Hellobee Boards


December due dates?

  1. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @travelingbrit: They just got it at my dr's office. Does your dr know that the CDC recommendation changed? It literally just changed to "recommending while pregnant" in the very end of October...My dr wasnt even aware until I told her it was on the CDC website and she looked it up. But I'm pretty sure both Walgreens & CVS clinics have the Tdap...That's where my dr was going to send me if they didn't have it, but they ended up having just received it.

  2. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @travelingbrit: I had mine done along with the flu at my ob, but my husband got his from the local CVS minute clinic and one of the grandparents-to-be got theirs at Walgreens.

  3. littlehunny

    cherry / 231 posts

    So.....it looks like I'm not a December mama after all. Liam and Ethan were born by emergency c-section on November 7th. I ended up having HELLP and they needed to get the babies out as my body wasn't happy with them in there!

    Everyone is doing well- I got home from the hospital a couple days ago and the babies are still in the NICU, but they seem to be doing ok!

    I will post my birth story a little later, but for now here are a couple pictures....

  4. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @littlehunny: wow! Congrats!!!!!! They're adorable! Love their names too! Glad everyone's doing well and little guys look so alert!

  5. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    @littlehunny: congratulations on your cute perfect little babies!!!!! So happy for you and hoping you are getting settled in well and recovering nicely.

  6. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    @littlehunny: congrats mama! They are adorable!

  7. rawrasaur

    pear / 1769 posts

    @littlehunny: Congrats! They are precious and look like they are doing so well!

  8. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @littlehunny: Oh my goodness, congratulations! They are simply beautiful! So glad to hear everyone's doing well and can't wait to hear more!

  9. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @littlehunny: Oh my gosh they are so beautiful! Congrats, Mama!!! Times TWO!

  10. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @littlehunny: congrats!! they are so cute! I'm glad they are doing well!

  11. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    I am starting Evening Primrose Oil today after reading about some success with it on here.... My dr said that sex, ie sperm, is the only thing that's been medically proven to help get things moving. I'm going to do both because even though I'm scheduled for an induction on Dec 2nd, I'd LOVE to go before that and avoid the induction, or at the very least- have my body as ready as I can so that hopefully the pitocin and my body can work together!

    I made a joke on the Bump Love thread that DH and I are going to have to start having more sex (as difficult and awkward as it is, and we end up busting out laughing a lot when my belly gets in the way!), so it's going to be Penis vs. Pitocin, And after I added EPO to the mix, it's Penis and Primrose vs. Pitocin:)

    I just wanted to share that my mom, after this past week's Super Drama with the vaccine issue, has called me a couple of times after several days had passed. And we have not mentioned it, but I know she knows how upset I was. My brother had called me after the whole debacle went down, and I ended up crying my face off to him and I'm sure he relayed that. Anyway, still no word from my sister, and still not ready to call her myself, but I got a package today of clothes and things for Harper from my mom. She had a card inside that basically was a super sweet apology, and she said she wished that she could take back everything and could have just been more open to the whole thing, and she knows that my request came from a place of me loving my daughter so much, and she knows what it's like to love your daughter more than anything:) Obviously, I sat on the floor going through the box and just cried my face off.

    I am about to call her, as soon as I pull myself together, but I have DEFINITELY been a lot more emotional this week, and I'm driving my own self nuts.

    Also, our chihuahua peed on Harper's new pink Pottery Barn Kids rug in her nursery. I have steam-cleaned it and made 2 trips to the store to get stain removers, but I can still see it. I pretty much cried the whole time I was trying to clean it up.

    I have had anxiety about how things are going to go with our little dog who thinks he runs our house once the baby gets here. I've fretted over it and read some stuff about how to make that work. Well, his little pee spot on Harper's rug sealed the deal for how this is going to work. He is banished to downstairs. No more sleeping with us (he is annoying bc he'll bark if he hears stuff and I worried about him waking the baby), no more having the house to himself when we're gone. He will live downstairs, where we have wood laminate and tile, and he will not be going to the carpeted, Pottery Barn Kids rug-decorated upstairs. So even though I'm so upset about the stain, it solved a bigger problem because I do NOT even feel bad about the life he is about to start living- or has actually started living because I shut him in the laundry room when I left both times today!

  12. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @PrincessBaby: omg this post had me feeling so many emotions! I got teary reading about your mom and the package she sent you! Sorry you had to deal with all the drama and glad it's over with!

    As for your dog.. Man I feel so bad for him. Hahah I used to love my Pom more than I loved most people! Once baby arrived I didn't give him the time of day. I actually left him in ca with my family when I got married and moved to GA. He's well taken care of and loved so I don't feel too bad.
    When we visited with the baby I touched him maybe once, yelled at him to stfu when he barked, never held him.. (He's a shedder). Crazy how my priorities have shifted and how I went from being a dog lover to a dog tolerator..

    Hope baby comes on her own and if she doesn't, hope labor goes smoothly! I know plenty of ppl who have induced and had complication free labors!

  13. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @chopsuey119: Thank you:) Yeah, this dog...He does not even KNOW the line he crossed this morning... I didn't know if I wanted to beat him or put him up for adoption when I saw that pee spot on her beautiful rug! Life as he knows it is about to be a very distant memory!

  14. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @PrincessBaby: Oh my gosh, that's all so much to take here in the emotional homestretch. I'm glad that your mom's reached out to you, and I'm sure that'll make things much easier on you as they come to stay.

  15. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @PrincessBaby: btw nipple stimulation during sex can get things moving along!!

  16. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    Anyone else feeling a little crampy and "tight" in the tummy area?
    Ive been feeling a little off the past few days it started after my first internal exam so not sure if that's why im feeling funny. I'm not in pain, I just dont feel like my normal self.

  17. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    @travelingbrit: I've got nothing! I don't even feel BH contractions. But I feel huuuuuuge.

  18. rawrasaur

    pear / 1769 posts

    @travelingbrit: I have had some cramping a few times and then other weird feelings randomly, but nothing consistent.

    I feel really out of tune with my body and what each little thing means. I don't even know if I have had any BH contractions or not. I just feel weird pains here and there and can't tell if my stomach is any harder or not. I have my next appointment today and I think my first internal check as well. I guess if I am anything other than completely closed that I have at least had a few.

  19. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @travelingbrit: I have had a little bit of an AF feeling deep down in my belly here and there. My DH comes home tonight from working offshore, and last week, the couple of times I went to the gym (I do the elliptical just for 20 or 25 mins now), I came home and felt crampy. The second time, I woke up the next morning- the same day as my appt, Friday- and was still a little crampy. When the doctor said I was dilated to a 1, even though that's not very much AT ALL, I decided to not go to the gym until DH gets home- just in case that cramping was dilation!

    Then, on Saturday night I started vaginally inserting the Evening Primrose Oil. I read that it won't start labor, it basically just softens your cervix. Since I'm having an induction and am deeply afraid of pitocin making me labor for hours in misery, only to end in Csection, I am going to do as much as I can to get my body cooperative and ready! Anyway, I definitely had some crampiness both Sat and Sun night after inserting the EPO. I felt it a little bit when I woke up and moved around, but by the time I got really moving around, it was gone.

    So I don't know if that's just from the EPO or what...

    I feel like when babies come early, the mom is always so shocked and never even considered it. And the fact that some part of me, deep down, has been preparing for H to come before my induction date, pretty much means that she actually WON'T come early....And I'll look back at this post in a couple of weeks and be like "I was such an idiot to think I could do things to make her come early!"

  20. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @travelingbrit: I've had crazy Braxton hicks contractions from week 18. I probably get 20-30 a day. Super uncomfortable and some take my breath away. Belly gets so tight and it feels like baby boy is trying to break out of my womb.
    Dh is traveling on and off until dec 14 so I need baby to chill until the 15th.

  21. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @chopsuey119: I don't think I've had BH....Is that weird to have none?

  22. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @PrincessBaby: you're a first time mom so don't think it's weird..
    Does your belly ever tighten and get hard?
    That's a bh contraction. They feel different for everyone and some experience less intense ones.
    When I was pregnant with my daughter I got them frequently but they weren't as strong as this time around. Totally think boys are wilder in the womb!

  23. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    I don't think I've have had any BH contractions yet (I would think I would be able to tell right?)

    @rawrasaur: I'm completely with you! I keep feeling "weird feelings" and really out of tune with my body but I have no idea what any of it means.

    @PrincessBaby: You're not an idiot for thinking she might come early! I want to be prepared for the possibility that baby Boy comes early too. I actually put my hospital bag in the car today "Just in Case" because after work we're going for dinner with the inlaws at Chima and I don't want to have to go all the way back to Boca to get the bag if something were to happen.

    I was going to take EPO and went with SO last night to whole foods to get some.
    Well he saw "Check with dr before taking if pregnant" on the label and refused to let me buy it. He told me to check with my doctor first. I told him my doctor was by the book and not all holistic and granola. He asked where I heard about it, and I said the internet. He's like "so you trust some random person on the internet more than your doctor". and I was like um no, I trust like 50 random girls on the internet.

    So yeah. Left whole foods empty handed. Well, except dates, which are supposed to make labor easier too!

    So far I've started the following regimen to get labor started/make it easier: Pineapple (for dessert and on my pizza), Spicy Food - Lot's of Jalepenos, Eggplant Parmesan, Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, Dates. Will get curry soon too!

    I'm hoping someone will make this recipe for me - I'm too tired and SO is useless in the kitchen.

  24. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts


    Also, I want to start a new blog. I've been blogging for awhile about solo travel, and budget travel but that doesn't really fit my lifestyle anymore.
    I want to start a family/baby blog but don't want to include our name in the title - I still want to keep a little anonymity.

    Any idea's for the name of a blog? I'm having trouble coming up with something!

  25. mrsmenow

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @chopsuey119: I started with Braxton Hicks a little before 20 weeks too-this is baby #3. I didn't have any with #1, with #2 they started a little later, and this pregnancy they are really uncomfortable. I keep hoping that mean my contractions will be super productive when it is game time and labor will be short!

  26. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @chopsuey119: No, I have never felt it get hard. The only weird stuff I ever feel is a tight crampiness low in my belly, like an "AF is on her way" feeling? And then the "electric shock" waves that shoot down from my groin to the inside of my thighs and make me almost fall down! The dr said she must hit a nerve sometimes when she moves and it feels like I'm getting tasered next to my vagina! That's my only activity.

    I did have some mucus-y stuff last night but I think it was just from the EPO? Because it was totally white- not brown or pink or red tinged. And I don't think it was enough to be mucus plug. I discovered it when wiping after a BM (tmi!), so I think it's just extra cm that happened to be snot-like.

    @travelingbrit: I will think on the blog name! My brain is fried from anxiety!

  27. rawrasaur

    pear / 1769 posts

    Well, I'm completely closed. She said the head was nice and low, though! Oh, and I tested positive for group b strep , blah.

    37 weeks tomorrow!

  28. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @PrincessBaby: i get that shooting pain too once in awhile. i think its called sciatica? anyway, if labor is anything like that pain i won't last that long without an epi!!

    i don't think i've felt any BH either. i get this achyness around where my ovaries were pre pregnancy that kind of come and go. so maybe thats BH? but it doesn't make my stomach hard so i dont know.

    anyway, 2 more days of work in the office then working from home! so crazy how fast time is moving now.

  29. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    Not sure what "contractions" feel like but starting about an hour ago I've been having rhythmic tummy pain. I also just threw up my $70 meal that I ate tonight. I'm lying down, and going to see if it gets worse or if it stops.

  30. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @travelingbrit: mine started off feeling like really intense menstrual cramps/like i had to poop. Start timing them! Good luck!!

  31. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @PrincessBaby: hahahah I've never experienced the electric shock!
    As for the mucus.. Mine was really long (4-5 inches), clear and stringy. When I looked close I could see strands running up and down the plug--white and pink. People think I'm crazy, but it was so beautiful! lost it about a week before I went into labor

  32. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    @chopsuey119: that's how it feels, but I'm not completely convinced that I didnt eat too much. Went to an all you can eat buffet...

  33. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    @travelingbrit: Wow, keep us updated!!!

  34. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    Pain subsided overnight so I guess it was a false alarm. But I'm not entirely convinced it was what I ate either.
    I am going to check with my doc at my appointment tomorrow.
    I think something is going to happen very soon for one of us.

  35. rawrasaur

    pear / 1769 posts

    I think I finally had a noticeable contraction this morning. Not sure if the cervical check yesterday played a part (which btw was far more unpleasant than I anticipated). I may have even had another one a little while ago, but I was driving and it was hard to tell. Come on uterus - practice away.

  36. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    It's so weird to have to second guess every twinge and cramp as possible labor! I'm having frequent BH, especially in the evening/night. They're not new, but they're definitely stronger and more often than they were over the last few months. I still have a gut feeling I'll be late, but who knows. Another check/appt tomorrow.

  37. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    Is @chopsuey119: the only non-FTM on here?
    I agree @rattles: about second guessing every twinge.
    I think I just feel baby moving in there and cramps.

  38. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    FTM here! is anyone else getting kind of nervous?? my baby app's say 18 days left for me!! uh when did we get into the teens?? thinking about labor makes me want to cry. haha and thinking about all the changes afterwards makes me nervous. i'm a planner and not knowing whats gonna happen the next couple weeks is stressing me out!

  39. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    @kodybear: I'm completely with you!! I was crying a little at work today. I'm not necessarily "nervous" but I'm a control freak, and I hate not being in control.
    I hate not knowing when he'll come, not knowing what contractions feel like, not knowing if he'll be healthy, or if I will need any interventions. When I think about all of the unknowns I get anxiety!

  40. rawrasaur

    pear / 1769 posts

    @travelingbrit: @kodybear: Yeah, I'm having a hard time with the unknowns as well. I think it wouldn't be as hard if it were a different time of the year, but there are a few things happening around here that make going past my due date super stressful for me.

    I feel terrible tonight - just super sick and exhausted. I hope this isn't a new trend in late pregnancy for me.

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