pomelo / 5331 posts
@WALLAROO: Mine are coming and going right now, too. I hear that happens early on. My boobs are less sore in the morning, which always freaks me out.
I had some brown spotting over the past few days, and called the doctor's office on Wednesday. The nurse said it's old blood and not to worry but then this morning, there was some bright red. Oh man, did I freak out. Finally I called the doctor again and they said even though there's not much to be done, to come in for an ultrasound. I'm not even 6 weeks yet so all we saw was the gestational sac, yolk sac, and what the nurse thinks might be the beginnings of the fetal pole. No heartbeat yet, but they said that's to be expected. At least it ruled out one of my biggest fears of an ectopic! I go in for my actual appointment on Wednesday, they said we should see some growth and probably the heartbeat by then. This is going to be the longest five days ever.
I am still spotting, but I've heard that's typical with a transvaginal ultrasound?
Anyway... what a day.
kiwi / 520 posts
@ladyfingers: sorry to hear ur spotting too! It seems to be a trend on here at the moment. : ( Glad ur u/s went well tho and that ur baby was in the right spot!
apricot / 359 posts
@photojane: thanks m'dear! I got my 2nd beta today at it was 778 at 17dpo. So things are measuring normally, and spotting has been on and off now.
@ladyfingers: that must've been such a scary experience. Glad to hear that ectopic is ruled out! I started spotting today too (seems like many of us feb mommies have been). My doc was going to send me in for an ultrasound, but decided to wait and see if the spotting continues for another day. I did hear spotting happens with a transvaginal ultrasound. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and hope the spotting goes away!
apricot / 359 posts
Hi ladies, just checkin in to see how you're all doing!
I've got nothing new to share. Energy wise I feel the same. I'm trying to find new fitness activities to do since most of the activities I was doing pre-pregnancy are too intensive. Hope you're all well!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@Mrs. Lantern: I'm going to need to do something, even if it's a walk. I'm looking into prenatal yoga once we get a little further along. It's weird, I feel like doing "pregnancy-specific activities" right now is like jinxing it. I'm so weird.
Past few days I have been so fatigued and my boobs feel huge and sore. The funniest thing that DH was cracking up about last night (ha, ha, ha) is that my left boob is WAY bigger than my right. It's always been bigger, but I'm apparently gaining in that one only! Ugh!
Still spotting, but still brown and barely anything and feeling fine otherwise (except for the pregnancy symptoms).
I keep feeling a little queasy, but no morning sickness yet. 6w1d today!
cherry / 144 posts
Just got my BFP and am sooo excited to be able to join this thread
EDD: February 10, 2013
How far along?: 5 weeks
How long TTC: 2 cycles officially TTC, but off the pill for 5 cycles.
First child?: Yes
Any feeling about boy/girl: No idea!! but would love either
First doctor's appointment: TBD - will be scheduled by tomorrow
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: sore boobs, a little cramping now and then, generally feel "hot" like I can tell my body temperature is higher than normal, and have been a bit more tired than usual.
Who have you told?: Just the hubby!!
cherry / 144 posts
@brittanym526 thank you!! YESS, only a day apart in due dates it's so crazy!!
Wow - I didn't know about the nausea at 6 or 7 weeks... I guess the fun part is yet to come for some of us. At least we can get through it together? haha
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
@Emilie: congrats! i saw you over on the tww thread, and hoped you'd join us over here. you're just a day ahead of me.
i have two older brothers, and my mom said she didn't have any morning sickness with either of them. but, she said she was super sick from the beginning with me. i haven't been sick at all so far, so she seems to think that means i'm having a boy! we'll see!
kiwi / 711 posts
Hello Ladies! I am 6 weeks today. Yay for the little lentil.
Been busy with work, still traveling for work. Won't be home until Friday. I had some brown spotting on Saturday morning but just during the morning. I freaked out because I am in Canada for work and wouldn't be able to see my GP. I took a pregnancy test and it still was a BFP so at least it wasn't a miscarriage. I haven't had any more spotting or cramping so I think I will just have to hope for the best until I am back home and make an appointment next week.
@Ladyfingers: my boobs are getting huge too! And my left one is definitely the larger of the too as well. Glad to hear you are feeling normal aside from the light spotting now.
@Emilie: Congrats and welcome!
@Mrs. Lantern: I still plan to run (apparently slower than pre-pregnancy), walks with the dogs, and do Crossfit (but scaled down and not lift so heavy).
apricot / 359 posts
@Emilie: welcome and congrats feb mama! My date is just 2 days behind yours!
@photojane: your mom might be onto something!
@WALLAROO: glad the spotting stopped! when you travel for work, do you buy travel insurance? And if you do, does it cover pre-natal check ups? I'm from Canada and I travel to the US for work from time to time, so now I'm really curious about this.
@ladyfingers: I was just thinking this! My left boob is definitely dominating the right one. The awkward things pregnancy does to our bodies lol.
Are you ladies thinking of going with an OB or a midwife?
I think I'll wait for my first ultrasound before deciding, but if we don't have any complications, we are leaning towards a midwife/doula. I just learned about a birthing program in my city that provides expected mothers access to doctors, midwives and doulas ongoing support, check ups during pregnancy, delivery and home visits after birth. I thought it was a neat concept - http://scbp.ca/what-makes-our-care-different.html.
pomelo / 5331 posts
@WALLAROO: @Mrs. Lantern: That's too funny about our lopsided boobs lol. I don't think you can tell once I get the bra and shirt on, but of course I'm super self conscious.
kiwi / 711 posts
@Mrs. Lantern: I did not purchase travel insurance for this trip. I have purchased it in the past when we went to Thailand for our honeymoon. I anticipate another trip to Canada next month for a week on two separate occasions so I might look into travel insurance just for peace of mind. Not sure if it covers pre-natal though.
cherry / 144 posts
@Mrs. Lantern
I'm thinking of going with the same person who I met for my pre-conception appt. She's a CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife), and I just felt like she really cared for me and loves her job - plus just she spent 20 minutes talking to me one the phone about all of my choices of classes, hospitals for delivery, etc. She belongs to the same practice as my PCP, and does deliveries at a large local hospital.
kiwi / 711 posts
@Mrs. Lantern: Where are you getting your first ultrasound done? With an OB?
I had an appointment with my GP at 4 weeks and she just confirmed my BFP. I still need to make my first appointment. Does this first appointment need to be with the practitioner of my choice?
I'm leaning towards a midwife as long as there aren't any complications.
apricot / 359 posts
@Emilie: She sounds like a great choice. Those are the very reasons I'm considering a midwife! Their support and care is hard to beat.
@WALLAROO: My GP gave me a requisition to get an ultrasound done at 8 weeks. A previous MRI showed that I have a subseptate uterus which can increase the chance of miscarriages depending on where the embryo implants in the uterus. I'm guessing they want to do the ultrasound a little early to make sure everything is fine. I was referred to an OB, but I hear it could take weeks or months to see them! I'm pretty happy with my GP and don't mind sticking with her for a little longer, especially if we decide to go with the midwife route
Do you know what will be discussed at your first appointment?
kiwi / 520 posts
@ladyfingers, @WALLAROO, @Mrs. Lantern: add me to the lopsided boob club! Lol. im really hoping they even out with this whole pregnancy thing.
Im 6 weeks today too! Every week that goes by im like, "YESS!"
Im still having GI issues. Guess that's my version of MS? Oh and my nipples are super sore to touch and im getting hungrier. I have to nibble throughout the day or i dont feel well.
I have my first appt with my OB on Monday. People dont really talk about midwives that much here. I dont think i would know where to start if thats what i wanted. Pool births intrigue me so i may look into that a little. I already know how good a hot shower feels when my stomach is up in arms i could imagine itd have a similar effect for labor.
Off topic but I crazily peed on an OPK the other day bc i had no more hcg tests. It made me feel better. DH thinks im out of mind.
kiwi / 711 posts
We are actually going to go with the Midwife group. They are attached and deliver at a large hospital. They have a unique philosophy in where they have group prenatal care. After your initial appointment(s) you are put in a group of expectant mothers that are due around the same time. It provides an instant support group. The group goes through their midwife sessions together. The sessions are about 2 hours every 4 weeks. Part of the time you get individual time with the midwife and the rest of the time is spent discussing various subjects, including nutrition, common pregnancy discomforts, infant care, breastfeeding and postpartum issues. It is pretty much a childbirth and parenting class rolled into one.
honeydew / 7667 posts
Congrats ladies! I just got a BFP and according to the math we would have a V-day Baby!!
EDD: 2/14/2013
How far along?: 4 weeks
How long TTC: We just started this month.
First child?: Yes
Any feeling about boy/girl: Just a happy baby.
First doctor's appointment: Will be scheduled tomorrow.
How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: Hot and tired.
Who have you told?: Hubby and BFF (who is 9 weeks).
I'm so excited to get to know you ladies and share the journey with you all!
apricot / 359 posts
@WALLAROO: That sounds exactly like the birthing program I'm considering. I think it's such a great support system. We're definitely giving birth at a big hospital as well. Is it a misconception that midwives are for home births only?
@MrsH: What a nice treat to be pregnant with your bff. Congrats again!
I just booked our first ultrasound! It's going to be on July 3rd and I'll be at 8 weeks. I can't wait to hear their heartbeat
pomelo / 5331 posts
@MrsH: Congrats!
Well, we have a heartbeat! And an official due date: Feb 3, 2013.
We also have a lot of bleeding I was getting used to the brown spotting, and then it subsided yesterday, so I was pretty excited about that. Then, right before I went in for the ultrasound today, I started bleeding bright red blood. WTF?
We did the ultrasound, and bean is so much bigger than last week, and we saw the heartbeat, then we heard it nice and loud -- 116 bpm. It's in a fine spot, and they don't see any bleeds or signs of an SCH. It appears I'm just randomly bleeding. It's not enough to soak through a pad with any frequency, but it's enough to make me totally terrified.
I have to go in next Thursday for another ultrasound. For now, fingers crossed for us, OK?
How's everybody else feeling?
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
@ladyfingers: so glad you had such a great u/s! my mom actually had period-like bleeding for the first 5 months of her pregnancy with me. she didn't even know she was pregnant for the first 3.5 months because she was bleeding. her doctor assured her that some women just bleed, and she was completely normal. hope that helps!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@photojane: That's so crazy, the nurse who did the ultrasound told me her sister had her "period" for the first five months of her pregnancy! I would lose my mind. It seems like it's slowing down but OMG this is going to be the longest week ever. I just want to go home and curl up in bed! I think DH is even more worried than I am.
kiwi / 711 posts
@ladyfingers: Yay for a good u/s! That sucks about the bleeding but glad to hear that it isn't anything alarming and just annoying. You are getting some good weekly peeks at the bean :).
I'm feeling ok today. Room temp water, which I usually prefer, tasted kind of funny to me this morning. I did not like it. I seem to prefer colder water these days. Weird. Also the smell of smokers always bothered me before but it is really strong now. Someone just walked by and bleh.
kiwi / 711 posts
@photojane: 5 months?! Yikes...I would not enjoy that on top of pregnancy symptoms.
pomelo / 5331 posts
@WALLAROO: We're going to be getting even more peeks later on. I was diagnosed with cervical HPV in 2005 and had cryo to freeze off abnormal cells -- well apparently the doctor said that can cause the cervix to open early? So between 16 and 26 weeks, I need to go in every two weeks to get an ultrasound because if I start opening they're going to have to literally sew me shut. Is that not the nuttiest thing you've ever heard?!
cherry / 144 posts
@ladyfingers - so glad that your u/s looked good. I hope the bleeding for you goes away soon, but it's good to know that the docs don't seem too concerned about it.
I have my first u/s scheduled for June 26th - hopefully we'll be able to see a heartbeat then! I would be 7 weeks and 2 days at that point.
@Mrsh - CONGRATS!! So happy that you're joining us, and a vday baby sounds so fun! also - I hear you about the Hot & Tired. I feel hot all of the time now!
apricot / 359 posts
@ladyfingers: so glad you got the reassurance from your doctor and that you got to hear the heartbeat! do you get to keep any of the u/s photos?
pomelo / 5331 posts
@Mrs. Lantern: Yep, we got to keep the ones from today! DH was like... what do we do with these? lol it just looks like a little white blob.
kiwi / 711 posts
I wouldn't call this a full blown food aversion yet but I was eating my salad today for lunch and after a few bites I just couldn't stomach lettuce anymore. I picked around and ate some other veggies along with the chicken but definitely left the greens.
Anybody have any food aversions yet?
pomelo / 5331 posts
@WALLAROO: DH made his signature chicken legs a couple of weeks ago and the skin and everything on them made me so grossed out that I couldn't finish. Now, when he suggests making them, I suggest something else. I'm not really into anything that "looks gross" at the moment -- I couldn't finish my leftover supreme pizza last week whereas before, I'd be all over it. I just couldn't stomach the way the toppings and cheese looked.
pomelo / 5331 posts
Aaaaand morning sickness rears its ugly head. Hello, breakfast. Nice to see you again.
kiwi / 711 posts
@ladyfingers: Oh no! Sorry that morning sickness has decided to make its presence known. None for me just yet...just that queasy feeling.
cherry / 144 posts
@ladyfingers - oh no!!! sorry to hear you're going through morning sickness I haven't had any nausea yet, but you're also a week ahead of me... i'm sure fun times are ahead
cherry / 144 posts
@ladyfingers - crampy throughout the day, feeling "hot" like I can tell my body temp is higher than normal, feeling hungrier than normal even after I've already just eaten, & boobs are sore and bigger! haha.... I feel like I already have to slow down at the gym because full jumping jacks made my boobs hurt! =P I'm quite small up on top so this never something I've had to deal with before!
Edit: oh, and definitely more tired!
apricot / 359 posts
@ladyfingers: sorry about the morning sickness! hope it doesn't make an appearance too often.
@WALLAROO: no food aversions yet, but I am starting to get some CRAVINGS. I don't know if it's pregnancy related, since I tend to have cravings in general. Today it's a baguette with fried egg, bacon and arugula. Mmmm. Yesterday it was corn chowder. I'd like to only gain the recommended 5-6lbs for first tri, so I hope I can control these cravings!
kiwi / 711 posts
@Mrs. Lantern: I have had my first craving. Actually I saw someone eating it and it totally influenced me. I am totally craving an egg salad sandwich. Haven't satisfied my craving yet though.
cherry / 144 posts
anything you girls are bummed out the most about on the "foods to avoid" list?
I'm having brunch twice this weekend (scheduled before I found out I was pregnant!) with my girlfriends and I was sooo looking forward to eggs benedict! I'll have figure out other goodies on the menu!
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