persimmon / 1161 posts
@JessLC: We ordered a glider/recliner from la-z-boy and it is still several weeks away from being done because it was a custom order/fabric. It should arrive in 4-6 weeks. It is soooo comfortable. We got this one (dark wood and medium grey fabric):
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@JessLC: I got the Madison glider by babyletto. I wanted a modern glider that didn't cost $1000...
honeydew / 7687 posts
@kml636 do you like it? it's funny I was just looking at that but it is backordered until October! I was worried it would be too short in back.
@jesslc I think I'm digging the wedge! It feels really flimsy when you take it out of the package but I like how thin it is at the bottom. I was waking up with one foot asleep for a while, but between the snoogle up my back, the wedge under my stomach, and a body pillow between my legs... I think all the pressure is as spread out as it'll ever be LOL
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
We picked up our crib yesterday - now just to assemble it!
@ChelseaRose: That's the same color combo as our nursery chair, though ours just reclines - it doesn't rock.
On a side note, my belly is officially getting in the way of stuff - painting my toenails and shaving have become super awkward.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: Oh yes...the shaving! I can still see my legs (although I run out of breath being hunched over trying to shave them) but, um...other "areas" have to be done completely blind which seems like something out of one of the Saw movies.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
I can't believe I'll be 7 months on Friday! Agh. DH's parents through a huge (HUGE like hundreds of people) Labor Day party every year. I'm nervous to see everyone. And I have no idea what to wear. Ha.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@highwire: @Mrs. Tricycle: yes, shaving has become cumbersome lately! I always have visions of me slipping in the shower because my belly throws me off balance. And YES, I cannot see a darn thing in the "area" below my belly. I had to ask husband to look at what I thought was an ingrown hair
@scg00387: sounds like you are all set up for sleep! Glad the wedge is working out! Might have to breakdown and buy one soon.
persimmon / 1161 posts
@highwire: @JessLC: Haha. Other areas are now done by electric razor for safety purposes. I can still shave my legs just fine although I feel like my hair grows so fast it is hard to keep up with.
persimmon / 1161 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: my husband is picking up our crib today! Although it won't be assembled for some time due to ongoing renovations in the baby's room.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@ChelseaRose: @Mrs. Tricycle: Fun! Our crib is assembled (a surprise birthday present to me from my in-laws), but the rest of the room is a disaster and we need to get the rest of the matching set at some point.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
My feet are like sausages. I wore a pair of shoes today that have been sitting in my closet for a year because I bought them and they were way too big. Now they fit :\
honeydew / 7687 posts
@highwire that stinks!! it is so weird - i was terrified i'd lose all my shoe collection if my feet permanently got bigger but for some reason it feels like they're shrinking. which sounds fine.. except for allllll my socks fall below my heels when I try to exercise and my shoes are rubbing blisters from being too big. Weird, right?
I have my GD test tomorrow afternoon.. yuck! Hoping I feel okay afterwards (and pass it!)
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@scg00387: good luck!!
i just realized that i didn't call from obgyn last week! "no call is good news" --- so that means i passed my glucose test last monday!!!! although, i'm kinda still freaking out that they'll say "GOTCHA!" at my checkup next week! the no call thing is confusing!
officially in the last trimester and i'm feeling the pains of fall allergies + breathing troubles + and just overall uncomfortableness!
persimmon / 1161 posts
@mrsjyw: I'm sure they would call you to do the three hour test ASAP if there was a problem. I had to take the three hour test two times and they insisted it be done without delay because if there was a problem with GD they would want you controlling your sugars ASAP.
Our crib is here! It is in the box in the garage, but it is here! I'm going to order the mattress ASAP. I decided that we should order one online rather than going with the ones at BRU.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
Hubs is picking up our crib and dresser today and I'm SO excited!! Unfortunately I won't be able to help put the crib together since I'm still on bed rest other than work. But I'm sure I will do an excellent job of supervising him from the couch : ) He finished painting this weekend and the room looks so cute. It's all starting to feel so real!
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@scg00387: sorry I just saw this. So far, so good, although there is not a lot of back support for tall people like my 6 ft 4 husband! But I love that it doesn't take up a lot of room.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
went to the doctor yesterday and after a little poking around, doctor said baby was head down! she said she could still flip again, but i am glad because baby was sitting upright last time i went. said i had a good amount of amniotic fluid and that baby was big! also, weight has hit numbers never seen before...and to think i have 9 more weeks. in other news, i bought our crib today, finally. should be here in a couple weeks. anyone have nursery progress pics that they want to share or share their color schemes/themes? i feel like i need some inspiration or motivation.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@JessLC: glad to hear baby flipped!! My baby is head down and kind of wedged into my right hip (so that explains the sciatica!) and like you I'm just hoping he/she says down! We are making good progress on the nursery. Hubs painted last weekend and we got our dresser/changing station today. Turned out crib didn't fit in my SUV (we thought it would because it was boxed). So hopefully Thursday hubs can borrow our neighbors truck. Then we just need to put it together and install the chair rail this weekend. So I'll post progress pics then. We are all set on the big stuff. But I'm terrible at picking out the little design stuff. I may wait until baby gets here and we have a gender and a name and then I'll finish the decorating.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@MamaMoose: how exciting! You've made a lot of progress it seems. Cant wait to see pics! Im still in the market for a glider (trying to decide whether to splurge or not) and a dresser (having trouble deciding between tall for more storage space or short because its cheaper). Also, just saw you are on bed rest. Everything ok?
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
I just booked my maternity photo session! I've been going back and forth on whether or not to do them, and I figured I'd just get them done. I really want to have some professional photos of this time for myself (even if DH thinks the concept is totally weird). And I also booked a blowout for right before the shoot so my hairs can look nice Now, to figure out what I'm going to wear...
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@JessLC: Yup we seem to be OK for now. I had some pre term contractions early last week so doc put me on some medicine that seems to work really well to stop them.. and then wants me to just be on the couch or in bed whenever I'm not at work. Hopefully the rest won't be long term. But she just wants to be extra careful with me until we are a little farther out from what she calls "the episode". The good news is I had another ultrasound this Monday and baby looked great. Growing right now track. And my cervix is still completely closed and nice and long. I'm telling you this kid MUST be a girl based on the amount of drama we've had during this pregnancy : )
persimmon / 1161 posts
@MamaMoose: A friend of mine from another online community had contractions around the same time during her pregnancy. Baby stayed put and she ended up delivering at 40w4d or something close to that. I hope you have the same outcome. At least you are considered low risk enough to keep working. Being on complete bed rest is definitely a fear of mine.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@ChelseaRose: I have heard a lot of positive outcomes of people who had early contractions and every one gives me a little more piece of mind! At my first follow up with my OB after my trip to the ER I was TERRIFIED she would put me on full bed rest. I would have gone stir crazy. I'm really lucky that I have a boss who had a preemie (he's now a healthy 7 year old boy) so she is super understanding and lets me go home early whenever I feel like I need to get off my feet and rest.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Stole this from February. Thought we might like to switch it up a little!
How far along/EDD: 27 Weeks, 5 Days, Due 11/23
Total Weight Gain: Probably around 15 lbs. Will know officially on Tuesday.
Stretch Marks: Nothing new.
Gender: Baby girl
Names Picked: Most likely Charlotte. Unless she comes out looking not like a Charlotte.
Nursery Theme (Is it complete): Safari. It is not even remotely close to being complete.
Birth Plan: Laboring at home for as long as possible. Epi when we get to the hospital.
How long are you taking off: 3 months.
Milestones: Third trimester!
Struggles: Feeling like a cranky monster today.
What are you most fearful/concerned about: Post-partum recovery in the immediate sense (like the first few days/weeks after delivery), and then longer term over the few months after the baby is born. My mom got really sick with PPD that she never recovered from, and I hope the same doesn't happen to me.
What are you most excited about: Having a sweet baby girl to care for. Watching DH become a daddy.
persimmon / 1161 posts
@MamaMoose: my supervisor is pretty understanding too. She had twins via IVF at age 43. She chose to go on bed rest at 20 weeks and was able to avoid NICU time for her twins who are now starting high school. Luckily my pregnancy is no where near that high risk and as of today I am 30 weeks pregnant. I'm already working a 4/40 schedule with every Friday off and I've been also working from home at least one day a week too.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@highwire: ooh, i like it! thanks for finding this! btw, love the name charlotte! that is in our top choices as well. and we are doing a safari-ish theme too! we picked out some animal prints from etsy, and the bedding has little safari animals on it. husband insisted that we have animals in there somewhere and not have it be too girly.
How far along/EDD: 31w6d, due 11/1
Total Weight Gain: 16 lbs, officially in uncharted territory.
Stretch Marks: Not yet. Mustela 2x/day but who knows if that does anything at all.
Gender: Girl. Although my mom keeps asking me "ARE YOU SURE" and i'm starting to second guess now. Why do moms do that.
Names Picked: in the running are Lila, Lilia, Juliette, Charlotte, Kayla, and Kaylin.
Nursery Theme (Is it complete): Animals! Walls are a pale yellow, and will have lots of pink accents throughout, with some orange and green in there too. i'm afraid it'll look very mish-moshy though. Not even close to being complete. We painted our walls, and I literally ordered the crib yesterday. That's about it.
Birth Plan: hmm. epidural?
How long are you taking off: 3 months.
Milestones: baby turned head down!
Struggles: feeling more uncomfortable every day. back hurts to lie on left side, breathing problems after i eat, getting full really quickly, heartburn, overall laziness. i haven't done any exercise in 2 weeks.
What are you most fearful/concerned about: turning into a crazy bitch after baby is born. i don't deal with stress and tiredness well at all, so i am a afraid at the toll it might take on my marriage. i am hoping to change myself and it has been an ongoing thing, but it hasn't been terribly easy.
What are you most excited about: meeting baby girl and having a little family! i don't think i've ever been as excited about anything in my entire life.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@JessLC: Aw love your answers!!
Do you ladies usually send out holiday cards? I would love to be able to get them out and in the mail to everyone before the baby comes...but I also would love to be able to send some with a picture of the baby! But that means I'd have to wait until the baby is born (obviously) and wait to get proofs back from the photographer after our newborn session...and then it is almost the end of the holiday season already. And will I really want to stamp/address/put together holiday cards with a newborn in the picture? Are you any of you sending out photo cards with a maternity picture?
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@highwire: I'm just going to take my own picture of the baby for the card. I want to do a combo holiday card/birth announcement so I need to wait for baby to get here. I actually really LOVE addressing holiday cards. But if I'm feeling too overwhelmed for that with a newborn around I know a lot of the websites let you upload a spreadsheet of names and addresses and they will mail the cards for you (for an additional cost of course).
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@MamaMoose: Yeah the holiday card/birth announcement thing is a really good idea. Maybe I can just spend the time before the birth making sure my "spreadsheet" and everything is all ready to go, design is picked, etc.
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@Mamamoose @highwire - totally going the birth announcement / holiday card routine. I can get everything stamped and addressed before, so that saves some time.
How far along/EDD: 28 weeks & 6 days/ Nov 17
Total Weight Gain: 20 pounds (on my backside, primarily).
Stretch Marks: Not that I've noticed.
Gender: Team Green.
Names Picked: Yes (still thinking about middle names). Though hubby is wavering on boy's name.
Nursery Theme (Is it complete): Not so theme-y, but elements of nature. We've got the walls painted, curtains up, crib assembled, and chair in place. Still lots to do -- but I'm feeling soo much better about it.
Birth Plan: Get a doula. Labor at home as long as possible. Wear my own clothes. Unmedicated.
How long are you taking off: 3 months.
Milestones: Had to wear my husband's t-shirt for a workout today
Struggles: I actually still feel really good. Stairs are a pain, but otherwise I can't really complain. I'm starting to feel a little "big" but it's not really uncomfortable yet. I'm working out 4x a week, and although moving slower, still getting my heart rate up.
What are you most fearful/concerned about: A lack of sleep once the baby gets here.
What are you most excited about: GETTING THE BABY, duh!
persimmon / 1161 posts
We don't usually do holiday cards, but this year I was thinking of doing the combination of holiday card/birth announcements given the time of year baby is expected to arrive. I'm hoping to have a cute picture of baby alone rather than a family picture because I'm not photogenic and probably won't be lookin my best shortly after having a baby.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
Ok I'm going to attempt to upload from my phone for the first time. This is the progress we made on the nursery this weekend. Paint and chair rail are done and furniture is assembled. Still need to get a rocker that will go in the corner you can't see in the pic. I think I will hold off on decorating the wall too much until LO gets here and we see if we have a boy or a girl so I can do accents in pink or blue.
Annnnd I can't figure it out. The email pops up but I can't figure out how to attach a pic to the email.
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@MamaMoose: do you have an iPhone? Go to your camera roll, hold your finger over the image you want, hit copy, go back to the email, and in the body of email, paste the photo. Send away.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: thank you!! Just did it.. We'll see if it works!
olive / 61 posts
How far along/EDD: 30 Weeks/ Nov 9, 2012
Total Weight Gain: 15 pounds
Stretch Marks: So far not yet in the belly
Gender: Boy
Names Picked: Middle name: yes. A friend suggested narrowing down to 3 favourites for the first name and decide when he is born and that's what we are going to do!
Nursery Theme (Is it complete): No theme. We just moved so we are just starting to set things up.
Birth Plan: We will be having a doula and see how it goes from there.
How long are you taking off: 1 year (standard in Canada)
Milestones: not that I can really think of
Struggles: about: Having difficulty getting in and out of the car. Also trying not to get overwhelmed with the amount of things that needs to get ready.
What are you most excited about: Meeting the little dude
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@MamaMoose: love! Where did u get the crib? I was looking for one with a storage drawer too. Also like that the back part is higher than the front...makes it a little more interesting.
@clery: so so envious of your 1 yr maternity leave! I am pretty overwhelmed by the stuff we have to do before baby gets here too. But loads of people have told me we don't need every single thing before baby gets here, just the necessities - place to sleep, car seat, diapers, a few clothes and you're good to go
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@JessLC: Thank you! We bought the crib at a local store but it's the Mason Crib from Franklin and Ben ( it wasn't cheap but it's extremely high quality and it converts to a toddler bed, day bed, and then full size headboard and footboard so we will get many years of use out of it.
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