kiwi / 662 posts
Oh boy we gotta amp this thread up a bit! I'm a total slacker...
@JerricaBenton: I hear you on it feeling like milk took forever to come in, and mine only took 4. Our lil guy ended up losing 8.9%. That is so wonderful that you're recovering well, glad to hear that!
WTG on the weight loss, that's awesome! I am curious where I'm at, we don't have a scale. As for the baby wearing, I think you'll love it! I use a sling and the Cuddly Wrap at home all the time, super convenient - I can get everything done, even dishes/vacuuming with the wrap. I have a Baby Bjorn for outside, its great too! I find that if I wear him too long in it my lower back kills. The Ergo might have better back support tho, I am not sure. Let us know how it goes!
@WALLAROO: 7 weeks!! Wow that flew by! So exciting about your house, good luck with the move, hope all goes smoothly.
@photojane: I'm sorry to hear Sadie is on a sleep strike! Z has decided he doesn't want to sleep at night either. Glad to hear you're loving being a Mom. That is so nice that you can put Sadie down when she's not fully asleep, I'd never get away with that these days.
@ladyfingers: I didn't get to commenting on your photos, Derek is gorgeous!! Hope that's ok to say considering he's a boy very cute babe you made! Good call on going to get some new clothes...I need to get out and do the same, treat myself to some spring items!
How old is LO? 5 weeks tomorrow...that went so fast!
How much do they weigh? I'd guess somewhere around 9 1/2? We don't have a scale.
What new thing have they done lately that you love? All the new sounds he's been making. Different tones as well, DH thinks they're getting deeper. And of course the adorable smiles I'm always trying to coax out of him.
What's your biggest challenge right now? Nighttime sleeping!! Z's he's been cluster/comfort feeding from 11 pm-3 am for the last 4 nights. My eyes are burning! Then after that he refuses to sleep in his bassinet. As soon as I lay him down he's back awake cooing which eventually turns into cries of wanting to be picked up. The only way I caught any zzz's last night was with him on my chest. When 6:00 rolled around I caved and had him sleep beside me for awhile. Those were the only times he slept soundly. Needless to say I am tired and a little bit frustrated.
I'm wondering if it's just a growth spurt? Either way, any tips/tricks would be greatly appreciated!
We might be a tad crazy but we're going to a hockey game on Thursday. Super excited! We're packing him up in the Baby Bjorn and blue baby earmuffs (the cutest thing ever!). Wish us luck
grapefruit / 4669 posts
Hey girls! I totally didn't make the Feb cutoff but I'm jumping in anyway...I mean, LO was still conceived around the same time as your kids, right?
@photojane: We got our Ergo on for a pretty good discount if that's the one you prefer!
I don't have the infant insert and am planning to stick with a Moby in the meantime. Tried it out yesterday and LO liked it but I got paranoid because she fell asleep and I couldn't hear her breathing! I will try again when she's more alert.
How old is LO? Tomorrow is 6 days old!
How much do they weigh? As of doctor's appt today, she has regained her birth weight of 9.5 lbs, woo hoo! My boobs are small yet powerful.
What new thing have they done lately that you love? So many cute expressions! DH and I don't watch TV anymore, we just watch LO because she's adorable and we're smitten.
What's your biggest challenge right now? I can't sleep! It's 2:45am and I put LO down a little after 1am...if I could manage to fall asleep when I lay down, I know I could rack up decent hours but my mind won't stop racing!
How is everyone feeling PP? My butt is sore and stitches (2nd degree labial tear) are uncomfortable. The pain isn't too bad but the discomfort sucks. I laid on my stomach last night and it took pressure off those areas, but then I started to get a clogged duct so I guess stomach sleeping is out. (massaging that lump out while BFing felt super gross! yet satisfying...) It's so nice to not have a giant belly anymore! I felt like a normal human being again when I got dressed and fixed hair/makeup before LO's doctor appointment. Sure does take a lot longer to get ready when alone with a baby, though!
kiwi / 711 posts
How old is LO? They will be 8 weeks onThursday
How much do they weigh? They haven't been weighed since their 1 month appointment but I'm guessing M is 8 and a half pounds and O isn't too far behind her. He has definitely closed the gap since birth. Their two month appointment is next Monday so I'm curious to see what they weigh. Not looking forward to their shots though.
What new thing have they done lately that you love? O has finally gotten the hang of breast feeding which now means I can tandem feed when DH is home, it is so much more efficient. They are also becoming super aware of everything around them and they are fascinated by it all and make such intrigued faces.
What's your biggest challenge right now? Getting them to nap in the morning is challenging. They both just want to be held after nursing but I need to nurse the other one so I don't really have the luxury to do that for very long. I also can't get much done until they are both napping.
How is everyone feeling PP? I'm feeling great. Just wish I had time to exercise. I am just itching to run but this movies taking up all of my "spare" time. I guess that is my exercise for now, I ran 1 mile a couple weeks ago and aside from needing a more supportive sports bra, it felt great!
@tororojo: congratulations and so happy you can join us on the other side. That clogged duct does not sound fun. It definitely takes longer to get ready to get out of the house these days. I start the process at least two hours before I actually have to leave. Haha.
@lolabee: that is awesome that you and your DH are venturing out to a hockey game with LO. Tell us how it goes.
@JerricaBenton: congrats on the weight loss. That is awesome! I'm still 10 pounds away from pre preg weight but so far away from pre preg body fitness.
@photojane: how is the sleep strike going? Hopefully Sadie has been sleeping more. I got my ergos when they were on baby steals for nearly 50% off.
@ladyfingers: I'm jealous of your new wardrobe. I definitely need an in between wardrobe. My maternity jeans are too big and I don't fit into my pre preg skinny jeans yet. After the move I want to try and get a mini wardrobe for myself so I feel a little more put together.
pomegranate / 3872 posts
@ladyfingers: Any better on the bf'ing issues? I can empathize because the pain of this thrush issue is so incredible, I am wishing for the pain of those early days of nursing! We are on medicine now so I am praying that it subsides soon.
So I totally wussed out on babywearing over the weekend, but I have been out with L by myself twice now! It went well and it felt so good to be out in the world again. We're going to try again with the baby wearing this weekend. I'm going to try to use the k'tan around the house to get used to it, then start with a walk.
So I tried swaddling again with a miracle blanket (we had just been using the A&A swaddles) and it went much better. She's not sleeping for long stretches the past few days (growth spurt again??) but when she does sleep, she's flat on her back in the p n' p! I feel so much better about that that it almost makes up for the lack of sleep Thanks for the reminder @PhotoJane:!
I keep trying to update her baby book but I never get the chance - I feel like a jerk! I'm still keeping a feeding/pee/poop log so I jot down notes on each day so I don't forget. Hopefully I get the motivation to work on the book soon!
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
Hi February Mama's! I hope to participate more on this postpartum thread... DS was born in the latter half of Feb so I bet most of your kiddos are well ahead of mine.
How old is LO? He's 2.5 weeks now - the weeks are going by so much faster as a 2nd time mom. I remember when I had DD, that first month felt endless. I felt like it was groundhog day every day. I'm enjoying this a lot more the 2nd time around.
How much do they weigh? Not sure... probably in the 8 pound range now. His cheeks are chunking up.
What new thing have they done lately that you love? He has all these funy facial expressions - I love staring at him and can't wait to "get to know him" more as he gets older!
What's your biggest challenge right now? I'm just really tired this week. The two week "honeymoon" phase has passed where he'll just sleep and sleep. Right now its a lot of cluster feeding bc he's going through a growth spurt and he has longer awake times. Sometimes I feel like my arm is going to fall off from all the holding!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Hello February Mommas! I hope you ladies don't mind me joining you here, but Xander was born February 26th, almost a week early, making me a February Mom instead of a March one like I always thought I would be!
How old is LO? 16 days!
How much do they weigh? Last weigh in was at 5 days and he was 8 lbs 1 oz. I'll find out how much he's gained today at our 2 week well visit. Hopefully he's been gaining well!
What new thing have they done lately that you love? He has funny facial expressions, but other than that, nothing really new that I love... the newest thing he does is stay awake ALL THE TIME and act like he's STARVING, and I'm not loving it at all!
What's your biggest challenge right now? I THINK he's going through a growth spurt because he stays awake for hours and just wants to eat all the time! I don't know what to do half the time because I think my boobs are empty and he still seems hungry and just won't sleep.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Mrs. High Heels: I think maybe our babies are doing the same thing - will yours stay up for hours acting like he's starving and want to nurse constantly?? I'm nervous because after the first hour or so of eating, I feel like there's nothing left to feed him and he can't be satisfied. What about you?
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@Adira: yes that sounds exactly like what i'm going through! its so frustrating bc he keeps tugging at my boob trying to get more milk, but my boobs feel so soft and empty! i hope my supply catches up to his demand soon!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Mrs. High Heels: Soooo glad I'm not the only one going through this!!! Xander is doing the exact same thing! He's trying so hard to get more milk out but I'm on empty! I'm thinking of trying to give him a pacifier when there's no milk left - maybe he'll be happy sucking on that instead of me.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@Adira: agreed!! at least what we're going through is perfectly normal, but i'm so ready to be done with this phase!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Mrs. High Heels: He's actually been sleeping really well today... I'm hoping that means the end of the growth spurt and not that he's going to be up all night tonight...
kiwi / 711 posts
@JerricaBenton: I hope the medication works quickly!
@Adira: welcome! Congratulations on the arrival of Xander. Let us know how his 2 week well check goes. Hope the growth spurt has passed and he sleeps longer stretches.
@Mrs. High Heels: glad you checked in! How is it going having a toddler and a newborn? Is your DH still home to help?
We have had a busy week getting ready for our move this weekend. We have been back and forth btw the new and old place getting the new place ready for move in. We set up a pack n play, swing, and bouncer there so we can get work done. The babies have been troopers and done surprisingly well. As difficult as it is, I probably would still do it now rather than when they are older since they are still on a loose schedule and can adapt more.
The babies and I did a solo trip to Target but when I got there realized I left the double snap n go at the new house. What is a twin mama to do? I wore O in the ergo and put M in the cart in her infant carseat. It worked out well and thank goodness they slept the whole time!
kiwi / 711 posts
Ugh rough night/early morning. We washed the rock n play cover last night and it wasn't dry by bedtime so we put the babies to bed in the pack n play. They were fine until after their 4am feeding. I just woke up half an hour ago because they both had spit up a lot! Poor babies. I cleaned them up, put the covers on the rock n play, and they are now sleeping. I hope they can give me a few more hours of sleep.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@WALLAROO: Thank you! Our well visit went well! Xander is back up to his birth weight, so yay!!
Sorry to hear about your rough night! I had one too - Xander seems over his growth spurt but he's back to eating every two hours and not letting me get any sleep. And it's always so depressing when our babies spit up - I know how you feel!
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@WALLAROO: @Adira: Sorry to hear about your terrible nights!! I hope you guys get to squeeze in some naps today. I had a rough night too.. it was the worst night so far since we brought Jaren home. He just turned 3-weeks old today. All day and all night yesterday he would nurse and fall asleep, but every time I tried to put him down he would wake up and fuss. Up til now he's been fine sleeping just about anywhere, so this is something new. Sigh - I hope it passes. And last night he woke up to nurse every hour (I was up at 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30... etc. Someone shoot me). I would lay down, close my eyes for 5-10 minutes and have to get up again. I'm a zombie today. I have him strapped in the Ergo now and he is fast asleep, but now I'm nervous to even attempt to put him down.
@WALLAROO: Yes, DH is back at work now. He only took one week off. The transition to two kids has actually been much better/easier than I expected. Noelle is a very loving sister and doesn't have any signs of jealousy/resentment at all. She's also at an age where she's getting more and more independent, so she's fine playing by herself and I just make sure she's in my line of sight. DH handles her baths and entire bedtime routine solo now because I'm constantly having to nurse Jaren. I'm missing the time I get to spend with my baby girl, but I'm glad she's adjusting well.
How exciting about the move!! I agree probably better to get the move over with sooner than later! We moved when Noelle was about 11-months old and really had to time things around her nap schedule, which was a bit of a hassle.
And so impressed by your twin mom skills! Handling one newborn is hard enough as it is, I don't know how you're doing it with two at once - supermom!
kiwi / 662 posts
@tororojo: I can't remember if I gave my congrats to you! If not, big CONGRATS! I lol'd at the "small yet powerful" If you have a snoogle, I found making it into a donut and sitting on it helped a ton with the discomfort. Hope you're managing to get some zzz's!
@WALLAROO: Hockey game went amazing!!! Z slept the entire time. Had tons of comments on him, it was pretty cool. I carried him in the Bjorn with his little ear muffs on. WTG on the multi tasking at Target!! I was thinking the other day when I was putting the carseat in the car how in the heck would one manage with twins?! Kudos to Mama's of twins thats for sure.
In regards to exercise, I cannot wait! Worried about finding time too. WTG on getting out to run already, especially with 2!
@Mrs. High Heels: How are you finding the adjustment with 2 LO's? Glad you're finding this time more enjoyable!
@Adira: I am sure he's gaining just great! Let us know how your doctor appt goes. I think feeding like that is totally normal, hang in there! It is time consuming sometimes but so worth it! It gets easier as time goes on.
@WALLAROO: @Adira: @Mrs. High Heels: Sorry to hear about the bad's soo hard! Feel like a zombie the next day and then you dread the upcoming night once evening hits.
@Mrs. High Heels: I've also had lots of times where I cannot put Zev down...he immediately wakes up. I had to resort to something I initially thought I wouldn't do (bring him in bed with us) to get a few zzz's. That bit of sleep was absolutely glorious, I felt like a new woman.
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
I loved reading everyone's updated. Seems like all the babes and moms are doing great except for all of the sleepless nights. We had one REALLY awful night, which I think can be attributed to a mental leap. It corresponded with her learning to smile at us, so even though it was an awful night, it was SO worth it. Love her little smiles.
Have any of you guys tried using white noise? I have an app on my phone that I use for my newborns for work, and it's magic. She will usually fall right to sleep when she's tired, but if she ever gets overtired and starts fighting sleep, I just turn on the white noise & she is OUT. I highly recommend it!
Also, I have some good news to share!
We went to our one month follow-up with the plastic surgeon, and he gave us some super helpful info about Sadie's feeding issues. Thankfully her tongue tie is completely gone, and her incision site is healed up. Though we've already discussed her anatomical differences with the lac consultant, and her ped, the surgeon officially "diagnosed" her with a retracted mandible. Basically her bottom jaw is farther back than it should be (which is actually super cute... her little bottom lip is always tucked under). We figured it out the hard way, but he informed us that it would be nearly impossible to breastfeed a baby with her current anatomy (she can't latch). And, since she's not even latching great with the bottle, he is a proponent of formula feeding. He wants us to concentrate on getting as much formula in her as possible, so that she'll continue to gain weight. Thankfully, as she grows, her jaw should correct itself. He thinks by three months it should be most of the way corrected, so we have another follow-up then. Though I'm not happy she has this issue, it makes me feel so relieved that there was absolutely nothing I could've done to make BFing work - I can stop feeling guilty! It turns out that bottle feeding has been wonderful for us... she eats and sleeps so well. I'm just so encouraged that after a really hard personal struggle, I can let all of that mommy guilt and jealousy go.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@photojane: What a relief to finally figure out what was going on with Sadie!! I really like your mentality about releasing the guilt about bfing and just moving on and making sure she gets the nutrients she needs to continue growing.
I use a marpac white noise machine that Mrs. Bee recommended in one of her guides, but it doesn't seem like Jaren cares either way whether or not it's on. He's a much easier baby than Noelle ever was, and few things seem to affect him besides gas and hunger.
Can we all do an update on baby birthdays and names? I was stalking the March 2013 mamas and saw that they did this and liked it!
@Mrs. High Heels: Feb 22 - Jaren David
bananas / 9973 posts
@photojane: What a relief to have concrete info on Sadie's feeding issues. Glad you have a plan of action able to figure it all out.
I know I never became an official February mama, but our update on Baby shopaholic is:
Born 3.6.13
6lbs 7oz
Kaitlyn Irene
Currently going through her first growth spurt marathon feelings and/or cluster feeding in the middle of the nights. I've had terrible after pains, boob pains, itches from the stitches, and (thanks to @photojane: realized I have) soreness from the catheter. All such wonderful pp stuff people don't really prep you for!
Question since y'all are ahead of me: What do you do with your baby when she's been fed, burped, her diaper changed, but still awake and just wants to be held and rocked all the time? We have such a hard and difficult time getting her to lay down. She could be sleeping in your arms for an hour and literally within a minute of putting her down in her bassinet she'll wake up screaming.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: Have you tried entertaining her in other ways? We put Xander on his activity mat and he seems content there for a while sometimes. We've also started doing tummy time, though he's not really a fan, haha. Do you have a carrier? Maybe you could put her in a carrier and go about doing your chores and she'll be happy?
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@shopaholic: even though you're not a feb mama, I hope you still continue to participate here too!
When Jaren is fed and content, but still awake and refuses to be put down... I usually strap him in my Ergo and find things to do around the house (pick up after Noelle, do the laundry, pace around...) or go for a walk outside, and usually he'll fall asleep. The problem is once he's in the Ergo and asleep, if I unstrap him, he'll wake up. Since I'm feeding him every 1.5-2 hours right now, I pretty much just hope and pray that he'll conk out after the next feeding and try to keep busy until then. There are days when I do just hold him and rock him.. and I literally feel like my arms are going to fall off. Ergo or some sort of carrier is probably your best bet right now since K is still so young! J can't stay content under an activity gym for too long without fussing so that doesn't really work for us. Do you have a swing or bouncer? We don't have those but that might work for you too! I know lots of babies love the snuggabunny swing.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Adira: Not doing the tummy time on a mat yet because her umbilical cord stump is still there and kind of flaking off blood even. And she really doesn't like lying on her back. She always cries and flails after a minute or less!
@Mrs. High Heels: Thanks friend!
@Adira: @Mrs. High Heels: I've been trying to get K used to the carriers. We've only successfully gotten her into the K'tan once while she was totally conked out. I thought it was no problem and took her out after a few minutes. But since then, she flexes her whole body and her face gets so upset every time I attempt to put her in. If it's still not working in a week or two, that thing is getting returned. I haven't tried the Moby we got yet - so much fabric!
I DID get her in the Ergo yesterday and right now!!! I'm practicing getting her used to it! Both times I've met resistance, protest with those strong arms of hers, and cries for a few minutes. But bouncing around and walking seem to put her to sleep both times. I just have to get her in a calm and good mood to even begin to put her in.
We have the Snugabunny Swing and it's good for daytime sleeping. She doesn't seem to happy to stay in it when she is just awake though. This girl just always wants to be carried and my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is flaring up like crazy! So I think I will be relying on the Ergo a lot!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: I need to get out my Ergo and try that!! We actually just set up our swing yesterday and Xander's napping it in right now! I'm just hoping he wakes up soon to feed before my family comes over for St. Patrick's Day!
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
@Mrs. High Heels: Thanks! Feb 12 - Sadie Rose
@shopaholic: We're happy to have you here, you're an honorary Feb mama! As far as sleeping is concerned, I really swear by noise. It works for all of my newborns during their sessions, and it works with Sadie as well. When baby is inside she is constantly hearing loud noises - your heartbeat, blood pumping, etc. So, it only makes sense that when baby is on the outside, she'll enjoy the same noise. For some reason people think that complete silence and serenity are imperative for a sleeping baby, but it's actually the opposite (your baby can get used to sleeping in silence, though, which creates the "tip-toe" around the house situation!). Simple shushing can make a big difference. Every time I'm going to move Sadie or one of my babies while they're sleeping I make a loud "shhh" sound. It generally helps soothe them, and they won't wake (or at least won't wake completely) while we're moving. I continue to shush while they're in their new position/location until I'm certain they're comfy. If a baby starts to wake or fuss, I continue to shush and then either pat the babies bum firmly or use both hands on either side to bounce the baby a little depending on how she's laying. The noise + movement always works for me. A white noise machine or app are helpful too... Sadie likes the white noise the best, but some babies prefer a heartbeat sound, and others rain or waves. I hope that helps!
pomegranate / 3983 posts
Hi ladies, I've been meaning to jump in for a while but 2 under 2 is no joke and my "free" time has been mostly devoted to eating or catching up on sleep. Let's see, Baby Brother was born almost one month ago on feb 18th and has pretty much been doing the typical newborn thing feeding around the clock. He's had some tummy troubles so I'm doing an elimination diet and hopefully we'll figure it out soon. Other than that my biggest challenge is just keeping my toddler occupied while I'm nursing. This past week was our first full week totally solo and we all survived so I'm feeling encouraged.
@shopaholic: definitely try out the Moby! It is kind of a pain to get on but both my kiddos have loved it and it's the only way I can get anything done during the day.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@Baby Boy Mom: so glad you popped in! how do you keep your toddler entertained while tending to your infant? mine are 2 years 2 months apart, but noelle is pretty independent now. she's also in preschool 5 days a week, and when she gets home my DH is back from work too. my MIL is also around to help if needed.
hope you figure out the cause of his tummy problems soon!
bananas / 9973 posts
@photojane: Thanks for the white noise tip. We really do have some kind of white noise going in every room at any given time with humidifiers and air purifiers. I also have the graco sound machine and the Sleep Sheep, but she hasn't really seemed to care about them much. But we've also never tried to get her to sleep in a completely silent room either.
grapefruit / 4669 posts
How do you ladies find time to get on the bee? I need to learn to multitask better! It's so comforting to read that I'm not alone in being sleep deprived and having baby on the brain...what did new moms do before the internet?
@shopaholic: DH and I have both worn LO in the Moby and it's working well so far! We watched a video and practiced before she was here and studied the instruction booklet b/c we're dorks. I still need a mirror and plenty of adjusting to get it on right, but once she's in it she'll sleep for a really long time! I have heard great things about the K'tan as well, and everyone seems to love the Ergo.
@photojane: I think baby photographers are magic--decided that yesterday when we got LO's pics done. So many tricks to soothe and keep them drowsy! We have white noise and have barely used it; maybe I'll try it again when we put her down tonight.
Does anyone else get really paranoid that LO will spit up while sleeping on his/her back and choke? That's like my biggest fear right now...she usually doesn't burp or spit up much, but the past few nights there has been one feeding where she'll toss most of it up and it freaks me out! I keep sending DH to check on her.
Also, my LO: Luisa Noelle, born 3/6
bananas / 9973 posts
@tororojo: First week or so I could barely function, would scan HB on my phone occasionally. I guess I am adjusting and I scan HB and respond simple stuff from my phone during long feeding sessions or when I'm sleepless in bed. I can get on here and there while she is sleeping too. But I'm TERRIBLE at "sleeping when baby sleeps." Maybe when the adrenaline wears off?
Have you thought of propping up her sleeping spot so her head is higher? I hear this recommendation for acid reflux babies a lot...
kiwi / 733 posts
I can't believe I've been MIA from this board for so long! I read HB all the time, usually on iPad/phone while I'm nursing, but I find it so much easier to respond (especially if I want to write more than a sentence or two) on my computer, which I don't get to as often as I'd like.
My LO was born 2/8. I don't want to put her full name on here, because it's somewhat unique, but we're using the nickname Ellie. (Her actual first name is Hebrew and begins with Y. Still not sure whether she'll be Ellie or her real name as she grows up; we use both.)
As I've been reading this thread, I've been nodding my head a lot, agreeing with and recognizing what everyone else has been through! She sleeps mainly in her bouncy seat, even at night. Between being able to have it vibrate and bounce, which seem to help her fall/stay asleep, and the fact that it isn't flat horizontal, since she's pretty congested, it works better, and our pediatrician okayed it for overnight, so we're going with it!
Breastfeeding is going well, finally. I have raynaud's, so especially for the first few weeks, the feeding itself wasn't completely awful (although the latching was), but in between feeds (as in, the rest of the time), I was in a lot of pain. It's not all better now, but I'm either used to it or it's somewhat better, and I would even say I enjoy nursing her, at least to some extent--and I can hardly believe I'm typing that!
I'm in awe watching her every day. She seems to spend a little more time awake almost every day than the one before, and I'm just trying to keep up, finding things to do, songs to sing, ways to entertain (but not overstimulate?) her. I try to get out of the house almost every day, even for just a little while, more for my own sanity than anything else! So we've been to Target, to the hospital's Mommy & Me group, the mall for a walk, out to lunch with friends, over to work to visit... She mainly stays in her carseat, and often with a light blanket over it in more crowded places, but I'm much happier when I don't just sit home all day.
That's enough of a novel from me...hopefully I'll get in here and check in (and not just read your checkins!) more often!
pomegranate / 3983 posts
@Mrs. High Heels: Your situation sounds pretty ideal! I love it When DH is home and taking care of Little Boy. Actually DH thinks I should just send him to preschool now (plan was to wait until he turns 2 this summer) but I'm not sure.
So nursing is a little tricky. I have to either set him up with an activity beforehand, i.e. play dough start playing together and then mommy "takes a break" for a bit, or if it's close to a meal time serve him food and then sit beside him while he eats, or pull out some books and get him to come sit next to me. The key has been changing it up, so it's something different ever time. (If I repeat too much he gets bored and will find something to "explore" himself, and by explore I mean destroy...haha). The rest has been not too bad, just lots of letting him "help" with various tasks and persuading him that he wants to do whatever is on the agenda (since I can't just pick him up at any given time).
@tororojo: Yes! I'm crazy like that, always checking on him when he's sleeping! I think it's just a crazy mom fear though because anytime he has spit up when on his back during the day, like on the changing pad, it always just dribbles out the side.
@JessiBee: Same, we also have pretty unique names so I try not to use them online too much. And I also just HB from my phone. Today was the first time all week I was able to open my computer, and only because DH was home.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
An updated list :)... everyone has such great taste in names!!
Photojane: February 6 - Sadie Rose
Jessibee: February 8 - "Ellie"
Baby Boy Mom: February 18 - "Baby Brother"
Mrs. High Heels: February 22 - Jaren David
Adira: February 26 - Alexander Michael
Shopaholic: March 6 - Kaitlyn Irene
Torojojo: March 6 - Luisa Noelle
pomegranate / 3872 posts
Feb 16 - 'L' was born
We used the K'tan while we were at my parents' today and it was awesome! She loved it and snuggled and slept on me for a few hours. It felt really secure. Can't wait to take it for a spin around Target this week! Also, I said it earlier but I just wanted to repeat that the Miracle Blanket has truly been a miracle for us the last few nights! L almost immediately calms down if she's fussy and she has no problem sleeping flat when she's in it!
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@tororojo: i have a little table setup next to my glider/nursing station with water, food, and my laptop. i usually type one-handed while i nurse... and since i'm nursing every other hour right now i have plenty of time to be online!
so far, DS hasn't spit up that badly while sleeping... if he has gas or needs to burp he always wakes himself up, so every time stuff comes out of him, he's already awake. i agree that elevating him might help. do you have a RnP?
@JessiBee: we use the nickname Ellie too (short for Noelle)! now i'm imagining all the possible names that could match with Ellie that starts with a "Y". i'm not familiar with raynaud's... why does it cause you pain in-between feedings but not during? getting out has helping me stay sane too. it actually helps me feel less tired, and some days i don't even think about how tired i am when i actually get myself out of the house, run some errands, or even go for a walk in the sun.
@Baby Boy Mom: your DS sounds so independent, esp for being under 2! no way was my DD capable of all that at your DS' age. my DD still likes to make sure i'm right there beside her when she's doing her thing and she's already 2 years 2 months old. sounds like everything you're doing is really working for you!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@lolabee: sounds like a growth spurt! Though its probably resolved itself by now, he's 6 weeks now, right? Those cluster feeding marathons are nuts!
@tororojo: I get so paranoid w/ D in his carrier! I'm constantly sticking my hand in there to make sure I can feel him breathing lol. And yes on it taking forever to get ready with a baby around. Actually everything takes forever! It used to take me 30 minutes to clean the kitchen now it takes me all day if I'm lucky enough to even get it done. Oh well, if much rather be cuddling a cute baby than cleaning the kitchen anyway
@WALLAROO: I'm in awe of the tandem nursing. I can barely nurse one! You're a ruck star. Are they always hungry at the same time or do they just live w/ a schedule? I always wondered how that worked, if one would want to cluster feed while the other didn't or one wanted to nap instead, etc. And as for my wardrobe it's more like a mini wardrobe, 5 or 6 shirts and a pair if jeans, didn't want to make it sound like I bought a closet full of clothes! Oh my but that would be nice. I feel like a cow even in the bigger stuff I bought
@JerricaBenton: you poor thing, I hope the thrush is better! We have gotten the hang of things so there's not much pain anymore, but lately he's been pulling a lot at the breast and it's really frustrating. I know there's milk and I know it's coming out because he'll accidentally pull off and it will be leaking out. Then when he pulls off he's frantically trying to get back on. I don't know if it's too slow or too fast - I've tried compressions in case it's too slow and holding him up higher in case it's too fast. I just feel like everybody else knows what's going on and I have no clue what's up with my body. It's frustrating because feeds take so long when he does that and sometimes we just have to give up even though I know he's still hungry it's not all the time though, and it seems like he's getting more efficient. Maybe he's just confused because he's draining the breast so fast now? Ah, we can hope.
Right now I'm also focused on building up a freezer stash and pumping. I'm stressed - it's hard to find the time! I tried to pump after yesterday's morning session, after he went down for his nap. I got 2 ounces in 15 minutes but then he woke up after only 30 minutes and wanted to eat so I had to cut the session short and then felt like I had nothing left for him. I feel like 2 ounces us so lame. At this rate I won't make it very far past 3 months on breastmilk alone, unless I start being able to pump more or get a better output while I'm at work. Anybody else start pumping yet? How's it going?
@Adira: I feel like all Derek did that first month was eat. That's the time though when all his eating is helping you make more milk for him! He's telling your body how much he needs do your supply is adequate for when he starts evening out. And he will! At 6 weeks Derek now eats pretty much every 2-3 hours -- when he gets up from naps, one extra time before bed as a cluster feed, and 2-3 night feedings. It's much more manageable and even though I'll feed him more frequently if he's fussy or I just want to comfort him, it's so much better than those first few weeks. For now, think how great he's making your supply by frequently nursing!
@Mrs. High Heels: ugh sorry about your rough night! Derek stopped sleeping just any old place a few weeks ago. Now we have to soothe him for sometimes up to 45 minutes/an hour and he'll really only sleep in his rock n play. It makes a 2-hour affair from a 30-minute nap and bedtime is sometimes a nightmare. 2 nights ago were rough on us too, he had a crappy day nap wise and by bedtime had been awake 2.5 hours so it took us 4 hours to get him down he was so overtired! We tried the carseat, running the vacuum, multiple sessions if swaddling and swaying him on his side and shushing, the pacifier, feeding a million times, 3 diaper changes, different swaddles... Finally DH managed to get him to sleep. Then of course he was up again 2 hours later. Ugh, babies!
@photojane: I'm so glad for your news and that you can now proceed guilt-free! Yay! As for white noise, we have a machine and I like that it blocks out household noise, but it doesn't really seem to help Derek sleep any more quickly or stay asleep longer Sadie seems so much easier than Derek, sometimes he feels very high maintenance when it comes to putting -- and keeping -- him down. Guess he just wants to be part of this new world so bad he wants to fight sleep all the time!
@shopaholic: yep... We just held him it totally sucks and same as you, he'd be out and the second we'd put him down so we could, you know, eat together, he'd wake up and start crying. So we would eat on shifts. Now it's a little better because we started consciously putting him down for naps at somewhat regular times, and when his needs have been met we can set him in his pack n play or activity gym/bouncer and he's awake but cool being alone for a few minutes. But evenings are still hard - those are the fussiest witching hours. It gets easier though, hang in there!!
@Baby Boy Mom: aw, I'm sorry for the tummy troubles! I hope you figure out what it is soon! That elimination diet sounds like no joke.
@tororojo: you could try turning her head to the side when you put her down? The couple times Derek has spit up lying down he just dribbles it out the side or turns his head, but them I feel bad because he's been lying in it the worries never end!
@JessiBee: congrats on your LO! I had that between-feeding pain, I've been taking calcium/magnesium supplements and just trying to keep my boobs warm in between (wearing a robe or cardigan) since cold always makes it worse. Fun times!
My LO: Derek John, 2/2/13
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@tororojo: Xander will spit up while sleeping on his back, but he always has his head turned to one side, so I'm not worried about choking.
kiwi / 733 posts
@Baby Boy Mom: I am in awe of you moms doing this with a toddler at home!
@Mrs. High Heels: Thanks for updating the list! Raynaud's is a circulation issue (not a medical problem, just an annoyance) and I actually have no idea why it causes pain between feedings. I have nipple blanching (they turn white) and what is described as vasospasm, but I don't know why, really. I've never had it in my nipples before breastfeeding. In the extremities where I usually show symptoms (fingers and toes), they actually get numb, and I joked a lot at the beginning that I WISHED my nipples would go numb!
@JerricaBenton: I may have to try a miracle blanket! We tried the sleep slack with velcro swaddle (whatever it's called) that they gave us at the hospital (it says "back is best" on the front), but as a 6 lb, 17-inch newborn, she was too small for it so she broke out of that swaddle! Now that she's somewhat bigger, we may have to try something like that. Thanks for the recommendation!
@ladyfingers: YES on dressing in layers...lots of them for my northern winter, still in full swing - it's snowing right now! And sadly, yes on an apparent growth spurt here right now, too. She had been waking us only once per night, and not until between 4 and 5:30, a 6-7 hour stretch from the start of her last feeding. She went not-quite-4 hours last night, waking before 2 am. Let's hope we get through this phase quickly!
@tororojo: I remember reading (somewhere...) that babies can't choke on their spit-up on their backs for some reason. I think a lot of people worried about it when the recommendation changed from tummy sleeping to back sleeping, so they studied it, but of course I don't remember the source where I read that at all.
How are you all doing on body-stuff? I gained about 30 during pregnancy, and am back to about 10-15 over my pre-preg weight, but it seems to have settled there. I can zip my pre-preg jeans, but just barely, and it is not pretty. I went out to buy a couple of pairs of inexpensive jeans in a bigger size this weekend, and I was disappointed to find that the ones that fit best were 2-3 sizes bigger than what I usually wear. I know I'm not at 6 weeks yet and not cleared for exercise yet, but...ugh. Can anyone commiserate?! (If you're back down to pre-preg size/clothes, I applaud you from my jealousy!)
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ladyfingers: I think we're finally starting to get Xander into a routine, though it's only been three days, so I don't want to jinx myself! But the last three days, we've been trying to do E.A.S.Y. and it seems to be working, although evenings are still funky and he likes to cluster feed and stay awake for a few hours, but last night, he slept for FOUR HOURS and I got some much needed sleep! It was AWESOME! I even decided to pump in the middle of the night because he only drank from one side and I was able to get two ounces, so I'm feeling pretty pumped today!
pomelo / 5331 posts
@JessiBee: 6-7 hours, that's amazing! Derek has only ever slept between 3-5 for his long stretch then he's up every couple hours after that. I hope and pray he starts sleeping longer soon, I can't take 2-3 night wakes every night for much longer.
Body wise, ugh. Nothing from prepreg fits, especially shirts because my boobs are so much bigger now. Forget pants - I was a size 8 before and I bought size 12 jeans that are still too right but size 14 are too big. I bought some large shirts (medium before) but with the muffin top I'm too self conscious still, especially sitting down. I still have a gut and don't know when I could possibly work out because his naps are so inconsistent still. Sometimes he sleeps 30 minutes, sometimes 2 hours. It's still so hard to fit anything in. I tried pumping during his nap again today and he woke up after 20 minutes. So aggravating.
I recovered "down there" within a few weeks but they had found a cyst in my 39th week so they had to drain it and I got more stitches last week, so I've been sore yet again from that. In 2 weeks I get that checked in then 2 weeks later they can put in an iud (I'm getting paragard because it has no hormones is very effective and you can get pregnant immediately after taking it out). So no sex for a while (unless we use condoms) which is fine because between labor, the cyst, and breastfeeding I'm SCARED to dtd.
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