olive / 61 posts
@JessLC: I am really looking forward to the year off... work has been hectic so it is nice to take a longer break from it :). Thank you also for the reminder of focusing on the basic necessities!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
How far along/EDD: 29 wks, 2 days
Total Weight Gain: Hovering around 25-27 lbs.
Stretch Marks: None yet
Gender: Baby boy
Names Picked: Think we've finally picked one, but want to keep it a surprise
Nursery Theme (Is it complete): light blue/light green color scheme... with hints of forest creatures (see below for a sneak peek)
Birth Plan: Laboring at home for as long as possible. Natural if I can, but not against an epidural.
How long are you taking off: 3 months.
Milestones: None this week, still can't believe we're in the last trim!
Struggles: Fall allergies are making my life miserable right now. Doc ok'ed Zyrtec, so I'm much better today.
What are you most fearful/concerned about: Post-partum recovery, newborn care, being a good mama, etc.
What are you most excited about: bringing our LO home and seeing our parents with their first grandbaby and DH be the most excited, loving, caring giddy daddy ever!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@mrsjyw: Nursery is looking great!
I had an appointment this morning. I got three different shots (b12, Rhogam, and flu). They all hurt.
And I gained 7 lbs since my last appointment a month ago. And I officially have a weight that starts with a 2. I burst into tears as the appointment was finishing and have barely been able to hold it together since. And now I am at work and trying not to cry. I know weight gain is par for the course, but a little bit of my past is resurfacing with my old eating disorder rearing its ugly head. I've never weighed over 200 lbs in my life and I'm having a hard time dealing. I'm also only supposed to gain 15-20 lbs during pregnancy since I was overweight to begin with, and I've now gained 20 lbs already. So, I'm not going to be able to stay within that range. Wish I could just go home and cry and sleep the rest of the day.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@highwire: Oh sweetie. You are GROWING A PERSON!! Do not worry about your weight gain. As long as you know you are eating healthy and staying active that's all you need to worry about. Your body is going to gain what it needs to gain to provide for that little baby girl. It might not be a bad idea to ask your doctor's office to keep the weight numbers hidden from you and only bring it up if they have a real concern that needs to be addressed with you. You're doing great!!
persimmon / 1161 posts
@highwire: I'm sorry you're upset today and struggling with the weight gain. Was your doctor/midwife concerned about the gain or your weight in general? To be brutally honest, I started out with a weight that begins with the number 2 and was a high weight for me. Every new weight that I see on the scale is a new "high weight" for me and really sucks. Although I've never been diagnosed I have suffered from disordered eating since my teens. All I can do is focus on health and not numbers, as hard as it is. I'd give you a hug today if I could. We are all in the home stretch of our pregnancies and our little ones will be here before we know it.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@highwire: HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS. You look great and I'm sure that the baby is healthy and growing! Def a mental struggle! (I'm up ~27 lbs at 29 weeks!) And I def understand the internal battle that we endure going through this whole process.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@MamaMoose: Yeah I may have to just step on the scale backwards from now on. Poor DH was like "do you want to talk about it?" and I felt like I didn't want to even discuss it with him because I didn't want him to like...be less attracted to me (although that isn't actually out of thin air, we've struggled with this stuff before with him being insensitive/turned off by my weight problems). So I just kept quiet until I could get to work and vent on here.
@ChelseaRose: The doctor came in, sat down, and immediately addressed the weight gain, and asked me if anything had changed drastically over the last month that would explain it. He is working with a new nurse practitioner, and she was in the room too. And I was already upset about it, and then to have two people sit down and immediately start talking about it really uprooted me. I'm sorry you have suffered from this disordered eating pattern also. It is really challenging. I'm trying to remind myself that pretty much all of us are "charting new territory" as far as weight gain goes and most of us are seeing numbers on the scale that we've never seen before. And it is okay. Hard to deal with, but normal.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@mrsjyw: Thank you, lady! I know the weight gain stuff has been upsetting for you too. I know it will all be worth it when we get to snuggle those big, healthy, chubby babies the MONTH AFTER NEXT.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@mrsjyw: I love the mural!
I don't know if you're registered at PB Kids but they have lots of owl themed things like this: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/nursery-farm-trio/?pkey=beveryday-fun-baby
That would match perfectly!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@mrsjyw: nursery looks sooo good! i wish we had progressed half as far as you have, but alas...we JUST ordered our glider (supposed to arrive 8-10 weeks and i'm due in 9! oh hmm...its closer to 8 now) and a dresser/chest (arriving 10-12 weeks)....guess i procrastinated a little too long.
@highwire: i will echo the other ladies here and say that you absolutely LOOK great and you should FEEL great that your body is doing what it is doing! weight gain is a natural part of pregnancy, and every woman gains differently. i think the range is a guideline, but a lot of women will fall outside of it because we are all so different and our bodies are just doing what they have to do to keep the baby healthy. i'm sorry the doctor/nurse made you feel the way that you did. i agree maybe you should bring it up next time and tell them why you are sensitive to it, and maybe you can work something out with them.
we are almost there, fellow November mamas!
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
Oh the weight gain! Probably my least favorite thing to date. Hang in there! Maybe we can't do anything about it now, and just have to go with the flow, but it is a temporary thing! You will lose it, and at the moment, the gain is for a good cause! (But I totally get the mental games we play)
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@JessLC: @mamamoose: ty ladies!! i just need to get the ball rolling on the wall decor and we'll be all set... the chair has taken its entire 12 weeks to get here.. hopefully we'll have it by next week!
cherry / 220 posts
I've been traveling for almost 3 weeks straight---yikes! I'm EXHAUSTED, and am so over travel while pregnant. Unfortuantely, I still have 2 more road trips to go this month.
I've made pretty much ZERO progress on the nursery--I cleaned it out a few weeks ago and then haven't done anything to it since then. We have the crib and the glider, and I'm hoping to devote some time to the nursery this weekend.
Had my GD test today and find out the results Thursday. Getting my Rhogam and flu shot on Thursday too--my husband owes me dinner!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@petuniasandpearls: Phew! I would be exhausted also. Hope your 2 road trips go smoothly.
Target put my whole nursery set on sale this weekend, which would be awesome, except that half of it sold out before we could get our hands on it! Ugh! I called two stores and at least tracked down our glider and purchased it today. The next thing I need to find is our dresser. We have the crib already.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
How's everyone doing? Can't believe we are all in the 30s just about.
kiwi / 500 posts
How far along/EDD: 28 weeks/ 11.29.12
Total Weight Gain: ~20 lbs, most of which happened in the past month or so
Stretch Marks: none yet, made it last time with no stretch marks hoping for history to repeat
Gender: Boy
Names Picked: check! (I think...) pregnancy makes me indecisive
Nursery Theme (Is it complete): Not really a theme, due to space issues, baby boy will take up a corner of our master bedroom...I'm liking dark blues, bright greens and greys and whites.
Birth Plan: epidural was and will be a must! Due to the possibility of a thanksgiving baby, I'll have to see if my mom or sister will be around in addition to hubby.
How long are you taking off: 6 months and possibly longer. This will be our second child, so the option to SAH is becoming more and more a reality/necessity
Milestones: just making to 3rd trimester
Struggles: Soo many! This 2nd baby has given us so many worries. Just did my 3hr GTT today. Will have our 4th u/s next week to check my amniotic fluid levels which have been very low. I'm just trying to stay hopeful that everything will turn around and baby will be happy and healthy!
What are you most excited about: completion of our family. We will have a son and a daughter, which is our picture of completion. And no more babies!!
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@highwire: I totally get it, I'm up 23 lbs at 30 weeks... But I was up 15 when I got pregnant so that all adds up to a stressful number! Yikes! I know it will be worth it though...
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@highwire: word. i hit 32 weeks today, now i'm going to be seeing the doctor every 2 weeks for a month, then every week! sounds so short when you put it that way. i feel her moving constantly, and the kicks are getting harder too. i'm feeling much more tired these days as well.
i just got two books...one is ina may's guide to childbirth and the other is the Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers. I got the first one because we're not going to take a childbirth class, so I figure maybe I should read up on it. I will be totally honest, there was a picture in the book of a baby, literally emerging face first out of the mother's vagina and I was just freaked out by it. I really cannot get into the beauty of childbirth. Please tell me I'm not the only one? =/
pomegranate / 3225 posts
I had a hard appt today... They asked me to see a new midwife because mine was behind. So all is good until she says she can't hear the heartbeat (same thing that happened in my first pregnancy - the baby had died 3 weeks earlier). The sonogram room was being used so she told us to wait. Even though I knew I had felt her moving around I started to panic. She tried again and found it no problem,
Thankfully. Now I feel all these negative emotions still. I just want to fast forward the next 10 weeks! Getting very anxious.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@kml636: i'm so glad that everything is ok. that must've have been so nerve wracking. sorry you had to go thru that.
honeydew / 7687 posts
@kml636 that is awful hope you're able to put it behind you!
Loving seeing all the nurseries! Long story short we thought we'd be in a house by now, but are still in an apartment and definitely will be in this apartment (or potentially an apartment in a different state pending husband's job) for the birth. So I'm finally getting around to doing nursery stuff I thought I'd get to wait on! Ordered a local glider that will be delivered next Wednesday.
I'm 29 weeks since it's past Midnight.. panicked a little when I realized I'm almost into the single digits! I came 4 weeks early and my nieces were 8 weeks early.. I know I'll be giant and uncomfortable if I go late but.. eek not sure I want to contemplate him arriving early!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@anewme: Hope the fluid levels are okay at your next appointment!
@JessLC: Would love to hear what you think of Ina May's book! I want to read it but I'm paranoid it is going to make me feel guilty if I wind up with a medicated birth.
@kml636: Ugh sorry you had a taxing appointment. I'm feeling nervous as well. It is like we are getting so close and I'm worried about all of the things that can go wrong at the last minute
@scg00387: Happy 29 weeks! Hope that baby stays cooking for many more weeks
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
How far along/EDD: 29 weeks, 11/23/2012!
Total Weight Gain: Exactly 20 lbs.
Stretch Marks: Lots on bottom of belly, but I can't really see them so it is easy to ignore
Gender: Pretty little lady
Names Picked: Still Charlotte
Nursery Theme (Is it complete): Safari/animal prints. A random stranger offered to send me some of their safari nursery decor, and it arrived this week! Sending her a little gift card and thank you note.
Birth Plan: Happy healthy baby! Ha. And we'll see about the rest.
How long are you taking off: 3 months.
Milestones: Finishing up the "20s" and starting the "30's" weeks. Can't believe it!
Struggles: Had a weight gain meltdown this week. But it was one day. And it hasn't made me cry since.
What are you most excited about: Just want to hold her and see her sweet face! And see DH meet his daughter.
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@highwire: yeah, i'm hoping to get through it before baby gets here. i watched part of The Business of Being Born, and it made me feel incredibly guilty for being open to a hospital birth and how it could negatively affect my baby, so I stopped watching it about 20 minutes in. Reading all the reviews for it, I think I am in the minority.
went to the doctor today and when she poked around to feel how the baby was positioned, she told me my uterus was contracting. i didn't even notice until i felt it with my hand and it was super hard!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@highwire happy 29 weeks to you date twin
@jesslc that is crazy! I wonder sometimes if I'll notice when/if I get BH contractions..
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@ChelseaRose: enjoy!!!!!!!
@JessLC: I stopped watching too! Im going to try a midwifenext time but didn't want to upset myself when is already decided on a ob.
First bare belly shot... 30wks!!!!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@mrsjyw: so cute! I can't believe how low you are carrying! My belly starts so much higher. I swear it's right under my boobs and if I don't wear a bra my boobs are resting on my tummy... Not attractive!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@MamaMoose: same boobs rest on belly now
Baby girl is getting so big in there! I love that I can just lay my hand on my belly and feel her moving all around in there. I used to have to do a lot of poking to feel anything lol
grapefruit / 4006 posts
@MamaMoose: @highwire: me three. the upper part of my belly is all pushed out now, i can barely eat anything on some days. yet, i still continue to gain weight.
@mrsjyw: super cute and so tiny!!
@ChelseaRose: how was your baby shower? want to hear all about it.
persimmon / 1161 posts
The shower was great, but I was exhausted after it was over. We had about 30 people and it was lunch at a restaurant with a private room (Cheesecake Factory, one of my favorites). I wasn't too anxious or overwhelmed, luckily. There were only a few games and nothing too bad or gross (like no candy bars in the diapers, no belly measuring, etc.). They also had an activity table for decorating little baby shirts and onesies. We did get some great things, plus several gift cards and some money. We got some registry stuff, but not a lot of the boring and practical things. We got some blankets (maybe 4, two that were handmade), some toys/rattles, towels, pajamas, books and of course clothes. Not too much junk, thankfully. Maybe 1/4 of the people gave us checks/gift cards, which will be helpful for all the stuff we didn't get or even register for. We did get some of the things that I was really hoping for, like the ergo carrier (but not the infant insert). One of the cutest things was from my husband's cousin who gave us some onesies that were wrapped up like cupcakes and in a cute little box so you could see them through it. I've never seen that before, only diaper cakes.
My husband and dad came by at the end while I was opening gifts so it was nice for them to see everyone too. One of my friends has a son who is five months old and she brought him. She offered to let me borrow some baby things that I had on my registry, which is awesome. All in all it was a great day. I did get the comment from several people that I'm not showing that much, etc. I wore a dress and they always seem to make me show less.
persimmon / 1161 posts
@mrsjyw: You look great, but tiny. You are definitely carrying low and it looks like the top part hasn't really popped yet (maybe it won't at all). Happy 30 weeks! Another great milestone!
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@mrsjyw: Oh my gosh! What belly?? Looks to me like you just ate a big burrito or something!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@mrsjyw are you joking me! so cute. I see your adorable baby belly and raise you one gigantic 29 week one!
Anyone else getting sick of their maternity clothes? Ugh. Looking forward to weather cooling down so I can at least wear some of the fall stuff I picked up on clearance this spring.
@chelsearose glad your shower was fun!! i am craving some cheesecake now
I went through our Amazon list (no showers for us, so it's more of a running list of stuff for us to buy) and cleaned it up in preparation of the coupon coming soon! I think I'm going to just buy the rest in one fell swoop and be done with it.
honeydew / 7687 posts
oops not sure why its sideways.. but you get the picture (pun intended).
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: @ChelseaRose: @JessLC: @highwire: @kml636: @MamaMoose: Ty nov mamas!!! Def a low carrier... And def bigger and rounder at the end of the day... Doc hasn't said anything about baby size which is a relief. I'm up 27 lbs... Must be in da boobs face butt thighs arms!! Lol
@ChelseaRose: So glad to hear ur shower went well. Sounds exactly like how our second one will be next Sunday!
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
@scg00387: That's a lot more like what I see when I look in the mirror! (Loving your color combo).
I'm hoping it stays warm for a little while -- I might be sick of my summer maternity wardrobe, but since school just started, no one else has seen it. Hoping I can wear most of it at least once before it gets too cool.
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