Welcome to our January 2018 moms.
First child?
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Welcome to our January 2018 moms.
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
persimmon / 1129 posts
I'll start!
Location: Indiana
EDD: January 9 (a guess- my first doctor's appointment isn't until June!)
First child? Third! We have a 3 and a half year old and a one year old.
Any symptoms? Morning sickness but not awful. And so sleepy.
Who have you told? Our parents and best friends.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears: I had a blighted ovum in between my two kids, so I'm really anxious to get to the first ultrasound which isn't until mid-June. Other than that, we're excited!
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@My Only Sunshine: congrats!! I am technically in the Dec 2017 group but I'll probably pop in from time to time since I'm due with baby #3 on 12/31 but measuring 1/2.
kiwi / 635 posts
Location: Bay Area, ca
EDD: 1-7-18 based on LMP but haven't had my first appt yet
First child? Third!
Any symptoms? All day sickness all the time.. and funny feelings in my stomach area
Who have you told? Family, some friends as we see them
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I have a history of miscarriage (my first two pregnancies ended in miscarriage) and i always take it really easy my first trimester. So i am prioritizing rest but I'm also frustrated at the messy house and crazy kids (i stay home). Looking forward to end of first trimester and getting my act together haha. Also nervous about having 3 under 4!
persimmon / 1129 posts
@mrs.kiwi: Yay another third baby! I stay home with my kids too and I'm so wiped out by the end of the day. I think my body has given up the fight already with this one- I swear I look 4 months pregnant already at 7 weeks!
pear / 1677 posts
I'm hesitantly joining. Found out I was pregnant on 5/15 and having my betas done today and in a couple days to see what my pink spotting is all about. Hopefully it was just from intercourse!
Location: Midwest
EDD: 1/25/18
First child? Yes!
Any symptoms? Tender breasts, pelvic cramping on both sides, very watery CM.
Who have you told? DH, BFF, and a close co-worker (to help cover me at work)
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Completely terrified that this won't stick. I have PCOS. We've been trying since Sept 2016. It's our 5th cycle and first time using Prometrium + Femara to induce AF and ovulate, so I'm really praying this is the real deal. My OB appt seems like light years away on June 21!
kiwi / 635 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: congrats! And I'm sorry about the worry and uncertainty. My story is a little different but with history of miscarriage I am always always on edge.
Yesterday was my first appt. the ob felt my uterus and she thought maybe I was further along than I had thought.. but during the ultrasound baby measured smaller by 5 days. My cycle was just returning after breastfeeding my daughter so they were long. So I get that baby might be smaller than expected. BUTTT.. I am over analyzing everything. My ob didn't seem reassuring and she mentioned that I still have a risk of miscarriage. When I pressed her further she said she would give me no reason for me to keep worrying.
She wants to see me in a couple weeks because at my hospital they want to date you between 7-10 weeks. I'm thinking probably baby is ok?? But the measuring smaller part does worry me
kiwi / 635 posts
@My Only Sunshine: yea I keep thinking "was it this miserable with my other pregncies???" Haha
pear / 1677 posts
@mrs.kiwi: Oh, I'm so sorry that she wasn't very reassuring. I hope the next couple of weeks goes well for you!!
kiwi / 635 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: thanks!! I'm hoping all goes well for you and it'll be June 21 before you know it
pear / 1677 posts
I'm gonna duck out of here. My beta today at 20dpo was 7.
Hope everyone else has a happy and healthy 9 months!
persimmon / 1129 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: Oh I'm so sorry to hear this! Take good care of yourself.
kiwi / 635 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: I'm so sorry to hear. Please take good care of yourself. I have faith there will be a better outcome for you next time.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
Location: MA
EDD: Jan 16
First child? Yes!
Any symptoms? So exhausted all the time and all day nausea has set in over the last few days.
Who have you told? My husband and a running partner
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? We've had two losses, one after seeing the hb a couple of times, so I'm pretty cautious. Taking it one day at a time and keeping expectations to a minimum. We had our first scan this morning, measuring 6 weeks, which lined up with my ovulation date, with a heart rate of 105.
pea / 6 posts
Yay! I've been waiting for this board to pop up Hello ladies!
Location: Toronto, Canada
EDD: Jan 1, 2018
First child? 2nd ( I have a 2 year old)
Any symptoms? I had about 2 weeks of nausea and now I'm starting to feel better. Just very tired, and SUPER emotional.
Who have you told? Family and a few friends.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm more anxious with this pregnancy than I was with my first, but so excited!
persimmon / 1129 posts
@periwinklebee: @MissGemini: Welcome ladies!
I had a dating ultrasound today. Saw a good heartbeat and little blueberry baby. Such a relief to get past that milestone. By my last period I'm 7 weeks 1 day. The ultrasound put me at 6 weeks 3 days. My cycles were pretty long after my last baby so that sounds about right. My doctor called me later and was sort of annoyed his staff scheduled me so early, because he said the dating is kind of unreliable so early. He's going to do another ultrasound in a few weeks but he said everything seems good so far. We are cautiously optimistic!
kiwi / 635 posts
@MissGemini: welcome!
@periwinklebee: welcome! I'm so sorry for your previous losses. 3rd time was the charm for us and hope it will be for you too!@My Only Sunshine: how funny I just had my appt a couple days ago too at 7w1d (acc to LMP) but measured 6w3d too! And yes my provider likes to do 7-10 week dating scan too so I have to go again in a couple weeks too.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@MissGemini: Welcome!
@My Only Sunshine: @mrs.kiwi: It's funny, my practice is the opposite - since my LMP was a miscarriage they said my dates were uncertain and wanted a scan for dating purposes as soon as hcg suggested they'd be able to see something clearly. I'm not sure whether they'll want me to come in now for the usual 8 week scan or not, but I wouldn't mind having another one.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I called the nurses' line at my practice and left a message asking for a diclegis prescription. I hope they get back to me today, ugh... MS has been getting progressively worse all week. Still manageable but I'm a bit nervous if this trend continues about things heading really south over the long weekend if I don't do something about it... How is everyone else feeling?
pea / 11 posts
Location: VT
EDD: January 3 rd
First child? Third
Any symptoms? Nauseas, vomiting
Who have you told? couple best friends
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? make it to full term, I had my son at 36 weeks.
kiwi / 635 posts
@periwinklebee: I hope you feel better after the medicine!! I'm with you on the feeling terrible all day.. for some reason I don't remember being this miserable with my other pregnancies but maybe I'm just not remembering right.. just reminding myself feeling bad probably means baby is growing so... trying to endure!! My morning sickness tends to go away after first tri so I'm just counting down!
@liz: welcome! Another #3!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@mrs.kiwi: thanks, it helped some...I have a few work trips during the next month that involve longish flights, so hopefully it's enough to get through that...I hope feeling yuck means things are going well but we'll see...
Were you able to schedule a follow up scan? I have an intake appt at 10 weeks (but no scan).
kiwi / 635 posts
@periwinklebee: aww I can't imagine doing a long flight while feeling so nauseous I hope it starts to die down by then... will be nearing the end of first trimester by then right? My dating ultrasound is next Monday . I'll be 9w1d acc to last missed period but we will see if they change my due date. I hope the baby looks ok
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@mrs.kiwi: That's great about the dating ultrasound.
My travel is sort of spread out throughout this month. I had a six hour flight yesterday and it was actually the best I'd felt in weeks. Fortunately the puking held off until I was off work in the evening. United Airlines economy has never felt so much like the lap of luxury - honestly, if the nausea let's up for a bit, I don't care how blah whatever else I'm doing would normally be. Sometimes I feel like I'm just not cut out for the first trimester - when I can actually puke it's fine as long as it isn't at an inopportune time, but mostly I just have this constant nausea/on the verge of puking feeling that I find super draining. I'm only 7 weeks, so I know if things continue as they should it's not letting up anytime soon...
kiwi / 635 posts
@periwinklebee: hang in there..! I feel crappy all day but I *never* throw up (I sure scare my husband into thinking I will since I gag all the time). I hope yours goes away completely by 2nd tri
cherry / 184 posts
Joining in.
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
EDD: 1/24/17
First child?
2nd - our daughter turned 3 last month
Any symptoms?
Mostly just exhausted, some MS, and indigestion big-time.
Who have you told?
We had our first appointment on Tuesday, and after that, we told parents and siblings.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
I'm still wrapping my head around having a second child, TBH. It took me a while to feel ready to try.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@gingerblonde: Welcome! Glad to hear your first appt went well.
cherry / 184 posts
Thanks for the welcome, y'all.
Does anyone have any guidance about when the right time is to tell our daughter about our new addition?
kiwi / 635 posts
@gingerblonde: hmm my oldest just turned 3 as well and we didn't really have a plan to tell him.. just kind of happened... he knows babies grow in mommies' tummies (from his own sister and from my pregnant friends too).. the whole family went to the hospital for the early ultrasound and we told him it's a tiny baby on the screen in mommy's tummy. He said hi to the baby on the screen and now back home once in awhile he says hi to the baby in my tummy. He knows I've been sick (morning sickness ) and I explain when baby is growing in mommy's tummy it can hurt a little and that I need to rest.
Once in awhile I'll ask him if he thinks baby is a boy or a girl.. and he will say girl even though he consistently says he wants a baby brother. For some reason he thinks baby inside me is a girl.
My friends have avoided sharing their pregnancies with their children because 9 months is soooo long to wait and they don't want their child desperately waiting. Others have waited until second trimester as well to protect their older child in case of miscarriage. I guess I know my son and knew he wouldn't be dying of impatience and also I would want him to know if baby didn't make it for some reason.
Does your child know where babies come from? If you haven't talked a lot about it I'd show her pictures of when you were pregnant with her and her newborn pictures and just teach her that she grew in mommy for a long time until she got to come out. and after that it's up to you how and when you want to share!!
kiwi / 635 posts
@gingerblonde: oh yea- found this thread and was reminded to not share with her until you're ready for the world to know *if* your daughter loves to share everything with everyone
persimmon / 1129 posts
@gingerblonde: Welcome! We have an almost 4 year old and we'll tell her if all looks good at our ultrasound this week (10 weeks). Not sure if we'll tell her right after or wait until 12 weeks, but around there. So far we've only told our parents. I definitely want her to find out from us and not through the grapevine, but I also want to try to spare her from dealing with an early loss if I can help it. And we know once she knows, the cat is out of the bag!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
How is everyone doing? I'm slowly chugging along through first tri. Managing by subsisting on bagels, cheerios, and yogurt... and by sleeping as much as possible.
I've found the hb a couple of times on my home doppler, which definitely makes it much more real (best sound ever!) I think before that I couldn't really bring myself with the losses to acknowledge that there could be a baby in there. I found it really quickly the first time I tried @ around eight and a half weeks, which I think was just super good luck. I tried again today at around nine and a half weeks and it took *forever*. I told myself I wouldn't necessarily find it but still was getting so worried. My first appt with the ob is next Wed.
kiwi / 635 posts
@periwinklebee: hang in there! Hope you have an amazing appt with cute views of the baby
I'm almost 11 weeks and soo looking forward to the weeks ahead and to be out of first tri. I'm anticipating feeling much better and I'm tired of my inactivity and laziness of the first trimester. Well my laziness is self imposed since my husband wants me to be very rested and very relaxed during first trimester due to my history of loss.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@periwinklebee: wow you still haven't seen the OB? You must be getting excited for your first IS assuming you'll have one in the first trimester!
I had the NIPT last week and should have results by the end of next week and between the waiting and he MS it is draaaagggging!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@mrs.kiwi: @2littlepumpkins: Time during the first tri passes soooooo slowly, ugh. You all are both almost there, though!
@2littlepumpkins: Super exciting about getting the NIPT results back soon! I would like to have NIPT done as well and am really hoping I can get the draw at my first appt, or soon after. Before my ob's office would make an appt, they sent me to an ultrasound clinic for a dating scan - since my LMP was a loss they didn't want to use that - but that was nearly a month ago. Thank goodness for the home doppler. I'm new to this ob and have no idea what to expect from the first appointment.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@periwinklebee: ah I see! I think I'm about to change OBs with our move. Sort of nervous but my OB for my first two actually never delivered either of them! GL with your appt.
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