Hellobee Boards


December 2014 Moms (and their kids)

  1. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    @winniebee: We have the opposite experience with food. Daycare provides all of K's food and she eats better there than at home. Dinners have been a struggle lately and I have to remind myself that she's eating everything throughout the day, with the exception of her veggies. Kid refuses all veggies that daycare offers.

    Hopefully R works it out soon for your sake, but it's certainly interesting how they feed on others. Just today there was a kid crying so after K sat in her chair waiting for breakfast, realized someone was crying she jumped up and started whimpering at me. I hugged her, told her not to be a copy cat (like she knows what I'm saying, ha!).

  2. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @catgirl: i just went ahead and ordered 7 too... the diff between 6.5 and 7 are small and i figure with socks her feet will be bigger too haha!

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Oh, also. On a personal note, my husband and I had thought about therapy but then decided we'd take a date night each week. Since we don't need our nanny as much during the day she agreed to do a late night each week. It's been amazing to reconnect and do some things just us. I highly recommend it, even if you aren't in a time in life where you need a relationship tune up.

    I also met with maternal fetal medicine last week as a follow up and sort of a primer on what we could expect if we try for another baby. The doctor was really encouraging. Honest, but encouraging. I know what our future odds are for having the same problem or a different problem. One moment I feel totally terrified, the next very brave. We are starting to feel open to trying again. I worry that if we had another really sick baby and chose to terminate, that maybe we wouldn't have the same support as we had with Dylan. But in my heart I know our story isn't over. I want to fight for the family we want, even if it means facing another loss. So, thinking maybe later this year we will try again. I feel like maybe after 6 or so months has passed, I will be strong enough to face the hope and anxiety of having a rainbow baby. Thanks for listening

  4. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @winniebee: We will be here for you!

  5. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @winniebee: Little feefeet unite!!!
    Always thinking of you

  6. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @winniebee: Date night once a week sounds amazing! I definitely think DH and I need to make this a thing.
    Hoping the best for you and your family this next year, and glad that he is coming around to trying again.

  7. MrsScallop

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    @winniebee: no matter what happens and the choices you have to make, we are here to support you. And that is awesome you and DH get date nights. They are so important!

    Thanks everyone for the height/weight info!

  8. KayKay

    pear / 1961 posts

    @winniebee: we have done weekly date nights for the past year, and they are fantastic! we have one standing sitter, which is nice because the kids are used to her & she to them, and we will sometimes backfill with another if she can't make it (rarely) or just take that week off. usually we go for dinner -- sometimes we go to a "nice" place, sometimes just a new place, or sometimes just a total low-key/cheap place, but we have even done stuff like run to Home Depot for a bunch of yard crap after we moved or went and shopped for couches. Even on those more random nights, it's just been nice to do it at a slower pace and actually talk in the car, etc. Especially with how much DH is working during the week....plus then all the the family time we have for dinners/bedtime/weekends, it's SO nice and gives us both something to look forward to each week and remember why/that we actually like spending time just us

  9. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @MamaG: oh my gosh, everyone has such tiny feet!! Haha. H is wearing size 7 natives, although they are a teensy bit big. He's still fitting into his size 6 sneakers, so who knows.

    For clothes, he's mostly in 18-24 still, with some 2t. I think he'll be moving up soon, though.

  10. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @MrsScallop: I'm so glad you're finally getting the nursing help again! what a challenge. And it must be so stressful having to manage those huge, looming health concern. Know that you are very much in my thoughts!!

  11. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @winniebee: aw man. I'm sorry that Ryan is having a rough transition. I've heard it can take a week or two to get used to things. I'm sure he is going to start loving it soon!

  12. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @winniebee: that sounds awesome - I can't remember the last time we had a date night. Haha. Need to get on that, I guess.

    We love and support you!!

  13. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @MrsScallop: at his 18 m appt, h was 34 inches and 24 lbs. Hes a string bean. Haha. I know that he has gained at least a few inches, and who knows what his weight is doing. I'm in tested to see where he is at his 2 year check up.

  14. AngelicOne

    persimmon / 1050 posts

    @winniebee: Date nights sound awesome. We definitely need to do more of those. The only person I've left M with, moved away though so I need to find a sitter & that scares me. LOL

    @MrsScallop: M was 24lbs when we went to the ER in July & was 31.5" at his 18m appt. His next appt isn't until Nov. Glad to hear you have nurse help again and that Charlie is doing well!

  15. Miss Ariel

    nectarine / 2210 posts

    @winniebee: we're still waiting on a close date, which hopefully is soon. Otherwise, yes we're with my inlaws and will be here until that happens. Today it's been 1 month officially, which is kind of crazy.

  16. Miss Ariel

    nectarine / 2210 posts

    @MrsScallop: at K's 18 month visit she was 19 lbs and 31 inches. I weighted her the other day on a scale and think she was around 23 lbs? But she isn't on the charts either, and at her 18 month visit was at the 0.55th percentile.

    She actually found a bumbo, that someone just gave us, the other day and managed to squeeze herself into it. Ha

  17. Miss Ariel

    nectarine / 2210 posts

    @winniebee: echoing the others, but date night sounds awesome. We really should be taking better advantage of the fact that we're at my inlaws and go out more after K goes to sleep. But their house is in the middle of nowhere and it's a pain to drive into town. Plus we're trying to avoid spending money. Although we probably could take @KayKay's lead and use that time to do errands together as well.

  18. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @MrsScallop: K is 24 lbs and 33 inches I think from last week's check up. I know with every surgery comes a toooonn of fear and anxiety too... I hope that Charlie will grow strong and healthy in order to receive all the necessary surgeries he will need. We hope to be here for your family every step of the way

  19. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    Yeah, date nights totally don't exists here. I'm already using my mom to a max, and we def do not have any budget room for a baby sitter on top of daycare costs. I think we just need to be more intentional with our nights at home. Most of the time we just veg in front of the TV! We better schedule in some good alone time together before #2 comes!

  20. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @snowjewelz: What about date-days? We will usually take off work and take advantage of daycare. We actually had a lot of fun playing a $10 round of mini-golf for our anniversary.

    *of course that wouldn't work every week, but maybe monthly?

  21. KayKay

    pear / 1961 posts

    @josina: date days are a great idea, too! for awhile, we did date mornings (sat mornings) instead of a weekday evening -- definitely had more energy and could do brunch/lunch/coffee shops instead of dinner places. we actually did it in CO, so we would usually go skiing or bike riding or something active. now that the girls are both in preschool AND DH has more control over his time-off, i may have to take advantage of those once in awhile. Hmmm.....

  22. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts


  23. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @josina: We def can leave her with my in-laws on the weekends; but I guess 1) I treasure weekends since I'm already at work all week and 2) It's annoying to leave her with them since they have nothing so we have to bring everything little thing that she might need. But I should just start penciling in at least once a month!

  24. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @winniebee: I'm sorry that R is having a tough transition That makes a hard situation so much harder! I hope that things turn around quickly.

    Date nights are our form of therapy as well (or at least preventative). Just being able to focus on your partner, laugh, enjoy a meal, grocery shop - anything! I'm glad that you're finding it helpful and that you guys are a little closer to being on the same page in regards to TTC.

  25. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @MrsScallop: Glad that things are going pretty well with Charlie, but obviously not without challenges! You must be relieved to have some nursing help again - I can't even imagine what your days and nights look like with both kids. Actually, I'm super curious! Guest blog post? (or just update here for friends?)

  26. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @snowjewelz: post bedtime date nights at home are totally worth it! Sometimes I'll get take out or something not kid-friendly for just myself and DH to eat after the kids are in bed. It's so nice to have a kid free meal even if we don't have a sitter. I'm sure pregnancy exhaustion makes all of this harder though! - how are you feeling?

  27. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @MrsF: haha true!! DH has his beer, I eat my ice cream, we bust out all the snacks and drink we don't want K to see I'm feeling good! Just easily exhausted!

  28. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Bah, Ryan got out of school the rest of this week since he came down with a 102 fever Wednesday night. Poor bugger. Keeps pointing to his mouth and saying "ow!" so I'm guessing he has a sore throat?

  29. KayKay

    pear / 1961 posts

    @winniebee: ugh - already!? E might actually be coming down with something too. She is usually my rockstar sleeper, but was up basically from 2-5a last night on & off. This morning she kept saying her ear was "itchy", so maybe an ear infection? She has had a little congestion/coughing since starting school, so it's possible. Might also be 2y molars (no relation to an "itchy" ear...ha). Or, you know, just one of those shitty nights. She didn't have a fever or anything, so I sent her to school anyways, but definitely gave her teacher a heads up that she will likely be overtired all day!

  30. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @KayKay: we NEVER hear from Ryan at night either - since Tuesday night he's been up 2x a night looking for cuddles! HOpe these kids get well soon!

  31. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @winniebee: Those first weeks of daycare/school sucked!
    E just had a fever last week for 3 days on/off and a sore throat (only). Just a virus so nothing the dr. would do about it. It was a miserable couple days though, poor guy. Hope Ryan feels better soon! I'm sure you both enjoy the extra cuddles though.

  32. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @winniebee: Poor kid It's especially hard when they can't quite tell you what's wrong. I hope he's feeling better soon!

  33. MrsScallop

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    @MrsF: haha, I could do a 24 hour day in the life of you like! To be honest it would be interesting to write down for myself as well. And yes, having a nurse again has been great. I at least accomplish a lot more around the house.

    @winniebee: hope he feels better soon!

  34. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Miss Ariel: Praying and thinking of you!!

    @winniebee: Hope R feels better soon! Poor guy!

    @MrsF: Hahaha yes, me and DH have post
    bedtime ice cream.in bed dates

  35. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @MrsScallop: Good to hear the new nurse is working out!!

    G is growing up WAY too fast it seems...lol
    These toddler days are something special...
    Her new thing is saying "Huh" when she doesn't understand or didn't hear you,she sounds just like DH and it cracks me up.....also Yes has turned into Yep!

    Bedtime she wants to her "Sophia" shirt which really is a ballerina shirt every night, and will hug herself as she hugs her so sweet! Hey what ever keeps them asleep right?!

  36. KayKay

    pear / 1961 posts

    @faithfertility: @snowjewelz: i wouldn't really call our post-kids-bedtimes ice cream treats "dates" (or...do we just go on a "date" everynight? hahaha), but we have DEFINITELY been busted by K a couple times after telling her it was a No Dessert night, and then she comes downstairs as we are eating ice cream on the couch. haha. +1 for E still being in the crib, since I don't think she would be so easily distracted without getting a bite before heading back up.

  37. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    Our big kid came down with something. She had a headache that turned into a sore throat, vomitting and fever. She says everything still hurts and isn't much interested in eating.

    I'm so tired of kids vomitting in my car!

  38. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MamaG: :(. Poor thing!!!!

  39. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    @winniebee: Turns out it was/is strep. It seems to be a mild case/caught early, but I'm the mom that isn't in the mood to fight antibiotics for 10 days, so when the dr offered a shot, I said yes. C wasn't happy at all, but she's back to normal today. This is her first rodeo with strep - welcome to public school

  40. KayKay

    pear / 1961 posts

    @mamag: ugh! I noticed on the door to the girls' preschool this morning, there were notices for a case of pneumonia (!!) and an exposure to strep. luckily both were in the class that neither of my girls is in, but still...effing pneumonia?! already?!

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