grapefruit / 4988 posts
@Rescuemom10: @wheres_c: Congrats on passing the 3 hr test!
@marley: I feel the same way about the bowling ball! I have a support belt and the velcro is already losing its stick. I am going to need to buy a new one, which stinks.
I just hashed out my maternity leave at work (same as with LO1, so no surprises there). Otherwise, I feel like I haven't done anything to get ready, except buy some diapers and a couple outfits. I feel like since this baby is not our first, we are being super nonchalant about everything. I just hope he has some place to sleep when he gets here! Still working on DH to see if we can get a Halo bassinet, instead of using the Pack and Play like he wants.
pear / 1961 posts
I am 0% ready for Baby 3! Well, I suppose I am ready in that I already own the carseat, bassinet, crib & glider, and a handful of gender neutral hand-me-downs from my older girls. But I do want to actually get LO3 some new sheets and maybe even half-heartedly re-decorate the nursery for him. And he should probably have more than 3 outfits! I'm giving myself til Nov 1 to procrastinate, then it's on.
Other than that, I'm fine! My weight gain has basically stalled (as it did with my other 2 LOs) since baby is taking up all the room my stomach would love to occupy. And he is constantly wriggling around and poking his butt up in my ribs. But other than that, no real complaints! Sleeping is about as good as can be expected (and MUCH better than it was with DD2 at this point), still staying active and doing yoga, no major BH or anything.
persimmon / 1431 posts
I'm miserable this pregnancy. It just hurts all over and Ive been getting major migraines. Im looking up the leave policy, and I wish the US had a more comprehensive/protective family care leave policy. The policies here are so minimal and protects the employers more than the employees.
kiwi / 706 posts
@KayKay: I wish my baby was just poking his butt up in my ribs. He's instead, doing bouncing headstands on my bladder.
@Pumpkin Pie: hang in there! we're almost done! (or that's what I keep telling myself when it feels like I'm being stabbed in my pelvis or lower back).
cherry / 101 posts
@marley: I tried not drinking an hour before bed too! No luck, I still end up waddling to the bathroom in the dark hoping I will be able to fall back asleep quickly!
@marley: @catlady": I feel you on the bowling ball. I have so much pressure down there I'm near tears some days. I try laying down if different positions, but sometimes nothing helps. It feels like she's just going to fall out!
@catlady: Those Halo bassinets look awesome... too bad we have another one from DS so Hubs said no way to me. whomp, whomp.
@pumpkinpie: so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well this pregnancy. Good news is we are getting to the end of this journey... you can do it!!!
@kaykay: so jealous of your weight gain stalling... wanna pass that good luck over here?
We have our last ultrasound today. Fingers crossed all is looking good with baby girl!
cherry / 160 posts
Tomorrow is my last day of work! I've finished up pretty much everything, just waiting for some comments back on a report I wrote. So I'm pretty much just killing time on the computer here for 2 days
On one hand, I'm excited to have all my time for relaxing and nesting! on the other hand, I foresee myself being very bored 2 weeks from now...time will tell
cherry / 160 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: It's a little complicated. It's not maternity leave, but the way things worked out with my job, and moving across country and everything, this was the last date they could employ me through. So I'll be unemployed, not on maternity leave, and then find something new come spring. Not ideal, but it was worth it for DH's new job.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@KayKay: Oh man, I wish my weight gain would stall. It got slower over the past month and then I think I gained like 3 pounds over the weekend to make up for it. Already bigger than I was when I delivered LO, so I'm feeling it.
@Pumpkin Pie: Sorry you are feeling so bad. I am almost ready for it to be over too. Hang in there!
@tjlove54: Hope your ultrasound went well!
@MountainBaby: Wow, good luck starting your leave!
I've been having tons of Braxton Hicks and pelvic pressure lately. OB says it's normal since it's my 2nd pregnancy and I'm not at risk of early labor. Doesn't make it easier to deal with though. And is anyone else suddenly exhausted all the time? I could take a nap right now at my desk.
pear / 1961 posts
@catlady: ugh - i was just realizing today that lately i have been way more tired. not quite first-trimester-tired, but still. definitely more interested in napping than any sort of baby prep or active things lately! i was thinking i must just be sleeping poorly, but i really don't think that's it (or if i am, i'm not aware of it!).
pomegranate / 3438 posts
I'm still around! I've been keeping up with the thread but just haven't had much to post! I've been seeing a chiropractor once a week and that has helped tremendously with how I feel. The third trimester seems to be flying by.
I have five more weeks of work! My last day is December 1st when I will be 36 weeks.
@catlady: I've been having tons of Braxton hicks with this pregnancy too. And so much more movement. This little guy is so active.
pomelo / 5789 posts
So sick and tiredness of hubs traveling for work. He's been gone for 2 weeks each month for the past 3 months, while I've been here pregnant, working full time with a 3 year old.
Found out that I have to have vitamin B12 shots weekly starting next week.
pear / 1965 posts
Braxton hicks YES! I swear this past week especially I have had more this past week then my entire pregnancy last time.
pear / 1965 posts
@Wishingforviolet: You still around dear? Haven't heard from you in so long! Hope all is well.
persimmon / 1431 posts
I started my leave because of preterm labor. I'm hoping everything turns out ok.
honeydew / 7091 posts
Hey everyone!! It's been so long since I've been on this site
I'm going back through and trying to catch up to see how everyone's doing (definitely have a lot to catch up on!) - I hope everyone's doing well!
Any chance there's any interest in a FB group? We can start putting pictures on there without worrying about privacy, and talk about all the fun horrible post partum stuff in a couple weeks (!!!!)... haha
I much prefer the FB groups - so much easier to navigate on your phone! My FB group for my second child was pretty invaluable. Let me know - I'd love to set one up!
cherry / 197 posts
@swurlygurl: I'd be up for a Facebook group! I can't get on hello bee at work anymore so I have a hard time keeping up.
honeydew / 7091 posts
@renee0106: That's my same problem too! Plus nothing I do will make my phone's browser remember my log-in info to this site, which gets really old
Yayyy - I'll get a page set up then - anyone who wants in, email me your FB name and I'll friend you and add you (you can un-friend me after you join the group, if you want )
My email address is my username here
cherry / 197 posts
@swurlygurl: awesome! Thanks for setting it up! Just sent you an email.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: Hope you are doing ok. Stay in there baby!
@swurlygurl: I'd be interested in the FB group. Will send you an email now.
cherry / 101 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: How are you and baby doing?
@swurlygurl: I have the same problem with the login on my phone. so annoying! I will send an email. Thanks for setting up a FB group!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: how are you doing?
Ok ladies, I've gained 25 lbs so far but I think all of it is going to my stomach and my thighs! My thighs have never been so huge! DH put his hand on my knee and thought my knee was swollen! At least the cooler weather is finally here (I'm in CA) so I can lounge around in pants.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@KT326: I'm with you with the swelling. Just checked my weight this morning and apparently I gained almost 5 pounds over the last 2 weeks so...up 30 pounds already. Guess I should stop raiding DD's Halloween candy stash.
cherry / 160 posts
@swurlygurl: I'll join the FB group, I sent you an email. Thanks!
I flew back from visiting family this weekend and found out the shape of the trays in the planes are the perfect size!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
Soooo I'm allowed to stay in town! But it's with a scheduled C. I'm okay with it -- it really does seem like the least risky/most safe option for baby. But now I'm kind of boggled like, holy eff I am having a baby December 9!!
persimmon / 1431 posts
I'm doing ok. I've been in bed or on the couch, and not doing much. But I keep getting contractions, and my crouch feels like its going to fall out!
pomelo / 5789 posts
Had my 34 week appt today. Dr said baby could come whenever and it would be ok to continue labor. Cray!
So down to the last few weeks! 4 more weeks of work!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@mrsmacandcheese: That's great! I'm glad it worked out for you.
@Pumpkin Pie: Hang in there. Lol, I also feel like my crotch is about to fall out sometimes. I've been told it's "normal". Gotta love that.
@wheres_c: My doctor said something similar last time. I can't believe we have reached this point!
No real news here, although we are finally getting our act together on getting the baby's stuff together. Hope to be mostly done in a week or two.
kiwi / 706 posts
@swurlygurl: great idea! HB stopped emailing me about new posts so it's hard to keep up here.
@KT326: the swelling is so bad! I don't recognize my legs after 3pm. They're squishy.
I haven't been sleeping through the night for weeks now. It is terrible.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@catlady: @marley: Here's the thing, I'm not even swollen! I've just gained a ton of weight in my thighs and calves! My feet and ankles are still fine and I'm still wearing my wedding ring! I had to take it off around 28 weeks last pregnancy.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@marley: sleep has been terrible for me too. My son has been getting up 2-3 times a night, the cats keep waking me up and my husband was sick so the snoring was keeping me awake. I've just given up. It's prepping for a newborn, right? (that is what I keep telling myself...)
kiwi / 706 posts
@KT326: my cats too!!! One keeps wanting to snuggle my belly, like I'm not uncomfortable enough. The other just wants food. I have to get up for the bathroom at least once a night, and then I can't get back to sleep until the sun is almost up. Then I'm late for work. Aren't we supposed to be getting a lot of sleep now because we won't be sleeping later?
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@marley: hah, we must have the same cats! I have one that wants to snuggle and one that wants to eat. And I wish I was getting a lot of sleep! I know everyone says to sleep now but I remember being able to sleep so much better once DS was out of my belly, even if it was only in one hour increments.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@marley: @KT326: We kicked our cats out of our bedroom during my last pregnancy and have never let them back in! (It's been over 3 years hehe). They love me the most even normally and when I'm pregnant, it's like they become obsessed. DH laughs at me because when we sit on the couch to watch TV these days, I always end up with all three of them draped on me. There is no way I could sleep with them on me!
Ive been alternating between good and bad sleep nights, with enough good ones that I still feel ok. Thinking back to the hellish newborn days from last time makes me feel grateful for even the bad nights. Not looking forward to that again!
kiwi / 706 posts
@catlady: we tried kicking them out, but the snuggly one just screams and screams until I open the door for him. I can't ignore because he'll just wake up my daughter. I also have a dog sleeping on my head. It's a full house for sure!
pear / 1787 posts
Hey ladies--great to read everyone's updates. I'm also super uncomfortable and feel like my crotch is going to fall out. I'm 35 weeks today so next week will start having weekly appointments. We're making good progress with the nursery/guest room and have all the big pieces in place, just need to put away all the STUFF and then decorate. I'm struggling most with my son right now (he'll be 3 in a week). I just have no patience with him at all and find myself yelling a lot, feeling like a terrible mother. Ugh.
@mrsmacandcheese: Woohoo! I was wondering what happened with your situation--how exciting to have a date! I'm glad you're happy with the decision and that you don't have to be taken somewhere far away.
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