Hellobee Boards


December 2014 Moms!

  1. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @whenoceansrise: haha, just wait like most of the rest of us!! You'll be fine!

    @winniebee: Oooh, you just reminded me that I SHOULD make a register. I new a new camera for my video monitor so I can have one for Xander and one for the new baby and getting a discount on stuff like that would be NICE.

  2. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @whenoceansrise: I'd wait too... You're almost there!!

    @theotherstark: I would def still have a registry whether or not you have a shower! It's just nice to have stuff you need to buy in once place, and I'm sure there will be people wanting to get you gifts still! And yes, completion discounts

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Who is still working out? What are you doing?

    I work out a lot when not pregnant. Currently am jogging outside 3x a week (if you could call it that) and going to the gym 2x a week where I do elliptical for 30-45 mins and light arm weights. I don't know how much liger I will be able to jog as I'm already getting uncomfortable and uterus tightening while jogging. Basically I work out for the mental benefit and because it makes getting back to it post partum easier.

  4. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @theotherstark: Darcy Evelyn

    @winniebee: I'm walking at a fast pace on treadmill 40 minutes a day.

  5. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @josina: So exciting! Have a great first ultrasound

    @winniebee: Why did I never think of setting the due date earlier to get the completion discount earlier? Duh!

  6. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MrsF: Can you change it? I set the "due date" with my first to my shower date so that I could get the stuff I still needed after the shower, but before the baby came!

  7. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @Adira: Hmm... I don't know. I'm assuming that I'm not going to have a shower with #2 and I haven't started a registry yet, so I figured I could just set it early just to use it for the completion discount for my self. I probably wouldn't do that if I were going to give it out to people just for the confusion factor!

  8. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    Just got the call from my doctor that I failed my 1 hour glucose test and my A1C results are also slightly elevated. I should be going to my diabetic counseling session sometime next week and me and the glucometer and diabetic diet are about to become good friends again. I knew this was a real possibility, given that I had the diagnosis with my first pregnancy, but I'm a little bummed. I know that I have the ability to manage it. Good bye ice cream, we will be friends again soon.

  9. AngelicOne

    persimmon / 1050 posts

    @MamaG: Sorry to hear that. I'm only a week into the GD diet & I already miss chocolate. December can't get here soon enough.

  10. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @MamaG: I'm sorry.

  11. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @MamaG: so sorry to hear that

  12. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @MamaG: ahhhh I am sorry, that stinks!

  13. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    @AngelicOne: I couldn't remember who had failed the 1 hour on here. I'm glad you are adjusting. I promise it's not that bad. And honestly, I'm taking the news much better this time. It's just a bummer nonetheless.

  14. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @whenoceansrise: it is so hard to wait! I wanted to get a scan early too, but held/holding out.....it does give you a surprise factor.....as much as I want to know TODAY..even when we do the anatomy scan we have to wait 3 days to reveal gender we are having family over and doing it all together, it is the only day everyone is off....that I think is really going to kill me.....lol

  15. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MamaG: Sorry to hear you failed the 1 hour test! I'm surprised they aren't making you take the 3 hour test now. I feel like MOST people fail the 1 hour test... What a bummer though!

  16. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Oh! I forgot to mention! I DEFINITELY felt kicks last night!!!! They were definitely NOT gas bubbles! I'm so excited!!!

  17. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    @Adira: I believe since my A1C results also came back elevated and I have a prior pregnancy with GD, the doctor isn't bothering with the 3 hour test. Which at the end of the day, I'm okay with. I will be monitored more closely now with GD, which means more U/S (and more time away from work) so I don't want to sit in her office for the 3 hour test too.

    And yah for kicks! I think LO might have had hiccups last night too. I had pretty regular movement for about 30 minutes, but it was more spaced out than I recalled for hiccups.

  18. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MamaG: Oh, I see! That makes sense!! Still a big bummer though!

  19. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @Adira: AHH, so lucky!

    I had my 16 week appointment yesterday and everything went great. Strong heartbeat and we found out we have a very active baby even though I haven't felt any movement yet. He did mention my weight loss and said he's not very concerned about it, but would like me to gain some weight.

    ***gender scan is set for 8-7***

    & we have a little something special up our sleeves for that gender reveal

  20. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @whenoceansrise: Glad to hear the appointment went well!!! Sounds like you just need to start eating a bunch of carbs. Need some tips? I know how to pack the pounds on.

  21. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @Adira: hahaha! i just had some chocolate chip cookies for breakfast

  22. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @whenoceansrise: That should work! Go eat some more.

  23. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @whenoceansrise: I had only gained 1 lb at my 16 week check-up and she wasn't worried about it yet, but said she would start watching it more at 20 weeks. I've started eating more to help, but unfortunately that's usually junk food! Finally up 4 lbs at 19w3 days but we'll see what doc says today.

    Soooo excited for gender scan today! I had a dream last night it was a boy.

  24. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @MamaG: Awww I am sorry! Soon my friend, soon!

    @whenoceansrise: I actually lost weight at my last appointment too; I think I was pretty bloated before and now things "calmed down". Nobody was concerned tho! They take what they need!

    So I finally decided to do a FB post at 20 wks today; I figure it's fitting since I am officially half way through! I decided to do it b/c we have huge circles and I really just can't go around and tell every single person. Plus I am so confused now who still doesn't know (we're at a big church, and DH has many acquaintances at past churches he was at that would love to know the news). I'm just posting the latest u/s picture, with a bow to the head and saying "It's a girl! Meeting the world winter 2014". I can't even say a month b/c she could come Nov or Dec!

  25. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @snowjewelz: Yay!!! Congrats on being "out" on FB! I'm going to do the same thing and come out on FB at 20 weeks!

  26. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @josina: Oo can't wait to find out if your intuition is right!

    @Adira: For the longest time I didn't know if I wanted to do it, and the I didn't know how. I'm def too lazy for all the cute pinterest ideas haha. I thought about buy pink balloons and tying them to my dog but that was even too much work lol

  27. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @snowjewelz: I didn't do anything cute last time - I just posted my 20 week bump photo. And I'll probably do the same this time!

  28. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Adira: Ah now I'm bombarded w/ FB notifications! But it's nice that it's out and everyone can know and I don't have to wonder who I forgot to tell!

  29. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @snowjewelz: hahahaha! Yeah, I think my first comment when i came out last time was from my cousin and it was: "You didn't tell me! " Ooops!

  30. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @snowjewelz: YAY! you are now "facebook official" haha- I know. Our gender scan isn't until 8-7 and we have already started working on our reveal. It's a lot of work, but it's the kind of thing I enjoy doing so it's fun for me!

  31. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @whenoceansrise: You guys are so creative! I am lazy and absolute zero creative genes in me lol

  32. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @snowjewelz: haha that's perfectly okay! I bet I won't feel like going all out like this for baby number 2!

  33. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @whenoceansrise: Can't wait to find out what you're doing! I still remember how cute your video is!

  34. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    @snowjewelz: right now it's another video involving kites and balloons; however, that can change if i can come up with a better idea!

  35. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @Adira: yay for kicks! That's definitely my favorite part

    @snowjewelz: Congrats on being FB official! I'm still trying to figure out when / how to do a FB announcement.

  36. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Adira: that's great you've got movement!

  37. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    I just scheduled appointments with my new OB in Maine. We are moving 8/1 but vacationing with family the month of August so technically not moving into our new place until 9/1. Anyways they want me to come in off schedule around 22 weeks and meet the OB and potentially do another ultrasound - we have to figure out a game plan for cervical length monitoring so we will do that then. Then I will have to do another on schedule appt at 24 weeks. This practice is all OB whereas my prior practices (here and in Boston) have been combo midwife /ob so I think I will miss that. But ultimately went with a practice that was recommended by 2 people. And in the end if I am high risk I can't see a midwife anyways.

    ****OB appt 8/15

  38. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @whenoceansrise: Yay for a good apt, our babe is a fiesty one too, MW had to basically push part of my uterus down to makensure he/she didn't kick away from doppler so cute!

    All I can picture is baby from Looks Who Talking? In utero. ..lol

    @Adira: Yay for baby kicks

    @snowjewelz: Yay for Facebook official

    DH gave me a hug today saying when I hug you I am hugging baby too, I can feel your belly ♥♥ made me smile!!!!

  39. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @winniebee: that's so great you have it all figured out and that the timing is working out so well! That would be crazy to move towards the very end of your pregnancy, especially being high risk. I think personal recommendations go a long way...that is way more comforting to me knowing others had a good experience.

  40. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @winniebee: hope everything goes well with your move and that your new OB will take care of you

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