pomelo / 5789 posts
@jholler25: Luckily it's unlikely that you'll go into labor earlier than 37 weeks!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
You guys I really think I'm developing Chronic Fatigue Syndrom! I have a dr's appt on Fri, and I'm going to ask what could be going on....I seem to read that a lot of pregs have to up their iron intake around now, and they feel better after taking supplements. I have no idea if I have low iron, but there's no way I'm going to make it until Nov 21 at work if I halfway in a coma all day!
I"m really trying to scale back on stress at work, and just kind of do the absolute "musts" of my job....But I'm still wiped!
pear / 1769 posts
Appointment went very well today! Ultrasound was awesome (until I got light headed and nautious at the end). She is for sure a she and now head down and right on track for growth. And insurance covered it all! Now onto biweekly appointments.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
@jholler25: Try adding more leafy greens and red meat into your diet. Also, try to have a bit of OJ with meals as that will help with iron absorbsion.
pomelo / 5789 posts
@jholler25: I know you mentioned that despite a partial thyroidectomy, you were doing okay with your thyroid.
Have you have your levels checked during the pregnancy?
Despite the fact I was "Normal" in the first trimester (and for the past year), my TSH levels have skyrocketed which apparantly is not uncommon.
pear / 1616 posts
@jholler25: i feel ya. yesterday i put my head down at work for a sec and woke up 30 min later!! oops! haha i got checked for low iron last week too but it was because of weird heart palpitations i've been having. tests came back normal, and my thyroid levels were relatively normal, so they think its just something that happens to some pregnant ladies cause of all the extra blood in the system. but yah hopefully u can get tested in case u do need more iron!
@rawrasaur: yay! thats great! you're lucky u get another ultrasound! i asked last week if there were any more and she said no unless something seems wrong or wasn't measuring right. saddd! but it may be a good thing bc i'm starting to get so anxious about the team green thing, i just want to know what i'm having NOW! i would probably ask if i ever got another ultrasound
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@jholler25: Maybe give your office a call? I know mine checked my iron levels when they did the glucose test but didn't mention it until I asked because they were normal. MaisyMay's suggestions are great for the interim though!
Have y'all chosen a pediatrician yet? I feel like the next week is baby-crazy for me! Shower Saturday, interviews with pediatricians and daycares next week and then our first childbirth class next weekend!
pomelo / 5789 posts
@kodybear: I was told a week ago that I would only get another ultrasound if there was reason for concern. I got a call today to schedule the ultrasound. Bittersweet
We've now had two failed attempts at a private clinic to get 3D pictures, so hopefully we will be able to see his face next week at the Perinatalogist Ultrasound. I'm really scared though. I need to avoid google.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
@travelingbrit: My perinatologist tried to give us a 3D sneak peak but Little Girl wasn't having it. She put her hands up and scrunched up small. All we were able to see were the bottoms of her feet. I told Hubs that she'll be stubborn like both of her parents. I hope you get the pics that you want.
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@kodybear: I got an u/s at my 28 wk a few weeks ago but only because they couldn't find the baby's heartbeat. I was unconcerned because I could feel it moving and was glad for the sneak peak. The downside was that it was the quickest u/s ever. No time to second guess team green because they turned it off as soon as they saw the heart beat.
pear / 1769 posts
@kodybear: yeah, that would be really tempting. I am not sure why some do them at 28 weeks and some don't. I didn't have the 12 wks NT scan though.
pear / 1616 posts
@rattles: we started looking into pediatricians. but the whole process makes me tired. im pretty sure i know the office i want to go to and there are 2 drs that meet my specs (female and younger) so i'm deciding if i should interview them both or just pick 1 randomly since i'm kind of lazy. so i'm just kind of putting it off for now.
we looked into daycares too and it seems like in our area most don't have waiting lists so we haven't committed to one yet. we think we picked one relatively close to home and flexible hours. but having all these interviews and classes is exhausting!
@travelingbrit: so they didn't tell u why u needed an ultrasound?? hopefully its nothing and just a free peek at your baby!
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
@kodybear: I emailed a few daycares around my area and they all told me that I was looking too soon. I guess we'll wait until the beginning on November and start looking again...or do our research and get a list of top 3-5 choices and contact them in November.
When do you plan on starting day care?
pear / 1616 posts
@MaisyMay: yeah i was told at a couple places that it was too early too! i thought i was late to the game too when people were talking about year long waiting lists! i guess it just depends on the area. we're starting daycare probably mid to late march. i'm not sure exactly how many weeks i'm taking off but definitely 12 weeks, maybe a couple more weeks after that.
pomelo / 5789 posts
@kodybear: They are checking for growth and for physical development issues. Uncontrolled hypothyroid can cause both. I am hoping it's just a free peek at baby.
I am SO ready to be done with work....waking up at 6am is so hard these days.
What does everyone here do for a living? I work as an Analyst for a company that sells aircraft parts.
apricot / 301 posts
@travelingbrit thanks for putting together the list!
The doctor was concerned about my lack of weight gain at 28 weeks, so I have an U/S at 31 weeks to check the baby's growth and if my placenta (which was lying low) has moved. I'm a little concerned, but excited to get to see baby girl again...
pomelo / 5789 posts
@lovebird: What was your weight gain at 28 weeks? Anything?
I was 15lbs and thought that was kind of low.
pear / 1616 posts
@travelingbrit: @lovebird: hope everything turns out okay for you guys!
i'm a chemical engineer. nothing terribly exciting here!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@travelingbrit: I hope that everything is totally perfect and you just get an extra peek at baby!!!
Thanks to everyone for the advice on TSH/iron. At my appt this morning, they did bloodwork to check both so we'll see if either of those is off...
I am 30 weeks today! Only 9 weeks to go until induction, and 7 weeks to full term! I have gained 20lbs, and so she estimated that I'll (hopefully) bang this pregnancy out with a total weight gain of 28-30 lbs. I have been going to the gym 3-4x a week and it is getting harder! I hope I can stick with it bc I really don't want to gain more than 30 total!
All of these threads lately about ladies not losing the weight very easily or it taking a long time have really freaked me out, so I figure the less I gain, the less I'll have to lose after baby. So I'm really going to try to watch it!!!
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
@travelingbrit: I work at a dry cleaners and will be coming back from maternity leave to a new position/promotion. Right now I do counter work and post-pregnancy I'll be doing customer relations/complaints.
Also, in regards to weight, at 26 weeks I had gained back 7 pounds of 12 originally lost, not sure if that helps.
pomelo / 5789 posts
@jholler25: Good luck with the tests. Hopefully they will be able to give you a reason why you're feeling so tired. Maybe it's just normal pregnancy.
I almost fell asleep at dinner at Houston's last night with the In-Law's. Embarrassing.
It's so crazy thinking how close things are getting. I cant believe that I'm only 8 weeks away from full term. There's a really good chance I will have a baby in my arms and life soon. The reality of things is really starting to kick in. Life is going to change COMPLETELY!
I wouldn't worry so much about the weight gain @jholler25. I think it's probably harder for those that arent already in the gym routine. You already have it down, so as long as you get back into it when you have a chance I'm sure you'll be fine.I think I recall you saying you're going to try to BF too which should help a bit. I'm going to look into stroller strides, and some mommy and baby fitness classes.
If you ever want to get together and run/walk with the babies once they are here, i'd be up for it. I want to get to even lower than PP weight.
We're going tonight to lease a new baby friendly small SUV. I have a new Kia that I bought pre-pregnany which is safe but small. I'm going to give that to SO, and we are going to replace his two door sporty Acura with a Mazda CX-5. I feel a little sorry for him that he's going to lose his "man" car and end up with a Kia, but it's what's best for our family. Maybe once LO is bigger and we're making more money, he can get something sporty again.
clementine / 878 posts
@travelingbrit: A lawyer but not working for a bit, and very happy about it, for now.
I stopped weighing myself. I will have a nice (not) surprise when I go to my next doctor appointment in 2 weeks, sigh... I only do prenatal yoga twice a week and try to do some minimal walking but it's getting harder even to walk any significant distance because of the belly. It just feels awkward and cumbersome. I'm scared I will lack the discipline to get back into shape post partum.
Sorry to whine when I dont have any complications ladies but here it goes. Lately I have been feeling gross. Super overheated during what should be the coolest time of day (evening and night time), feeling like a beached whale, uncomfortable, tired because of insomnia, back aches, heart burn, thirsty, etc.... It doesn't help when DH just passes out the moment his head hits the pillow. On top of it a mosquito got in and started buzzing in my ear at 4:45 a.m. this morning.
cherry / 231 posts
@travelingbrit: I work as a Credit Assistant for a cycling parts company and I have a second job as a bank teller on Saturdays. I'm also not excited to be waking up at 6am to go to work.
I think I'll be going off work in about a week. My OB and midwife have told me that they'll let me go off whenever I'm ready as they usually send ladies pregnant with twins off work between 28 and 32 weeks.
@gracecat: Don't be sorry about whining! I feel the exact same way and I haven't had any complications either.
pomelo / 5789 posts
@gracecat: I feel the exact same way too, but I keep telling myself, not too much longer! I actually was crying last night because I couldnt find a comfortable sleeping position.
pomelo / 5789 posts
My feet are super duper swollen tonight. In other news I got a new car!
clementine / 878 posts
@travelingbrit: Awesome!! New cars are so fun.
I also felt like crying a couple of times, mostly in the early evening/late afternoon before DH comes home from work, I'm feeling overheated and really uncomfortable and impatient.
I'm supposed to buy compression socks, but wondering if it's really going to do any good, or if I will ever wear them. My feet have gotten a 1/2 size bigger maybe but not because of swelling (yet).
pomelo / 5789 posts
@gracecat: I bought compression socks about a month ago but haven't even opened the package
pear / 1769 posts
Boo! I just found some stretch marks on the underside of my belly. I knew I would get them eventually - but I wasn't expecting them a few days shy of 30 weeks. I am scared how my belly will look at 40 weeks now. I hope none of you are as unfortunate as I.
pomelo / 5789 posts
@rawrasaur: awww. I have 1 so far. I have a huge appendix scar, and it's coming from there. I'm expecting more though.
pomelo / 5789 posts
Is anyone else really struggling at work?
Yesterday I almost passed out and had to pay an emergency visit to my doctor. He wanted me to go to the ER but at $250 copay per visit I begged him to see me first.
I guess I'm having some low blood pressure/low blood sugar issues from not eating enough.
I've also been having trouble sleeping then waking up every hour. This morning I got up at 6.30 as usual for work and I just couldnt do it. I tried eating a yogurt but couldnt keep it down.
I finally ended up making it to work around 10.30.
I hate looking unreliable but it's such a struggle. Anyone else having issues balancing work/pregnancy? I only have 50 work days left until my discussed leave date (Nov 30th), but not sure if I can keep up with working full time until then.
cherry / 231 posts
@gracecat: I have compression socks that I used to use after running and I found they helped a ton with reducing post run aches! I haven't used them for pregnancy, but I may have to try them out.
@travelingbrit: awwww... *hugs* I've been struggling the last few weeks at work myself. I'm just not getting enough sleep. Take care of yourself!
persimmon / 1479 posts
@travelingbrit: Last week I had a ocuple days that I questioned if I could do it. I am a nurse and one of the nights I was at a code for hours and ended up doing compressions for a while. By the end of my shift I could hardly move and it took me days to physically bounce back. I have planned to do my 12 hour night shifts up until I deliver, but I am not sure I will make it.
I hope you can find a way to get through, but in the end taking care of you and baby is the most important thing.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@travelingbrit: I am totally with you on just not being able to do it. I am so wiped by the end of the day! I actually was supposed to attend a work dinner function that a coworker organized tonight, and I had to bail. I just couldn't go all the way back downtown after working all day. I decided to not feel guilty about having to rest or to not do certain things right now. If I am too tired, I am too tired, and everyone needs to understand that. I am learning over these last couple of weeks that I am physically limited right now, and that's okay. Sometimes I feel bad using pregnancy as an excuse, but it's truly legitimate and I can't feel guilty about it. That's my new motto:) Aaaaannnd I'm off to nap instead of driving downtown!
pomelo / 5789 posts
Perinatologist Update
So as I mentioned, due to my thyroid levels, my OB was concerned that there may be some complications with the pregnancy and referred me to a Perinatologist. One of the main concerns is that baby may be low birthweight.
I had my appointment Friday, and the perinatologist was superb! He did an ultrasound and showed us everything, heart, lungs, kidneys. Everything appeared to be normal on the ultrasound and he had no major concerns other than getting my medication/hormone levels under control.
He *did* however find that instead of baby being small, he's actually on the larger side of average. (70th Percentile). At 30 weeks he's about 4.5lbs already.
He's asked me to return November 13th (@about 36 weeks) so we can evaluate his size again and determine if he needs to come early or by planned C-Section. Personally as long as it's ok for baby, if necessary I would rather plan an early induction than a scheduled C-section but will cross that bridge when we come to it.
So, maybe I'm not a December mommy after all
grapefruit / 4441 posts
@travelingbrit: So glad that baby looks healthy! I would want an early induction vs. c-section as well... I hope you can have the induction if need be.
@jholler25: I have been SO SLEEPY lately. I am not anemic though and my doctor said that it's just the way it is... that the 3rd trimester hits some people harder than others. Ugh! If you find anything that helps, let me know!
apricot / 370 posts
i hear you on the extra tiredness in the 3rd trimester, it's hitting me hard. thing is, even when i get home from work, since I still have a 2 year old to take care of, i can't really rest or relax until i put her to bed at around 8pm. DH is always there helping too, but I want to spend as much time as I can with her too; only on days when I am totally out of it, do I let DH completely take over. whew, mommyhood is wiping me out!
pomelo / 5789 posts
I am soo tired lately too. Weekdays I'm up at 6, at work by 8, at work until 5.30, at home around 6.30, cook dinner until 7, eat until 8, watch half an hour of TV, then in bed by 9 - only to toss and turn all night and start the same routine the next day.
pear / 1616 posts
@travelingbrit: glad everything went well!! wow thats crazy to think u might have a nov baby. thats NEXT month!! ahh. time is flying.
cant believe some of us are in our 30 weeks! i'm 31 weeks 3 days! omg!! i'm at about 23 lb weight gain so hopefully i can keep it around 30lbs total! my stomach feels so cramped already, its hard to imagine that my belly can grow anymore!
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