Hellobee Boards


December 2014 Moms!

  1. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MamaG: haha, yeah, bummer that you can't REALLY celebrate with what you want! But it sounds like you've been managing the GD well, so kudos!! You're doing a great job!

  2. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @MamaG: I think you just need to look at the big picture and see that you've been managing it and not go crazy about the not so good #s that pop up.

    Speaking from this mama, on day 3 of GD and already cried over a high # hahaha!

  3. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    I called my insurance today and started the process of getting my breast pump! They are going to cover an electric breast pump up to $300!

  4. AngelicOne

    persimmon / 1050 posts

    @MamaG: Sounds like you're doing a great job! I've only gained 4 lbs so far too (according to my scale - don't like the OB one lol)

    I had total pregnancy brain last night and forgot to test after dinner....whoops! First time in 2 months, so trying not to beat myself up over it.

  5. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    @AngelicOne: I've found testing at work to be challenging. I'm a manager and get pulled in many directions and struggle to be at my desk for my 2 hour testing. If only I didn't need to work

  6. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @MamaG: So far I haven't had any interference (it's only day 3 tho lol). I wonder what I would do if I'm in a mtg when I have to test..

  7. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @MamaG: Yay Mama That check up sounds great!

  8. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @whenoceansrise: That is awesome, I need to look into that too!!!!

  9. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @whenoceansrise: Nice! Mine covers one for me, although not until the baby is born, so I will need to deal with it then.

  10. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    How's everyone doing today? I definitely felt our little guy hiccuping last night, which was really cute My husband felt it too, so I was happy about that.

  11. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @theotherstark: Ahhh!! This is my second pregnancy and I STILL don't know what the hiccups feel like!!!

    I'm really sore. Although I find walking around and slouching in my seat help relieve some of the pressure I'm feeling. Slouching is probably bad for my back though, so... who knows if this is a good remedy, haha.

  12. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @FaithFertility: @theotherstark: It's so weird how insurance companies differ so much with what they cover!

    Aww, I want to feel huccups! I'm doing good. Pregnancy is much different than what I thought it would be. I feel totally normal! I'm just tired of waiting!

  13. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    Any thoughts on breast pumps since @whenoceansrise: brought it up? I know Medela is always a popular choice, but it looks like I will be able to choose between Medela, Ameda and Hygeia (and maybe a few others too!). I formula fed C, but really want to try to breast feed this time around. And if I'm being 100% honest, I think I want to exclusively pump. There are many things about breast feeding that I don't love and would be more comfortable pumping even knowing that's a commitment!

  14. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @Adira: Aww, I'm sorry you're so sore Blah. And I've heard that some people never feel the hiccups! I wasn't sure if I would know them when I felt them, but I definitely did

    @whenoceansrise: Definitely interesting. I have to go through specific medical supply places to get mine, which is kind of annoying.

    @MamaG: I've really only heard first-hand from people who have used the Medela, so I'm no help!! Hopefully others can chime in. I am always really impressed with people who exclusively pump!! Good for you for at least giving it a go.

  15. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MamaG: I used the Avent Twin Electric Breast Pump with my first. After about 6-7 months, I decided to purchase a Medela PISA so that I could have one at home and one at work. I also was concerned that my Avent one didn't work as well as other breast pumps. But after using the PISA, I've realized my Avent one actually was AMAZING and was a lot more comfortable to use.

    This time around, I'm planning on solely using my Avent pump. I purchased new flanges so that I have flanges for home and work, but I will have to carry the pump to and from work every day (unless I can find a supplier for another one).

    The thing about the Avent that I really love (and hated initially until I got the PISA) was that you can completely control the suction and speed of the pump. You manually pump it a couple times to get the right speed/suction that you want and then just hit a button and it keeps going at that speed/suction. Plus it remembers your last setting so after I had it set up correctly, I just hit the button and it would go to it.

  16. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @theotherstark: Oo! So how did you know it was hiccups? I don't think I felt that yet!

    @Adira: Uggh I know that feeling. My back really hurts lately! I keep saying I want to soak in a nice bath but still haven't gotten around to that lol

    @whenoceansrise: Feeling normal is GOOD! Enjoy that! I also am totally done waiting b/c I just want GD to be over with! Otherwise I enjoy her presence in my womb haha

    @MamaG: I plan to get the Medela freestyle. I'm honestly just open to anything as long as K will get fed... Since I have no idea if breastfeeding will be successful/easy! I will need to pump when I go back to work either way, plus being in daycare/grandma care I def want her to be used to a bottle young.

  17. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @snowjewelz: I want a nice bath too! But I'm nervous to take one because I generally like baths HOT and I'm not sure how hot I'm allowed to have it, so I just avoid it, haha.

  18. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Adira: Oh yeah... I think I read that it can't be too hot to touch, def not hot tub hot. I just never got around to buying any supplies like a bubble bath thing, a tray, a pillow thing for my head... Mmm a bath really sounds heavenly though.

  19. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @snowjewelz: Ahh, I haven't had my glucose test yet. But managing a diet for GD sounds challenging! I hope the time goes by fast!

  20. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @snowjewelz: Yeah, a luke warm bath doesn't sound that appealing to me, haha. I need it boiling.

  21. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @Adira: @snowjewelz: I love my bubble baths! I take them almost every night before bed- they really help relax me and get me ready for sleep. I read that if it's so hot that you have to ease yourself into the tub, it's too hot.

  22. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @whenoceansrise: It's mostly annoying. I try to focus on the positives of it; I've really learned so much about nutrition, and I realized that even when I thought I ate healthy, I really wasn't. There's basically sugar in EVERYTHING, and I def ate too much carbs before. I actually hope I can somewhat stick to this diet even after birth! I feel like God is really teaching me self control and discipline through this too. Of course, the downside is that this is just plain annoying! Having to prick my fingers, record everything I eat, meal plan like crazy, and I carry two bagfuls of food to work everyday...

  23. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Adira: After #2 then I hope you will be able to carve out some time for a boiling hot bath for yourself

    @whenoceansrise: What do you like to put in your bath? I need suggestions!

  24. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @snowjewelz: Oh, I definitely will!!

  25. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @snowjewelz: I really like the aromatherapy "sleep" from bath and body works. They have everything from bubble bath, bath salts, lotions, etc. It's a nice lavender and vanilla scent!

  26. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @whenoceansrise: I just looked online... I want to buy that WHOLE line!

  27. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @snowjewelz: haha me too! I just have the foam bath and the lotion. I need the candles too! But getting into bed after relaxing in the bathtub and having DH rub that lotion on my skin.... heavenly!

  28. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    I just wanted to chime in and say I had the medela pump in style as well and I actually ended up exclusively pumping from 6w on with my first and I loved it! My insurance I think will give me a free one this time around so I'm going to look into it -- I don't know if I will go with something else this time just to try it. I will probably leave it at my mothers or something.

    I'm doing great -- I could barely move yesterday after our move but today feel better and am back to unpacking. I have my GD test as will as a cervical length check and OB appt tomorrow so will have a long appt. I feel like I've gained a ton Of weight in the last few wks but hope I'm wrong.

  29. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @winniebee: Hope your appt goes well tomorrow~ At least it will be a nice long break from unpacking

  30. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @winniebee: Thanks! That's the pump that I have picked out. Good to know you liked it!

  31. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    I have the Medela Pump in Style from LO #1. It lasted me through our whole BF'ing experience (11 months) I am planning on getting some new parts for it- but I also switched insurances from LO#1 to LO#2 so I am thinking my new insurance company will give me a new one! (at least I am hoping!!) it would be nice to have 1 for home and 1 for work!!!

  32. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    @snowjewelz: Hiccups feel like little movement, but it's consistent, rhythmic, and fairly evenly paced. It's also kind of localized to one spot. Kind of like a little beat with a rhythm almost!

    @winniebee: Glad you're feeling better today - I bet moving must be so rough this far along! Yuck. Hope you guys are getting settled. I had my GD testing yesterday (at an outside lab), and my dr. still hasn't called me with the results. I'm dying to know!!

  33. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @winniebee: ohhh I registered for that pump
    Hope your feeling better! Best of the best news tomorrow at your apt, I'm sure all will go great!

  34. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @theotherstark: Hope you get great results!

  35. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @winniebee: Glad your move went well! Hope you have a good appointment tomorrow. I have my GD screen coming up on monday and I'm nervous!

    @theotherstark: yay for hiccups! It's so cool to know what they're up to in there

    @whenoceansrise: That sounds like an amazing bath! I didn't even know I wanted one until now...

  36. cheert16

    nectarine / 2631 posts

    After reading this damn thread earlier- I had to take a bath when I got home!! It was awesome!!

  37. Miss Ariel

    nectarine / 2210 posts

    I called my insurance company, and they said it would be covered at our coinsurance level and go towards the out-of-pocket maximum. They just told me to look up the Durable Medical Equipment Providers on their website, order it from them, and they should be able to file the claim.

    Of course, so far every provider I've called doesn't actually supply breast pumps. There's still a bunch more I can call, but I may need to ask my doctor if there's a DME they know of or can recommend, if I'm still stuck.

  38. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    @Miss Ariel: I have United Healthcare and they referred me to Byram Healthcare, Edgepark and Genadyne. I also used the below link today to find a few more and sent a request to Aeroflow. I liked that they had some upgrade options that I would prefer.


  39. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    @FaithFertility: doesn't your insurance cover a pump? It was my understanding under ACA that all compliant (non-grandfathered plans) had to provide a pump. Granted, it might not be the pump you want.

  40. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    Good luck on all the upcoming GD tests. And worse case you fail and you've already got company here Seriously though, lots of low glucose wishes all around.

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