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pomegranate / 3973 posts
@FaithFertility: From this thread and the other nap thread it does sound like we could cut E's nap shorter and hope he makes up for it at night.
Good to hear you're feeling so good this time around! I don't remember being this tired with E, but otherwise everything is the same, pretty easy!
@MrsScallop: That sucks that both nurses are gone. Hope the week goes fast for you and Charlie keeps feeling better!
@whenoceansrise: Yay that he hasn't tried climbing out MOTN! Hope he keeps that up for you!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Hey everyone! I've been bad about keeping up lately! We were on vacation and then the last two weeks I've been slammed at work. The kids are doing well and we are really enjoying having our pool now. Ryan has become a little chatterbox and is so much better at communicating his needs. We still haven't weaned the paci and I know we need to.....he starts school part time in Sept. and I said I would do it before then, but.....
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@winniebee: you and me both! I keep saying soon too, b/c we might also have to tackle moving her out of our room and I do not want to do both at the same time!
pomelo / 5298 posts
@winniebee: @snowjewelz: You can do it ladies! Both times we got rid of the pacifier, my fears were completely unfounded. Both girls moved on from it without a problem!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@MamaG: I know it's totally just us! She stopped needing one at school with no prompting, so I know we're just being silly! But then, it's just so hard to actually do it, haha!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@MamaG: Ryan cries for it now! And at bedtime, has to have 3. One in mouth, one for each hand My little monster turned into a phenomenal sleeper (sleeps 8-7 or 7:30 plus at least a two hour nap) so I'm so nervous to mess with it!
pomelo / 5298 posts
@winniebee: I'm so glad he's turned the sleep ship around and he's finally making up for lost time!
K chews tags now that we've taken her pacifier away. Tags on her A&A blankie, tags on her jellycat stuffed's so gross when I go in her room in the morning and her stuff is all wet. And she's got a lovely drool rash on her chin because of it.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@MamaG: While he was a terrible baby sleeper, he's been a very good toddler sleeper! I need to just pick a week and do it. Yuck as to the drool.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@josina: Girl, I hope that exhaustion passes! It was awful!!! You can't nap/rest like you could with E!!!
@winniebee: Hope your vacation was fun! I am so glad R is a great sleeper for you now!!!
eggplant / 11861 posts
We are dealing with toddler emotions lately!
"I want orange"
as a peel the orange she is crying no like I am forcing it on her, so I stop and she cries for it, go to handed it her she cries "No go away!"
"I get down" from high chair she gets down, minute her feet hit the floor....."I eat Mama" trying to get back in????
Girl......get it together!!!
bedtime: "Mama sing ABCD"..I start says "Nooo....Star" for twinkle twinkle...go to sing that.."Nooo ABCD!!!:"
eggplant / 11861 posts
Ohh and Zika most likely not travel related in Miami FL Stinky!!!!!!!!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@winniebee: Glad Ryan is a better toddler sleeper than he was as a baby!
@FaithFertility: lol, oh my to the toddler antics already!
Oh noooo to Zika being in Florida.
Told daycare to cut E's nap to 2 hours today. He was up from 1 to 2:30 last night, DH and I took shifts being in his room/keeping him in his bed, and I didn't cave till almost 5, which is good for him. He was ok with me being in the doorway vs. right next to the bed so hopefully will get easier to sneak out/not be there.
I just wish we had decided to do this on a weekend, not mid-week!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@FaithFertility: K forbids me to sing along to cartoon theme songs on TV In the mornings hahaha. She used to like it! And yes the song selections! And sometimes I don't know she wants me to sing so I tell her to sing it and she gets mad, lol.
Oh no! I didn't hear cases coming up in Miami!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@josina: Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!! Ughhhh I still need to do this for her MOTN bed crashes! it is Sooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
honeydew / 7283 posts
I'm so behind around here - last weekend I was on the Cape for my sister's bachelorette (first time away from the kids overnight except for work since J was born! ) Now we're all on the Cape together, which is fun but a lot of work of course. Chasing J around a non-baby proofed house is exhausting but I brought a few gates and cabinet locks so that makes things a big more manageable. The kids had a blast at the beach this morning and BOTH napped this afternoon so we got a little downtime. We are a crazy early bedtime family but we let them stay up late last night for the band concert so everyone's been tired today.
It's fun to be with family and see how much they enjoy the kids. I love to see them through other peoples' eyes sometimes ) Everyone is really impressed with J's talking - which helps me to see the improvement too.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@MrsF: Sounds like your vaca. is going great! Good idea to bring the baby-proofing stuff with!
@FaithFertility: HA. That lasted 2 days, Ethan was crying/rubbing his ear Thursday night so we just let him sleep with us (perfectly fine on Friday). Then DH said last night he wanted sleep more than he wanted E out of our bed, so we gave up trying to keep in his bed already! Oh well, I like the cuddles.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@MrsF: Glad to hear the Cape is treating you all well! That is awesome on his speech!
@josina: The cuddles some how make it all ok!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@MrsF: glad you guys are enjoying vacation!
@josina: i am totally not helping but co-sleeping really is awesome!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Any kids really tanned? K's arms and legs are darker than me & DH already! I'm not worried about sunburn since I know we slather on the sunscreen and daycare does too. But it's crazy how dark she got! But I guess if she plays outside at daycare and at home almost daily...
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: Xander is starting to tan, but Logan is still as pasty white as ever. They lather him in sunscreen all day long, haha.
Not a whole lot going on. This weekend was rough. Had to go to Urgent Care with Logan on Friday because of wheezing. I suspect he's going down the asthma route like his brother.
We visit the in-laws this upcoming weekend. NOT looking forward to the 4 hour drive to get to them...
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Adira: Oh no! Has he been wheezing more often?
So you decided to go ahead with the trip... I hope you can make the best out of it!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: I hadn't really noticed him having any wheezing issues, but whatever he got this weekend was fairly rough. He was just breathing really fast and wheezing, so we had to go to Urgent Care and get a couple Nebulizer treatments and start him on steroids, which is what we've had to do for Xander in the past before he was diagnosed with asthma.
And yep, still going on this trip! Hope it doesn't suck!!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@snowjewelz: I am waaay more rested when he sleeps in our bed, vs. trying to make him stay in his, so co-sleeping it is!
We did drop his nap from 3 hrs to 2 hrs and I think that's (fingers crossed) stopping the 1 am wake-ups.
@Adira: Hope Logan's feeling better and this weekend goes well!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@josina: Yeah, the only issue is I don't know what our set up is going to be when DD2 comes along. and if that set up will include DD not sleeping with us anymore, then I need to have a plan!!
@Adira: It won't suck! It won't suck!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: haha, I'm sure it'll be fine! They live near a lake and a park, so we'll have fun regardless of what the in-laws are doing!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@snowjewelz: I'm thinking I'm going to make sure LO2 doesn't become a co-sleeper, so E may be in our bed, but by 4 months LO2 will hopefully be a full-time crib-sleeper and NOT bail on me by 18 months! Always easier said than done, good thing we have a king bed!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@josina: My current "easy" plan is that DD continues to co-sleep w/ DH, and then me & DD2 will sleep in our spare guest room, maybe with a co-sleeper, or pnp, or side car crib. This way at least DH will always get enough rest to help me during the day. Then after that... I have no idea, haha!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@snowjewelz: I noticed today that J has a little t-shirt tan (he uses a short-sleeved rash guard at the beach). We try so hard with sunscreen but I guess it's not surprising that he would get a little color with all this beach time. DH did M's sunscreen yesterday and she has a burn on her back She hardly noticed but it's hard for us to look at! Her bathing suit has a little cutout that he just totally missed. Oh well!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Adira: Oh man That must be so disappointing to see L going down the same path with potential asthma. I hope that he's feeling better soon and that things go well with your trip!
honeydew / 7283 posts
It's hard for J to say the "L"s in Molly's name, so he hasn't really had a word for her until this past week - but now he's very clearly pronouncing her name "Mommy". I guess I'm still "Mama", but things are getting a little confusing around here!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MrsF: haha, we had that issue with a cousin when Xander was younger. He'd pronounce it "Monny" which sounded a like like "Mommy" and she was always going "I'm not your mommy!" LOL
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Adira: It's too funny! Now that I think about it, when my nephew was about 2 he would call Molly "baby mommy", but I sort of thought he was just confused
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MrsF: Ls are hard! Xander still has trouble pronouncing them at almost 3.5 and they sound like w's now, so it's "Mowwy" and "Wogan"
pomelo / 5298 posts
@MrsF: Kaylee says Chloe more like "Lowie". She can't really got the K sound yet.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Haha, it's weird! K is great with some K and L but not others. Like she can say her own name, and she'll say things like lamb, her friend's name Hailey, but then her "I love you" is like "I ove you".
@MamaG: Oh good, another tanned one I know she's not burnt so I'm not worried, it's just really crazy how dark she gets!
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