persimmon / 1431 posts
@snowjewelz: it's going pretty well so far! DD2 is 16 days now. I'm breast feeding and bottle feeding so I'm always pumping or breast feeding.
How are you doing? Seems like most people moved to FB.
pear / 1961 posts
@pumpkin pie: @snowjewelz: i'm still here too! R is a month old today -- we'll be out of newborn diapers and clothes soon, and he's started making more baby-like cooing noises. sleep is still all over the place. he is pretty gassy, and gets grumpy when it passes, so there is lots of snorting and snuffing and hollering about it at night. neither of my girls were particularly gassy or bothered by it, so this is new to me! other than that, we are still at 2-3hr stretches at night, but mostly in the bassinet and getting some naps in there too.
@mountainbaby: congrats!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: I joined this group late so I'm stuck here haha! HOW do you find time to nurse and pump? I've only pumped a few times...
@KayKay: sounds about right! K2 is 2 weeks and starting to be awake more... And nursing like crazzzzy...
pear / 1961 posts
@pumpkin pie: yes, i'm in awe of those who nurse & pump or exclusively pump. i pumped once per day for the first couple of weeks (to relieve engorgement and build a small stash), and even that was somewhat dreadful
@snowjewelz: maybe it's because it's my 3rd and i'm both nostalgic (already!) and preoccupied, but i definitely let R comfort nurse more than i did with either girl. he is a much slower/lackadaisical eater than either girl was anyways, but i find myself realizing he's been "eating" for like 30min every now and then! and by eating, clearly i mean he ate for like 15min and then just suckles and comfort nurses for the rest of the time as he dozes off!
persimmon / 1431 posts
I hate pumping!!! But I want someone else to be able to do the feedings. Also, it takes DD2 forever to nurse and it seems like she's never really full by only nursing. She gets hungry really fast. Maybe that's normal?
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@KayKay: mine was still 3oz from birth weight as of last Fri so I'm letting her eat all she wants!
@Pumpkin Pie: I'm just pumping nothing usually... So it's didcoursging to pump!
cherry / 160 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: I am! Nothing much to report though, just lots of sweet baby cuddles We hit 1 month tomorrow!
pomelo / 5789 posts
I am! We've been struggling with reflux/colic/milk allergies and 6+ hours a day of crying. It's just just heartbreaking seeing her so unhappy. We see a pediatric GI specialist on Monday and hope they can help her out.
pear / 1961 posts
@wheres_c: ugh! hopefully they can figure something out to help her (and you!)! keep us posted!
things are good here. coming up on 8w this weekend, and getting some good stretches of sleep (6-3-2)! had been doing naps in the crib and moved him there for the night last night after the noisiest night of sleep ever the night before (DH and I got basically no sleep!). he seems to actually prefer it!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@wheres_c: Aww I am so sorry! That is so hard. How did the appt go?
@KayKay: I'm thinking I might move K2 to the bassinet too... She naps so well alone on my bed during the day! Not today tho; I've been wearing her all day so far and she was also up every 2 hours last night.
@Pumpkin Pie: How's it going? Since it's only us 4 over here haha!
pear / 1961 posts
yes, @wheres_c: looking forward to hearing about your visit! R's poop is still green and sometimes mucus-y, but i went back to eating dairy anyways. the lactation consultant said it's only a problem if it's a problem, and since he is super happy and smiley and sleeping like a rockstar, i'm getting less interested in trying to solve the mystery
@snowjewelz: it's always annoying when the sleep changes by the day! R has actually slept through the night (830-5ish) for two nights in a row, but i'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop and to have an awful night here soon! you just never know.
@pumpkin pie: how are the feedings/pumping going?
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@KayKay: I hope he keeps giving you that! I know the feeling tho, it's like you almost can't enjoy it b/c you're just waiting for bad sleep to come back!
pomelo / 5789 posts
We had our appointment Monday. I was advised to stop breastfeeding for awhile, FF elecare milk free formula, and they added an extra 2 medications. I already see a difference.
It sucks because breastfeeding was going so well.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@wheres_c: Are you pumping in hopes to go back to BF later? It's great to finally catch a break tho!
pear / 1961 posts
@wheres_c: ugh - it's good that he is improving, but what a bummer for you! are you cutting dairy & pumping to be able to try bf again in a couple weeks? or just going to bail on it?
i always assumed that i would just bail on bf if i had to cut things out of my diet, but i was really sad when i was at the height of my poop-color-concerns last week and worried i'd have to cut dairy. i think if the ped says i should go dairy-free (and/or soy-free), i'd be up for it. but that might also be because i've never done formula, so it seems so foreign to me. and this is last baby, and i'd be sad to see our bf cut short.
pomelo / 5789 posts
@snowjewelz: @KayKay: I have been pumping and freezing but my pumped output is not much. I am vegetarian, so eliminating dairy, wheat, soy and corn (which was what was suggested) seems crazy!).
I'm going to probably eliminate dairy only and try and bf again in a few weeks if I can.
It's bittersweet for me - I had never planned on bfing. With DS1, he never latched well and I never produced enough. It was a fight to get him to take the boob, so I pumped but mostly FF. I told myself that this time I wasn't going to be a slave to the pump, if she didn't want my boob I was going to exclusively FF. Well she loves the boob. It comforts her, it puts her to sleep.
So I'm torn. Going to play it by ear.
pear / 1961 posts
@wheres_c: oh man - that's a lot of restrictions! it basically leaves you with no processed or convenient food options, right? and with two kids, it's not like you have all.the.time to prep every meal and snack. that's tough! definitely do whatever makes the most sense for you & your little one, and if you decide to give it a shot, just re-evaluate to make sure it still makes sense later too!
bummer that it's not *just* a supply thing, since then you can just do as much/little as you can and do the rest formula. you're basically in or you're not, huh?
persimmon / 1431 posts
I'm surviving. LO2 turned 6 weeks this weekend. Sleep has been terrible for us. She doesn't want to be put down, so it is really hard. Last night, I had a stretch of 3 hours though, so that was helpful. I
We started reflux medicine last week, and I think its helping a lot. At least we haven't had the crying fits.
Man, if we could just get her to sleep ....
pear / 1961 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: sorry that sleep is so rough for you! I forget, are you SAH or maternity leave? are you sneaking a nap in here and there? is your DH around to help with the night wakings?
hopefully the reflex meds settle her and she learns to sleep a bit longer now that she is more comfortable!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: yeah 6 weeks has been tough. Night time is ok for us; she just never goes longer than max 3 hrs. Day time is worst right now; I hadn't put her down since we got out of bed this morning (it's almost 1pm). I have gotten nothing done and it's frustrating since my 2 yr old will be home soon.
persimmon / 1431 posts
@KayKay: I'm on maternity leave right now and DH has been very helpful, especially with my 2 yr old.
@snowjewelz: I am REALLY hoping that she improves a whole lot next week. Night time is a little better for us also. She typically goes 2-2.5 hrs, which is way better than the 30 mins. she has throughout the day.
I'm just trying to be patient, but dang its hard!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: I know... Between the newborn that I can't put down all day and the toddler, I'm beat!
pear / 1986 posts
Hi there, I'm still here, sort of! Also trying to survive at nearly 8 weeks with DD2 who basically needs to be held in order to sleep and a very bored 3.5 yo DD1. I'm pretty tired!
persimmon / 1431 posts
@GreenThumb: I feel your pain!
Last night I got 2 3 hour stretches! I feel so much better today.
What time do you guys put down your infants for bed?
pear / 1986 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: @Pumpkin Pie: I had to keep my sunglasses on during preschool drop-off/pick-up because the bags under my eyes are embarrassing!
We don't really have a schedule yet and I'm wondering if we should get started with something more structured. In general, I feed her a ton while DH puts DD1 to bed and then she snoozes typically by 9 pm. At the moment she is sleeping either in her carseat (especially lately when DH takes her for a drive if she is fussy and having trouble falling asleep ) or sometimes in her bassinet by our bed if she falls asleep in our arms.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: it's whenever she wakes up from her last "nap" that's after 5-6pm? Then I just treat the next sleep time as bed time...
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@GreenThumb: its hard to stick to a schedule when naps and eating are all over the place!! Right now I don't even know when she last ate bc there was actual meal time, then there was more comfort eating.. She has been passed out in my wrap since like 11:30 now...
pear / 1986 posts
@snowjewelz: Exactly! Little bub has been snoozing in her carseat since we picked up DD1 at school at noon. I just let her sleep as long as she wants at the moment. With DD1, I let her settle into her own schedule eventually because she was my sole focus. Now, DD2 is going to be forced into a "schedule" of sorts based around DD1's school/activities.
pear / 1961 posts
@greenthumb: it has definitely gotten harder to have a schedule with each subsequent child! DD1 was pretty much on a schedule/routine/pattern by now at 2m. DD2 was loosely, and I feel like DS now is just whatever! Basically I just try to feed him every 2.5-3h during the day, but I also try to make sure he eats close enough to drop-off and pick-up that he doesn't get super-hangry during those 30min there is some finagling around that. And then I try to load him up before "bedtime", so he eats more like every 1.5-2h from 4ish until bed.
Both of my girls were going to bed early by 7ish. We tried with DS, but he doesn't stay down for the night, so if he naps around 5/6ish, we just treat it as a last nap, and bedtime has been somewhere between 8-9 most nights. We have a sitter tomorrow night, and I'm super-anxious about it since I have no idea what his schedule is myself, so trying to tell a sitter will be tough! I'd rather just take him, but we're going to something outside and it might be too cold
cherry / 160 posts
@KayKay: Did you appreciate having a schedule with your first two? So far I've just been going on E's demand, but I'm contemplating working on a schedule. Was it worth it?
pear / 1961 posts
@mountainbaby: i liked it, but that's because i'm pretty type A. and it gave me some semblance of control/what to expect, especially with the first one when I felt like I had no clue what I was doing I liked knowing that she ate pretty much every 3h, what time she (usually) woke up and what time we put her down. When they were littlest, it was truly more like a routine that could change based on circumstances, but by about 6m maybe it was nice because I knew when they would need to nap. I felt like naptimes were nice because I could plan for them/around them, and they seemed to just get tired at those times then and made going down easier. It was also easier when she started daycare or had a sitter because I could direct them better without them having to rely on her cues (that they may or may not be good at reading!)
All that to say, babies are so unpredictable and ever-changing -- some days they wake up earlier, some days they are going through a growth spurt, some days they don't nap as long, etc etc etc. So sometimes it's really just a crapshoot
persimmon / 1431 posts
I put LO2 on a schedule starting last week. Its going ok. I couldnt read her cues, and felt like I was just nursing every time she cried and needed some structure. She's basically on a 8am -8p schedule, mostly driven by LO1. At least I know to feed to her every 3 hours, and she's doing full feedings instead of snacking all day.
Its a pretty loose schedule, more of a guide for myself.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
We have a loose schedule over here too... She has been napping by herself since 9:30 (previous 40 min on me) so today started out well!
Her schedule is either she wakes me up to eat between 7-8, or we get woken up my my 2 year old, also between 7-8... If my toddler is home, then I either wear her for naps, or just do the best we can which often means a few shorter naps b/c I had to put her down, the she wakes up, etc etc...
Bed time has been like 7-8pm... She *knocks on wood* has been sleeping "well" at night, meaning more or less 3 hr stretches.
I just mentally do EASY (but sometimes it's more like eat-pass out-wake up-stay up a bit-eat more-sleep lol) and then make sure she's eating around every 3 hrs (she usually would let me know anyway)
persimmon / 1431 posts
I TRY to do EASY, but she is a horrible horrible horrible napper. She wakes up like every 15 mins. By the time its time for her to eat, she's so tired that she just passes out.
I've also started introducing the bottle 1x day. Its been rough.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: uggggh I need to start pumping and introduce bottle too.....
It's consistently taking her like 2-3 hrs to fall asleep for the night, argh!
cherry / 160 posts
I just dipped my toe in the water with cloth diapers today, we'll see how it goes. I'm a little nervous, but I'm hoping it works out! So far so good, but we're only on hour 3
cherry / 160 posts
@snowjewelz: I like it a lot, much more than I thought I would actually! Only problem is I only have enough for 1.5 days, so I've been switching back and forth.
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