Hellobee Boards


February post partum thread!

  1. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @Lolabee: Yes, Elementals for the win! I have both kids in them at night :).

    @Ladyfingers: What a cutie! Glad that daycare is going well!
    Also, I think you are right that dark green poop is lots of fore milk. If it's not bothering him though then I wouldn't worry too much. And good job on the swaddle-weaning! We are still far from it.

    @Jerricabenton: I'm not sure how many times he's eating but I can tell you that he nurses in about 5 minutes now! They just get a lot more efficient at this age!

    B is huge. At his two month appt he was already 15 lbs and I know he's bigger now because my back is killing me from carrying him all day. I think (hope) that we are in wonder week 12 because I have been having such a tough time getting him to nap during the day this week (resulting in over tiredness…and the cycle continues). And then the rest of the time he is SO smiley and happy.
    We're celebrating the end of the fourth trimester this weekend! Plans TBD depending on how potty training is going.

    What is everybody else up to this weekend?

  2. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    I miss y'all! I definitely want to try to keep up with all of the babies more often. Let's do a little update!...

    How old is baby now? 14 weeks! How did that happen?
    Latest milestone? Discovering her voice. She's been babbling for a while, but now she talks ALL DAY LONG. She's cray.
    How's baby sleeping? STTN, 8:30-7:30 usually. She randomly just started falling asleep on her own from wide awake, and it's awesome. We might not have to sleep train after all!
    What you're looking forward to most... swimming! Sadie loves bath time, and I can't wait to see her in the pool!



    kiwi / 711 posts

    @photojane: I have been slacking with the updates as well. Let's try to get our board active again!

    How old is baby now? They are 18 weeks and just had their 4 month well check yesterday.

    Latest milestone? They are both inconsistently rolling over and have better neck control. They are also sitting up with some assistance. They like that so much better than being on their backs

    How's baby sleeping? Tonight will be night #6 of sleep training. O can pretty much fall asleep on his own now. M still takes about 20 min with only 5 min of real crying and 15 min of fussiness.

    What you're looking forward to most? M taking a bottle again! She is still on a bottle strike and I go back to work on the 6th. This needs to happen!

  4. lolabee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @photojane: Thanks for doing that! We do need to get our board more active!

    How old is baby now? 16 weeks today, CRAZY!!
    Latest milestone? Screeching like a baby bird, what I imagine a baby eagle to sound like! Talking all the time and rolling over - when he's in the mood.
    How's baby sleeping? to bed at 9:30, nurse at 3:30 then 6:30. We co sleep so I side lie nurse...he falls back asleep immediately
    What you're looking forward to most...everyday! I see changes in him after he wakes up from naps sometimes, it's so cool!

    I have a question for you ladies, are you on nap schedules? Or do you follow cues? I am wondering (maybe this pertains more to Mama's taking off an extended period from work or SAHM's) if it's imperative to stick to a schedule? I haven't put him on one as yet, I don't want to be setting ourselves up for disaster later on...

    Just curious what you girls are doing and what works for you!

  5. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    Yes, I see other due date twin boards and I'm like, what is our problem?! lol... I am so bad about checking in lately, too.

    How old is baby now? 16 weeks -- what the what?!
    Latest milestone? He is in the process of finding his feet (sometimes he notices them and sometimes he doesn't), and rolled from back to front yesterday, but he was on our bed so it has a bit more "give" than the harder flat surfaces he's been playing on. He's been hard at work in the rolling game for a few days, rolling to his side but just not able to complete the move. So yesterday was quite exciting, even if just a one-off incident! He's also found his tongue and is constantly playing with it, and has almost mastered sucking his thumb.
    How's baby sleeping? Ugh. We're deep in the throes of the 4-month sleep regression. If it gets worse from here, I dread the weeks to follow. He's taking 30 minutes to an hour to go to sleep at night and waking up, minimum, 4 times. It's been hellish! I hope it's temporary, because he was starting to sleep longer and longer just a couple of weeks ago!
    What you're looking forward to most: Going to the beach! I try not to say I'm looking forward to too much though because everything means he's growing up! It's happening way too quickly.

    @lolabee: We are on a loose nap schedule of one hour to one-and-a-half hours of awake time. But this weekend he was super fussy every 45 minutes so we were putting him down more frequently (and he'd take forever to go down, ugh, more sleep regression). But they nap on demand at daycare at this age, so a schedule is really just more of a concept than anything at this point. Everything I've read says a schedule should start to emerge later on around 6 months, though every baby's different!

  6. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    Oh goodness, can I join?? I'm REALLY late to the game here, but was an occasional poster back in the pregnant days

    How old is baby now? 15 weeks!

    Latest milestone? Playing in jumper and walker - and actually being interested in it.

    How's baby sleeping? STTN, 8pm-7am typically. No wake ups. He takes two naps a day, from 9-11am and 1:30-3:30pm approx. Every once in a while he will take a third short nap before his last bottle, maybe 6-6:30pm.

    What you're looking forward to most - spending more interactive time, especially this summer. Going to the beach, swimming, playing, etc.

  7. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    How's it going, ladies? We had our 4-month appointment last week and LO is 14 pounds, 7 oz and 23 3/8 inches. He's dropped a bit in weight percentile but nothing worrisome (I hate percentiles anyway) and he's in the 15th or 2nd percentile height-wise, depending on whether you use CDC or WHO. lol. He's totally his father's son, I looked it up and DH is so short he's not even on the chart. I'm short too, but I'm a chick. haha.

    He's also been babbling like a fiend since last Friday! Holy cow, it's so cute. I'll post a video from my phone in a minute.

    We bought him a bla bla doll on Gilt and he LOVES it. So that's nice. Otherwise I'd have to force it on him all the time, it's too expensive for him to ignore

    He's also now grabbing EVERYTHING. We can put a toy next to him and he'll grab it. He holds his wubbanub up and talks to it. He's working on rolling, but still not quite there yet. Doing a lot of rolling to his side and back, and squirming around.

    And he's still in the rock n play, ugh. I tried moving him to the pack n play but putting it in our room, and he just rolled around and screamed and screamed with more and more intensity until I put him in the rock n play and he immediately fell asleep. He's getting so big for it, though -- even though he's far below the weight limit, now that he's squirming around, he'll work himself down to where he's all bunched up and his butt is worked up toward the front and I have to reposition him. I wish he would realize it's so much more comfy in his pack n play or crib!

  8. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    @ladyfingers: L has been rolling onto her side a lot this past week! Sometimes I tip her over so she'll know what happens if she keeps going. She's been grabbing stuff a lot lately as well and really likes rattley stuff, crinkley stuff and toy rings. I think we just got through the 12 week growth spurt and according to my scale at home she's 17 lbs! But she has been a giant all along. We don't go to the doc until early July. She went through a couple of weeks where screaming (not crying, just horror movie shrieking with a smile on her face) was really entertaining for her, but thankfully she's not doing it as much anymore. And she all of a sudden doesn't hate tummy time any more, which is so nice. She will go 5-10 minutes before hating it, whereas before it was 1-2 minutes. She sleeps in her crib at night, sometimes all night and sometimes not. Usually she naps during the day in the rock n play or on our bed surrounded by pillows. If only I could make her naps last longer than 45 mins...but oh well. I'll take what I can get!

    BTW, hi! I haven't been posting on this thread because I can't keep up w/all the updates but thought I would drop in and say hello!

  9. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @photojane: @WALLAROO: @lolabee: @ladyfingers: @ValentineMommy: @tororojo: i've been slacking on this chain too!! glad to see it's getting revived. hope we can keep it up!

    How old is baby now? 14 weeks
    Latest milestone? Grabbing objects
    How's baby sleeping? Usually from 8:30-4:30 am... I'm so scared to enter the 4 month sleep regression coming up soon! I can't wait til the day he STTN until morning.
    What you're looking forward to most - having him be more interactive. he already responds with coos and gurgles when we talk to him (he pauses at all the right moments too!)... it's funny to see him engage in "conversation" with us, so i can't wait til he does even more.

    i'm enjoying my son so much. i can't believe he's moving towards the 4 month mark, and that we're out of the "4th trimester". where did the time go?? he is such a happy, friendly baby and i love him so much!

  10. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Such a cute picture! Is her name really Valentine? That is so cute and sweet!

    @ladyfingers: Ooh! Which one did you get him? I got K a Fergus from Gilt (and my GF was like "that's a boy!") But I thought he was cute! K's not really into any toys yet though.

    @tororojo: Happy 3 Months to L today birthday twin!

    Hi Ladies!

    How old is baby now? 3 Months today! (13+1 weeks)
    Some Stats: 11lbs 12 oz. and 23 1/2" (only 5% in height, but grew 2" since previous visit!)
    Latest milestone? She is just progressing leaps and bounds (no doubt the Wonder Week thing!) My in-laws were here yesterday and just had a blast with her laughing and "talking" to her and she's just so interactive these days! I've had an exhausting few days with a lot of things going on and K now rarely wants to be in any kind of seat. She wants to be up and see everything in the world it seems! So I end up carrying, baby-wearing, or holding her in my lap.
    How's baby sleeping? Usually from 9:30-10 pm to anywhere from 3 - 6 am. It hasn't been consistent, but I usually get at least a 6 hour stretch. The longer she sleeps though, she doesn't fall right back to sleep in the mornings like she used to.
    What you're looking forward to most? For her to actively grasp, hold, and play with some of her toys. For now, grabbing and holding onto is not all that intentional besides the rings on her car seat toy. She's really into her sucking her thumbs and fists, but can't reach yet when strapped in her car-seat and gets frustrated. Can't wait for them to "reach!"

  11. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @shopaholic: We got Fergus too! I love him

  12. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: WOW! Sadie will be 4 months next week & isn't even 15 pounds yet. Maybe you have a pro-athlete on your hands!

    @lolabee: No nap schedule here! She has sort of made a little schedule for herself, but I'm pretty flexible. I don't want to have to schedule our lives around her eating & sleeping. I'm trying to build habits that allow her to sleep & eat anywhere! She's leading the way, and I think it's working really well for us! Did you try scheduling?

    @WALLAROO: How is the bottle strike going?!

    @ladyfingers: Has D rolled anymore for you? Sadie has been doing back to front for about a week now, but it seems like she forgot how to roll belly to back! She will get on her belly, look around for a minute & then spazz out - I'm like, GIRL, you know how to roll over, what are you doing?! Half of my day is spent rolling her back over. I think we had a touch of the 4 month sleep regression/4th mental leap. Two nights ago + yesterday were SO AWFUL, but last night & today seem to be better. How is his sleep now?! I tried putting Sadie in her crib at 2 months, but she totally wasn't ready. I tried again at 3 months just for naps, and it was a success. I did naps in the crib for 4-5 days, and then did half-nights. Now she's up to almost full nights... 8:30p-5/6a. Then she sleeps in bed with me from 5/6-8/9a. It's definitely a transition! You just have to be patient, because I think it clicks for them after a couple days.

    @tororojo: Sadie is taking four or five 45min-1hr naps per day! I'd much rather her transition into fewer longer naps, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. I think some babies are just cat nappers!

    @Mrs. High Heels: I saw your IG of him starting to grab! So cute! Has he found his feet yet?

    @shopaholic: She is such a little peanut! I can't get over how tiny & precious she is. Sadie's been grabbing for a while, but just recently started to actually play & acknowledge her toys, so you should be there soon! It's just a lot of chewing, shaking, and throwing things for mommy to fetch!

  13. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @photojane: J has been 16 pounds since his 2-month well check!! I have no idea how much he weighs now but he's so heavy. We don't have a schedule either, and most of J's naps are catnaps too, with one longer 2-hour one in the day.

    He hasn't rolled over or found his feet yet!! I keep looking out for when he'll start all that, but maybe he's so chunky he can't roll himself over? lol - he did it a couple times when he was 5 weeks old, but that was probably more of a fluke than anything intentional.

  14. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @photojane: Nope! Just that once. He'll roll over onto his side plenty, but no full rolling! Which actually is fine by me because I'm scared it's just a matter of time before he rolls off his changing table or something!

    @mrs. high heels: D hasn't really found his feet -- I feel like he notices them and wiggles his toes and stuff, but he isn't grabbing for them or anything. But then again, they're still pretty far away for him.

    I feel like his head is still so floppy, too! His ped said that's normal and not to worry (although isn't that what they always say?) but when I pick him up from him lying on his back, his head still flops back then forward again. He holds it up really well when he's vertical, tries craning it up when I pull up slightly when he's on his back, and is holding it up for longer and longer during tummy time. But I feel like he should be... idk, LESS floppy or something?

  15. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @ladyfingers: J's head is still floppy too - i still have to make sure my hand is behind his neck at all times!

  16. JerricaBenton

    pomegranate / 3872 posts

    Hey everyone! L is 16 weeks. I'd guess she's at least 14.5 lbs and 24.5/25"?

    She's definitely going through the 4 month sleep regression/wonder week/growth spurt. We were pretty spoiled with at least 7 hrs of uninterrupted sleep on the regular, but now she's up twice a night and doing a lot of grunting and tossing and turning at night. She's also wanting to eat more again, after seemingly wanting to eat less for a few weeks. She's fallen into more of a schedule with one long morning nap and one long afternoon/early evening nap. She's still in our room in the p n' p but we are mentally preparing for the move to the crib in her nursery. I think we'll all sleep better.
    We don't follow a schedule - I go with her cues. It works fine mostly, but I'm home so it's no big deal if our plans change because she's napping at a different time.

    She's turning on her sides and looks like she'll do a full roll any minute, but isn't there yet. She found her feet and is pretty into them! She loves her toys and all the (many!) loveys we have. She especially loves a toy we have that has crinkly stuff in it. Everything goes in the mouth, but her hands are her favorite.

    She laughs all*day*long - it's just the best. She's a crazy talker and loves to have convos with us and strangers. It seems like now she's experimenting with her voice; growling, talking loud or soft, talking from the back of her throat, screeching way up high.

    She is biting while nursing a lot, like at more than half of her feedings. I don't feel any real evidence of teeth coming soon but she definitely likes when I rub my fingers over her gums so there must be some on the horizon.

    I can't believe we have to start thinking about solids soon! I don't think we'll start 'til 6 mos but she really seems interested when DH and I are eating. She follows the fork up to our mouths! I thought I'd be nervous but I'm actually getting really excited for her to try food!

  17. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: I LOVE J's cheeks. His chub is the best. I want to squeeeeeze him. Speaking from experience, it's hard to do anything with a big ol' chubby belly.

    @ladyfingers: YES... I'm totally not ready for a mobile baby. We now have to buckle her on the changing table & I have to surround her with rolled up blankets in the crib. I just stuck her in the crib the other day so I could pee--her room is right next to the bathroom--and when I went to get her 1 minute later she was face down in the mattress with her feet stuck between the slats. She wasn't making a sound... just chilling with her face buried in the mattress! GAH! Count your blessings! haha

    @JerricaBenton: Sounds like L is doing great! Don't you LOVE the baby laughs? They are seriously the best thing ever. I cried the first time she laughed, and sometimes when she really gets going it still chokes me up. I'm such a sap though. Is the biting effecting your nursing sessions at all?

    What are y'all thinking about for solids? When will you start? Are you doing purees or BLW? I think we'll start at 5 months unless she shows some earlier signs. She's already tripod sitting, so in that respect, I think she's ready, but she hasn't shown any interest in our food yet. She'd rather watch the dog beg! I'm excited to introduce food, but I don't want to rush things.

  18. JerricaBenton

    pomegranate / 3872 posts

    @photojane: When she first started smiling it was amazing but the laughs took it to a whole new level I wouldn't say the biting is causing any trouble for L, she continues to eat happily. My nipples get pretty raw feeling though. Especially now, since I think she's having a little growth spurt so she's eating more often again and my nipples don't have a chance to heal up. I try to remember to put the nipple butter on but I usually only remember to do it before bed. It's definitely a little aggravating but I can deal. I said to my husband the other day, 'I don't think my nipples will ever be the same.' Haha, he was thrilled.

    We are planning on BLW, maybe with some homemade chunky purees thrown into the mix. I haven't done a ton of research yet though.

  19. lolabee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @photojane: Sorry for slow response, no schedules here either! I'm pretty sure a few family members think I'm nuts! LOL I'm doing the same as you, just following cues which seems to work quite well. Minus it's been a battle for naps as of late

    We've got a big boy, at his 4 month weigh in he was 17lbs 6oz and 26.5 inches long. Crazy!

    A couple of questions for the board...we've been battling naps recently. Z doesn't self soothe well at all, as in has pretty much no techniques. I'm trying to give a lovey but he hasn't taken to it as yet. He won't take a soother (thinks its a toy and chews on it! - lil stinker!) and hasn't figured out how to suck his thumb, not sure he will at this point?! Sometimes he will play himself to sleep in his crib, other times its just no go. I've resorted to the swing recently or walks and no matter what he pretty much always falls asleep in the car. Anyone have any suggestions?

    I think we're in the throws of the 4 month sleep regression too...although a couple of friends have told me that its just an excuse We cosleep/bed and he definitely is not sleeping through the night by any means. He goes down at 9-9:30 but just before 4 months wakes up a few times before really falling asleep. During the night, once I'm in bed he tends to want to dream feed more than is necessary (previous to this occurring he nursed usually at 3:30 then 6:30 or 7). I don't want to be the cause of terrible sleep habits...we're not ready to move him to his crib yet and he's not ready yet either (he wakes as soon as he's laid in his crib, no matter how many times we try - giving that until 6 months and reconvening). Anyways....I am open to any and all suggestions, what is working for you, what hasn't worked for you. I don't have the heart for CIO at this point in time, not sure I ever will.


    EDIT: sorry if that is terribly written, I was in a rush! Thanks bees

  20. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Okay ladies, I know I'm not active on this thread because I'm so active in the March group, but I technically have a Feb baby (Feb 26th), so let's revive this thread if possible!! Let's reintroduce ourselves and our babies!!

    LO's name: Xander

    Age: 4 Months TODAY!

    Weight: Don't know for sure, but I think close to 14 lbs (according to the totally accurate measuring of me standing on the scale followed by me + baby on the scale)

    Length: No clue!

    Recent milestones: He's sucking his thumb!!! I can't get it out of his mouth these days! And I can't decide if I want to discourage it and make him take the pacifier, or just let him do it! He's also supposedly rolled over (front to back) last weekend, but he hasn't done it for me, so I don't believe it. And he finally is laughing, but it's RARE! And it's more like a chuckle, like "Heh heh heh".

    Milestone you're most looking forward to: I'm looking forward to him being able to roll over both ways and also be able to sit up on his own! He can sit up supported, but he's super wobbly!

    How's feeding going: EBF and going strong! We won't be introducing solids until 6 months I believe. And he's a little piggy - probably eats close to 30oz a day!

    How's sleep going: Night time sleep is going well! He goes to bed by 7:30 and can fall asleep on his own. I wake him to eat at 9:00 and he usually sleeps until around 4:00/4:30, though will often fall back asleep until I wake him to eat at 5:00. Naps are another story. He's a catnapper and only sleeps ~30 minutes at a time. Yesterday at daycare, he took TWO 10 minute naps and one 40 minute nap! That can't be enough, can it??

    What is your favorite trait about your LO? His smiles!! I love it when I go get him in the morning and he just looks soooooo happy to see me! Also, his chatty-ness. He doesn't do it all the time, but sometimes he'll just go on and on and on!

    What is something silly that your LO does? When I'm nursing him on the weekends during the day, he has a tendency to pull off the boob over and over just to grin at me! It's cute and frustrating at the same time!

    WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? WOHM full time!

  21. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @Adira: I'm always lurking on the March group since it's so active!! Maybe I'll participate over there too, haha.

    Ok let's try this again -

    LO's name: Jaren

    Age: 4 Months (4 days ago on 6/22)

    Weight: We had to push back his 4-month well check because he's sick and I didn't think it would be a good idea to get him vaccinated. I'll find out next week but I'm pretty sure he's at least a 20-pounder. He was 16 pounds at his last check.

    Length: No clue!

    Recent milestones: Sucking his fist. I think he's teething because he's drooling like crazy, not nursing well, and we're going through a 4-month sleep regression. Add sickness on top of that and it's not been fun in this household the last couple weeks!

    Milestone you're most looking forward to: I'm looking forward to him being able to roll over both ways and also be able to sit up on his own! He can sit up supported, but he's super wobbly! <<< Everything @Adira wrote.

    How's feeding going: EBF and going strong! We won't be introducing solids until 6 months either.

    How's sleep going: Nights have been kinda rough because of the teething and sickness. We've been rocking him to sleep, and he'll usually go down by 8pm, but he's up again at 10-11pm, and once more in the MOTN around 3 am. It's hard not to compare him to my older daughter who was already sleep trained by his age. She never had to be rocked to sleep and would go down at 7pm on the dot every day... and sleep through until 4 am. I need to revise my expectations. His naps are ok - he usually takes about two 1-hour naps, and a longer 2-hour nap during the day, and sometimes he'll have a catnap towards the end of the day. Obviously we don't have a schedule in place!

    What is your favorite trait about your LO? His smiles and he laughs/coos allll the time. Even in the middle of this cold and teething, he still manages to give me big grins all day long. It kills me! I also LOVE his chubs. He has so many rolls - cheeks, arms, legs, butt... nom nom nom.

    What is something silly that your LO does? When I'm nursing him on the weekends during the day, he has a tendency to pull off the boob over and over just to grin at me! It's cute and frustrating at the same time! <<< @Adira - haha, do we have the same kid or something?? EXACTLY THIS.

    WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? WOHM/WAHM Full time. I WFH 3x a week and am in the office 2x a week.

  22. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: I feel like there are a few of us on the March board that just spend all day on HB, haha. And I love the March ladies, but I AM a Feb Mama, so I'd love to talk to other Feb Mamas too!

    What does the 4-month sleep regression look like for you? Now that Xander's 4-months, I'm scared, but I haven't noticed a change in his sleeping at all yet.

    Sooooo glad to hear that Jaren's a wobbly baby like Xander and isn't rolling either! I thought Xander was behind the curve, so glad to know he's in good company!

    Also, I wish you lived closer! It sounds like Jaren and Xander are so similar! I'd love to do play dates! But you're across the country. Booo!

  23. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @Adira: I know, I feel like they're so similar too! That's why I always enjoy reading your responses on HB, or whenever you start a thread. I'm not a stalker, promise!

  24. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: I'm also wondering if Xander is teething too. He's been drooling up a STORM lately. Whenever I pick him up from daycare, both his big and the shirt under it seemed drenched (and often they've changed his bib multiple times!) and he's got major drool rash happening too. I don't know if it's teething or just general drooliness.

    And feel free to stalk me. I find it flattering.

  25. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @Adira: the 4-month sleep regression started for us at 3.5 months, and he just started waking up more, was fussier/more distracted when nursing, and napped poorly.

    he was starting to sleep from 8-4 am for a couple weeks, and once the regression hit, it was harder to put him down at night, then he started waking at 9:30 pm, 11:30 pm, 3:30 am again like he did in the newborn days.

  26. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: Thanks for the info! I kind of hope the 4-month regression doesn't hit us! I'm scared, haha. Or maybe it will just affect his napping - his napping is all over the place at daycare, but he's been sleeping fine at night for us.

  27. JerricaBenton

    pomegranate / 3872 posts

    Hey Feb Mamas! A few questions:

    What toys are your LOs playing with right now? LO is a week away from 5 months and I feel like maybe she needs toys that are a bit more stimulating. She has activity mats and she has a million soft dolls and loveys and rattles, but she's most excited lately by toys that she has to manipulate - like a little monkey that you pull the legs and then they kind of buzz back up. It's awesome to watch her figure out how to make things work. What other kinds of things do you all have for your LOs to play with that are exciting for them right now?

    What things are you getting for when you start solids? I'm making a wishlist and so far I've got a floor splat mat, some spoons, and a few cups. Is there anything else you need in the beginning? I have a good blender and a handheld one. I'm also conflicted about high chairs. I'm leaning towards getting one of the booster seats you attach to your own chairs. Do you think there is any real benefit to having the full high chair?

  28. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @JerricaBenton: are you going to do BLW or purees? that'll help me better answer your questions in terms of gear.

    we have the fisher price booster that attaches to a chair, and we also have a regular high chair that's a hand-me-down. the only reason i see for having an actual high chair is that it's nice not having to detach and reattach the portable booster since we ate out quite a bit when we had just one kid. now that we have two kids we never go anywhere so having an extra high chair wouldn't be necessary, but if you eat out a lot it might be worth getting a regular high chair just for convenience sake. i recommend the ikea one!! something that doesn't have cloth so it's easy to wipe down and clean. the ikea one is really affordable too, and i like its simple, modern look.

  29. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    @JerricaBenton: as for toys, J is not even rolling over yet and can't do much, but he likes his winkel, sophie the giraffe, and baby einstein take along tunes. when noelle was around this age, she loved tupperware, wooden spoons, and chewing on board books. things you find around the house make great great toys!! colorful stacking cups are good too.

  30. JerricaBenton

    pomegranate / 3872 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: I think we're going to do modified BLW - starting with some fresh purees then chunky mashes. Yeah, the Fisher Price one is the one I was looking at - and that's a good point about having to detach it every time you go out - but then maybe we'd just get two boosters? I'm just not sold on the idea of a big high chair for some reason.

    Ooh, stacking cups are a good idea! I'm just trying to think of things that she can move forward with, like things she can learn to do more with as she plays with them. I'm thinking about getting a jumperoo or exersaucer, too, but I have about 10 in my Amazon cart that I can't decide in between!

  31. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: I'm confused - why did you have to detach/reattach the booster chair when you went out? Did you bring it with you or something? If you were going out to eat, didn't the restaurant have high chairs you could use? Or were you eating somewhere else and needed to bring your own? Wouldn't a full-size high chair be more of a pain to cart around than something smaller?


    kiwi / 711 posts

    Hi February mommas! Is anyone still around? I'm sad our board doesn't have much activity. I haven't done a great job of keeping up either. Work hasn't really allowed me to do that. M&O turned 6 months on 7/17. So hard to believe! How is everyone else?


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