pear / 1616 posts
August mamas!
8/2 -jennypenny (#1)
8/4 - apples4teacher (#1)
8/4 - mrs.m (#2)
8/6 - sera_87 (#2)
8/6 - claire.peonies (#1)
8/7 - avabear (#3)
8/7 - babybean404 (#1) - Team Pink!
8/7 - buffalove (#2)
8/8 - yellowskates (#1)
8/9 - phxbee (#2)
8/13 - Aandmklover (#2)
8/14 - sharpie (#1)
8/16 - mrs.someone (#1)
8/16 - mrst927 (#1)
8/16 - mrskc (#2)
8/17 - kodybear (#2) - Team Blue!
8/17 - dankrist (#1)
8/18 - stratosphere (#1) -Team Pink!
8/18 - t.h.o.u (#2)
8/20 - bakerbee (#1)
8/21 - chibee (#1)
8/21 - xinfinity (#1)
8/23 - beckysue (#1)
8/23 - pui (#1)
8/26 - erind425 (#1)
8/27 - locavore_mama (#2)
8/30 - mrs.64 (#1)
8/30 - msmug (#1)
8/31 - jmarionsmith (#2)
TBD - swurlygurl (#2)
Upcoming appointments!
2/24 - aandmklover (16 week appt)
2/25 - mrst927 (midwife appt)
2/26 - msmug (14 week appt)
2/26 - mrs.m (appt)
2/28 - mrskc (16 week appt)
2/28 - pui (appt)
3/4 - mrs.someone (16 week appt)
3/5 - kodybear (16 week appt)
3/7 - apples4teacher (anatomy scan)
3/10 - mrs. m (anatomy scan)
3/17 - mrs.64 (appt)
3/19 - kodybear (anatomy scan)
3/19 - t.h.o.u. (anatomy scan)
4/3 - locavore_mama (anatomy scan)
pear / 1616 posts
@yellowskates: ahh, that sound painful, i hope it heals fast!
@chibee: yay! glad u have the childcare worked out! and thats awesome that ur mil is able to watch your LO! we are just staying with the current daycare center we're at, which i love. it'll just get expensive
@jmarionsmith: super cute announcement!! we're thinking about annoucements now and want to incorporate lo#1 somehow!
so my patience got the best of me, and on friday i called an u/s place to see if they had any appts available soon to find out gender. they had something today so i went and found out i'm having... a BOY!!!!!! OMG. that was not on the radar at all. since my pregnancies have been identical i thought for sure i was having another girl. i'm happy and excited, but at the same time alittle sad my girl may not have a sister! i think i just have to process having a boy for a little bit since i haven't thought about it at all. we may be done at 2 now that we have one of each. its kind of sad to think about! having 2 kids would make life easier, but i loved growing up in a family of 3! i guess we don't have to decide now but i'm pretty sure we may be done. but anyway, happy news about our boy! now to look at boy nurseries and clothes...
kiwi / 506 posts
@jmarionsmith: I love love love you Facebook announcement photo!! Just perfect!! You son is also very handsome!
@kodybear: Yay! A boy!! Congrats!! Boys are great and they are so good to their mommy!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@kodybear: SO exciting to find out its a boy! I am really curious too since this pregnancy is pretty similar to my daughters!
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@kodybear: I'm so excited for you!!! Our first boy - I know your daughter will love having a little brother. She's going to be the heart throb of everyone of his friends! Congratulations!!!
Anyone else wearing thin on patience with the gender wait? It's my husband's birthday at the beginning of next month and I'm soooo tempted to give him an ultrasound. I keep hinting at it and he keeps saying "we know it's a boy, the 12 week scan showed it pretty obviously and the U/S tech said she would be shocked" - I'm sorry, honey, I can't buy nursery stuff based on an educated nub guess!
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@jmarionsmith: He is so precious and is absolutely hamming it up for the camera!
nectarine / 2132 posts
@Mrs. M: @kodybear: @Aandmklover: @BakerBee: thank you ladies! it was fun finally announcing!
@kodybear: that is awesome that you got to find out early! boys are so fun!
@BakerBee: our ultrasound tech also guessed a boy at our NT scan and even pointed to something between it's legs. but told us not to paint the nursery yet!
nectarine / 2460 posts
So, I had my first stranger ask when I was due this weekend. It was the lady checking me out at the grocery store. I know I'm showing and people who know me can tell that I'm pregnant - but strangers? I definitely don't think I'm looking big enough that a stranger would be bold enough to ask...
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@jmarionsmith: love love the announcement! Just put her "I'm a big sister" book in my Amazon cart.
Not sure how to FB announce yet but don't plan to till I tell work.
@kodybear: YAY!!!!!
I def want to include M as well.
pear / 1974 posts
@jmarionsmith: this is so cute!!
@kodybear: yay!! little boys are adorable!
olive / 51 posts
@kodybear: Congrats on your baby boy!!!
@jmarionsmith and @bakerbee: u/s techs must be taught what to say in tech school, because ours did the same thing! She told DH and me she would be shocked if it wasn't a boy, but not to paint the nursery or buy anything just yet. I don't think she knows how difficult that is
Counting down the days until the anatomy scan when we can confirm things and then do fun gender reveals for the grandparents!
bananas / 9357 posts
@jmarionsmith: such a cute announcement! How exciting !
@kodybear: ahhhhh! Congrats on your boy! I go Friday for my gender ultrasound!
kiwi / 645 posts
@kodybear Congrats! So exciting to find out!
@bakerbee Yes! The waiting is starting to drive me nuts!
bananas / 9899 posts
@BakerBee: I am SO impatient!!! I just can't wait to find out!! I'm seeing my doctor this Friday and I'm going to try and convince him to let me go in as soon as I can!
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@pui: That's my plan! I see my doctor on Monday and TECHNICALLY I do have a spot on my stomach that hurts if I palpitate it and I'm going to try to convince her that it's in our best interest to check that bad boy out with an ultrasound and make sure everything is okay.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
Hard to believe everyone is finding out the gender already!!
8/6 - sera_87 (#2) - 16 w, 5 d
8/6 - claire.peonies (#1) - 16 w, 5 d
8/7 - avabear (#3) - 16 w, 4 d
8/7 - babybean404 (#1) - 16 w, 4 d
8/7 - buffalove (#2) - 16 w, 4 d
8/9 - phxbee (#2) - 16 w, 2 d
8/13 - Aandmklover (#2) - 15 w, 5 d
8/14 - sharpie (#1) - 15 w, 4 d
8/16 - mrs.someone (#1) - 15 w, 2 d
8/16 - mrst927 (#1) - 15 w, 2 d
8/16 - mrskc (#2) - 15 w, 2 d
8/17 - kodybear (#2) - 15 w, 1 d
8/17 - dankrist (#1) - 15 w, 1 d
8/18 - stratosphere (#1) - 15 w, 0 d
8/18 - t.h.o.u (#2) - 15 w, 0 d
8/20 - bakerbee (#1) - 14 w, 5 d
8/21 - chibee (#1) - 14 w, 5 d
8/21 - xinfinity (#1) - 14 w, 4 d
8/23 - beckysue (#1) - 14 w, 2 d
8/23 - pui (#1) - 14 w, 1 d
8/26 - erind425 (#1) - 13 w, 6 d
8/27 - locavore_mama (#2) - 13 w, 5 d
8/30 - mrs.64 (#1) - 13 w, 2 d
8/30 - msmug (#1) - 13 w, 2 d
8/31 - jmarionsmith (#2) - 13 w, 1 d
pear / 1616 posts
thanks everyone!! its still sinking in but i'm excited! can't wait for everyone else to find out!! i forget who is team green, i think @t.h.o.u.? is anyone else?
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@kodybear: Yes, we are Team Green! I am starting to get worried though that if we have a boy I won't know what to do! Plus like you, I think if we end up with 2 and a boy and a girl we will be done so that will make me kinda sad.
pear / 1616 posts
@T.H.O.U.: i'm glad you understand!! bc i feel bad for even saying it out loud. i do love baby boys, but i guess i always pictured myself having 2 girls, then a boy (bc thats the order of me and my siblings) hah i know its not that simple to happen but that was what i was hoping for! so it feels sad that this might be it!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@kodybear: I think those are completely normal feelings! I am hoping for a boy this time; one girl & one boy. And I am really afraid I will be slightly disappointed if it's not a boy. I am placing a lot of undue pressure on myself to continue the family name! LOL
honeydew / 7091 posts
@BakerBee: Ugh, yes to the breakouts! But instead of having the annoying tiny little zits, I'm getting the super huge obnoxious ones that don't go away for weeks, and are painful to touch
@yellowskates:Oh no!! Hopefully it's not a precursor of the pregnancy to come! I hope you heal up really quickly!
@jmarionsmith: That is way too cute! I bet everyone loved it!
@kodybear: YAY! Congratulations!! That is SOOO exciting that they got you in so quick!! I know how you feel though - I will definitely love a boy or a girl, but I do want L to have a sister close in age... trying not to think about it too much!
pear / 1616 posts
@locavore_mama: i'm glad i'm not the only one with these feelings! my husband was worried that we'd lose the family name if we had all girls. but i guess thats not an issue anymore!
honeydew / 7091 posts
@BakerBee: Oh my goodness yes - the wait is killing me. At my appt on Friday I kiiind of think I saw 3 white lines? (= girl), but it was really quick and I didn't want to ask about it and wait for weeks torturing myself on an 80% probability.
@JennyPenny: Woah - that is EARLY! Strangers are crazy though. I would have been snotty and said I was just fat... hahaha. I always wanted to do that when I was pregnant with L, but always chickened out.
pear / 1616 posts
@swurlygurl: me and my sister are 23 months apart! so i would've loved for LO#1 to have a sister that close in age. i'm sure there are great things about having a brother/sister close in age too that i'll find out about. just gotta get used to the idea
honeydew / 7091 posts
I can't believe everyone is finding out the sex already - I still have 4 weeks!!
I went to my first appointment on Friday (finally, good grief!) and everything looked great. Only 1 baby (how crazy that I've been hoping for twins), swimming around like a little fish
So, due date... I was really bad at tracking my cycles, and seriously don't remember LMP, so when asked I said Nov 9 - Nov 20th? My Dr went with Nov 9th at the time, putting me at a due date of August 15th. The US tech said I was measuring at 13 weeks = August 29 due date. I went back to see the Dr and she said it's hard to accurately measure during the 2nd trimester because babies start growing differently, so she was going to stick with August 15 due date. Well, now I'm kinda thinking it's probably a later due date. So, I don't know what due date to go with. I think I just want to chose in the middle of the two dates and say August 22nd. That way I'm not too anxious if baby doesn't come 'on time' in case baby is really not that far along.
Next appointment - March 28 to find out the sex!!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@swurlygurl: Wow that is crazy! If you are still only 13 weeks that is still when they would do the NT scan and that is based on pretty accurate dating requirements. It seems odd she would just arbitrarily move the date. I agree with you, probably best to split the difference!
kiwi / 506 posts
Hi Ladies!!
So I had my 16 week appointment today. Everything was normal. Heartbeat 148. My doctor wanted to mostly talk about weaning DS from breastfeeding. I had a secret goal of weaning him before my 16 week appointment and I chose to stop breastfeeding last week. It was bitter sweet. I worked really hard to make breastfeeding work (EPumped for the first 3 months) but I know it was the right thing to do but it is still hard. The good news she seemed happy and it felt nice having her has questions that no one else has especially because she asked how I was doing.
I have my Anatomy Scan Monday March 10 (Team Green) and my 20 week appointment Monday March 24
@kodybear: We already have a boy and Id be lying if I didn't say (besides healthy, of course) I would like to have a girl this time. I think being team green will help with that because no matter what it is you will just be so happy to have that child out of you in the delivery room. lol I think that is why I'm not fighting DH about being team green.
nectarine / 2936 posts
@kodybear: Congratulations!!
We have to decided to be "team find out." Even though I wanted to be team green, DH realllly wanted to find out. I don't think my anatomy scan will be for ages though, probably the 2nd or 3rd week of April. I'm pretty relaxed about it right now, but I'm sure I'll be more anxious as we get close.
cherry / 163 posts
@Mrs. M: welcome and congratulations! We are due date twins!!
@Jmarion: Soo cute!!
@Bakerbee: I love the Jenny Lind style!! We want that crib in white!! Do you currently have it and if so, how do you like it? Was it easy to assemble?
@kodybear: Congrats, how exciting!!! Team Blue!! I have been loving boy nurseries on Pinterest!
@AandMklover: Congrats on making your goal you set with yourself, especially since it sounds like it was a toughie hugs.
I am so glad today's work day is over! There were a few things I was stressing about and had a lot of dread (work related) but they mostly turned out ok!! Now I can get some sleep tonight!
Happy Monday!!
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@Apples4Teacher: I haven't gotten it yet, but almost all of my friends have it and absolutely love it! As crazy as this is, my mom still has the Jenny Lind that I slept in as a baby!
bananas / 9357 posts
@kodybear: I think those feelings are completely normal. I'm really hoping for a girl so we can have one of each and I always pictured having a little girl. I think I'm going to be disappointed if this one is a boy and it will take me some time to get used to the idea of having 2 boys.
@swurlygurl: that's so strange she would just change the date. 13 weeks isn't that far into the second tri I would think for measurements to be that off.
@Aandmklover: glad you had a good appt! I've been thinking about weaning DS. He's really not nursing too much anymore. Mainly just when he wakes in the morning and before his nap and I don't even think I have much milk for him anyways. I'm not sure how to go about weaning tho! He has lately been getting angry at me if I don't let him nurse. I feel so bad!
kiwi / 645 posts
@Aandmklover: So glad your appointment went well! I wish I had the patience to be team green! I think it would be exciting to find out in the delivery room!
@Apples4Teacher: Thank you! Glad some of your work stress is over!
@MRSKC: I'm also working on weaning my daughter. She is 13- months and down to nursing only in the morning. The other sessions were easy to drop, especially once she started recently drinking more whole milk, but she loves the morning session. My doctor asked that I wean her by the time I'm 6-months pregnant. The weirdest thing is I feel like I suddenly have more milk in the morning (and she is nursing longer than she has in a couple months). I also feel bad to cut her off at this point!
kiwi / 506 posts
@Mrs. M: I was so surprised how easy it was for DS. He was on the same schedule as your little one (mornings and naps). I wasn't happy with how I chose to do it but it really ended up working out the best. Anytime he ask (because he's old enough to ask and know what he wants) I say "We don't do that, remember?" he might cry for a minute but gives up easily and just snuggles me.
@mrskc: How old is your DS?
@Apples4Teacher: Thank you! It was tough. I just decided one morning that I was done. My boobs were sore and I felt like he was regressing not weaning off so we actually quit cold turkey and I didn't really know it was going to be my last session.
kiwi / 645 posts
@AANDMKLOVER: I'm so glad to hear it was that easy! I'm sure I'm the biggest obstacle at this point. I feel guilty knowing that if I wasn't pregnant I would potentially have breathed her longer. Initially I wanted to get to one-year and I'm happy to have met that goal. It has been really painful in the last couple of weeks (mostly when she latches) and I think I need my body back for a bit before it all starts again!
nectarine / 2460 posts
I had a pretty basic dr appointment this morning, but it went well. HB of 160. Took her a while to find it consistently 'cause the baby kept moving away every time she found it Had blood drawn for quad screening, and was told to watch my weight gain But the most exciting news is that my anatomy scan is scheduled for Mar 12!
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