Okay, this is me making us a postpartum thread! Until I get more sleep, this is the best I can do, haha.
Baby's Name:
Head Circumference:
How's everyone doing?
Okay, this is me making us a postpartum thread! Until I get more sleep, this is the best I can do, haha.
Baby's Name:
Head Circumference:
How's everyone doing?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Baby's Name: Logan Matthew
Birthday: 11/29
Weight: 8 lbs 8 oz
Length: 20 inches
Head Circumference: 35 cm
So far things are going well. Logan's a decent nurser, though my nipples are definitely getting sore. Not sure if it's just because they aren't used to it or if I've let him do a bad latch a few times. My milk was in pretty much immediately, but now I can tell my boobs are getting fuller. Our first pediatrician appointment is tomorrow. We're getting a nurse to come visit us at home to do his first check, which is AWESOME! So glad I don't have to bundle him up and take him out in the cold for that first appointment!
Also, Logan didn't pass the hearing screen on his right ear, so we'll need to get referred to a specialist. The nurse at the hospital didn't seem too concerned, so hopefully it's nothing serious.
pomelo / 5298 posts
Where are your babies sleeping? K hates to be flat on her back and sleeps much better in her swing. We have a two story home so it's not really practical to let her sleep at night in the swing. I've been anti-RnP as I didn't want one more piece of gear. But, now I'm starting to think its worth it for my sanity.
There is a basic RnP at Target/Amazon for $44 (discontinued color). It's very tempting!
I'll come back later and do the little info bit
pomegranate / 3973 posts
Baby's Name: Ethan Michael
Birthday: Nov. 26, 2014
Weight: 7 lbs 3 oz.
Length: 20-1/2"
Head Circumference:
How's everyone doing?
Baby is doing great, he had gone from 7 lbs 1 oz at checkout to 6 8 at his follow up the next day so we had to supplement after bf-ing. 2nd follow up he was up 3 oz and my milk has since come in so we have a much happier baby.
I think I've been super fortunate with everything, easy pregnancy, quick l&d, and he is great at brrast feeding. I managed to get no stretch marks either but I did tear pretty bad, 2 2nd degree tears on the inner vaginal wall and 1 on my labia. So I'm pretty sore but would absolutely do it again.
Pic I took last night:
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Loving this thread! Can't wait to join you ladies on the other side!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@MamaG: Ethan has been sleeping in a rock & play. I love it because it's easy to move around depending on where we are... So goes from the bedroom to living room to even bathroom while I showered today. We don't have a swing or bouncer yet as I was also trying to not have too much gear.
Off to take advantage of cyber Monday and get a newborn session $40 off. $95 for the DVD and session. Can't wait to get pics... anyone else done a newborn session yet?
pomelo / 5660 posts
Baby's Name: Darcy Evelyn
Birthday: November 14 at 2:43 a.m.
Weight: 5 lbs 14 ozs
Length:19.5 inches
So far things are going well, just got home from our 2 week check up and weight is now 7 lbs 8.5 ozs. She is growing so well, we don't go back till February. We are EBF and she latches and eats hobbit style like she's in the movie Lord of the Rings... 2nd breakfast anyone? She tends to sleep for 2 - 3 hour stretches during the day and 3 - 4 hour at night. We are alternating swaddles trying to find one that tiny Houdini won't break out of. Who knew a tiny baby would have so much sass? Loving every day with her. Big brother is adjusting well and loves to cuddle with her. Today before we left for the doctor, B said "Good luck at doctor baby sister, I love you... I'm going to Little Gym." He makes my heart melt...
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MamaG: Logan is sleeping in a bassinet by our bed at the moment. So far he seems okay sleeping flat on his back. But you gotta do what you have to do - I've heard wonderful things about RnPs, so I'd get one if I thought it would help us all get some sleep!
@josina: Love that picture! Bummer about all the tearing though. That sounds painful!
@BandDmommy: That is so cute about B!! How old is he again? I think Xander's not totally sure what's with the baby in the house. And he kept patting my stomach and saying "baby" and I was trying to explain that the baby was on the outside now, but I'm not sure if he was making the connection!
pomelo / 5660 posts
@Adira: X is so young, he probably doesn't get it yet.. But he will soon!
pomelo / 5298 posts
Baby's Name: Kaylee Parker
Birthday: 11/18
Weight: 7 lbs 14 oz
Length: 19 inches
Head Circumference: 14.5 inches
We are adjusting. I've moved to bottle feeding and pumping. Which makes my whole family much happier. We need to work on night sleep next. Mostly, right now I need her to sleep somewhere other than our bed.
We took photos yesterday. We use Picture People and have always been pleased for the cost. I like to do them often and can't justify a stand alone photographer. I will post some on Instagram later today.
C is adjusting nicely to her big sister role. And DH is bonding much better this time around too. We are all struggling name wise as K looks exactly like C as a newborn.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@BandDmommy: When did you start pumping? I'm only on day 3 here, but I'm wondering if I should start?? Maybe I'll wait until Logan's back up to his birth weight though... What did you do?
@MamaG: How much are the Picture People? I'm always curious, but have just taken my own pictures, which aren't always that great. I totally hear you about the name confusion!! Even though Logan doesn't look exactly like Xander, we keep calling him Xander!
So tonight with Xander went better than I was expecting! I was really nervous about it just being the four of us (my parents were here most of the day yesterday, which helped entertain Xander). But Hubs picked him up from daycare and then played with him while I nursed, and then the three of us sat down and had dinner together and then I gave Xander his bath, just like usual! Though Hubs had to actually pick him up and put him in the tub for me, haha. And then Logan woke up hungry before the bath was over, so Hubs had to take over. And then Hubs put Xander to bed while I nursed some more, so it all ended up working out!
Also... still waiting for the hormone crash... I'm scared because I know it's coming, but maybe knowing it's coming will make it easier this time around! Fingers crossed!!
Our visiting pediatrician is coming tomorrow! I'm so nervous about how much weight Logan has lost because I'm nursing. But I feel like he's been eating pretty good. My milk is in and I can hear him swallowing. He only usually takes one side at a time, but I know that's common for a lot of nursing moms, so I'm hoping that's okay. He's also eating every 2 hours, so I'm hoping he's getting enough!
pomelo / 5660 posts
@Adira: I started pumping a couple weeks ago. I only pump for 10 mins and right after I feed her at lunch time. I'm averaging about 3 - 4 ozs, not bad but I'm hoping my supply increases.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@Adira: Mind if I join? Our November thread was really small and I'm really looking forward to a PP chat group. I see all of you are November moms so far so hope it's okay!
Baby's Name: N.
Birthday: 11/12/14
Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz
Length: 20 inches
Head Circumference: no idea! Big noggin on this kid, though!
So far breastfeeding is going well. We are using a nipple shield a lot of the time, but we'll hopefully wean off it. They gave it to me in the NICU and it's been so helpful. We've had family around since he was born which has been nice, but today everyone went home so we're settling into our new normal.
As for the hormone crash, it hit me in a big way. Partially because we had an intense, scary delivery, but also just a small touch of the blues I think. It thankfully gets better each day!
Looking forward to hearing how all the new mamas are doing! Also, super impressed with those that have other kids at home...I don't know how you do it!
pomelo / 5660 posts
@Adira: hopefully your hormone crash is not bad. Mine was only bad because brennan was with my parents and I lost my mind.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@MamaG: N has had many different sleeping locations already...a bassinet that was so short I couldn't easily pick him up after my c-section, a co-sleeper, the RNP....and tonight I think we're putting him in his crib. I think he might have a touch of reflux (spits up during/after feedings, squirms a lot like he's gassy and uncomfortable), so sleeping at a slight incline seems to help him. @BandDmommy: I love her name. Glad she's gaining weight! N. is a great eater, too:-).
@josina: Love your son's name...Ethan was on our list!
@Adira: Hope the visit goes well tomorrow!! So awesome that they come to you!
pomelo / 5298 posts
@Adira: If you grab a Groupon ($19), it's a fairly small and simple package that you get. But, you can purchase the hi-res CD and a frame for $135. The CD typically has 15-20 good images. It's the route we routinely go. They also have a portrait club you can join that gets you additional items/discounts over the course of 12 months.
It's a studio and highly dependent upon the photographer you get assigned. And they get you in and out quickly. We've been taking C for the past 2.5 years.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Just popping in to say that these MOTN feedings that take over an hour (going on 1.5 hours now, not nursing the whole time of course, just keeping me up) are the worst! I'm tired!
persimmon / 1328 posts
@MamaG: Not PP yet, but I had to come say those photos are just too much! K is adorable!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Logan's plan appears to be only sleep while attached to the boob. I am not a fan of this plan at all.
pomelo / 5660 posts
@Adira: Hahahah.. D loves the boob too.. Such a comfort nurser
Yay!! 4 hour sleep stretch!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@BandDmommy: So jealous of your 4 hour stretch! Logan just let me sleep all of 30 minutes before demanding the boob again! I need a break!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@BandDmommy: Us, too- 10-2:15! I think D and N are only a few days apart so yay for long-ish sleep stretches!! That's also why I'm thankful for this board....something to do during MOTN feeding! Also...you were saying D is a swaddle blanket Houdini, yes? N too...I bought Halo swaddles, as well as one from Aden and Anais, and we were gifted a Woombie. Only things that keep his arms down which=good sleep, so worth every penny! I can send links to specifics if you want!
@Adira: Ugh, been there before many times. N had an almost 48-hour stretch of demanding to feed every hour-90 minutes. I cried a bunch and threw myself a pity party! L will get to longer stretches, I promise!!
@MamaG: SO adorable! I need to get on making our hybrid holiday cards/birth announcements!
pomelo / 5660 posts
Just got 3 hour stretch. I feel like a new woman. Lol
@ChiCalGoBee: we just did A&A swaddle last night. We had her in Miracle blanket And she was not having it!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: I know the longer sleep stretches will come, but in the meantime, I'm tired!!
@BandDmommy: Jealous!!! Logan has let me have two hour long stretches and two 30 minute stretches so far... I feel almost too tired to take care of him! Luckily Hubs is here and doing most of the work besides feeds!
pomelo / 5660 posts
@Adira: that's nice! DH just left for work. It's raining and cold here. So I'm planning on just hanging out at home. Starting next week we have mothers helper on Tuesday and Thursday. I am afraid B will get bored. This week she only comes thursday.
The 2 hour stretch is nice. Is he sleeping longer stretches during day? Maybe nights and days confused.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@BandDmommy: I can't imagine being home alone with both kids. That must be hard. What does B do while you are nursing?
Logan has slept longer stretches during the day, but he still is nursing every 2 hours at least. He also seems content to just nurse on one side during the day but overnight he wanted both sides. Or to nurse every 30 minutes instead of longer. Maybe because my breasts are less full at night?
pomegranate / 3973 posts
We had a great night last night... E fed 20 minutes each side at 930 and let me sleep till 3! Another 30 min. Nursing and I was able to sleep in till almost 8. I hope he keeps this up.
During the day yesterday he was nursing every 2 hours if even, hoping to get him on longer less-frequent feedings. He is def. A comfort feeder though.
Today waiting on the home store to call so I can finally get a breast pump. Have you guys started pumping yet?
pomelo / 5660 posts
@josina: wow! That's a long time! I started pumping 2 weeks ago.
@Adira: D only eats from 1 breast. B normally sits next to me when I feed her.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
I also had him swaddled with his arms out last night, I wonder if he actually slept better because of that, otherwise he seems to always get his arms out anyways.
pomelo / 5660 posts
@josina: we swaddled hands out too because she was getting soooo angry..
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@josina: That's awesome about the sleep last night!! I hope we get there soon. Or even just letting me get a couple two hour stretches. I haven't started pumping yet. I'm going to see what Logan's weight is looking like before I start. Although if he continues nursing so frequently, I may still put it off.
pomelo / 5660 posts
Did anyone shower today? My only chance is either before B wakes up or nap time. I'm feeling lazy and sitting on couch relaxing instead.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Finally catching up on my laptop and not just on my phone while nursing!! Logan apparently sleeps better during the day... jerk.
@ChiCalGoBee: Glad you joined us!! It always seems like some months are less active than others, and there's a bunch of us November moms here anyway!! Sorry to hear about your scary delivery and the crazy emotions.
@MamaG: Those photos came out great!! Do they do post processing, or does your baby just look that fantastic? They actually took newborn photos at the hospital, but Logan's got crazy baby acne and so I thought the pictures didn't look that good, so we didn't buy any.
@josina: @BandDmommy: The nurse that visited us today said that some hospitals suggest swaddling from the chest down! We started doing that with Xander when he was only a couple weeks, which made swaddle weaning a total breeze, so I'm all for doing that if it works for your baby!
@BandDmommy: I did! But I hadn't since Saturday, so I was GROSS. And I didn't want the nurse to see me with my hair that greasy, so I made it a priority! But Xander was also at daycare and Hubs was home to watch the baby, so it was definitely not an issue for me.
This thread has been closed.
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