Hellobee Boards


February post partum thread!

  1. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @Adira: yeah! We are doing easy too, and it's made things so much... Uh, easier! Though he's been taking longer to go down for naps so I'm wondering if I need to slightly extend his wake time. I put him down when he yawns, usually after an hour, but he fights it for a bit before finally falling asleep. Ah, baby schedules -- the joke is on us!

  2. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @ladyfingers: Yeah, Xander fought his nap this morning too, but I put him in his swing and he seemed content to just relax there for 30 minutes before finally falling asleep. Though yesterday when he slept in his swing, he didn't want to wake up and I was worried he'd be up all night! I wasn't sure what to do and I finally made Hubs wake him when he'd slept for 2.5 hours.

    He also fights staying awake after I feed him - nursing knocks him out!! But I just don't swaddle him and I'll talk to him and he eventually will wake up. I'm hoping that as we continue to try to do E.A.S.Y., it will get... err... easier, haha, and we'll eventually actually get him on a schedule!

  3. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @Adira: I'd never heard of this E.A.S.Y. schedule, but glad you brought it up! Thanks!

  4. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    Ladyfingers - February 2 - Derek John
    Photojane: February 6 - Sadie Rose
    Jessibee: February 8 - "Ellie"
    Jerricabenton - February 16 - "L"
    Baby Boy Mom: February 18 - "Baby Brother"
    Mrs. High Heels: February 22 - Jaren David
    Adira: February 26 - Alexander Michael
    Shopaholic: March 6 - Kaitlyn Irene
    Torojojo: March 6 - Luisa Noelle


    @JerricaBenton: @JessiBee: the miracle blanket works for us too! as long as the lil' guy is swaddled he sleeps really well, but the moment that sneaky fist pops out, it's all over and he starts stirring and waking himself up. another method DH discovered that really works wonders for us is a double swaddle by using an A+A blanket and a woombie together. we swaddle him with the A+A blanket first then we zip him up in a woombie. we are huge woombie fans!

    @ladyfingers: i've been trying to pump at least once every day to build a freezer stash too. i agree it's really hard to find the time, esp since the feedings are so frequent right now. i worry
    that sometimes after a pump session, he'll wake up again wanting to eat and my boobs will be drained. i started a thread asking how long people usually pumped for, and a lot of ppl said they only do it for 10-15 min at a time... which made me feel a lot better! i was trying to pump for at least 30 min each time and it felt so overwhelming. i usually pump in the mornings right after a feeding and i'm getting 4-5 oz. i've been eating oatmeal everyday so that might be helping... but 2 oz isn't bad, esp if its on top of a nursing session!

    @JessiBee: haha, i wish my nipples would go numb too! i hope your pain goes away soon. do you know if it'll last for as long as you plan to breastfeed?

    ugh pp weight. i can def commiserate. i gained 30 pounds too, and when i came home from the hospital i only lost 10 of it! i haven't weighed myself since bc i don't want to get down about it (and will focus more after i hit 6 wks), but i'm pretty sure i'm still up 15 lbs. its so hard looking at my flabby pooch and i'm still wearing just comfy loose tees, leggings, and yoga pants on most days. i'm not a pretty sight lol! i haven't even attempted to try on pre-preg jeans!

    so last night was pretty good sleepwise. not bc i got extended sleep - he woke up like clockwork every 2 hours to feed like usual (1:30, 3:30, 5:30)... but he fell asleep at the boob every time and i was able to put him right back down again after and go right back to sleep. no rocking, holding, or pacing trying to get him back to sleep! i really think its bc of the way we swaddled him - he must've been too cozy in his woombie!

  5. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @shopaholic: E.A.S.Y. stands for Eat, Activity, Sleep, You, in case you were wondering. You feed baby, then do an activity (which might just be changing their diaper or letting them stare at the wall - Xander's been staying awake for longer stretches, so we've been doing tummy time and hanging out), and then you put them down for their nap and while they nap, you can do whatever you want! You're supposed to do E.A.S.Y. all throughout the day and then at night, you just feed them and put them back to bed - no activities unless you need to do a diaper change, which we still do every time we feed.

  6. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @ladyfingers: @Adira: we did E.AS.Y. with our first with great success! i swear by it. i don't remember when i started implementing it the first time around though - i've been way more loosey goosey as a 2nd time mom. i should start doing it too. its so nice when they're on a schedule and everything becomes predictable.

    @Adira: that's awesome you got such a long stretch of sleep and more milk out!! yay!!

    @shopaholic: E.A.S.Y. is from "the secrets of the baby whisperer" book - i highly recommend!

  7. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: Yeah, we only recently started doing E.A.S.Y. this week now that Xander's been awake for longer stretches. So far it's been working pretty well for us, but we've probably only been consistent with it for three days so... we'll see!

    And yes! I'm excited about the milk I have! I think today we'll try feeding Xander with a bottle and see how that goes. I'm both nervous and excited for it!

  8. Mrs. Lantern

    apricot / 359 posts

    Ahh I just discovered this thread now! I bookmarked the parenting threads and missed this completely. So good to hear how you Feb mamas are doing!

    How old is LO? 5 weeks! The first month went by so fast and slow at the same time.
    How much do they weigh? Avery was 6lbs 14oz when she was born. We're going for a weigh in on Wednesday and I'm hoping she is at least 9lbs.
    What new thing have they done lately that you love? We started swaddling again with her arms out. She hated the swaddle at first because she loves to self-soothe with her hands. But with the swaddle she's been sleeping longer and fussing less.
    What's your biggest challenge right now? DH is sick with a cold and I'm monitoring LO's temperature to make sure she doesn't have a fever. She's been eating, peeing, pooping and sleeping well so I'm not too worried yet. Other challenge is her green poop. She nurses for as long as 40mins per session with compressions and it's still green. Midwife says if she's gaining weight then to not worry.

    Looking forward to being more active on this thread

    Ladyfingers - February 2 - Derek John
    Photojane: February 6 - Sadie Rose
    Jessibee: February 8 - "Ellie"
    Mrs. Lantern: February 9 - Avery
    Jerricabenton - February 16 - "L"
    Baby Boy Mom: February 18 - "Baby Brother"
    Mrs. High Heels: February 22 - Jaren David
    Adira: February 26 - Alexander Michael
    Shopaholic: March 6 - Kaitlyn Irene
    Torojojo: March 6 - Luisa Noelle

  9. JessiBee

    kiwi / 733 posts

    @ladyfingers: I guess that without much specific intention, we've been doing EASY, too. Except that my suspicions that she's going through a growth spurt right now have been confirmed by today being more ESESES. (Although I guess that means more Y than usual too, right?!)

    @Mrs. High Heels: I think it does last through breastfeeding, but it's already MUCH better than it was a few weeks ago, so hopefully it will continue to get better...and hopefully the eventual coming of spring will help, too, since it's worse when I'm cold! I took a pair of my new too-many-sizes-up jeans in today to get hemmed, and I will say that putting on real pants (with a zipper and a button!) that fit me beautifully (in spite of the number on the tag) felt really, really good, and I'm looking forward to putting the maternity pants away.

    @Adira: Good luck with the bottle feeding! I had my DH do it, both because he was excited to have a chance to feed her, and because babies are apparently less likely to take a bottle from the boob-owner. My best pumping time is one of the night wake ups. We plan for both of us to get up, DH gives her a bottle, and I go pump...and maybe since those feedings are more spread apart than during the day, I get a lot of milk...sometimes more than double what he's feeding her, so I'm slowly building up a little stash in the freezer.

    @Mrs. Lantern: Welcome back! I hope Avery stays healthy, and that her poop goes back to a lovely seedy-yellow soon.

  10. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @JessiBee: That's a good idea about Hubs giving a bottle for the middle of night feeding, although I'm not sure he'll go for it. He's pretty sleepy in the middle of the night, haha.

  11. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @shopaholic: So I tried out our Ergo for the first time today! It was easier to put on than I was expecting. Xander seemed confused at first, but after 10 minutes, he just passed out in it! I'm wearing him now while watching TV and on my laptop, haha. Although he's going to have to come off soon - dinner's cooking and I don't think I can eat with him in the Ergo, haha.

  12. thatwife

    olive / 62 posts

    Like so many others have said, I've been following along on my phone at night. There's something really reassuring about checking in during the second or third waking of the night and seeing that everyone else is just as tired as I am

    "M" was born on February 6th. I didn't realize that she shares a birthday with Sadie!

    How old is LO?
    She will be 6 weeks tomorrow.

    How much do they weigh? I have no idea. I missed her one month appointment. Completely forgot that it was scheduled! I'm going in this afternoon. She's big though. Probably close to 10 lbs? I've already put away all of the newborn stuff that her brother wore for months and moved her into 3 month clothes.

    What new thing have they done lately that you love? She rolled over from her front to her back! I'm sure it was just a fluke, but it was fun to watch her surprised face as she did something new. And she seems to have dropped down to only two wake-ups a night, at 2am and 5am. Thank goodness.

    What's your biggest challenge right now? The hardest part about having two for me has been how little time I feel like I get to spend with either of them (alone and separately). I'm constantly running around trying to fit as much as I can in the day, and then the night comes and I can't remember a time when I sat on the couch and just stared down into her face and talked and sang to her while she was awake (when she wasn't eating). Does that make sense? I spent so much concentrated time with my first, because he was my only one. I miss that this time around.

    How is everyone feeling PP? It's true, the second recovery is so much faster!

  13. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @thatwife: i can relate to everything you wrote! i read it twice just to remember it all and kept nodding my head going "mmhm, mmhm, mmhm"...

    i missed our 2 week appt bc i forgot, but it was just a weight check and i could tell he was gaining and having plenty of poopy diapers so i didn't worry about it. our 1-month appt is tmrw. he's s till on 3 night wakings but you mentioning that M dropped to 2 wakings at 6 weeks gives me a "light at the end of the tunnel" - i think i can deal with this for 2 more weeks!

    i've also been feeling really bad about not spending as much time as i'd like with my first. just now she came to me and said, "mommy hold my hand", but i couldn't bc i had to nurse J. so while i have no advice, i can commiserate.

  14. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    I'm so jealous that you guys have a 1 month well visit! Xander doesn't have one! He had a 3-day checkup, his two week well visit, and then doesn't go back until 2 months!!! I'm kind of bummed because I think going and talking to the pediatrician makes me feel more sane. It's nice to hear that certain things are normal, you know? Especially as a first time mom. Oh well - he seems to be eating plenty and pooping and peeing enough, so I'm sure he's fine. It would just be nice to have a professional confirm it, haha.

  15. JessiBee

    kiwi / 733 posts

    @Adira: Ha. We started having him do the middle of the night bottle when LO was waking up several times a night and nursing took seemingly forever. I was a zombie, and I was really resentful that everything in the middle of the night was my problem. It's stuck as a method, even though LO only wakes once or twice in the middle of the night, in part because I'm convinced I can pump the most when it's been longer since I last fed her!

    @thatwife: If only HB had a chat feature, we could all be chatting as we feed the babies in the middle of the night!

    @Mrs. High Heels: I can't imagine life with two kids right now! With one, plus maternity leave, I live for the things on my calendar. I kind of look forward to her doctor's appointments, because they mean checkins that we're doing things right (or not), a place to ask lots of dumb questions (besides HB, obviously), and adult interaction with someone other than DH!

    @Adira: YES. The one-month was a great place for confirmation that we're not breaking the baby, that she's gaining weight, and to ask lots of questions. Since early in pregnancy, I keep a note on my phone with a running list of questions to ask at the doctor's office, since I know that by the time of the appointment, I would forget. By the end of pregnancy, my OB would motion towards my phone and let me know she was ready for my inevitable questions!

    I have my 6-week checkup tomorrow (for me, not LO). I can't believe it's been that long already!! I am wearing real jeans for the first time today (bigger jeans, but real ones with a button and zipper), and it feels fantastic, in spite of the size on the tag. Although I may have confused myself in the bathroom when I had to undo them, for the first time since August-ish.

  16. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @Adira: Ergo FTW! I've used the Ergo at home for an hour or two both yesterday and today. Did you use the infant insert? I like how it has more neck support and glad K seems to fall asleep in it pretty quickly! But I can't close the back snap by myself, so that will be a challenge when it's just mommy & me time when DH goes back to work. In that regards, the K'tan is easier.

    @thatwife: Misery loves company huh? It actually surprises me when the boards are so slow in the middle of the night, but I guess everyone else is up feeding, rocking, and zombie-like scanning phones same as me when I am on HB.

    @Mrs. High Heels: Awww....I can only imagine how hard it is with a LO and a newborn. Seriously you should grow a 3rd arm with pregnancy for all that you need to get done!

  17. lolabee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    Goodness I am so far behind again...

    @photojane: I am so happy to hear about your doctor appointment, it must have been such a weight off your shoulders - yay to no more Mommy guilt! I hope S's jar fixes itself with growth, I'm sure it will.

    @Mrs. High Heels: Zev Jackson Maxwell February 5th. Thank you for doing that for us!

    @shopaholic: I'm late, but I also suggest a carrier (I use a sling or Cuddly wrap for indoors,) works for our lil guy every time. As well, (I'm not sure if you're comfortable with it) if I have time in the day to nap I will usually nap with him on my chest. I find he's comforted right away and has a longer than normal nap. He's not the best at sleeping by himself though...

    @Baby Boy Mom: I can only imagine how busy life is with a newborn and a toddler! Are you able to have a nap somedays? I've wondered this often since having Z, how it will be with two!

    I'm sorry to hear about tummy troubles, I hope you figure out what is causing the issue quickly.

    @tororojo: Such a pretty name!

    @JessiBee: Is your LO congested mostly at nighttime? I am having problems with this...maybe its because he's flat on his back? Is that what your ped said? I am so curious about your lil girls hebrew name! I'm sure its beautiful, love the nn Ellie.

    Glad to hear you are enjoying nursing!

    @ladyfingers: Yes, I think it was cluster feeding...although he's still not the best sleeper if he's by himself. I don't think we have RnP's in Canada or I would try it out!

    I haven't tried pumping yet, I think I will within the next couple of days. I'm itching to be able to start working out so DH has to be able to feed him!

    I hope the stitches from your cyst heal quickly, not fair that happened!! I too, am afraid to DTD and I didn't even have stitches.

    @thatwife: Thats super that M rolled if even by fluke! So fun watching them change and 'discover' new things and make new sounds. WTG on 2 night wakings!

    How does your little boy like M now that she's been around for a bit? Glad to hear recovery the second time is better...I hope for a better delivery

    I seriously give kudos to you Mama's with toddlers, it's gotta be crazy at times! If only there was more time in the day.

    As for PP weight, I am not sure about the actual number but *luckily* I can wear a few of my pre preg jeans...they don't necessarily look pretty but, doable. Must get to working out to solve that, I'm just not sure where I'll find the time to do so! Anyone else find the days go by waaay faster?!

    Has anyone grown the courage to try doing the deed yet? I want to but am terrified, my poor DH!

  18. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @JessiBee: Yes! The last couple nights, Xander has slept 4-5 hours so when I've done the middle of the night feed, I feed him off one breast and then pumped the other and gotten 2-3 ounces, which has been awesome! BUT it keeps me up longer, which sucks. But that middle of the night pumping session definitely produces the most milk I've seen!

    That's funny your doctor knows you have all your questions on your phone! But that's smart - definitely a good idea! I have a notebook that I write my questions in and I keep in my purse, but the phone would probably be easier.

    I'm impressed you're in real jeans!! I've been wearing sweatpants since I came home from the hospital (even when I go to appointments) and I'm not looking forward to trying on real clothes again. I have such a bad muffin top now.

    @shopaholic: Yes, I used the infant insert and it seemed to work really well! Although right after I wrote that post, he woke up and started fussing, so... it didn't work as well as I thought! Oh well. At least now I know how to use it so I'm thinking if I have to go shopping or anything with the two of us, I'll probably use that instead of the carrier since our carrier can't go on shopping carts.

    @lolabee: I'm still afraid to DTD with Hubs, although my hormones seem to be back to normal because I REALLY wanted to today! But it's only been 3 weeks and I'm still sore when I wipe down there, so I think I need to wait some more, haha.

    So Hubs fed Xander from a bottle today!!! I was excited for him to be able to feed him and I pumped. But he apparently eats more than I thought. I gave him a 2.5 oz bottle and he was still hungry, so I had to nurse him after. But I was able to pump 2.5 oz, so I at least made up what I used. I guess tomorrow I'll try 3 oz and see if that's enough. If you ladies feed your LOs from the bottle at all, how much do you usually give them? Xander is 3 weeks today.

  19. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @lolabee: yay for being able to fit into pre-preg jeans!! i can't wait til the day i can zip mine up again (i haven't even attempted to try on a pair). i'm not cleared to DTD yet since DS is only 4-weeks old, but i'm not looking forward to it haha!

    @Adira: that's awesome you're pumping more now and gave xander a bottle. freeedom! i give DS a 2.5 oz bottle (he's 4 weeks), and he usually leaves a little left over.

  20. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: I wonder if maybe we fed Xander too quickly and he didn't realize he was full. He guzzled what we gave him pretty quickly! Also - do you let your LO finish what's in the bottle? Hubs thought we shouldn't let Xander finish it so that he didn't end up gulping air when it was empty (so he really only had 2 oz I think), but that seemed a waste of half an ounce.

  21. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @Adira: are you using a slow flow nipple? i went out and bought separate slow flow nipples for the ventaire and dr. brown bottles we've been using. i think the standard that bottles come with is medium flow nipples. it takes DS about 30 min to finish a bottle - almost the same amount of time as breastfeeding! and what your DH said is right... the general rule of thumb is to give them a bottle with enough milk where they'll leave a little left over - that way you know for sure that they're full, and also so that they don't guzzle down air. i agree i feel like its a waste too and its always hard for me to see leftover milk!

  22. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @Adira: also, that's amazing that xander is already sleeping 4 hr stretches! the longest stretch of sleep we've gotten is 3 hours (last night) and a few 4 hr stretches during his super sleepy first 2-weeks of being a newborn. on average DS wakes up every 2 hours like clockwork. i'm hoping for longer stretches soon since he's a pretty easy baby overall.

  23. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: I do have a slow flow nipple, though it certainly didn't seem very slow - although Xander doesn't usually take 30 minutes to drink from the boob either so maybe he's just got a strong suck and likes to guzzle his food quickly? Or maybe we should take the bottle out of his mouth for some breaks during the feeding? I have no idea, haha.

    And although Xander did give a couple 4 hour stretches of sleep, he was fussy for 4 hours prior to that and WOULDN'T sleep, so that could be part of it! He was probably EXHAUSTED, haha.

  24. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @Adira: he does sound like he has a strong suck and is a great eater! i have to stop a lot to burp J multiple times in every feeding (boob and bottle) bc he gets fussy. it can be really frustrating and i feel like our feedings take forever.

  25. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: Xander usually pauses while feeding because he's drinking too fast (or my let-down is too strong) and he'll have milk dribbling down his face and I have to wipe him up and start him again, haha. That and he'll fall asleep while he's eating - then I burp him to wake him up and let him continue. Sometimes it can take 30 minutes to feed him, but often it's only 15!

  26. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    We've had a busy couple of days, and it seems like I've missed so much of the discussion! I check in and read everyone's updates on my phone throughout the day, but I find responding so much easier on my computer. It's way harder to find time to get on my computer during the day! I want to go back and respond to everyone's updates, but it's so overwhelming... haha.

    @Mrs. High Heels: @thatwife: Sadie was actually born on February 12.

    @Adira: I know it's a little different since she's formula fed, but Sadie takes 3 ounces at every feeding. She usually finishes her bottles, but occasionally will fall asleep with .5 ounce or so left. We fed her 2 ounces for the first 3.5 weeks, but she was still showing hunger signs after finishing, so we up'd it to 3, and she's been content with that.

    @thatwife: Sadie rolled from front to back last night, and made a cute little face, and I totally freaked out and started crying. I'm sure it was a fluke since she was just kicking like crazy, but I was like a ridiculous proud mama in that moment.

    @ladyfingers: I don't think Sadie is easier, I just think she's so low maintenance because she's formula fed. Formula fed babies tend to eat less frequently and sleep longer stretches. D just loves that mama milk & needs the boobies!

    We've been doing EASY too, but that seems to be S's natural pattern. I'm loving her awake periods these days, she's developed a lot of new cute habits... kicking, dancing, funny faces, and talking like crazy. She definitely had a growth spurt over the past two days though, because she keeps falling asleep at her bottle & skipping some awake periods.

    I had my 6 week PP check today (even though I'm only 5 weeks) since I had to go in for a bladder infection (booo!). Turns out my vaginal sutures never fell out, so she had to pull them out. ACK! I had an epi when they were being put in, but nothing when they were pulled out... and it SUCKED. She couldn't even get all of them out since they were too high in my vajay. She massaged them to loosen them up, so hopefully they'll fall out soon. No sex allowed until my follow up appointment in 2 weeks, which sucks since Dan's birthday is Saturday!

    I'm down 16 pounds, so 10 left until I'm at my pre-preg weight. BUT, my pre-preg weight was not good, so I really need to lose about 30 more pounds. At least I'm back in my pre-preg jeans... although, they fit way differently. Mom hips for the win! I'm def joining the Y after my doc gives me the green light.

    At my appointment today we discussed birth control, and I've decided to get Mirena. I'm getting it put in at my follow up in April. Has anyone else decided what they'll do for BC? I didn't know much about Mirena, but after talking to the doc, it seems awesome.

  27. thatwife

    olive / 62 posts

    @photojane: I ordered my Paragard yesterday. I went non-hormonal because I am worried the hormones will affect my weight loss. I am NOT excited about the super heavy super painful periods in my future.

  28. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @thatwife: Yeah! I used to take the pill for my heavy, heavy periods, so my midwife advised against ParaGard. She was actually raving about Mirena, because it has very little hormonal effects on women. I think she said something like the Mirena releases 3mcg of the hormone, while the pills releases 3000mcg. I'm a little nervous about getting an IUD though... the thought of it possibly rupturing my uterus is terrifying!

  29. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @photojane: Thanks! I think we'll try 3 oz today (or maybe a little more to be on the safe side) and see how that goes. Although I wasn't able to do my middle of the night pumping session because Xander didn't sleep as much so I'm not sure... I want to build my supply up, not diminish it! Bleh.

  30. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    Ok, we almost have everyone! Hard to believe no feb babies have the same bday, and our two honorary march babies fall on the same day!

    Ladyfingers - February 2 - Derek John
    Lolabee - February 5 - Zev Jackson Maxwell
    Thatwife - February 6 - "M"
    Jessibee: February 8 - "Ellie"
    Mrs. Lantern: February 9 - Avery
    Photojane: February 12 - Sadie Rose
    Jerricabenton - February 16 - "L"
    Baby Boy Mom: February 18 - "Baby Brother"
    Mrs. High Heels: February 22 - Jaren David
    Adira: February 26 - Alexander Michael
    Shopaholic: March 6 - Kaitlyn Irene
    Torojojo: March 6 - Luisa Noelle

  31. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @Adira: Good luck! Pumping is stressful... I totally get it! When I was pumping I would chug a couple glasses of water like 20-30 minutes before pumping and that seemed to help me get a little more.

  32. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @photojane: Good idea, maybe I'll try doing that next time! I decided to pump this morning once Xander went down for his nap, but only got 1.5 oz out, which is depressing (I had gotten 3 oz yesterday in the middle of the night). I think I could've gotten more if I hadn't let Xander eat so much this morning - he was just guzzling from the boob but then spit half of it up later, so I think he ate too much. Oh well.

  33. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @shopaholic: i use k'tan in the house and leave the ergo in the car for when we go out, but if i go on walks i use the ergo too since its more sturdy. i never got the hang of the k'tan with noelle, so i'm so glad i'm making use of it now - you inspired me to give it another try!

    @photojane: i've been thinking about bc options too, and was also leaning towards the paragard. what did your obgyn say about mirena that convinced you to go that direction, and why not paragard? i'm also considering the nuvaring. my 6-week check is next week so i'll discuss my options then.

    i can't believe jaren is turning 4-weeks on friday - i'm so curious how much he weighs now... he feels so hefty and dense in my arms. we have our ped appt tomorrow. as tired as i am, this month went by so fast compared to when i was a ftm. it's so true what ppl say, i'm able to enjoy the newborn stage a lot more the second time around. coffee has been getting me through some of my more tired days. i didn't drink any coffee when i was breastfeeding my first, but decided to chance it this time and it hasn't affected Baby J at all. whew! i missed my coffee.

  34. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @lolabee: have thought about DTD, but scared to. i'm not cleared for it yet anyway since it hasn't been 6 weeks yet, but i know DH will be ready as soon as we get the ok, lol.

    i want to start working out again too! not sure how i'll find the time in-between two kids, but i'm thinking about starting with the jillian 30-day shred. i'm pretty sure i won't find time to make my way to the gym for a looong while.

    i've also been thinking about how to eat better. i've been holding off on doing paleo even though there's so much talk about it on hb, but i may finally give in to it. i just hate eliminating any food groups bc i've always been an "everything in moderation" type girl, but maybe i need to in order to jumpstart the post-partum weight loss, esp since i know i won't get much time to exercise.

  35. lolabee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @Adira: It took awhile for the soreness to go away for me and I didn't even have stitches! I think you'll notice a good improvement by 4 weeks or so. I think the baby high hormones definitely contribute to wanting to DTD!

    I haven't crossed the bridge on pumping yet...every time I think about it I get overwhelmed! I should probably get on that.

    @Mrs. High Heels: Thanks! They definitely don't fit the same, but I am hoping for good things to come once exercise starts. I haven't had my 6 week appt yet (Z was 6 weeks yesterday) In general are women cleared for sex at 6 weeks if it was a vaginal birth with no stitches? I ask you since you're a 2nd time Mama!

    I've pondered paleo as well, not sure I have it in me though...I'm with you on the everything in moderation. I don't think I would be very successful in cutting out desserts! lol

    @photojane: Gah! That does not sound fun about the sutures at all! Poor lady bits. Hope it heals up soon!

    I have heard great reviews on the Mirena, only one negative from a friend who ended up having very heavy periods, sometimes twice a month. Most ladies seem to lose it completely, or it becomes very short with light flow.

    On the topic of birth control....is anyone else planning on pull n pray? I wasn't on any form of BC for two years before we got pregnant, it was messing with me too much so I decided to ditch it. Am I nuts for considering doing the same right after having a newborn?

  36. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: I really trust her, and she uses Mirena herself. She actually likes it so much that she paid $900 out of pocket for it. The main difference in the two is the frequency and heaviness of your periods. The amount of the hormone in the Mirena is so tiny that is has little to not effect on most women, so her opinion was to skip the heavy ParaGard periods. She said the Mirena basically makes your uterus a desert where nothing can grow, so most women only spot or don't have any bleeding at all.

    @lolabee: I don't trust my husband to pull and pray! haha

  37. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @lolabee: Thanks for the insight! I'm really looking forward to DTD with Hubs (and I know he is too) but I'm going to wait at least until my 6 week appointment to make sure we're good to go!

    I know what you mean about pumping! I was soooooo nervous to start and the first couple times I only got 0.5 oz out (if that) so I was really discouraged. Now I pump either the breast Xander hasn't fed from immediately following a feed, or I'll wait an hour or so (or until he goes down for a nap) and pump.

  38. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @Adira: I totally feel you! I've been crazy horny... haha. BUT, the thought of having sex with my new messed up lady parts is absolutely terrifying. It's a catch-22.

  39. lolabee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @photojane: LOL fair point! I'm not exactly sure why I'm going to trust mine either...he said the other day "we could start trying for another a 6-8 months or so right?!" ummm...might be a tad soon!

    @Adira: I'm looking forward to it to! I should probably wait until I see my doc though I guess, just to be on the safe side.

    Thanks for the tips with pumping. Do you use one of the bras to hold the flanges in place? Or do you just hold it there? Any other tips?

  40. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @lolabee: I know you didn't ask me but I had stitches and at 5 weeks my midwife said we could have sex as soon as I stopped bleeding. I want to wait until the iud is in, though.

    Regarding pull and pray, I absolutely don't want to get pregnant again for at least another year and more likely 2 years, so this isn't really an option for us. Plus my employer was so generous with maternity leave, I'd feel awful having to take it again next year. I'd be too afraid to try pnp! I know breastfeeding provides some birth control but it's not very reliable, so we'd feel much better using the paragard (bonus: no hormones! Even if mirena has low hormones, the midwife didn't want to chance it since I'm bf'ing). My friend relied on bf'ing for birth control and got pregnant when her daughter was 6 months. Yikes, no thanks! (For us personally, no judging if anybody else wants that!)

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