olive / 61 posts
How far along? 27 weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain: 13 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yuppers! Especially for pants and leggings.
Stretch Marks: Nope (knock on wood), but a lot of scratch marks!
Sleep: Pretty good when I am not worrying.
Best moment this week: It is always nice to feel kicks! Daily walks with the hubby
Miss Anything? Smoked Salmon
Food cravings: Indian food
Symptoms: Tightening around the belly as he continues to grow.
Looking forward to: When we have completed our move at the end of August
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@clery: I'm not at full scale panic attack yet, but definitely getting more anxious when I think about how little time I actually have left -- 13 weeks is nothing!! It's compounded by going back to school in the beginning of September - that was my self-imposed deadline to get "everything" done and that's not going to happen now, hence the anxiety.
I'm sure with moving you have all kinds of additional stresses -- I think you'll feel way better once you're moved and can start organizing your life in a new place.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@clery: Yes, definitely having some anxiety issues. My psychologist recommended I try and jot down any notes I can when I feel the panic coming on like where I am, what I'm thinking about, etc. and see if we can find any patterns.
olive / 61 posts
@highwire: Nice to know that I am not the only one having anxiety issues. I am also taking note of my triggers. My midwife has referred me to see a therapist. Hopefully I will learn some coping mechanisms for him / her.
persimmon / 1161 posts
@clery: I was having some anxiety issues on Sunday and Monday, but it was pretty directly related to getting my three hour glucose results and a work situation. Both have since resolved and I'm feeling much better. I did some relaxation/meditation stuff on Sunday, but it didn't help too much.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Anyone else getting kicks STRAIGHT to the bladder? I've also enjoyed some that feel like they are going right at my cervix, and last night even felt like she was kicking my....butthole. I'm sorry. Flip around, girlfriend! Quit with those feet down there.
honeydew / 7687 posts
@highwire Haha, yes yes and yes. The cervix kicks are my least favorite, it feels SO uncomfortable.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@highwire: yup! all i've been getting since the bh pains the last few days are kicks to my buttttt
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@highwire: yes. Butt kicks have been the norm since I started feeling her and i feel her hiccups always down there which is so weird . more recently it feels like she steps on my bladder because I feel like I have to pee really bad for about 5 seconds and then it goes away! Cervix kicks haven't been as common though.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@mrsjyw: Did the doctor have anything to say about the BHs?
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@highwire: yea he said as long as it's not more than 5x an hour; and the usual no bleeding/extra discharge; that it's pretty normal for where I'm at for baby to be switching positions, uterus growth. Some women just feel it more than others. LUCKY me. He also said that it's digestive related for where I was having the pain!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@mrsjyw: Phew! Glad he wasn't worried.
Okay, ya'll, my esophagus is just going to burn up from this heartburn eventually. It feels like lava.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
OMG the kicks to the cervix and the butt are soooo weird and uncomfortable. I'll always complain to the hubs and he looks at me like I'm crazy. Listen dude, how about I let a 2 pound person kick you in the balls and see if it feels nice!!
Still no BH for me and I'm really hoping I'm one of those people who doesn't get them until the very end. I know they help prepare your body for real contractions but I think the worry they would cause me wouldn't be worth it.
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
I don't think I've had any BH...What do they feel like? Period cramps? Do they feel the same way as real contractions?
grapefruit / 4006 posts
No BH contractions for me either.
I did see the hiccups from the outside today! She does a lot of the rolling and turning movements now, so my belly moves in these wavy motions. It's a little weird, but I like it.
Also, I was walking along the other day with a full bladder and I sneezed and a little pee came out le sigh. Anyone else? I guess my Lack of kegel exercising has caught up with me. I was so sad and humbled.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: as its been explained to be it feels like your whole belly tightens for a few seconds and then releases.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@JessLC: oh pee leaks out of me way more often than I would like to admit.
persimmon / 1161 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: I think I've had a few. My belly gets much harder than normal and stays that way for a little while. It doesn't hurt at all.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@MamaMoose: haha, thank goodness there's someone in the same boat!
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@ChelseaRose: @MamaMoose: Hummm, nope, don't think I've felt that (at least not yet).
@JessLC: @JessLC: I also have yet to experience the pee leak, but I'm glad to know that's right around the corner.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@JessLC: @MamaMoose: Um yeah on the pee leaking? I don't even realize it has happened until it is way too late. Major bummer lol.
honeydew / 7687 posts
I have an ultrasound Friday to check my placenta- at 19 weeks ultrasound the sonographer said it was just low enough to make her nervous. Hoping it's moseyed along up and I don't have to worry about it.
I haven't had any bleeding the entire time.. to be honest I'm not sure why they wouldn't wait until closer to full-term to re-scan me, or if it doesn't move after 27 weeks? (which I'll be on Friday). Obvs I'll ask my OB if I don't get the all clear but curious if anyone else is in the same boat.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@scg00387: Hope your scan goes well and that placenta has moved out of the way! I haven't had any issues with that. No bleeding at all the entire pregnancy either.
I'm not sure if the baby is going through a growth spurt or what, but I slept for 14 hours last night. I wasn't feeling super tired to begin with, but I laid down to read a book last night at 6:30 PM (The Birth Partner - really good!) and then it was suddenly morning....
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
So, last night, in the middle of the night, I woke up and I swear her butt was pushing right on the top of my belly and if there wasn't anything in between us, she would have totally been mooning me!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@scg00387: hope everything is ok! let us know how it goes.
@highwire: haha, so cute!! its like she wanted your attention..."hey mom! look at me!" btw, how can you tell its her butt? i try to feel around, but my belly just feels hard all over, so i never know what position she is in.
ugh i'm starting to feel signs of uncomfortable-ness. lying on my left side makes my back hurt and after i eat, it is hard to breathe. i'm super grumpy today, as a result.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@scg00387: hope you're scan went well!
@highwire: LOLed picturing that!
@jesslc: UGH i'm right there with you on the uncomfortableness...:(
How far along? 27 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain: 25 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH
Maternity clothes? Always for bottoms, a mix on tops.
Stretch Marks: Nope, not yet
Sleep: sleeping through the night, but hard to fall asleep because it takes forever to get "comfortable" if at all.
Best moment this week: putting together baby gear from our first shower last weekend
Miss Anything? wine
Food cravings: homemade foods
Symptoms: Tightening around belly, back aches, breathing/heartburn issues
Looking forward to: maternity shoot w my cousin this wknd
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@JessLC: I actually have no idea if it was her butt...I'm just guessing! It just really felt like she was in downward dog position...it didn't feel round like a head and I'm not sure what other body part it could have been that was that large. It was the first time I've ever felt anything that specific as far as actual body parts poking out, so I am just taking a wild stab in the dark. LOL.
@mrsjyw: Have fun at your maternity shoot! I am still debating over whether or not to schedule this. Our wedding photographer does wonderful maternity/newborn sessions but she is pricey! And I can't find anyone else who's work I like and who provides the same stuff in their package.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
How far along? 26 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain: 12.7 lbs at 24 weeks...not sure where we are now! I'm assume somewhere around 15ish
Maternity clothes? Yes, and some of those are getting tight. Grr! Shouldn't have bought so many things so early.
Sleep: Variable. Some nights great. Other nights, horrible. I slept with a pillow between my knees and I woke up in the middle of the night with the most aching hips! I guess that isn't a good option for me at this point.
Best moment this week: Did some organizing/cleaning/decorating around the house and it felt great!
Miss Anything? Being able to swiftly change positions in bed. Now I need to carefully support the belly if I want to roll over, otherwise it hurts!
Food cravings: Home cooked. So glad the fast food cravings are not raging right now.
Symptoms: Wiggling baby
Looking forward to: Lots going on next month! Big Labor Day party with all of DH's and my family and friends, starting baby classes, and our babymoon,
honeydew / 7687 posts
@highwire @jesslc @mrsjyw thanks for the positivity! my scan came back normal, so I'm in the clear!
I just got a belly wedge pillow from amazon, so I'm helping it helps me sleep better - like others are saying, it is getting tougher! Here is to week 27!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@scg00387: yay!! So glad to hear it. Did u get to see your little one on the ultrasound too? So fun.
Tell me more about this belly wedge...my back is starting to hurt when I lay on my side and I think its because my belly has no support underneath it and my back gets all twisted as a result. Would the wedge help that?
honeydew / 7687 posts
@jesslc yes! checked him out and watched him punch my stomach LOL
I just got it today so no verdict yet.. but I think that is what it is supposed to do. I've been smooshing a blanket under my stomach because my lower back gets sore the same as yours - I got this one http://www.amazon.com/DEX-Products-Pregnancy-Pillow-PP-01/dp/B000056JC1/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1345844501&sr=8-2&keywords=pregnancy+wedge and am washing the cover right now!
@mrbee i don't get my @ notifications any more? is there a reason why?
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@scg00387: Awesome! Enjoy that wedge pillow. That sounds amazing. Let us know how you like it...since it seems like there are a few of us who might need one
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
I guess strangers can officially tell I am pregnant now. The cashier at Starbucks asked me when I was due last night. And for a split second I thought "How do you know I am pregnant you sneaky mind reader?" and then I realized I must finally look pregnant from the outside. Ha. Only took TWENTY SEVEN weeks.
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
So you know how your boobs grow when you're pregnant? Yeah, mine totally haven't done that. They are still the same exact (small) size they were year ago. But my butt and thighs? Oh man, if they were boobs, I'd be a porn star. I just bought an XL pair of sweatpants the other day. Blah! Are you all more well endowed at this point in your pregnancy?
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: oh man my boobs are out of control! I was a large c/small d to begin with and they have definitely grown. As of a couple days ago I had gained six pounds so far and I think half of that is in my boobs!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: I started at A and now I'm a D! However, this is not what I imagined Ds would look like on me. I thought they would be these big gorgeous boobs and they are more side boob than anything and not a lot of vertical height. Haha.
persimmon / 1161 posts
@highwire: I still haven't had anyone who didn't already know comment on my pregnancy and I'm 29.5 weeks right now. I never thought it would be like this. Being overweight I assumed that I'd look about 6 months pregnant from the very beginning, but that has not been the case. Oh well. Less unsolicited advice.
persimmon / 1161 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: My boobs haven't really grown either, but I'm happy about that because I was already a 38D when I got pregnant. I was actually scared of how hug they would end up getting, but so far this has been an unnecessary worry. I'm sure our boobs will get larger once there is milk to be made.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
how's everybody doing/feeling?
@scg00387: how is the wedge working out??
I just started getting my ducks in a row for the baby...major procrastinator here. Bought some bedding that was on sale at Land of Nod, a polka dot rug, some prints for the walls and am debating about furniture (crib & dresser)....thinking will go with PBK since we have some gift cards there. Anyway, looking at gliders now...anybody have their gliders yet and any recs?
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