cherry / 220 posts
@kml636: welcome to team pink!
I had a doctors appt. today and because I'm crazy I had the doctor check to make sure she is still a girl, even though we had an elective scan 2 weeks ago. She's still all girl! We have our anatomy scan next Tuesday (at 21w, 2d, which seems late to me) so we're looking forward to that!
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@kml636: I will drool over all the adorable dresses in your honor!!
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@MamaMoose: I'm sooo out of breath all the time - I thought it was because I'm working out less than pre-baby, but glad to hear others are feeling the same thing. I'm practically panting after climbing the stairs - pathetic!
persimmon / 1161 posts
Have your friends/family started talking about baby showers yet? I was being so conservative and cautious that we only started talking about it in the past week or two. My mom and two closest friends picked a date yesterday! It was kinda hard because there are so many things going on this fall with one friend getting married, the other taking a trip out of state and her 30th birthday, my family taking a vacation, etc. We came up with September 8th, which is when I will be 31 weeks. So excited.
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@petuniasandpearls: Yay! I know, I can't imagine how crazy that would be if they got it wrong.
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@ChelseaRose: At our gender reveal party, some people brought gifts. Other than that, I think our shower for work, etc will be in September.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@ChelseaRose: My BFF and I have been talking about shower stuff for the last couple of weeks. We are going to do it at the end of October when Ill be 35/36 weeks. It is just going to be a very small, intimate one with closest friends and family.
I think there are two other showers in the works potentially. One more locally (with a bigger guest list), and one in DH's hometown, potentially.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@chelsearose: MIL is throwing us one up north where his side of the family lives next month. I'll only be 27 weeks along, but it was the only date that worked up there.
The one for my friends/family is in Sept when I'll be 32 weeks.
And I know one of my work friends is planning one for work sometime in Sept or Oct.
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@ChelseaRose: September 8th is the date that's being tossed around by my mom, too, for a shower in my hometown - I'll be about 30 weeks. My BFF and secretary are throwing me a work shower sometime this fall, and I'll probably have another small one that my BFF is throwing with our book club.
persimmon / 1161 posts
That's so exciting for all of us! I feel like the planning of a shower makes it that much more real. I think I'm still in denial some of the time that we are actual going to have a baby. Even as I was typing that I could feel the baby moving, but sometimes I still don't believe it.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@chelsearose: totally know what you mean... i still have random moments of "oh shoot we're going to have a baby in four months"...
cherry / 220 posts
@chelsearose: I'm having a shower at the end of August in my hometown because I have to fly to it and then our shower where we currently live is at the end of September. We wanted to do it in October but there were too many weddings and things to plan around. The invites for the August shower went out on Monday--I can't believe it!
honeydew / 7687 posts
No input on showers.. family & friends are too spread out!
Anyone else feeling like baby is moving further up? I've felt pretty regular morning & evening pokes and kicks for 2 weeks now but tonight me (and my husband) felt some up near/over my belly button! Is it just because I have a short torso?? It was fun to feel like he is "exploring" and getting bigger in there!
pear / 1879 posts
@scg00387: Yes! I have been starting to feel a lot more movement higher up this week specificially. I am 23w3d (due November 6th!) and have been experiencing a lot of pokes and hiccups right next to my belly button. Last night I actually watched the hiccups and it was pretty amazing!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@scg00387: Yup! Many of the kicks I feel are right around my belly button. Your uterus is growing farther north of your belly button at this point (reaches your belly button at 20 weeks) so this doesn't surprise me!
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@scg00387: mine are still south of my bellybutton, but I'm just glad to finally feel something! Now that I know know what I'm "looking" for, I notice them all the time. Crazy.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@ChelseaRose: My shower at home is on Sept 9th when I'll be 29 weeks. I have to fly from TN to MA so we decided to do it on the earlier side so I didn't have to be too uncomfortable. My shower here in TN is on Sept 20th. The weather will still be nice here and my boss who is hosting wants the option of having the party outside.
@scg00387: I feel the baby up around my belly button all the time. At my u/s today the tech told me baby was head down and I said I could have told her that because I keep getting kicked in the belly button!! My uterus is already stretched about an inch above my belly button and there is a foot wedged up there : )
So I finally had my anatomy scan!! We are still team green but let me tell you it was HARD to stay strong. And of course they sent us home with DVD but told us not to look at it so it's just going to be taunting me!! But everything looked awesome. My doctor said you can't have a better ultra sound than that! So I'm sooo soo happy. I think I might actually start buying stuff now since that appointment gave me some piece of mind that all is going well in there.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
How far along? 21 weeks today
Total weight gain: 8 lbs
Maternity clothes? Oh yes. And they are all starting to fit nicely.
Stretch Marks: Yep, they are starting. Yippee.
Sleep: Pretty good! Kicking baby keeps me up, but I love it, so I don't care.
Best moment this week: Felt the baby do a summersault!
Miss Anything? Easy coping mechanisms (i.e. booze, anti-anxiety meds, etc.) I'm having to find other modes to cope. They don't work as well.
Food cravings: Nope, but appetite is picking up.
Symptoms: Heartburn, difficult breathing, etc. Just feels like there's lots going on in my esophagus all the time.
Looking forward to: Getting a little more done on the nursery. Buying furniture. Decorating. Etc. Right now it is full of all the baby hand-me-downs people have given us (activity gyms, swings, bumbos, etc.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
How far along? 22 weeks today
Total weight gain: 13-15 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep, bought a few more tanks and a couple work dress shorts too I think I'm all set now with the maternight wardrobe besides a few fall leggings.
Stretch Marks: None yet
Sleep: Overall okay, but I keep waking up with breathing problems 1 to 2x a night.
Best moment this week: Felt baby flip and tummy harden with him closer to my exterior tummy! Buying baby boy layette!
Miss Anything? I'm craving a beer. I've never been a big beer drinker, but these summer nights would sure be nice with a nice cool beer sometimes.
Food cravings: Cravings for fruit mostly, appetite overall has come down from the hunger pains I've had for the last couple of weeks.
Symptoms: Heartburn, difficult breathing, round ligament pain, weekly migraine.
Looking forward to: Finishing out the major nursery stuff (painting/furniture) and decorating more small, detail stuff!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@MamaMoose hope that wedged foot isn't too uncomfortable
@Meggo5 so fun! i am jealous of the hiccups - I hope that happens to me
@highwire @Mrs. Tricycle glad I'm not the only one! I thought maybe I was imagining it!
I sorted through all the clearance clothes I've stashed and am either donating or selling the little girl stuff -sad because some of it is so stinkin cute!
Ordered a stroller off Ebay, the Bumbleride Indie. It's a 2007 model, but new, so fingers crossed the risk will be worth the $200+ savings!
Sorry some of you are having heartburn - I am scared I'll get it!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@highwire: ugh I had the worst heartburn last night too. I must've taken about 15 tums yesterday. I eat those things like candy. Love the baby kicks. Definitely getting stronger and more frequent! Looks like my belly is twitching on the outside which is WEIRD and awesome at the same time!
pomegranate / 3225 posts
How are you ladies doing with names? DH and I had the boy name picked out, but I think we might not decide on baby girl's name until we are in the hospital! Yikes!
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@highwire: yay! Jealous! DH still can't feel any movements, he says.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@kml636: we are like 80% set on one name for our baby girl, but are still thinking about it. if it had been a boy, it would have been so much easier because there were only 2 or 3 that we liked, but with girls, there are so many!
persimmon / 1161 posts
@JessLC: I'm actually having the opposite problem. I already had a girl's name that I was set on, but we are having a hard time with boy names.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
How far along? 24w5d
Total weight gain: 10 lbs
Maternity clothes? Most of the time. I have a few empire waist dresses that I can still wear.
Stretch Marks: None yet, I just bought a tube of Mustela stretch mark cream even though I know its all in the genes. I feel like I'm shining a bowling ball when I put it on.
Sleep: Great! No complaints yet.
Best moment this week: Hmm. Pretty uneventful recently in terms of baby development. Hung out with two other couples and the two wives are preggo too, so it was fun to share experiences with each other.
Miss Anything? Wine, still. I don't know if it'll ever go away. The hot weather has made me miss a nice cold crisp beer too.
Food cravings: Strawberries, cheese, butter crackers (Ritz!)
Symptoms: Tons of heartburn, but nothing else to really complain about. Actually I have noticed my hair and nails have been growing really fast for the last month, which is awesome.
Looking forward to: umm well i am looking forward to cooler weather, but i am kind of feeling overwhelmed with all the stuff we have to do to get ready for baby's arrival.
cherry / 220 posts
@kml636: We decided on the name for our little girl! We pretty much blabbed it to the world the second we found out it was a girl
cherry / 220 posts
@JessLC: I read your weekly post, and I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to do too. It really hit me a few days ago...I know I should not worry and make a plan to get everything done, but I just want to lay on the couch and eat at this point
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@petuniasandpearls: yes!! haha and i usually end up doing just that, watching bad tv and being completely unproductive. i am a chronic procrastinator, it is terrible.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Just got back from a check-up. Everything is a-okay. We're contemplating scheduling a 4d U/S in the first few wks of the 3rd trim. Next appt is at 27+weeks for my glucose test!
Then it's onto 2 week appts! CRAZY.
How far along? 23 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: 20 lbs!!!! :O, I will def be watching the scale more closely the next couple of months. Dr wasn't concerned because he said I should gain 30-35 lbs. for my pre-preg weight, but it still concerns me that I'm ahead of "pace" for the weekly 1 pound gain + water weight near the end. I still have 16-17 weeks to go!
Maternity clothes? leggings, mat capris, mat shorts, and dresses are my saving grace
Stretch Marks: None yet, belly button still in, rings still on (barely)
Sleep: Overall okay, but I keep waking up with breathing problems 1 to 2x a night.
Best moment this week: Seeing baby boy kicks from the outside!!!! :D:D:D
Miss Anything? Nothing really.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular, just eating REALLY well.
Symptoms: Heartburn, difficult breathing, round ligament pain, weekly migraine.
Looking forward to: finishing the nursery!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
I haven't done an update in a while!
How far along? 22 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: 2 lbs. It's crazy I've gained so little weight but doc is totally fine with it so I'm trying to be too. I know soon enough I will start packing on the pounds and be missing these days where I hadn't gained much!!
Maternity clothes? Yup. Can't wear any normal pants/shorts/skirts any more. But I can still wear non-mat dresses and a few shirts if they are on the long side. Boobs are starting to get a little out of control for my regular clothes though.
Stretch Marks: Tiny skin colored ones on my hip bones. Nothing scary. Although while hubs and I were swimming the other day I FREAKED out because I thought I had gross purple ones. He then informed be those were in fact just my veins! Phew!!
Sleep: Most nights fine. Usually one pee during the night which isn't bad. But every now and then I'll have a bad night (like last night) where my back and hips hurt and it's impossible to get comfortable and therefore I don't sleep.
It's really stressful because all I can think about is "I can't wait to have my normal body back so I can sleep comfortably". And then I remember there will be a newborn waking me up every two hours so sleep will be even more impossible!!
Best moment this week: Seeing kicks from the outside! And I put my hand on my tummy one time and felt a full somersault which was awesome!
Miss Anything? With the summer in full force this is the first time I've felt like a nice glass of white wine would be yummy.
Food cravings: Fruit and pasta are my current faves. Ooo and bubble gum ice cream.
Symptoms: Round ligament pain, aching back. But my energy is coming back and I'm really starting to feel better than I did for the first half of my pregnancy so I really can't complain.
Looking forward to: Heading up to the beach in a couple weeks for a family vacation. While I'm there my mom and I are going to address and mail out the invites for my shower!!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@kml636: I will say it's nice not to feel bad when I just want to eat a cookie instead of having something healthy!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
Anybody else feeling like this trimester is going by realllly fast? I didn't realize third trimester starts next week for me and it really just crept up on me! Eek!
@MamaMoose: by the way, I don't know if your name is referring to actual mama mooses, but I was in Yellowstone a couple weeks ago and we ran into an actual mama moose and baby moose while we were hiking. So cute (and a little scary because the mama was big!) I wanted to upload a pic but its too big
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@JessLC: haha I would be scared if I met a real mama moose!! My name actually comes from the fact that my pup's name is moose and I am his mama : )
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Pardon me while I whine for a second: I'm already too big for DH's t-shits. Why did I have to marry someone who I'm almost the same size as (he's 5'8" and I'm 5'5") He already said he doesn't want me wearing them anymore because I will stretch them out in the belly area. Wahhh.
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@highwire: Ha! Just because you marry them when they're bigger, there's no guarantee they will stay that way! DH had plenty of XL t-shirts before he lost a ton of weight, but now they're all mediums, and I'm out of luck!
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