cherry / 220 posts
How far along? 22 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 10 lbs...I'm finally starting to notice that I'm "heavier"
Maternity clothes? Pretty much everything except a handful of dresses and cardigans.
Stretch Marks: No, but I wouldn't be surprised if they come stomach really feels like it's stretching.
Sleep: Sometimes great, sometimes not so good. It's really hit or miss.
Best moment this week: Laying in bed over the weekend with my husband and just feeling baby girl wiggle and dance around in there for a good 45 minutes. I love it!
Miss Anything? Wine....
Food cravings: SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!
Symptoms: Round ligament pain, and definitely fatigue. I never really got that "energy burst" people talk's not awful, but I'm definitely more tired.
Looking forward to: A nap?
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
How far along? 23 Weeks today!
Total weight gain: Will find out at next OB appt. on August 7th. Hoping to be in the 10-12 lb area since I was up 8 lbs at my last appt. a month ago.
Maternity clothes? Oh yes.
Stretch Marks: The underside of my belly has about 10 new ones. I'm really prone to them and they all fade to white and are really unnoticeable after a while, so I'm not really stressed out about the new ones.
Sleep: Well, last night I was up wide awake from 3 AM-4 AM really anxious, dying of thirst, peeing, and enjoying some heartburn.
Best moment this week: Seeing kicks from the outside and enjoying her constant movements! And we also found a daycare that we love.
Miss Anything? Lack of daily heartburn.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.
Symptoms: I think I've been having a couple of very mild BH contractions. Feeling crampy for the first time since very early pregnancy. Trying to stay hydrated in the heat, since I know that can bring them on, but the body also needs to practice them for real labor, so it isn't the end of the world.
Looking forward to: We have another ultrasound on Tuesday, to check on a little calcium deposit on the heart that we found at the anatomy scan. Glad to have another peak at my little girl, and hopefully the deposit is gone.
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
How far along? 23 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain: Not sure, but it was about 12 lbs at last week's appointment.
Maternity clothes? Maternity shorts are divine.
Stretch Marks: I think I've got new ones on my side above my hips. Not impressed.
Sleep: I've always been a side or stomach sleeper, but now that I'm this far along, I'm craving some time on my back. Maybe it's all psychological because I know I'm not supossed to?
Best moment this week: Getting 1 curtain panel for the nursery done, though it'd be better if I had both finished!
Miss Anything? Bending over without any interference.
Food cravings: Sugar, but that's par for the course.
Symptoms: Gas. Lots, and lots of gas. My poor husband.
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery painted!
honeydew / 7687 posts
Anyone starting to get you're tiny/you're huge comments? I heard how huge I am (due 11/23 so 24w on Friday) from a cashier this morning and then the ladies at my eye doctor went on about how tiny I was.
I am not really offended or flattered either way - I guess I don't even know how to respond?? Am I the only one!
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@scg00387: I think you look great. I haven't gotten specific size comments, just "you look good" type deals. I usually just respond with "I feel great! X weeks to go."
honeydew / 7687 posts
@mrs.tricycle Thanks I figure I am what I am, ya know - but I think that maybe responding with how I feel (which is great too - lucky us!) will just reroute the whole conversation instead!
persimmon / 1161 posts
@scg00387: you have a great bump!
I haven't gotten a comment from any random people or strangers yet at all, despite being 26 weeks today. I was overweight to begin with and I guess I still look like I'm in that ambiguous stage between chunky and pregnant. I've had a few coworkers comment that they can finally tell that I'm pregnant and similar comments from friends/family too. I usually just tell people that I'm almost in my third trimester and that I have no major complaints.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@scg00387: i think you look great too! definitely not huge - i think you are all bump. it is hard to respond to those "huge" comments, but i like the idea that @Mrs. Tricycle had...just say something along the lines of "just x more months to go!" or "its definitely a healthy baby in there!" and leave it at that. hopefully they won't keep harping on your size.
i went to the doctor today and got a surprise ultrasound because my doctor wanted to check what position the baby was in. she is in the frank breech position...she was kicking around her little feet, it was so fun to see her again! i didn't think i'd have another ultrasound at all
how's everyone feeling? i have major heartburn a lot and sometimes my hip starts to hurt when i am walking for too long. other than that, feeling pretty good!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@JessLC: major heartburn n breathing issues! Getting tired again too!@scg00387: U look great!
persimmon / 1161 posts
I'm still feeling pretty good even as the third trimester gets closer. No major complaints or problems. I've been paranoid about heartburn and swelling, but neither one has really been an issue yet. I don't really have any unusual aches and pains for the most part. I've been walking as much as possible and going to yoga once a week. My weight gain in still minimal (4-5 lbs), which may be why I don't have too many physical issues yet. I haven't been sleeping great, but that's not really a change for me. I've been feeling a little more tired than I did a few weeks ago, but not nearly as exhausted as the first trimester.
I'm doing the one hour glucose test on Friday (26w3d). Yuck. I had to do it early on and failed likely due to what I ate before the test. I previously passed the three hour test. I'm hoping that my results turn out ok this time because the three hour test is brutal.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@scg00387: I get lots of comments about how small my bump is. It used to really upset me because I was worried about the fact that I haven't gained much weight and was actually down from my pre preg weight for a long time. But after numerous chats with my doctor and all signs pointing to a healthy pregnancy so far I'm really trying to let all the comments just roll off my back.
Im feeling pretty good. Lots of bloating and gas which is annoying but bearable. I have been sleeping pretty well which is a blessing. But I still miss being able to sleep on my tummy. I'm really looking forward to hitting 24 weeks on Sunday. I absolutely want this baby to cook all the way to full term but I think I'll relax a little knowing that we've reached viability.
persimmon / 1161 posts
@MamaMoose: 24 weeks felt like a huge milestone to me! Each additional week makes me feel even better.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@ChelseaRose: gluck on the glucose test, I have mine on the 20th!
@mamamoose: reaching 24 weeks last week was a HUGE milestone. yay!
we scheduled a 4d ultrasound (that we'll pay for) for the tues after labor day! (29 weeks+) I'm excited for that :)))
we have our first shower coming up in 2.5 weeks and i'm NOT excited about that. it's up north for MIL's friends/extended family, i won't know the majority of guests and she's expecting 40 ppl! :((((( i know i'm being a brat, but i realllly wish we weren't having that one.
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@scg00387: You look great! I have gained 16 lbs at week 25, but today at the dentist, all the girls would not shut up about how I didn't look pregnant! I can definitely tell though. I think I'm bigger all over!
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@mrsjyw: I understand! My DH's aunt is also throwing us one with nobody that I even know attending. I'm trying to just be excited about it, but it's a little weird.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@mrsjyw: I had a shower like that for our wedding. I was a little nervous but it was great! Just enjoy yourself and try not to stress They love you, even if they don't know you that well. How awesome is that?
honeydew / 7687 posts
@ChelseaRose thanks! enjoy it while you can.. i feel like people don't look above my neck lately!
@mamamoose i'm interested to see what weight i'm at next week.. and glad to hear someone else's doctor is telling them it's ok if the pounds haven't started adding up yet! i hit 24w tomorrow and have been cheering viability as well!
@mrsjyw wow! that is a lot of people. our family & friends are all spread out so no shower for us. it's sort of awkward because people assume that *someone* is doing one for you, and that they just won't be able to make it.. but no one is! which i'm okay with, it happened with our wedding too. at any rate, i am a littttle jealous and hope you end up having fun
@kml636 thanks! i definitely have gained in other areas which I wasn't prepared for, had to buy new undergarments for top and bottom and stash all the old (prettier!) ones in a crate for "after baby".
I'm curious to see when the 'tipping point' is for kicks/movement - I know eventually babies are so crammed in that they can't move around as much.
I LOVE feeling movement regularly.. but he has recently discovered he can kick down.. into my cervix.. which really is uncomfortable and makes me gasp!
persimmon / 1161 posts
I'm doing the one hour glucose test now. Please keep your fingers crossed that I won't have to do the three hour test again.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Doing my GD test tomorrow. Anyone care to chime in on how theirs went? Everything go okay for you @ChelseaRose: ?
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@highwire: I had mine a few weeks ago. The drink is so sickly sweet but they had it ice cold so it went down a little easier. Tastes like melted popsicles but sweeter ans thicker....lots and lots of it. Mine turned out a-ok!! Good luck
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@kml636: @highwire: @scg00387: thanks for the reassurance ladies, dh is coming with me to that one... and so i'm going in with a smile on my face to enjoy the day's festivities and take in everyone's warm wishes for us.
@highwire: my GD test will be on 8/20 -- not looking fwd to it -- hope yours goes well!
persimmon / 1161 posts
I have to do the three hour test. My results were the exact same as the last time I took it, 132. I'm a little concerned that the nurse may have just looked at the last results and not the new one. I think I will ask to look at my chart (not sure if they will let me) when I go to pick up my lab slip. I'm doing the three hour test on friday and then have my next OB appointment the following friday at 28 weeks. I can't believe I'm this far along. This pregnancy has flown by at a crazy pace.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
How far along? 24 Weeks, 4 Days
Total weight gain: 13 lbs...Only supposed to gain 15-20 total, which I now think I'm going to go over
Maternity clothes? Exclusively
Stretch Marks: Still rocking the 10 or so new ones on the bottom of my belly, but oh well.
Sleep: Horrendous (mostly due to emotional issues and stress, not physical). My doc wrote me a prescription for Ambien and I'm so happy about it.
Best moment this week: Getting home after working on my birthday to a purchased and fully assembled crib in the nursery! Totally surprised by my husband and in-laws.
Miss Anything? Sleep. Feeling peaceful.
Food cravings: Nothing really.
Symptoms: Heartburn on and off. Insomnia.
Looking forward to: Taking my sleeping pill tonight. Ha!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
When are you ladies doing classes at the hospital (if you are doing classes)?
They just released the October dates and I called and left a message so I can schedule them all tomorrow on the dates that we want, hopefully. We are doing prepared childbirth, breastfeeding, baby care, infant safety/CPR, car seat safety, and DH is doing a Daddy Boot Camp class.
I am so super, duper excited!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@highwire: We signed up for an all day Saturday prepared childbirth class for Oct 6, and a 2 hour bf class Monday, Oct 8 :)... I think I'll be right around 34 weeks along.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
How far along? 25 Weeks, 3 Days
Total weight gain: 20-22 lbs. :[[[[[
Maternity clothes? Exclusively maternity bottoms
Stretch Marks: None yet, rings are barely on though.
Sleep: Okay.. wake up from baby kicks and sore back sometimes, but for the most part sleeping through the night
Best moment this week: hitting the 100 day mark in a couple of days!
Miss Anything? my pre-bfp body.
Food cravings: nothing in particular, but get hungry precisely 3x a day for each meal.
Symptoms: heartburn, leg cramps, and just overall breathing starting to get worse.
Looking forward to: the weekend! It's my birthday on Saturday!
cherry / 220 posts
@highwire: I'm already certified in infant/child CPR and First Aid (I work in healthcare), but my husband will likely take it in October. I'm doing a breastfeeding class in mid-September. I don't know that we're going to take anything else.
cherry / 220 posts
How far along? 24 Weeks, 2 Days
Total weight gain: I say 10 lbs, my doctor says 12 lbs
Maternity clothes? YES YES YES. Some of my smaller maternity shirts and starting to get too tight too---yikes!
Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Eh, it's okay. I've been waking up 3-4 times during the night.
Best moment this week: FINALLY making huge progress on cleaning out the nursery!
Miss Anything? WINE.
Food cravings: Ice cream.
Symptoms: Mostly just tired. Sitting at my desk for long periods of time is uncomfortable too. I'm having Braxton Hicks contractions several times a day.
Looking forward to: My first baby shower next weekend! I have to fly to it, so that's why it's so early.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@highwire: as of now, not planning on doing any classes! i'm a little lazy and they are kind of expensive, so i think i'll skip and just do it on the fly!
How far along? 27 Weeks, 6 Days
Total weight gain: 14 lbs. weight gain has been steep in the last couple of months, i feel like i didn't gain anything until 17 weeks and then its been >1 lb per week for the last 10 weeks. ack!
Maternity Clothes: all the time.
Stretch Marks: None. Applying Mustela 2x per day. Linea negra is getting darker and darker each day...extends above my belly button, half way to my boobs!
Sleep: pretty good, i wake up between 3-4am to go to the bathroom but fall back asleep fairly easily.
Best moment this week: it was last week, but started the third trimester! woo hoo! i can't believe we're this far along already.
Miss Anything? drinking with husband and friends.
Food cravings: ice cream sandwiches.
Symptoms: heartburn, feeling really HOT all the time. i was having something like hot flashes this morning at work, which is unusual because pre-preg, I was always freezing in the office. my belly is always radiating heat!
Looking forward to: week-long vacation starts on Friday! Yippy! Not looking forward to 5+ hour flights, however.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
I failed my gestational diabetes test. Blargh! I'm hoping I can be squeezed in first thing tomorrow morning to take the 3 hour test...
I got a 147 (65-139 is the healthy range).
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@JessLC: Oh dang! All of my classes are free. Otherwise we probably wouldn't be doing so many.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@highwire: nuts! good luck at the 3-hour test! you are so lucky that all those classes are free. the ones they offer at my hospital are like $350+ per class (which is probably a full day, but still!)
persimmon / 1161 posts
@highwire: I'm sorry you have to do the three hour test too. I would actually have passed if I was seen by your OB. I'm taking the three hour test of friday. I hope you pass!
We're doing the childbirth series (4 classes total), which includes infant care. We are also doing the breastfeeding class and infant CPR (my mom is going to come with us too because she will be watching baby). I think we spent about $160 total for all the classes, but I don't remember exactly because there were several different charges for the classes. Also, we are going on the hospital tour next week. They told me to go early because it is a lot of walking.
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