cantaloupe / 6164 posts
@lilteacherbee: congrats! did you tell hubby on fathers day?! how's he react?
@WALLAROO: that is awesome! so exited for you. have you adjusted to two babies yet?
well, my sickness has arrived! i have barely been able to get out of bed all day. since ive been great up until today, i thought maybe i was going to be one of the lucky ones who made it through without.... nope!
grape / 99 posts
Hi, I'm new.
My estimated due date is Jan. 31st but I'm almost positive it will be a Feb. baby.
We weren't actively trying and thought it would take us a lot longer than it did. We got pregnant first month of birth control. We just found out on Thursday so it's been a whirl wind of Dr. visits/calls, family, and emotions.
Congrats to all the Feb soon to be mommies!
honeydew / 7667 posts
@lilteacherbee: welcome!
@ladyfingers: let me know if you find a good face wash, mask, etc. my skin sucks right now
@WALLAROO: Congrats on the twins!!!
As for me - still tired and hot and now the girls are painful and I mean PAINful. They hurt just sitting here. Anyone else thinking they are going to have to get a bigger bra sooon? I didn't think they would get bigger until the end.
pomelo / 5331 posts
@littlepenguin: Welcome and congrats!
@MrsH: Right now I'm using a sample of a Clinique scrub (not the 7-day scrub, but I can't remember the name right now). I usually don't like Clinique but this stuff gets my face cleaner than anything else, which is half the battle. I've used a rosewater toner by Boots (Target) for a while that successfully keeps away my blackheads. And I have a mask that's kinda pricey, I got it on our honeymoon on a whim, it's by L'Therapie Professional. I've just been too lazy to use it lately. Origins also makes a charcoal mask that's supposed to be good. But I'm still getting spots and the oil is out of control, but I don't know what to do for that other than lots of blotting paper!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
Thanks for the warm welcome
I went and got the pregnancy confirmed yesterday and I made my first real appointment for July 24th! It seems so far away- I'll be almost 9 weeks then.
I switched OB offices because of insurance reasons and my new Dr is going to be someone I know. I'm a preschool teacher and I used to work at a daycare/preschool affiliated with the hospital (the child's parent or grandparent had to work at the hospital to be eligible to go there). I taught the 3 year old class and one of my favorite little girls' mom is an OBGYN. She was one of the sweetest, most helpful parents I've ever had. After the insurance situation, I decided I'd like her to be my new doctor (I can be somewhat of a difficult patient because of past medical issues, so I think I'd like someone who knows me.)
It actually doesn't weird me out all, which might be weird haha
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@lilteacherbee: congratulations!!!! So excited for you!!
pear / 1965 posts
@littlepenguin: We are due date twins. Thats when they are guessing I am due. We will see more once I have my first u/s. According to my calculations it will be Jan 28th, but the hospital going on first day of last period says the 31st. So I too watch both the Jan and Feb threads.
apricot / 359 posts
@photojane: samers! I thought I was one of the lucky ones to escape morning sickness. But once week 6 came, so did the frequent nausea, headaches and tiredness. I hear bananas help. So does ginger tea.
@littlepenguin: congrats and welcome!
@ladyfingers: I had to start carrying blotting papers in my purse again. Haven't done that since high school!
@lilteacherbee: sounds like you will be in very good hands! It's great you already have a relationship with your OB.
@MrsH: I'm going bra shopping this weekend. I'm also going to pick up some maternity dress pants and jeans. I can't believe my clothes are already feeling snug! I think I've gained about 3lbs so far (not sure if it's due to bloat or the bub).
pomelo / 5331 posts
I'm disappointed in my boobs -- they're hardly any bigger at all! They are more tender, but nowhere near what I've heard other people describe.
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
@Mrs. Lantern: i wish i liked bananas! i can't even smell them without feeling sick. though it's probably not the healthiest choice, i've noticed that sprite seems to help. also, i think i'll be needing maternity clothes soon too!
@MrsH: the boob soreness just set in yesterday. my dog tried to lay his head on them this morning, and it HURT. i can't wait 'til the end of the day when i can take my bra off.
kiwi / 711 posts
@Mrs. Lantern: I've noticed my jeans/pants are starting to feel snug in the waist. On Sunday I had to unbutton my jeans as I walked around :). I am still putting off buying maternity clothes but I did order the Bella Band online so that I can continue to wear my current clothes. I will be needing a new bra soon too. They are getting out of control for my small frame!
@lilteacherbee: welcome and congrats!
DH and I had to change care from the midwife group to an OB practice that specializes in multiples and high risk pregnancies because the midwife group only accepts low risk pregnancies and don't deliver multiples. I'm a little bummed about that because I was really looking forward to going through the midwife centering program but the babies care and health is the most important! Our first appointment with my new OB is July 2. Can't wait!
apricot / 359 posts
@WALLAROO: LOL I'm totally guilty of walking around with my jeans unbuttoned, covered by a baggy top! Too bad about not being able to go to the midwife Would it be possible to have an OB/Doula combo? Doulas don't deliver, but they provide great emotional support and is a labour coach to expecting mothers.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@photojane: I somehow missed your question. I tried to wait until Sunday to tell DH, but I failed miserably haha I gave him a Father's Day card Friday night! He was so excited and surprised
pomelo / 5331 posts
@WALLAROO: Me too, I have been so bloated! I caved and bought a pair of size 12 drawstring pants and size 12 shorts at Target this past weekend, and even they're tight when I sit down.
We had another ultrasound this week, ordered because of last week's spotting. Everything looks great, baby is 1 cm and measuring at 7w0d and heartbeat is 143bpm! We get our next peek on July 26 for the NT scan, I can't wait, peanut should be so much bigger by then!
kiwi / 711 posts
@ladyfingers: Awesome that you had such a great ultrasound!
@mrs. lantern: I'll have to look into that.
I am such a worrier. My nausea just comes and goes. When I feel fine I worry why I'm not feeling worse. One of the books says that being pregnant with multiples one can have worse MS but I haven't experienced that at all. Yesterday I only felt a little nauseated and decided to POAS just for reassurance and got a BFP. Today I've been feeling fine. Feeling a little tired, noticing a little bit more saliva in my mouth, and sore boobs.
Anybody else an anxious worrier like me?
pomelo / 5331 posts
@WALLAROO: Me too! I felt like I had too much energy today lol. I'm going to worry until the baby comes out, and then I"m going to worry some more -- on a whole new level. From what I understand, symptoms can change from day to day but hey, if POAS makes you feel better, go for it
kiwi / 711 posts
@ladyfingers: Haha I had an extra test so I figured, "why not?". You're right, this is just the start to worrying :).
cherry / 144 posts
today is 6 weeks and 5 days, and my first wave of nausea hit this morning as I was getting ready for work But, it wasn't too bad and only lasted about 10 minutes or so... I hope it doesn't get to be so bad over the course of the next few weeks!!
@WALLAROO - sooo exciting that you're having twins!! I have my first ultrasound next Tuesday, but I haven't heard of any twins on either side of the family before so I think it would be pretty rare for me!
@littlepenguin & @lilteacherbee - welcome!!
honeydew / 7667 posts
@Mrs. Lantern: I went to Kohls this weekend and got lots of clearance jeans and some dresses/tops - I couldn't believe how cute and comfy they were!
@ladyfingers: That may not be a bad thing - mine have grown and are sore just sitting here Then gain I was super small chested to begin with.
@photojane: ny dog likes to do that too - the other one likes to use his paws - not cool!
@WALLAROO: I'm totally anxious about not feeling sick like everyone else. I hate this worrying.
kiwi / 711 posts
Happy Monday Mamas! How was everyone's weekends?
I ran my half marathon yesterday and it went really well. The weather was perfect for Vancouver, BC. It was in the high 50's with a mix of cloud cover and sun. I took it really easy, kept my heart rate low, and made sure to hydrate. I'm really competitive against myself and my previous times so I had to remind myself that I was doing double duty - running a half marathon and growing 2 babies. I still had fun running with my DH and people watching which is something I could do since I wasn't focused on going fast.
@Emilie: That first ultrasound is so exciting! Hope it is a good one.
@MrsH: Good score at Kohls. Are they maternity clothes or just a size bigger?
cherry / 144 posts
@Wallaroo - wow, a half marathon is quite an accomplishment! congrats!!
I had a wedding to attend all day Saturday, and on Sunday, I napped from 2:00pm - 3:00pm, from 5:00pm - 6:00pm, and went to bed at 8:30pm... I've been so exhausted recently - anyone else??
kiwi / 711 posts
@Emilie: Thanks! I took an epic nap yesterday after the race. It was much needed!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@WALLAROO: I'm impressed!!! I run lots of 5Ks and usually do about 2-3 miles at the gym. Since I got our BFP, I've been nervous (even though I know its perfectly fine to keep doing whatever you're used to), so I've just been walking a lot. I do miss running though. Maybe I'll buy a heart rate monitor so that I'll feel better about it.
I'll be 5 weeks on Wednesday and I'm so excited! Whenever I get nervous, I remember to be thankful that I'm pregnant TODAY
@Emilie: I went to a wedding on Saturday too (DH's family) and whenever someone asked when we'd have babies (we got married last year), I'd just smile and say "hopefully sometime soon." I fell asleep on the ride home because I was so exhausted.
apricot / 359 posts
@WALLAROO: way to go! sounds like you had a great time! what an accomplishment running with 2 growing babies. Btw, I'm from Vancouver!
@Emilie: Totally exhausted here too. I take a nap when I get home from work, and can still sleep ok at night. I was constantly tired week 6!
@ladyfingers: hope you'll get a good view of your little peanut at the NT scan tomorrow!
@lilteacherbee: "I'm pregnant today" is exactly the mantra I'm following too No matter what happens, I'm thankful for being pregnant today.
It's week 7! More than half way through first tri. The morning sickness came in so strong in week 6 that I regret worrying why I didn't get any symptoms weeks 4-5! I booked an appointment with a local birthing program that sets you up with a family physician/midwife/doula. Can't wait to see them in 2 weeks!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@Emilie: OMG yes. I fell asleep on the couch last night at 8, and DH had to drag me off at 11, every time I sat up I felt so nauseous and tired I cried and laid back down. What a baby I am!
apricot / 359 posts
@ladyfingers: Ahh...I totally had a brainfart and thought it's July. Wishful thinking
pomelo / 5331 posts
@Mrs. Lantern: I know, right?! I just want it to be 12 weeks already so we can tell everybody, ARGH!
cherry / 144 posts
@ladyfingers - uhh, yes. my "went to bed at 8:30pm" really meant that I fell asleep on the couch at 8:30pm until DH woke me up at midnight and told me to move to the bed. I got up and felt really nauseous and hungry, so I made myself a mushroom omelet at midnight and then went to bed after that!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@Emilie: LOL that is awesome. I am sitting here at work trying desperately not to doze off. Is getting through the work day horribly impossible lately for anybody else?! I seriously want to cry every morning just thinking about it.
cherry / 144 posts
@ladyfingers - YES!! this feels like the worst food coma ever. I want to sleep at my desk so badly. hahaha
kiwi / 520 posts
Hey all happy Monday. So I got my first ultrasound last Thursday and saw babys heartbeat fluttering away. Dont know any stats yet tho have to wait for my Dr. to call me tomorrow with the results. The technician said everything looked good but I want to hear it from the Dr. Yesterday I had a freak out moment. Went to the bathroom and wiped and had brown spotting with two tiny dark red clot looking pieces. No cramping or pain but I was upset. I know brown is old and I did have a pap earlier in the week and also have been treating a yeast infection but I always expect the worse. Needless to say I had a very sleepless night and feel like garbage today. Also threw up for the first time this morning. Great ways to start the work week.
cherry / 144 posts
@Phillybaby2013 - sorry you had a bad start to the week, but it's so exciting that you got to see the baby's heartbeat and I hope you got good results from your doc today.
I just came back from my first ultrasound, and at first my midwife couldn't find the baby! she was like... this is your uterus and I would expect to see a baby around hereeee... are you still feeling pregnant?? It was all completely black! I definitely tried to remain calm... and then of course she shifted that wand thingy and then the baby magically appeared whew!!! Everything looked good, and the measurements of the baby showed that I was pretty accurate in predicting how far along I was.
My due date is officially February 10, 2013!!
honeydew / 7667 posts
@WALLAROO: Maternity clothes. they were all on clearance and I had a 30% off coupon so I got really good deals.
@Emilie: I would have been like - why yes I do still feel pg - thank you.
grape / 99 posts
thanks for the welcome you guys!
I have my first ultrasound on Monday. I'm most nervous about drinking all that water lol.
So I'm so hungry all the time. I have a lot of cramps, which I won't lie, really stress me out. No bleeding so I think that's good..and I'm trying not to freak out until then.
Last week I felt super queasy all day, and this week has been less. No morning sickness yet...knock on wood.
@phillibaby & emilie that's so exciting to see your baby!
kiwi / 711 posts
@Mrs. Lantern: My husband and I live in Seattle and we love coming up to Vancouver for long weekends. We love it up there! I never stopped to think that week 7 was halfway through the first tri but you are right. Woo hoo!
@Phillybaby2013: That is so great that you heard the baby's heartbeat at your ultrasound. Did you hear back from the dr regarding the stats?
@Emilie: I can't believe the midwife asked if you still felt pregnant! That would have freaked me out a bit. Glad that everything looked good!
@littlepenguin: My nausea comes and goes but no m/s.
I have a new food to add to my "do not like" list right now. avocado and I usually LOVE avocado in all forms. I can eat it in the form of guacamole but NOT slices or chunks. It is also really hard to take my prenatals and other vitamins.
pomelo / 5331 posts
@Phillybaby2013: Yay! I had about two weeks of spotting that ranged from brown to bright red blood, and everything was just fine. I always expect the worst, too, but the symptoms are a great sign too
@Emilie: OMG I would have killed her!
Man, I have the worst headache today. Boo
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