pear / 1965 posts
Yay! So happy to see everyone's updates!
@swurlygurl: I will send you an email. Thanks for doing that! LOVE it!
@MountainBaby: I literally laughed out loud at this! HAHAHA!!!!! PERFECT!
@mrsmacandcheese: Thats great to hear you have som answers and peace of mind. I can only imagine how surreal it must be thinking you have a set date!
@Pumpkin Pie: Yikes! I feel you on the crotch feeling like its going to fall out! Glad you are taking it easy and take care of yourself momma! So close!
@wheres_c: Seriously! Its crazy to me we are at this point. Im taking up the rear of this group and due at the end. But I can NOT believe we can say "NEXT MONTH". Yikes!
Last appointment I was up 10 lbs, but I have a feeling after Halloween and "ah hem"...... Candy....its going to be more. LOL
Im noticing swelling so much more by the end of the day when I get home from work. I feel like I got kicked in the crotch and by the end of the day it hurts sooooo bad It actually made my eyes well up last night it hurt so bad. I feel like such a bum. I get home, put my feet up and DO NOT want to move.
NEXT MONTH LADIES!!!! We are so close!
kiwi / 706 posts
@Rescuemom10: same here. I was totally crying the other day because I was in so much pain. I didn't even cry when I was in actual labor with DD and I thought that was bad.
pear / 1965 posts
@marley: I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!!! Like Oh man I am in a world of hurt if I am crying here and didn't in labor! Did I get weaker! Hormones, and frustration truly don't help either.
pear / 1965 posts
@swurlygurl: I just sent you an email. Thanks again for setting that up.
pear / 1986 posts
Ugh, just a bit of a vent... after a cough that lasted over two weeks, poor DD was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. And I have been coughing FOREVER, too! I thought it was just because I have terrible heartburn, but I am feeling really run down today, so I am going to get myself to the doctor tomorrow.
pear / 1986 posts
How are the December moms doing? Can't believe some of you are getting super close! I'm hanging out here at almost 34 weeks. OB appointment tomorrow and U/S with MFM on Friday. I bought newborn and size 1 diapers today!! And some bassinet sheets. Her nursery is pretty much done, not that she will be using it for awhile since she will sleep in our room at first. I have a few projects left to finish, but definitely getting there pretty soon. I'm generally feeling ok, although our whole family still has a cough that just does not want to quit! Hope all is well with you all!!
ETA: I think we are close to settling on a name
kiwi / 706 posts
@GreenThumb: hanging in there! I haven't slept through the night for over a month now, and it's terrible. I was just thinking to myself the other day - when am I going to have a good night sleep again? in a year? haha!
I had my OB checkup today and glad to hear that I didn't start dilating/effacing yet, because it really feels like it's happening! Hope that cough goes away soon!
pear / 1986 posts
@marley: I totally just said that to DH, that I'm pretty sure I won't sleep well for at least the next year ! I'm up between 1-3 times at night, too. Glad to hear you had a good appointment today. Feels crazy that a baby is right around the corner for all of us!
persimmon / 1431 posts
I don't have the baby's room ready. Actually, its a complete disaster in there right now. We also don't have a name. I have to get on moving my toddler out of her crib before the baby comes. There is SO MUCH I have to get done!
pear / 1986 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: You know what, it will all happen when it needs to! I hope I didn't make you feel bad I've just been staring at an empty room for the last two years waiting for a baby to fill it, so I was chomping at the bit to get it ready . We just got DD1 out of the crib this summer and it is still a work-in-progress (i.e. she is in our bed halfway through the night most nights). Not sure how that is going to go once the baby is here. I'm actually pretty nervous about how to deal with DD1 and DD2 at the same time.
Anyone doing anything in particular to prep their current LO(s) for the new baby?
pomegranate / 3438 posts
I'm still here! I've been amazed at how different/easy this pregnancy has been compared to my first. I started off at a heavier weight, but I haven't gained as much overall so I think that is helping.
I feel like we have all the basics ready: car seat, bed, clothes and diapers. There are a couple things I still need to get like a new stroller (snap n go, didn't have one with first baby) and some kind of swing.
@GreenThumb: my LO will be just a few months shy of turning 5, so I think he has a pretty good understanding that things will be changing. I just don't think he knows how much they will change yet! We just talk about about different scenarios, how mom will have to go to the hospital to have the baby and Auntie will be staying with him. And how Mom and Dad will have to do everything for the baby because babies don't know how to do anything but sleep and cry at first. We'll see how it goes!
persimmon / 1431 posts
Ugh. It is so hard for me to get started on the baby room and get everything organized. Part of the reason is that we have limited space and I've just kept everything from LO1 in the spare room, so now I have to figure out the storage situation.
I've been talking to LO1 who is 2 yrs old about her baby sister. I try to tell her as much as possible that her little sister will be here soon, and that she'll have to help us take care of her. I don't think she understands.
cherry / 160 posts
I just came back from the OB. Everything looks good, except I had high blood pressure that didn't come down while I was there. I don't have any other signs of pre-ecclampsia, no swelling, no sudden weight gain, urine test was fine. The doctor told me to buy a blood pressure cuff and monitor a few times every day, and go into L&D if it goes over a certain threshold. Anyone have tips on how to reduce blood pressure?
pear / 1965 posts
@GreenThumb: How are y ou guys doing? The cough and stuff going away for you guys?
@Pumpkin Pie: I just started. This one and our previous DD need to share a room. Trying to get a twin bed in the bedroom and the crib back to a crib from being turned Toddler just started last night. The room is a WRECK!
DD2 is 3.5 and We just talk a lot about her being a big sister. We bought a couple books on it. I have really been trying to have her to go to Dad for more things.
I can not believe how close we all are. I went in and had an ultrasound and she is measuring BIG. I was measuring over 3 weeks ahead. Ultrasound was at my 33 week mark and she measured 5lbs 11 oz. The Ultrasound tech would not tell me much. She said its hard to measure this late so technically it can be plus or minus 14oz to what they see.
Ummmmmm thats a HUGE difference. So I do not know. I have not seen the doc yet so we will see what she says.
I have only gained 13 lbs. My last kiddo was 8lbs 13.5 oz at birth. Really had hope that this one would not be as BIG. LOL
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
I just found out my c-section got moved up to November 30.
persimmon / 1431 posts
@mrsmacandcheese: That's next week!
Ugh. I finally got started on the baby's room. I got started, and thats it. I just don't want to declutter and organize everything.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@mrsmacandcheese: So soon! Hope you are ready!
My DD arrived one week early, so that would be around Nov 30/Dec 1 for me too if it happened again. I'm getting to the point where I'm pretty ready, mentally. Just trying to get better and rest up a bit since I (and DH and DD) have been sick for a few days now.
pear / 1965 posts
Goodness ladies I cant believe we are going to be seeing some babies here soon! Eeeek!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@Rescuemom10: @Pumpkin Pie: @catlady: I know!! We are not ready at all. I spent all day scrambling -- we have to go out of town for it too so there's so much logistical stuff and I haven't even wrapped my head around the ACTUAL BABY part.
pear / 1965 posts
Thought of you first thing this morning! Know updating us here is not the first thing to do, but will be anxiously awaiting to hear how it all went. So happy for you momma!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
Baby A is here! Super smooth surgery, 8 lbs 3 oz and his factor levels are perfect.
pear / 1986 posts
@mrsmacandcheese: Congratulations!! He is super cute!! So glad everything went well!!
cherry / 160 posts
I just came back from my 37 week appointment. They did an ultrasound (last one was 24 weeks, so it's been a while). She was measuring 6lbs14oz, so she'll be a big baby by the time she hits 40 weeks! And her head is already full term circumference...I'm not looking forward to her big head But fluid looked good, and everything was healthy. My cervix was "thinning, and very soft", so hopeful on that front!
pear / 1965 posts
@mrsmacandcheese: He is perfect! CONGRATS!
@MountainBaby: Thats exciting! Maybe a little early then?: One can hope right?
My last DD was big, and this one is measuring big as well. So I feel ya with the hopefully a little early part. Haha
pear / 1986 posts
Thought I would move the list forward
November 30: A, MrsMacandCheese
December 2016 Mamas
Dec 5: TJLove54
Dec 6: Ms.Pug
Dec 8: Digapony , catlady , stiletto_mom
Dec 10: Jpickle1
Dec 11: Kaykay
Dec 12: Wheres_C
Dec 15: Swurlygurl , MK0180
Dec 17: Sunshine710, Pumpkin Pie
Dec 22 (Scheduled C) : Marley
Dec 24: Mountainbaby
Dec 28: Greenthumb
Dec 29: Winterbee , KT326
Dec 30: Rescuemom10
Dec 31: Keepcalmcarrie
Jan 2: Wishingforviolet (TWINS)
Jan 4: Renee0106
Feel free to mention any changes or anyone that might need to be added.
pear / 1986 posts
I'm 37 weeks today! I have started NSTs with each of my weekly OB appointments, which adds a lot of time, but I guess that is their policy since I am over 35. DD1 came at 38 weeks (induced) due to high BP, but I haven't had any issues so far, so I think we are going to make it beyond next week at this point. Time is going fast now!
How is everyone else doing?
persimmon / 1183 posts
Sorry I haven't come to HB in a while! I'll come back and post my birth story but for now, I just wanted to pop in and say our baby is here!!
Baby boy born Nov 25 (38 weeks gestation on the dot). 33+ hour labor, with labor dytocia due to abnomal fetal heartrate (cord wrapped around neck so required vaccuum extraction.)
Today, he's 12 days old and doing great. Breastfeeds like a champ, great temperment. He was born at 6lbs 3oz, and now weighs 7lbs 1 oz!!
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