welcome! i'll add u to the list next time i update.
@Apples4Teacher: i think i know what you mean about the bump at the belly button. i'm not sure why it happens but it happened to me with my first! i think i feel movement but it only comes once in awhile.
has anyone looked at nursery ideas yet? i know what furniture i want but not sure about decor yet! theres so much out there these days
bananas / 9357 posts
@kodybear: I've been thinking of stuff in my head. But I want to know the sex first. I've been dreaming up girl nurseries mostly. I'm trying to think of different color schemes. Something that includes navy since the glider is navy. DS is on a floor bed so I'll be using his old crib and changing table. May just need a dresser or some sort of closet system in the closet.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@Mrs. M: congrats & welcome! There are quite a few 2nd time moms in here! My daughter is almost 22 months.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@kodybear: nothing till we find out gender. We'll be reusing the glider & crib which are very neutral. But if it's a boy I kinda wanna do a old school race car theme because DH's dream car is a 76 Corvette....I think. haha I forget but I know it was in Gone in 60 seconds.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@kodybear: our nursery is teal with white furniture. We will keep that but I may add other colors in.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@kodybear: We know we are going to use the Jenny Lind crib sets, but I'm not sure if we are going to have a theme. I already bought a canvas print triptych of this photo I love before I was even pregnant - it's going to be the main art work in the nursery. My mom also gave me these set of 4 nursery rhyme prints that were in my nursery and I definitely want to use those (I'm a sentimental sap). Main issue is cleaning out the room -- UGH!
@Mrs. M: Welcome!
@locavore_mama: That would be super cool! You could get vintage car prints for the wall. Start pinning, mama!
@T.H.O.U.: I love teal for nurseries. I was stalking the July thread and saw that @runnerd has teal on her nursery walls right now - not sure if she's keeping it, though.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@BakerBee: ooh great idea!! I can probably find prints from old magazines on eBay!
bananas / 9899 posts
@kodybear: I have a ton of nursery ideas, but haven't put anything actually together yet. I think I need to know the gender before I really get started on it!
bananas / 9899 posts
So at first I wasn't worried about this, but my DH is all worked up and now I am too.
On the way to the car from my office I slipped on the ice. I landed on my knee. Should I be worried? I figured the baby is so cushioned in fluid, under muscle and fat... Right? It really want that bad a fall at all.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@pui: if you landed on your knee you're probably fine. I would take it easy tonight and drink lots of fluids and certainly call if you feel off.
blogger / apricot / 310 posts
popping in to give a small word of caution: beware the baseboards as you trek that nightly (or thrice nightly) trip to the bathroom… I misgauged early Friday morning and dislocated my toe! it's been a long weekend of low mobility and I feel so DUMB. the doctor wouldn't even x-ray it (even though I looked it up later and they say x-rays aren't necessarily harmful, especially one that would have been of my toe!), so I am hoping it is just a clean dislocation and not a break that they couldn't sense/feel.
so, sending you all good thoughts as your little bladders get pushed on night after night- i'm sixteen weeks and STILL waking up at least once around 4-5 AM to pee. this does not bode well for the third trimester!
pomegranate / 3604 posts
@msmug: maybe because it's my second and a) I'm still worn out from #1 and b) I have to plan my naps/sleep around a busy toddlers schedule instead of being able to nap whenever I'd like? lol.
I'm sure you'll be getting your energy back in no time!
kiwi / 645 posts
@yellowskates Oh no...Get well soon!!! That must really hurt! I can totally see myself doing something like this during my nightly trip to the bathroom. I get so annoyed by waking up to pee...never had to deal with it except during pregnancy and it drives me nuts that my sleep is interrupted.
pear / 1974 posts
@yellowskates: yikes!!! that sounds like something i would do. I finally stopped having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I definitely have bumped into my dogs' stairs for the bed more than once though.
Has anyone thought about childcare? i was so nervous about it because i'm out of the house for so long (6:30am to 7:30pm) but i finally got it settled! MIL is totally willing to watch the baby every day! I figured she would but i never formally asked her, and i am going to ask my mom to watch the baby 1 week a month from my house so she gets to spend time w/the baby also. it's been weighing heavily on my mind because of my work schedule and the fact i only have 14 weeks maternity leave (unpaid, US really needs to work on this) so this definitely takes a little stress off of me.
Hope everyone had a good weekend! I spent all day yesterday in bed (literally, i never got out of my pjs) and today i finally got my act together and left the house!
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