persimmon / 1431 posts
How's everyone doing?
I've built a little stash of freezer breastmilk. DD2's longest night stretch has been about 5 hours. She wakes up nearly the same time every day. I have a funny feeling she doesnt actually need to eat because she'll only nurse for a few mins and then just fall asleep and sleep for another 3-4 hours.
pear / 1961 posts
we're good! on a ski vacation and staying in a condo with our family + grandparents, so schedules are all over the place between the time change and other adults helping take care of him more. and he's getting held a lot more than usual (both awake and for naps). but overall he has done awesome with the flights and the condo's crib (that we stuck in the bathroom! ha), still only waking for one MOTN or early morning feed.
we're getting a ton of smiles and almost-laughs, more cooing, and starting to grab at things (mostly my hair or tank while nursing). it's like he's a real person
he seems to do better with fresh milk in a bottle and tends to refuse refrigerated or frozen sometimes. which is a little annoying since i have a decent stash at home, but maybe he'll come around!
@pumpkin pie: my DD1 totally woke up at 1a and 4a like clockwork until about 9m. and for a solid month, DD2 would wake up for the day at 6:17a. it was uncanny! but i think it's just what they get used to, even if they don't NEED it.
persimmon / 1431 posts
@KayKay: I can't believe you are on vacation with an infant. I barely manage to get out of the house.
We're getting a lot of smiles also, so that always makes my day.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: I am able to get about one 4oz bottle worth daily so I'm really happy about that! With my first I didn't really build a stash. And great sleep!
@KayKay: Wow, he is doing great in a totally different place with different schedules and people! I still can't believe you went away already! Some days I don't even want to get ONE out of the house lol!
K is on and off with sleep.. I'm usually in the Jan '17 group since that was her due date. I was lamenting how it was taking me 2 hrs to get her to sleep at night. But last night she had a late nap and then went down within an hour and slept from 9pm-4am! She might have been more tired with her 2 month shots though. So sometimes I get a great stretch and she only wakes up once, some nights she's still up every 3-ish hrs...
She is also still very gassy and has trouble staying in a deep sleep early mornings but my dr said reflux is not likely. So I'm just keeping the gas drops close by at night.
pear / 1961 posts
@pumpkin pie: @snowjewelz: well, i DO have DH around (he's usually working) plus his parents are here too. so my incentive for the travel & making it here was LOTS more grown-ups to help me out for a week plus getting some alone time to ski, go out for dinner with DH, etc. totally worth it!
@snowjewelz: i have to remind myself that the babies are actual people and not just robots i mean, i have bad nights of sleep, too, sometimes! 3h stretches aren't too bad. the only thing i can't handle is when they are just awake in the middle of the night. but that's when i wake DH up to help
persimmon / 1183 posts
Update post!
I've been away frpm HB for a while, but boy did I miss everyone. Anyway, babe is 3 months old now (he was born early Nov 25, due Dec 8).
How baby's doing:
- The Good - hitting his milestones. Started to giggle, babble and even rolls over tummy to back!
- The Bad - He's got bad baby eczema and cradle cap. Our pediatrician said to just keep him shiny and don't go spending too much on products. So what we found that works was daily "splash baths" with no soa and a few drops of baby oil, followed by lotion or vaseline. For his rough patches, we used 1% hydrocortisone cream.
How's Mom doing:
- The Good - I'm good. Need a dang bath and some wine, but I'm good. XD
- The Bad - I have Mommy Wrist (aka DeQuarvains Tendinitis) in both hands and I keep reinjuring it when I pick up baby. I have a thumb splint but it really gets in the way, so I tried to avoid it.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@stiletto_mom: That diaper is too cute! I can't wait till they start giggling! With DD1 I didn't cry at her birth but cried when my mom sent over a video of her giggling for the first time! And I like your ped's advice to not go crazy with the products! DD2's skin is on the irritable side too.
persimmon / 1431 posts
Ugh. I thought I was finally getting those longer stretches at night, but the last 2 nights she was up every 2-3 hours. I'm exhausted.
How are you guys doing?
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: Aww! Prob more leaps/growth spurts They are just in and out of those!
Our nights are fairly consistent; down within an hour and then two wake up's. Day time is tough tho; she rarely falls into a deep sleep. As I'm typing I'm bouncing up and down with her in my wrap and she is not asleep.
I go back to work on the 15th.. Totally freaking out!
pear / 1961 posts
@snowjewelz: I can't believe you go back already! i mean, i know they are all getting to that 12w/3m mark, but still! goes so fast.
@pumpkin pie: sleep changes so much all the time. i actually just found my notebook that i kept up with for DD1. i would've said she never slept through the night until 9m (mostly 2 wake-ups until then), but i definitely had notes around 3ish months that she had STTN a couple times. funny what you remember/don't!
R is hanging out he's still a happy spitter, which is super annoying but could be worse! started going to bed earlier (7-730ish) right when we got back from vacation, but of course the time changes next weekend so we'll see what sticks. usually just waking up once/night still, with a twice/night mixed in here or there. naps are in that weird phase of somedays i think we have a schedule/moving to 3 naps and then the next he'll just be all over the place. today was good (hour+ naps at 830, 11, and 130 ish), but yesterday was a ton of tiny catnaps all morning/early afternoon. so who knows!
pear / 1961 posts
@stiletto_mom: i'm convinced that they just need to grow out of some of the skin stuff! R has icky skin too, but it's also super-sensitive so i feel like when i put something on it, it maybe helps one thing but makes something else worse! we basically just aren't bathing, as that (even just water) seems to dry him out.
persimmon / 1431 posts
@snowjewelz: I don't go back to work for another couple months but still worred about how I'll manage. 2 kids has been really tough for us.
LO2 was up almost every hour last night. It's getting worse! Her longest stretch was 2 hours. Ugh.
@KayKay: my husband and I remember things worth LO1 differently. We took notes, but the way we read the notes are also dif fervent sincentives the notes aren't complete or thorough. He remembers LO1 Yalung good naps and having good night sleep before 3 months, and I remember having to hold her for all naps until like 4 months and getting up in MOTN until a long time.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: I'm sorry!! Yeah, I am not looking fwd to going back to work... twice as much to do at night and I hate rushing in the morning!
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