pear / 1965 posts
@GreenThumb: I'm with ya! I failed my one hour as well and am doing the 3 hour tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.
@DigAPony: Where did you use to live? I'm actually on Whidbey Island but we frequent Burlington as its the nearest shopping for basically ANYTHING.
pear / 1986 posts
@DigAPony: Thanks! I looked back at the 1-hour I failed with DD1 and it was a lot higher, so I'm hopeful I'll pass the next one.
@Rescuemom10: Oh no! Fingers crossed for your 3-hour!
cherry / 101 posts
@GreenThumb: @rescuemom10: Good luck with the three hour. I also failed my 1 hour this time and my counts were higher than with DS and I still passed the 3 hour. Fingers crossed for you!!!
I'm down to the two week appointments as well. It really felt real when my app said "9 weeks to go"! I'm starting to feel the nesting surge. I made baby girl a blanket, burp cloths and a headband over the weekend.
pear / 1787 posts
@Rescuemom10: Whidbey Island, nice! We used to live in Bellingham. My brother-in-law's girlfriend was at the mall the morning of the shooting but thankfully left before it happened. Have you gone to the mall since?
pear / 1965 posts
@GreenThumb: Hopefully we both just get passed it no issues! Fingers crossed!
@tjlove54: Man I wish nesting would kick in for me. Thats awesome. You should post pics of what you made!!!!!
I am glad I am seeing the doc tomorrow. I have been sick for 3 weeks. I am so congested I am coughing to the point of throwing up and am sleeping so horrible because I cant breathe. Last time I saw the Doc it had only been a week so I didn't say much and was no concerned. But now I am just over it and hope there is something I can take or they can do.
@DigAPony: Oh I really like Bellingham. I go up there fairly often too. I drove by the mall a few days after when they had the ceremony there. It was pretty powerful to see. The people just flooded the streets around there, and the parking lot was packed. So many flowers and balloons. It was both beautiful and heartbreaking to see the community come together like that.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@GreenThumb: @Rescuemom10: Good luck with your 3-hr tests!
@Rescuemom10: That stinks. I hope the doc can help and that you feel better soon.
My hospital must have changed things since my last pregnancy because I am doing 3 weeks appts now and not 2 week ones. Hopefully that's not a mistake!
Our big news today was that our daycare just told us they could guarantee a spot for the new baby in March if we paid them a deposit now. That's huge since we didn't actually get off any wait lists for DD until after she was already born. I'm happy to have this taken care of early. Too bad I just looked at the bill though! Childcare for 2 kids is no joke.
cherry / 101 posts
@rescuemom10: I have very basic sewing machine skills so these are nowhere near perfect, but they are made with love. I hope you feel better really soon. Hopefully the doctor can give you something because three weeks feeling sick on top of the pregnancy is not fun!
@catlady: That is awesome news, congrats! We were able to confirm a spot before baby gets here this time too which is such a weight off my shoulders. Last time it stressed me out so much. I'm trying really hard not to think about daycare costs for 2.
pomelo / 5789 posts
Just got the call that I failed my 1-hr by 20 points. On to the 3 hour Fri or Monday. Ugh I hate hate the damn test.
pear / 1986 posts
@wheres_c: You, me and @Rescuemom10: That silly 1 hour test!! Sorry you are joining the 3-hour club ! Wishing us all good luck for passing that one.
@tjlove54: Beautiful work!! Love everything!!!! Good to hear that you passed the 3-hour - I'm feeling hopeful!
@catlady: I wish I was doing 3 week appts for a few more. Every 2 weeks just feels like too much. Awesome news about the daycare spot!!
cherry / 101 posts
Just checking in to see how those of you having to take the 3-hour glucose test did. Fingers crossed for you!
@rescuemom10: Hope you are feeling better!
pear / 1965 posts
@tjlove54: I love the fabric you picked out. They all look GREAT!!!!
Well, I knocked the 3 hour out yesterday. YUK! That is NOT fun. Fasting, and then drinking such a sugary drink just had me feeling terrible all day. Plus incredibly boring waiting around the lab for over 3 hrs. I should have the results back either today or Monday.
My doc actually gave me antibiotics for this. At first she was going to try something else, but then decided 3 weeks and me sounding as bad as I do, and my level of congestion that is not letting up warranted Antibiotics.
I am going on a road trip the next week and a half so I may be quiet. Hope everyone continues to do well and hope to hear positive results from all our glucose tests.
pear / 1986 posts
@Rescuemom10: Hoping all went well with your 3-hour results!! And hope you are feeling better soon!!
I have to remember to fast starting on Sunday for my 3-hour on Monday. @wheres_c: When did you end up scheduling your 3-hour for?
I finished painting the baby's room today! Well, there is still a little trim work, but I'm calling it done! And we updated all the outlets and switches to white and added a dimmer to the main switch. Basically we have everything ready and set up other than my small DIYs (valences, mobile, art). That makes me feel good.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
I so badly want to get nesting! We have home renovations piling up on top of one another -- my husband needs to finish our new master so I can move M so I can redecorate the nursery, and I am going CRAZY waiting.
pear / 1986 posts
Finished with my 3-hour glucose this morning and it wasn't as bad as with DD1. I felt fine most of the time. Now just to wait for the results while I down a Snickers! Could be the last one for awhile, so while ignorance is still bliss...
@mrsmacandcheese: I can only imagine how you feel! I have a friend due in March who is currently living with her parents while her house is undergoing a FULL reno... I think I am sympathy nesting for her in addition to nesting for myself!!
pomelo / 5789 posts
@GreenThumb: hope it went well! I'm ignoring mine this week. Too much going on to take 3 hours out of my day. Gonna do it Monday I think.
pear / 1986 posts
@wheres_c: I know, it is tough to find the time! DH is out of the country next week, so I had to get it in while he could take time off this week and watch DD1.
kiwi / 706 posts
I thought the baby was coming out this past weekend! I had the worst contractions, and they were about 3 minutes apart. They came on fast and strong, when I was doing chores (and probably overworking myself). I was in so much pain I could not move or breathe for 15 minutes.
I took a bath and felt better after an hour, but boy was I scared!
pear / 1986 posts
@marley: Oh no! No December babies in October!! Glad the contractions are under control and you are feeling better. Take it easy .
I found out today that I passed the 3-hour, so I am relieved. And I have to share a cute baby bear hat I made for DD2 while I was waiting at the lab yesterday. Not a bad way to spend my time.
kiwi / 706 posts
@GreenThumb: wow! you made that in 3 hours? It looks amazing, and it looks great with that super cute pink onesie!
pear / 1986 posts
@marley: Thanks! I finished the top and ears at home, but got most of it done while I waited.
pomelo / 5789 posts
Really struggling tonight with Anxiety and breathing. I feel like my lungs have no room and I can't catch a real breath.
pear / 1961 posts
@wheres_c: ugh! hope you got settled and managed to get some good sleep.
@marley: don't overdo it! i've found my worst BH are definitely brought on by dehydration but if i drink enough, i pee SO much.
pear / 1986 posts
@wheres_c: I'm really sorry you were having a rough night and really hope today is better.
I'm having a hard time keeping up with my DD1, house chores, and FREAKING out that our bathroom remodel is still not done (we are over 2 months in and the contractor SUCKS!). I feel like I need a two week sleep vacation and am terrified about how I am going to manage once DD2 is here.
pear / 1986 posts
Haha, apparently the belly has become large enough to be a suitable airplane hangar!
pomelo / 5789 posts
Had my 30 week appointment today. Waited for an hour and a half as my doctor was busy with a c-section.
He did a quick ultrasound to check baby's position. LO is no longer breech! Seems to be head down and engaged.
I mentioned having a lot of pressure and he offered to do a cervical check but ultimately decided to postpone it to next appt.
They gave me a tiny bit of grief for not doing my 3-hr GD test yet but I told them I would do it Tuesday.
I have now officially graduated to every 2 week appointments. I always wait forever at his office so kinda dreading it! I guess at most 7 more appointments left!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@stiletto_mom: Gorgeous! I can't believe you are in heels! I can barely fit into my sneakers these days. Lol.
pomelo / 5789 posts
Finally did my 3 hour glucose test today! Please keep your fingers crossed for me!
cherry / 101 posts
Hi Ladies! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I've been sick for almost 2 weeks now with a sinus/chest congestion cold that has pretty much kicked my behind. Fortunately DH was great in taking DS to daycare so I can rest (DS is at daycare where I work so that's typically on me). I called the doctor again today because I'm so miserable. At 33 weeks there is so much on my to do list but I just don't have the energy to do anything. I really need to get DS's Halloween costume done which is stressing me out!
@marley: I hope you are feeling better and you haven't had any more contraction scares! I've had a few braxton hicks contractions this pregnancy which always catch me off guard since I didn't have any with DS.
@GreenThumb: The bear hat is so adorable! I wish I had those skills! I hope the bathroom remodel is coming along. We are in the midst of one too, but we have another full functioning bathroom so I'm not stressing over this one, although I really want it finished!
@wheres_c: Fingers crossed for you! Yay that it is over!!!!
@stilleto_mom: Lovely! Hope you had a great time at your shower!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
Soooo I am hugely stressing. Found out about a month ago that my doctor was considering risking me out of local care thanks to the hemophilia issues. She wanted to base her decision on the genetics report that was still outstanding -- it came in a few weeks ago and indicated no forceps/vacuum, test baby's factor levels at birth, no circumcision, consider having factor on hand at birth. I was hoping she'd have an answer at my appointment yesterday but she seemed really apprehensive about keeping me local.
We went over my own comfort levels with staying here (I told her I very much want to stay, but will go if I'm told to go), family history/personal history with bleeding (none), my last labour and delivery, etc. They don't have factor on hand here and while she said they can medevac babies quickly, she doesn't want to have to do that. Which I totally get, but now I'm hanging. She's going to speak with another doctor about what he thinks and hopefully I'll get an answer at my next appointment Nov 2.
If it were a matter of going to a hospital an hour away I'd feel better but we're talking 5 hour drive, hour-long air transfer. And I don't know when I'd have to go, and I'd probably end up being there by myself because there's no realistic way to work out the logistics behind bringing husband and toddler unless we bring someone else, too, to watch the kiddo.
Better yet, my platelet count came back low which means I'm potentially at increased risk for bleeding, so I have to get that checked again and it's another thing on my doctor's 'this is risky' list. I've felt like I can't breathe for the past two days.
cherry / 160 posts
@mrsmacandcheese: That is so stressful! I hope it all gets resolved in a way both you and the Dr feel confident. I am so grateful to be living 10 min from the local hospital, and 1 hour from the nearest "high risk" center. That's what scares me the most about potential rural living!
I had a not so fine moment today - I broke down crying at the DMV trying to get my drivers license for my new state. I spent a while combing through the document checklists and requirements and getting all the papers together last night, and then when I show up, it turns out there is one more thing required not listed on their forms. They were about to turn me away. Ahh! Turns out the people processing the forms either don't actually need it or turned a blind eye to it, but now I have red puffy eyes in my picture for the next 7 years
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@mrsmacandcheese: Wow, that sounds so incredibly stressful. I have nothing helpful to add but I hope you and your doctor can find some sort of resolution that works for both of you. I can't imagine having to deal with that. Did you go through this with your toddler's birth too?
@MountainBaby: Glad it worked out for you (despite puffy eyes)!
Not much has been happening over here, just feeling huge and heavy. I looked at some photos of me from the day I gave birth to my DD and I pretty much look the same today at 33 weeks as I did back then at 39 weeks (I also know that I weigh the exact same amount too, ugh). I've been getting tons of Braxton-Hicks lately too. Will talk to my OB tomorrow but I assume it's all normal. Anyone else feel like their body is starting to get ready?
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@catlady: I didn't, because they knew she was a girl -- the only risk would be that she'd be a carrier for hemophilia genetics, with no risk of actual hemophilia for her. But the doctor who I saw through my pregnancy with her told me I'd be able to deliver locally before we knew her sex, and he's the one my new doctor is consulting so I'm hoping they let me stay!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@mrsmacandcheese: Ah, that makes sense. Good luck then, I hope it works out!
cherry / 101 posts
@mrsmacandcheese: I hope it all works out for you! I have no experience with your situation, but it seems like a good thing that your new doctor is consulting your old one.
@catlady: I'm feeling heavy as well and had some braxton hicks contractions too which is new for me this pregnancy. I swear it feels like she's going to fall out sometimes. So much pressure! I keep thinking how am I going to be able to keep walking for another 6 weeks!
pear / 1965 posts
Hey lovely ladies!
Its been a bit since I posted. Call me crazy but I just got back from a road trip. Yup, 4,991 miles (9 states) in 1.5 weeks. It was amazing and so much fun, but I feel I am paying for it now.
We drove from Western WA to Yellowstone to see the park, then on to SD to see Crazy horse, Rushmore, and Wall drug. Then on to MN to see my parents and drop the toddler off so we could head to Chicago for a wedding. Then back up to MN where I grabbed some stuff of mine and the kiddo and head back to WA. It was crazy but tons of fun and we went with our best friends who were in their car so it was great.
But let me tell you, compression socks. My new best friend! LOL With that much driving I lost sight of my ankles. SO GROSS. Compression socks later saved me there.
While away I got results back, 3 hr glucose test was good! YAY!
The Antibiotics helped some but I am now over a month with chest congestion, its better but not gone.
I think that about sums it all up.
Anyone have going home outfits yet? I have no clue, I have nothing out and ready for this kiddo. I really should get on it.
@GreenThumb: I bet it feels soooo good to have that stuff done. I haven't done ANYTHING.
@wheres_c: My office is slow too. I too at least am looking at it as at least there are not too many appointments left. LOL Still waiting on results from your 3 hr?
@stiletto_mom: You look stunning! Hope you had a wonderful time. Love those heels!
@catlady: I'm feeling much, MUCH larger this one too. I look down and wonder how I am going to grow MORE in the next however many weeks. Ugh is right!
@mrsmacandcheese: Wow! Fingers crossed for you momma. Hope it all works out for you! I cant imagine that far of a drive. I'm doing almost an hour to my hospital and that has me a little nervous so I seriously can not imagine. Def keep us updated.
pomelo / 5789 posts
Passed my 3 hour test!
Thankfully! Because my b12 is low and iron is low and I'm anemic
pear / 1965 posts
@wheres_c: YAY on passing the 3 hr, but Boooo on being anemic!
I feel we haven't heard from some of our mommies in awhile.
Is everyone OK?
kiwi / 706 posts
@Rescuemom10: Hanging in there! I feel like I haven't slept in a very long time. It's so hard to get comfortable, and I don't know why I have to pee 3 times a night. I even tried not drinking an hour before bed!
I feel like I'm carrying a huge bowling ball. I literally hold it up while I'm walking.
I haven't done much in terms of preparing, but I did pack my hospital bag, so I feel a little better?
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