Hellobee Boards


January 2016 Moms!

  1. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    Hi mommies & mommies to be! I have been silently keeping up with this thread but am only able to catch up at night. By then, I have so little energy to outline my thoughts. This pregnancy (2nd baby) has been so much harder (more Bach aches, tailbone issues, and insomnia too) than I expected but I am still trying to stay active as much as my body can handle. So glad that fall is here so we can have somewhat of the cooler days to enjoy.

  2. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @kristinleigh: Your class sounds great! I'm doing a 5 week childbirth class at our hospital - the first class is at the end of October. We're also doing an infant care and CPR class and breastfeeding class, so November will be a busy class month

    I know what you mean about pregnancy feeling really long. I keep waiting for that point where I will start to relax a bit more - so far I'm still waiting At this point I do think I will feel better when baby is born and I can see her - a friend told me it will only get worse then (thanks so much for that ahh!) - but I am still hoping that being a mom (while I'm sure still scary!) will be less anxiety inducing for me

  3. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @DesertDreams88: I love your prepping for baby calendar idea! I have a big list, but might need to move into calendar mode so I can actually figure out how to get the list done in time

  4. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @SwanSong: I'm sorry to hear about your trip to L&D - hope you are feeling okay today! Can I ask what your contractions felt like? I thought I was having occasional contractions a few days ago, but now I think that baby's back is just facing out and putting a lot more pressure on the front of my uterus and stomach. It's so strange to have this happening to my body and have no idea what's happening! I did check in with my doctor and she basically went through what to be on the look out for and when to call or come in. Hope the belly support belt helps! Now that little miss has flipped around (I think...) my tummy feels so heavy - I might need to get one soon.

  5. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @sera_87: I'm sorry to hear about your bladder infection. How are you feeling now that you started antibiotics? Hope your blood pressure continues to stay nice and normal and little man keeps growing and growing!

  6. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @kristinleigh: just read your second post about your contractions. How are you feeling today? I hope your contractions have settled down - I know it must be scary.

    I have had issues with low blood pressure in the past (not so much during pregnancy so far though) and found that staying super hydrated with lots of fluids and electrolytes helped to keep me from getting dizzy. Are you feeling dizzy at all?

    JELLY BEANS - ahh that sounds amazing!! I think I'm getting the gross drink, but maybe I'll just pretend that there may be jelly beans instead of the drink

  7. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    And sorry ladies for posting a bunch of separate posts in a row - I can't read everything and remember what I want to say, so I just comment as I read Haha pregnancy brain is real - I don't care what anyone says!

  8. brady80

    kiwi / 589 posts

    @lauren0817: if you do the drink, make sure it's cold!! It's not too bad, like a flat fanta....bring some protein to eat after the blood test!

  9. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    I also highly recommend the Happiest Baby on the Block - we found it very helpful and watching the video was much better for DH than trying to get him to read a book.

    We took a childbirth class last time and it was moderately helpful, but the best part was taking the hospital tour and getting ask questions about the hospital policies and such.

    My dr recommended a belly support belt this time around and I've been wearing it for the last few days. I've had a lot of pain (lightening crotch ow!) and she thought it might help. This pregnancy has really been kicking my butt between the exhaustion, the pain and the heartburn.

    Passed my first glucose test, but I have to do it again at my next appointment. The US specialist was concerned about GD since LO is measuring large, so I took it at 23 weeks.

  10. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @brady80: oh thank you for the great suggestions I'm excited to get this test over and done with in a couple of weeks

    @mrs.shinerbock: is the belt helping? I hate those lightening crotch zings

    Sorry to hear you have to do the glucose test twice - hope your next one goes well and you will be done with it!

  11. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    We did a hypnobirthing class which was wonderful and really helpful for the labor before I needed an emergency c sec with my first. Breastfeeding class was so so helpful too. My husband went to a special one day class just for dads too! I would go to as many classes as you can, you learn so much if you are a FTM! It put my mind at ease too that I did what I could to prepare.

    I had my GDiabetes test and the drink was a grape soda taste, carbonated nicely so it wasn't bad at all drinking it. But I felt gross all the rest of the day, like my body was just off. Felt tired and a little light headed. Next day I was fine luckily. Praying I passed and don't need to re take it! For breakfast I had a fried egg and that's it, I walked around before the one hour blood draw so that was nice. Hope you all pass too!

  12. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @SwanSong: I have an irritable uterus too and have lots of BH contractions. I did with DS1 too. I do find that stressful situations with my toddler or picking him up tend to increase them, but they never seemed to affect my cervix at all. I went 4 days late with DS despite TONS of Braxton Hicks the whole pregnancy.

    I am having a miserable day. I threw up my breakfast this morning and have been nauseous all morning. My 2.5 year old has not been sleeping well and I'm exhausted.

    @lauren0817: I had the cold fruit punch one this time and it wasn't too bad. I chugged it in several gulps and got brain freeze though

    @Kimberlybee: Man, I'm telling ya! 2nd pregnancies are WAY harder! I don't know how people have 3 or more!!!

  13. SwanSong

    cherry / 220 posts

    @lauren0817: It definitely didn't feel like like come and go contractions, i just had a lot of consistent pain in my lower back and abdomen for most of that day and when they hooked me up to the monitor is when they saw the minor contractions happening. I am feeling better, the belly band seems to help but it will take some getting used to.

    @travellingbee: I am always reassured in weird way when people tell me that they too have/had an irritable uterus and went to full term. The prospect of having another preemie has made me super cautious because I cant help but think I missed something the first time. Sorry you still aren't feeling well, having a toddler and tough pregnancy is no joke.

  14. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @lauren0817: it seems to be helping some. I definitely try to wear it if I know I'll be up walking or picking my LO up. It also helps if I pee often and don't sit too long - these hour long meetings today are killing me.

  15. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    Wow I love hearing about all of the different drinks that everyone is getting Maybe there will be a nice surprise for me!

    @swansong: wow that's really interesting - I guess contractions can feel like a while range of things. Happy to hear you are feeling a bit better and the belly band seems to be helping

    @mrs.shinerbock: happy to hear that it's helping a bit! Yeah I hear you about the peeing thing - I think baby moved and is putting pressure on my bladder - I am turning into a peeing maching again! Hope you don't get stuck in too many meetings today

  16. mdf106

    clementine / 828 posts

    I don't remember what my drink was last time, but it was not too bad. I didn't feel sick after it either. I was very nervous, because I don't tend to like overly sweet stuff (the jelly beans actually sound almost as bad to me...) but it was fine. I have lemon lime this time, which the nurse said is better than the orange, which were my two options.

  17. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    Wow, your hospitals offer lots of different classes! Ours just offers the standard birthing class, BFing class, and infant care class. No Happiest Baby or CPR/first aid. I'll have to check out other hospitals in my area.

    As for belly support, I now either wear maternity pants or a maternity support belt when wearing dresses/skirts. On the few days I don't wear pants or the support, I regret it!

    So, dumb pregnancy story of the day.....

    I'm a teacher, and today while my kids were at specials, I tried changing some bulletin boards since I'm getting observed tomorrow. So, I used a chair to get onto the counter to reach the high spots. No big deal. But when I went to get down, mid-air I instantly knew my foot would slip on the chair, so instead basically I aimed for the floor, "leaping" about 3 feet off the counter (rather than slipping and falling on my butt, which I think would have been way worse.) I didn't fall, but it was jarring.

    Anyway, I was fine for a bit, but then started to get really worried and asked the other teachers to cover for my lunch duty so I could lie down and count baby movements to calm my nerves. When my principal saw I wasn't at lunch duty, she asked the other teachers about me and then came to check on me with the nurse...... really fun, your boss finding you lying down on the job, looking at your phone! Between their looks of concern and trying to explain what happened, I got all teary-eyed and tried to downplay it but obviously that wasn't working because I couldn't stop the tears! So my principal sent me home (it was a half day anyway, for finishing report cards). Baby has moved 17 times in the last 80 min so I think we're good, thankfully. My principal & nurse were really sweet about it and understanding; but I just feel a bit dumb now

  18. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @DesertDreams88: oh no - happy to hear you're okay! So happy you didn't fall - I know it is still so scary though I don't trust myself to do anything that requires even slight coordination anymore - I'm too clumsy and my balance is all off!

    Is there a particular belt that you like? I think I need to get one - this week my tummy feels so heavy.

  19. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @lauren0817: I like the "It's You Babe Mini Cradle" for now, but I also have the Medline Curad Maternity Belt for later / winter

  20. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @DesertDreams88: oh thank you! I think I'm going to order one tonight

  21. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    Anyone else starting to nest like crazy? I'm already the "be prepared" kind of person, but now it's kicking into overdrive!

  22. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @gracecat: yeah I just yesterday started to pull everything out in the nursery and organize it. Right now it looks like a disaster...

  23. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    @travellingbee: Yes! I know how you feel, until it gets organized it feels like a big weight on my shoulders. I'm just starting out though, just starting to wash the old baby clothes and organize them by size.

  24. cvwood

    grape / 78 posts

    @gracecat: I dragged all of my son's clothes out of the attic on Saturday and sorted them by size to get ready for the new baby. Unfortunately, my husband is working on built-ins that are holding up the progress of room prep. If they don't get finished by the end of the month, things might get ugly!

  25. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    @cvwood: Haha I know! I only got started yesterday because my husband finished putting together a dresser we got from Ikea for the nursery. I can imagine how impatient I would get waiting for a bigger project to be completed.

  26. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    I've been holding off on nursery stuff until I know we're for sure bringing a baby home. Ha, how's that for depressing!

    I do have a plan for the space though and, other than the mobile (which we'll be diying) and the star wall decals (need to be ordered), everything else can be bought with a trip to ikea and/or printed off the home computer.

  27. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @sera_87: ugh that IS depressing. I'm so sorry. When will you have more answers? Is there a date that you are trying to get to that they would induce?

  28. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @travellingbee: as soon as he hits 500 grams. But that only gives him a 50% shot in NICU.

    Pretty sure the plan of attack - at least the one I would feel most comfortable with - is get to 500 grams, switch from bi-monthly to weekly appointments, and hustle him out when necessary.

    I don't want to delay things but I also know that every week inside is better than outside. And I really do NOT like 50% odds. He's ok in there - so far. He's just really small, yanno? (Interesting tidbit; SO was only 5lbs13oz at full term and they were crazy hella worried about him too the whole way through - his mom was on bed rest the last 3 months).

    ETA: i hold no illusions he's staying in until term. Most likely he'll be born in November or December. I just want him to spend as much time as is safe inside rather than all the complications and additional stuff that comes from being a micro preemie.

  29. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    @sera_87: I'm so sorry, you must be so anxious at every ultrasound. :(. hoping 500 grams is soon!

  30. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @sera_87: thinking of you and hoping baby boy is close to 500g at your next appointment. Your little man is a fighter (and so is his mommy)!

  31. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @gracecat: yeah full nesting mode over here too! I decided to take all of the clothes out of my closet that don't currently fit (which is pretty much everything except my maternity stuff) and store them in vacuum seal bags until I'm ready to start wearing them again next year. That was a big project for a house with very limited storage space Now I'm working on clearing out the nursery - I just want to get rid of everything!

  32. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    @lauren0817: omg speaking of a lack of storage space I can't wait to declutter in a few years, all the clothes and gear already! 4 strollers currently, among other baby gear of course...

  33. lauren0817

    apricot / 369 posts

    @gracecat: oh wow - I have the opposite probelm and need to buy everything I feel like I'm on some sort of game show when I go into the baby store - just wanted to throw everything in the cart!

  34. SwanSong

    cherry / 220 posts

    I already feel like I am falling behind on getting organized. I need to pull down all the newborn clothes from the attic and sort through them. Also, I was hoping my toddler would be able to get through another winter in 2T since he is on the smaller side, but looking at his pants going into the fall there is just no way, so now I need to pack away his 2T and bring out whatever we have in 3T. And, I just do not have the motivation, plus my husband is taking difficult courses this term for his second degree so I have a crazy toddler that I either need to entertain or get out of the house so my husband can work. I really wanted to be done by 28 weeks, but that is just over two weeks away and I do not see that happening.

  35. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    Had a growth scan this morning. Baby girl looks happy and healthy and big. She'll be a RCS so I'm not worried about her being too big.

    Got a spooky photo of her face in time for Halloween.

  36. brady80

    kiwi / 589 posts

    I passed my GD test! I was a little worried because I failed the first one with my daughter but passed the 3 hour. This time I passed the one hour. I'm so happy because I have quite the sweet tooth.

    What sort of winter gear are you getting for the baby? I just bought one of those fleece onsies with the bear ears from old navy. Beyond that I have no idea! Old Navy is having a sale right now on baby basics and they have the long sleeved zipper onsies in some cute colors.

  37. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @brady80: My son was a January baby, too, but I didn't really stock up on much winter stuff. I had a couple hats and made sure I had plenty of fleece footie pjs, but otherwise, if we went out, I just put a hat and lots of blankets on. I might get a thicker fleece footie (like the Old Navy one you got) for this baby, since I have a feeling we might venture out a bit more than I did with D, but having to change her in and out of it just kinda seems like more trouble than it's worth. I dunno. Personally, I wouldn't go crazy buying a lot of winter stuff. But I'm cheap.

  38. brady80

    kiwi / 589 posts

    @littlebug: thanks, that's helpful. I think I'll just stick with blankets. My daughter was born in July, so I have no idea what to do with a winter newborn!

  39. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @brady80: I was so happy I passed mine too. Phew! Are you starting to do the every two week appointments now? I can't believe we are already at that point!
    @oliviaoblivia: yay that all is good! I totally can not figure out that picture! Haha! Those 3D ones are so creepy.

  40. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    @sera_87: Keeping you and your baby in my thoughts and prayers! Hope he gets to a 500 grams soon and will be on his way to a solid, healthy start!

    @SwanSong: I feel so behind already too! I am having another girl and they will be different seasons as newborns but I still need to go through it all to see what can be reused. I have zero nesting urges this time around, so worn out lately.

    @travellingbee: I really think we will be done after this one. In my heart and dreams, I want 3 but can't imagine going through another difficult pregnancy. Most of my good friends have 3-4 kids but they started in their early and mid twenties. They all enjoyed being pregnant very much.

    @oliviaoblivia: She is going to be a beauty just like her sisters! I can't wait for a 3D scan. I still don't really know what DD# looks like, she's always had her back towards us at every ultrasound.

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