pomegranate / 3973 posts
@MrsF: Oh no, that sounds awful! Hope he feels better today! And no more messes!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
You guys, Logan is now as old as Xander was when he (Logan) was born. That's just CRAZY to me! I think I'm glad we're done having kids, haha.
nectarine / 2053 posts
@MrsF: omg that sounds awful! I hope it's better today!
@Adira: Thank you!
@KayKay: haha I don't know but I'll take all the yay's!
pomelo / 5298 posts
@Adira: I'm with you, I think I'm glad we are done. Although, I can't deny that I'm a little envious of all these pregnant momma's. I know that a third kiddo would be hard for our family.
pomelo / 5298 posts
@MrsF: We went through a bout of diarrhea a month or more ago. I'm not brave enough to do the diaper free time but we certainly battled to overcome the rash. And it really felt like for about two weeks that every morning she'd wake up with a dirty diaper and it was sooooo hard. I hope today's a better day.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MamaG: Same here. I'm sad I'm never going to have a little snuggly newborn of my own, and I loved being pregnant, so I'm jealous of all the pregnant mamas, but we wouldn't be able to handle (or afford) having a third, and I'm excited for this new stage in our life of planning trips and events for our boys without worrying about newborn schedules!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
So I think my daycare might have too many kids or something. Xander transitioned to the Toddler 1 room right around 18 months, but Logan is 21 months and they have no intention of transitioning him anytime soon because there's no space.
pear / 1961 posts
@adira: ugh - that's annoying! poor planning by the admin team, i guess? since there is a domino effect of needing space in the older classes, so younger ones can move up. is L still in an infant room? are they counting on people to leave in order to free up space, or what's their plan?
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@MrsF: Ouccchy poor baby! Hope his bum heals soon! We still do get bouts of rash here too! I think sometimes it's too much acidic fruits!
@Adira: @MamaG: I'm fairly certain we're 2 and done! I think it's probably normal to have pregnancy/baby fever since it really takes you back!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@KayKay: Yeah, there are two infant rooms, so he's in the older one with the more physically advanced kids, but I want him to move to the toddler room. The toddler rooms have more structure and go outside more regularly and have specific activities and routines each day. I want that for him! He's one of the oldest in the infant room, but I guess there are at least two other kids older than him still waiting to move to the toddler room.
I'm not really sure what the hold-up is all about. When Xander moved to the toddler 1 room, he was just 1 in 5 kids in the class, but the toddler 1 room now has more kids (and thus more teachers). I'm not sure if they are waiting for people to move around though or not. Maybe once school starts in September, kids will start shifting.
honeydew / 7283 posts
Thanks for the commiseration for the crappy day ladies.
@snowjewelz: He could eat fruit all day but he's never had a diaper rash, even as a baby (Molly had them frequently). It's a mystery...
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Adira: That's too bad Is he the oldest kid in the room or are there others? And that is so crazy that he's as old as X was when L was born!! Things like that make me feel like time is flying by. J is still 5 months younger than M was when he was born. You're a supermom for having 2 under 2!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Adira: You should definitely talk to them about it! We only had 1 infant room, so even though K is the youngest of her class, she was way too old for the infant room and she has absolutely loved toddler room from day 1! Bigger space, more toys, activities/structure more suited to her age group, etc.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MrsF: He's not the oldest, but definitely one of the oldest. And YES! I totally can't picture having a baby right now, haha. I don't know what I was thinking before, but I'm glad we did it because Logan and Xander can now play together and are interested in the same things, which is exactly what we wanted by having two so close in age!
@snowjewelz: I've asked the infant teachers a couple times about him moving, but they don't really know much about it except that there are a couple ahead of him. Maybe I should ask the director what the plan is... I definitely want him moved by 2!!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Adira: Isn't it fun to watch them play together? M is starting to bring J into her pretend play, they can actually have a conversation. Best part of my day is watching that stuff
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MrsF: Yes! Xander likes to copy Logan and do/say whatever he does and Logan thinks it's HYSTERICAL! I love it!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@MrsF: awful I'm so sorry!!
@Adira: Huh, I'm not too schooled on daycares as G has a sitter, but I definitely would say something again! Definitely by 2!
pomelo / 5298 posts
@Adira: Our daycare is structured different, I think. But I would definitely address your concerns with the director. K has been out of the infant area since she was walking and bottle weaned. She was in the toddler room for a long time, but there aren't any "babies" in that room. Meaning, no bottles, no cribs, walking, etc.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MamaG: So your toddler room sounds similar to our infant 2 room. As soon as they are crawling, they move up. It's all the mobile "babies." Usually sometime after 9 months, they move to the infant 2 room. Some still get bottles, but most drink from sippy cups and eat finger foods. They do still have cribs though, which I don't mind, haha.
pomelo / 5298 posts
@Adira: We have two infant rooms The younger side is for non-mobile babies (rollers will stay there for a little bit). Once they are on the move with crawling or intense rolling, they get moved to older infants. And then once they are walking and bottle weaned they move to toddlers.
Our daycare has a baby boom right now they where they have three infant stages. I'm not really sure how they have divided it up but they had to "remodel" the toddler room to add cribs and a refrigerator. I think they have a small group of 3's. SO they've shifted everyone around and made 3's all one class to accommodate the baby boom.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MamaG: I think they must've had a baby boom right before Logan because there are a gazillion toddlers right now, which is why Logan and the other two older "infants" can't move up! When Xander was a toddler, there were only 15 toddlers (and three rooms - so each toddler class had a teacher), but now there are like 10 toddlers just in the first toddler room!!
nectarine / 2210 posts
@Adira: our daycare has 3 rooms on the baby side. There's the baby room which K was in until last December. The younger toddler room which she was in till June and the older toddler room, which she moved out of with the new school year August 1. She currently in the 2-year-old class which is technically called busy bees. Since the most recent switch I drop her off in the front of the building while all the other baby classes were in the back. I do know that whe she moved to the toddler class in December she started sleeping on a cot.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Man, the other night, K was up on and off from like 12:30-6! She wasn't really upset, most of the time just wide awake talking! And after that, she suddenly seem to have memorized more lines to songs, etc so I'm guessing she was working on some speech stuff!? She literally woke up the next day singing new full songs!
On one hand, I was SOOOO tired... But on the other hand, it's kinda sad how my body knew to go straight into sleep deprived mode and I was pretty functional the next day haha.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Adira: That's really annoying. They need to plan better because he's absolutely not a baby and should be doing toddler stuff - it's not like he's 12 months. He's almost 2! I remember our Boston daycare had Infant1 for non mobile babies and then Infant2 was for like 9-15 months until the kids were really sturdy walkers. Then there was toddler1 which was for like 15-29 months and then the toddler2 was 29 months-3y. Or something along those lines.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Ryan started Montessori School today - his grouping is 18-36 months....but it seems like he might be the youngest at 21 months. We had orientation yesterday and he was NOT shy. Ty and I dropped him off today though (Tyler goes to school upstairs), and he was so cute waving bye to Ty and hugging him but then when he realized we were leaving he was mad! There was a lot of toddler crying this morning at drop off! I just called and they said the classroom is calm, they just had snack and potty break and were headed outside. I hope he naps there today!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@winniebee: Yeah, maybe I'll talk to the director today about it... Thanks for the encouragement! I hope R enjoys his new school today!!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@winniebee: Yeah, I think K is a little taken aback by the craziness of a new school year and new kids, DH said she cried both days at drop off which she hasn't done since she started
pear / 1961 posts
@winniebee: so glad he had a good day yesterday! E had her first "phase in" day yesterday (830-10) and was a stage 1 clinger when I went to leave. But apparently after that she was fine and handing out tissues to the kids who cried on/off throughout the morning -- haha! Today she waltzed right in and didn't look back. So I guess we are adjusted!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Annnd I called the teacher to check up on her and she said K stopped wailing as soon as he left
pomelo / 5298 posts
We are into week 3 of "school year" and K moved up classrooms and teachers. She's adjusted really well. Wears her backpack in and out of school. She recognizes her name in print and knows which hook to hang her backpack on and where to retrieve it at the end of the day. She's in a really happy group of kids now. They all wave bye to me in the morning when I'm trying to get K to wave bye (she's focused on eating her breakfast!).
honeydew / 7283 posts
@winniebee: That picture of the boys before school was so cute. R looks so big!
@snowjewelz: @KayKay: @MamaG: Glad your kids are adjusting well!
pomegranate / 3045 posts
Aw, so glad everyone is adjusting to new schools, rooms, etc. well! Can't believe how big these kids are getting.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@snowjewelz: haha, Henry's recent favorite is singing "oh, my! No more pie." He hasn't been sleeping too well lately either, and I do think it is speech related.
pear / 1961 posts
@theotherstark: E loves sing-songing that one too. and of course it always devolves when K can't remember all the lyrics and then start making up hilarious alternative rhymes....which E then repeats!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@snowjewelz: @theotherstark: @KayKay: J spent the whole morning yesterday asking for "more letgo! more letgo!" Can you tell he has a big sister? He wants to hear, sing and dance to Frozen all day long
eggplant / 11861 posts
@winniebee: R looked so handsome with T! Hope he napped and had a good day!!
@snowjewelz: YES.... we have had some speech related sleep issues too now that you mention it! Talking in her sleep and she has her 4 new Halloween books memorized....lol
@MrsF: Let go...haha G has a microphone that sings Let it go and that is what she calls it too!!!
@theotherstark: Too big!!!!
I'm hanging by a thread some days! So tired and work this year is CRAZY!
G had a crazy awful day yesterday I posted on FB it was just awful but I know to be expected at this age but my hormones just couldn't take it ...thankfully I had my sweet easy going girl back tonight! I am so excited about the holidays and all the birthdays! How are they almost 2?! Nuts!
G knows she is going to be a big sister and if I say baby to her she says "no I am a big sister!"
She also asks to hold him and will hold my belly
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@FaithFertility: Can't wait for baby AJ to arrive! Hang in there; just a while longer!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
I've been MIA for a bit!
@FaithFertility: Glad you have your sweet little girl back! E can get a bit crazy at times!
Lately he's been into climbing everything! He climbs up onto our porch table and peaks in the kitchen window, climbs up onto our entry table and peaks out the window, or worst, will climb up the toilet to look out the bathroom window. He also loves to move the kitchen chairs now to play in the sink. Keeps me on my toes for sure!
So we've never dealt with teething issues before, but I think that's whats going on with E now? He's had a fever on/off for 2 days and is drooling a bit more and won't each much. No signs of a cold or anything coming? He doesn't have his canines in yet or could be his 2nd molars? Poor boy, I feel so bad for him.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@Miss Ariel: Any word on the offer on the new house? How is everything going?
@whenoceansrise: How are you feeling?
nectarine / 2210 posts
@josina: they accepted our offer, now we're just waiting to close. Hopefully that will happen before my due date, but it will be close. With K I didn't go into labor until my due date so hopefully it's similar this time.
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