Hellobee Boards


January 2014 symptoms

  1. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Suzimo: totally hear you on the cramping/gas thing. I feel like I've had more gas but I chalked it up to maybe something I was eating but now I'm thinking it's the baby. But it definitely feels like gassy cramps sort of and only gets a little better if I do pass gas, Sorry tmi! Haha.

  2. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    @Penny Lane: I am trying ginger ale and crackers today. With DS the nausea was mild but this time it seems to be worse and I got sick this morning too... Now I just have to figure out how to continue caring for DS and make it through my work days with this. Ugh!

  3. pinkpeony921

    olive / 58 posts

    Is it weird that I am wishing for nausea?! I am 5 weeks-ish so it may be too early. I've had one small wave of nausea....I feel like I just need the reassurance! I've definitely been so tired and sleeping in so much! And my boobs are so sore! I had period like cramping for a few days straight last week, but that has subsided now. Just a few here and there. I definitely second the "I can't wait too long to eat" feeling! It feels like my blood sugar is crashing if I go too long without a snack.

  4. Honeydew

    kiwi / 568 posts

    Has anyone felt as if when they do eat, they are ravenous? My husband usually helps me finish my dinner, but yesterday he tried to take a fry off of my plate and I gave him such a dirty look. I'm only 5w and 6 days along.

    Also my DHA vitamins are making me nauseous! I take it with a meal, but somehow later I have heartburn and am burping up fish oil. *yuck

  5. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    I thought I would pop in & say hi! We just got our bfp sunday & at 3wks 4 days I have the worst headache & weird random hunger. Like 5 min ago I was fine & now I'm trying so hard not to eat the house while making dinner. And my boos will randomly feel like they have been attacked by sandpaper.

  6. pinkpeony921

    olive / 58 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: @Honeydew: Yes to the hunger & feeling ravenous! The first week after I got my BFP I actually felt scared being without snacks! I was just SO hungry. My stomach would feel completely empty within 2 hours and I'd feel like my blood sugar was plummeting. It must be the hormones. I am 5+ weeks now and its getting a little better.

    I heard it was good to snack on small meals throughout the day- a lot of people have said their nausea is the worst on an empty stomach. I'm sure its hard when there's nausea to begin with though.

  7. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @pinkpeony921: I've been awake since 430 because I was hungry. I really need to start walking if this is how the next couple weeks will be lol I'm already plus size I don't want to be super sized by the end of this all.

  8. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    I'm 6w3d and starting to feel some nausea (or at least some upset stomach issues!)

    I woke up the past 3 days feeling like my stomach was super empty and gurgley.. and also (TMI!!) but my constipation is finally hitting me hard! My stomach feels the need to go but I can't.. blegh it's making me feel even more bloated and yucky!

    I sip on a small cup of coffee in the AM's (Just can't give it up!) and usually that helps but today, no avail.

    Anyone else feeling symptoms?? My breasts still feel totally fine except for my nipples being a little more sensitive. It's so weird because last time, I couldn't even lay on my side they hurt so bad!

  9. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    @wahine08: yes! I am 7w2 days and I am so so tired and very nauseous in the morning and at night. I am pretty much eating constantly because the helps a lot. Unfortunately all I ever want to eat is fatty salty foods. I have been forcing myself to get out and do something in the afternoon when I feel better.

  10. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Lindsay05: The exhaustion is getting out of control haha. and my cravings are the same, salty fatty foods and those don't help because then I get indigestion.

  11. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    5 w 6 d today!!

    @wahine08: the nausea is starting to hit me, too, though only sometimes. I am worried because I have to go out of town and host a shower for.my sister this weekend. I m worried that it will hit me there, which would be awful. I'm tempted to call and get some emergency zofran just in case, but I don't know if they will give it to me or not.

    Also, I hear ya on the.constipation. I'm normally on.a fiber regimen and go like clockwork. Alas, even the fiber isn't helping this.

    @Lindsay05: eating does help! Lots of carbs over here. Blah...

  12. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    Am I silly for being a little worried that I don't really feel like I have symptoms? I'm 5 wks 5 days. The weird cramping feeling has mostly subsided and my craving for salads is gone. I still have no nausea and I'm not really peeing THAT much, even though I'm drinking a ton.

    Although, I did just have a breakdown because my sister isn't going to be at the family bbq on Monday where we were going to announce. And my Mom bought me a maternity shirt and onesie for me to announce with, but it's my thing and I want to announce it the way I want to! Plus, I bought my nephews birthday gifts, but they live in Japan, so to ship them is like $70! it's more than what I spent on the gifts! So I'm returning them and getting them a lame gift card. I hate that they live so far away! Cue cry-fest. UGH

  13. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I would ask the Dr. for the Zofran just incase. It could at least give you some piece of mind. I'm taking a half tab of unisom and 50mg of B6 before bed with my pre natal and I think it's helping my nausea a lot.

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: It's not silly and I feel the same way about my breasts not aching! It's still early, though. Sometimes they kick in full force around 7-8 weeks so I am trying to just enjoy this symptom-free time for now.

  14. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug I wouldn't worry about a lack of symptoms yet. I wasn't feeling too much when I was that far along, but as I approached 7 weeks, that's when it started to hit! And, even now, I have good days and bad days. I'm trying to think I'm lucky, not that it is a bad sign. I read somewhere, that statistically speaking, only 75% get morning sickness. Maybe you are lucky?

    @wahine08 @lovelyplum I CAN'T POOP! It is horrible! I use to poop so well every day, and now everything is messed up! I also had to give up coffee, not because of the caffeine but because of the taste. I can't make myself drink it (even though it totally helps with the poop!)

  15. Suzimo

    cherry / 132 posts

    @mamabehr: I feel you on the pooping. Something I've been trying is eating prunes. It has seemed a little better since then.

    AFM I am starting to get morning sickness at 6w1d. On Sunday I actually threw up, but I think that was more due to taking my prenatal on an empty stomach. I'm trying to eat small meals through out the day. Crazy cravings for salty food. Had a must have craving for buffalo wings and then followed it down with a V8 the other day. So weird.

  16. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @MamaBehr: Seriously.. I miss Poop.

  17. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Suzimo: Oh man, buffalo wings.. I normally crave salty foods too so it's like amplified!

  18. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: I worry about this, too...though the nausea has been much worse today. Still not throwing up, but feeling mostly like I have the flu all the time.

    Don't start me on the buffalo wings...we live in buffalo wing central, so this would be a very, very dangerous craving to have!!

  19. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @MamaBehr: Coffee tastes horrible now. It's so sad.

  20. Mrs. Garland

    blogger / apricot / 378 posts

    Yeah, I've basically had ALL of the above, haha. I think about nothing but sleep, I feel like I need to sit down if I've been up for more than about five minutes, I've had random bouts of nausea (though no official morning sickness yet), cold symptoms, cramping, gas (tmi?), and my boobs are so sore that they hurt when I walk.

    It's so strange to have all of these changes at once, no? I feel like my body is going through some strange mutation!

  21. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    4wks tomorrow & I agree with some of the ladies that the symptoms are some what reasuring. Not much today same as the other day just less of it.

    I started out super hungry this morning & by late afternoon my acid reflux was kicking in & food just sounded gross. Choked down a grilled Pb&J though.

  22. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @MamaBehr: yes, constipation is killer!!

    I am less sore in the boob department, and have had a bit more cramping, which is totally freaking me out! (No spotting though, so I think I'm ok?) My only consolation is my nausea seems to be getting worse, but still only in waves. Before it was "oh I don't feel so good" and now it's "should I go to the bathroom? I might just hurl..." It happens first thing in the morning and after dinner. This morning it actually woke me up at 4am and I couldn't fall back to sleep!

    Anyone else's symptoms wax and wane?

  23. Punky

    cherry / 168 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Yeah I was worried that my symptoms were starting to disappear. I'm 6w5d and I really only have a little soreness in my breasts, am hungry all the time, and still having crazy dreams but my nausea went away, my cramping went away, and I had very light spotting today. So I panicked and called my doctor and they said this is all normal and not to worry, so I'm trying not to.

  24. Mrs. Garland

    blogger / apricot / 378 posts

    @Emsmems: Yes! My cramping comes in waves and some days it's WAY worse than others. The nausea has been up and down, too. At first it was just random bouts of nausea throughout the day that only lasted a few minutes, but I just ate breakfast a few minutes ago and I'm terrified to get up and start moving because I'm completely convinced I'm going to lose all of my breakfast...it's definitely changed from day to day!

  25. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Emsmems: @amandalynn: oh, the cramping. Blah...some days, it drives me to the brink. But (fingers crossed) it seems to be going away now.

    My friend nausea came out to play in the middle of the night. Fun. Or not.

  26. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @LovelyPlum: My nausea happens in the middle of the night, too. If I wake up to move or anything I feel so gross. I just pray I fall back asleep quickly and hope it's not around when I wake up for work!

    I've not been choosing the best dinners lately so I think I'm just getting gnarly indigestion, lol. Spicy food sounds SO good to me but just isn't playing nice with my stomach

  27. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    I started spotting this morning. Not a lot, and it is gone now. But needless to say, I am way freaked out. I've got a call in to the doctor, so hopefully we can figure this out. I'm six weeks today.

    Sticky thoughts and prayers appreciated. Thanks, guys.

  28. futuremama

    clementine / 854 posts

    @LovelyPlum: good luck. Hope you get some good news. Thinking of you.

  29. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Sticky thoughts to you! This happened to me last week when I was 5w4d or so. Went away and I had some minor spotting on my underwear today. I hate how spotting is "normal" but "not normal" too.

  30. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @LovelyPlum: FX & prayers for you!

  31. pinkpeony921

    olive / 58 posts

    I totally agree with finding that my symptoms come and go. I am 5+ weeks and the past few days I have noticeably felt great. Boobs are less sore and I've had one strong wave of nausea, but that's it. It's awesome, but actually really scares me at the same time. Just counting down the days until June 3rd and thanking God for each day!

    @LovelyPlum: always in my prayers!!! Hugs!

  32. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Well, we are back from the doctor/hospital. Two transvaginal ultrasounds later, we are pretty sure baby is not ectopic. But they didn't see anything, so we are going for betas tomorrow and Tuesday. They said there is no way I'm 6 weeks, since there was no sac. But there is no way I'm any less than 5w 4d at the very latest, so I don't know. We are trying to stay positive, but I don't feel super hopeful. Thanks for the prayers.

  33. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I'm so sorry! That has to be so scary. Not knowing is the worse. Please let us know what you find out.

  34. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    Sooo tired and absolutely not hungry. I love food so it's a big thing for me not to be hungry.

    @Sugar.Biscuit: I love grilled Pb&J

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: not silly at all. some days when i don't have any i get worried too.

    @LovelyPlum: at least you've stopped spotting that is a blessing. I had a lot of spotting from 6w-10wk last time. I know it is nerve-wracking.

  35. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @LovelyPlum: positive thoughts, prayers coming your way!

  36. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @lovelyplum I really hope everything works out for you, and you have a great sticky baby. I had spotting with DS and I have had spotting with this one as well, so it might not be anything.

    @PINKPEONY921 my symptoms come and go as well. I fell asleep on the couch twice this weekend (without meaning too) but didn't feel that tired again until today (another whoops nap!). And my nausea isn't very consistent, so I wouldn't get too worried about it. I, personally, won't feel comfortable until I can feel the baby move. That tends to be when I relax a little with the worrying (and that is probably ten or twelve weeks away!!!)

    @WAHINE08 I craved spicy foods like crazy when I was pregnant with my son, so maybe you have a boy in there!!!

    @Sugar.Biscuit what is a grilled PB&J, do you grill it like a grilled cheese? I've never heard of this and I am sooo intrigued!!!

  37. Mrs. Garland

    blogger / apricot / 378 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Oh no! Hope everything turns out okay...I'm so sorry - having to wait like that is the WORST!

  38. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @LovelyPlum: praying for you! I hope all turns out well!

  39. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @MamaBehr: that's what I consider a grilled pb and j to be and they are so freaking good!

  40. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @MamaBehr: yes just like a grilled cheese! I've heard grilled PB & honey is good too but I stick to what I know.

    I'm going to add restlessness to the list of symptoms. I've been waking up about every other day at 430 & today its 200! WTH!

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