nectarine / 2600 posts
@MamaCate: The shower was nice. I was so tired by the end though, and my feet were so swollen! They are finally (mostly) back to normal today!
I did get a lot of great things, but there was definitely some registry confusion. I used babyList, and I wouldn't recommend it. I think people got confused over the "reserve" option. Like there were things that people reserved, but then didn't buy. So I thought we were getting out bassinet for example, but I guess whoever reserved it changed their mind (or got confused by the foreign language website...) because they never bought it. So I had to order a bunch of stuff today. Oh well...
Oh, and I did get 3 of the bedding sets I registered for! Ugh...They're from Target so rather than mail them back to the US I'm going to try and sell them here. Man...don't use BabyList!
@simplyfelicity: Yeah I think the reason you should stop swaddling once they roll is exactly what you said. Since they can roll, I'm assuming they have the strength to lift their face off the mattress so they don't suffocate?
@travelgirl1: omg! Well maybe it's a sign that things are getting close? I know I am analyzing every little twinge and cramp these days, but it's way too early for me! I'm 35w tomorrow. Not that it's unheard of for LOs to come this early! But my b-day is July 8, so I at least want him to wait til after that!
Anyone else's back absolutely killing them? For me it's only on my right side, but it is a huge hindrance! I have to organize all the stuff from my shower, it's all over the place, but I can barely be on my feet for 10 minutes.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: beautiful cake!!
@qbbride: i never had BH with DS1, but this time, they started a couple of weeks ago and i get them regularly! so uncomfortable!
@travelgirl1: @turkeylurkey: hope the babies stay put a lil longer!!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
I can't believe June is half over and that we have due dates coming up in two weeks! And that we can have more potential JUNE july babies!!!
Six weeks to go and I'm feeling pretty good for the most part. Def uncomfortable and feeling mentally defeated not being able to move around like "normal." I still have to pack a hospital bag and buy some pp care stuff, etc. I need someone to light a fire beneath my butt! I feel so "laid back" since it's my second time around, but then feel like I'm going to be SOL when it comes to go-time!
I got a mani/pedi over the wknd! SO nice And then hair cut and color tomorrow afternoon! Trying to soak in the solo time while I can!
Happy Monday everyone!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Too early for me too, I'm only 36+3. My birthday is July 11 and he is due the day before! Hopefully both of our babes help us avoid the labour wards on our birthdays
pomelo / 5791 posts
Wow - I feel so behind from missing a week while on vacation! I kept up on FB, but not on here!
Anyway, I'm starting to feel really anxious that I'm behind and have a lot to do! Even though I'm not due until the very end of July, but still! I asked DH to bring up the infant stuff (swing, RNP, etc) from the basement today so DS1 can get accustomed to it being around (and not playing on it). The nursery is almost done, thankfully. I just have to start washing clothes and pack my bag!
Agh! I can't believe it's the middle of June already!
kiwi / 541 posts
Good morning all! So still having off and on BH contractions. I go Thursday to OB so will see if I've dilated any more. My SIL is scheduled next week for her c-section (baby is breeched). I'm wondering if I'll have this baby at the same time!?
Things are tough for our family right now. My DH's grandfather was just placed on hospice. He is 12 hours away from us. So DH went last week to see him and wants to go again this week. Which I'm okay with except that my family is out of town this week and I'm just concerned I might be alone if this baby comes this week. We are so torn over what to do. I want him to have as much time with his Grandfather as he can but then I'm scared to do this alone with a toddler by my side! I was hoping his Grandfather would hold on until August so that I could possibly go, but that doesn't look like it will happen. And to add to the flood of emotions, tomorrow is my Grandpaw's birthday. He passed away last July. So these next few weeks are a roller coaster of emotions! I was really close to my Grandpaw. Please say a prayer for our little family as we say goodbye to a great man and hello to a new one!
clementine / 920 posts
@QBbride: I'm 35 weeks and don't think I have experienced any BH. My belly has gotten tighter on a few occasions but it didn't feel like much of anything.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@mrsjyw: That freaks me out, too! My due date is in two weeks and two days!
@turkeylurkey: That does sound really stressful. Would he be a 12 hour drive or plane ride away?
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@QBbride: Thanks for the info! I will have to learn how to swaddle with arms out. Now I am wondering if I will ever use these since it'll be so hot when he gets here. I can always save them for future LOs.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@simplyfelicity: yeah I would just see what works for you!! Your DS might really like bein swaddled. At my job it's my responsibility to present the other side too!!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@turkeylurkey: thinking of you. That sounds so stressful. I hope baby stays put for a while longer!
I packed my hospital bag this weekend. I guess that's kind of early with another month to go, but it's nice to have it done.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@QBbride: Please share whatever info you have for a FTM...I am all ears.
kiwi / 541 posts
@simplyfelicity: I agree you'll just have to wait and see what works with this baby. I used those same swaddles and loved them. But LO #1 was a Fall baby.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@simplyfelicity: I just got those same swaddles from my MIL! They were great with DD! You can swaddle in those and just leave one or both arms out.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@simplyfelicity: I got those swaddles too and LOVED them for DD but she was a Fall baby. I did wash them again to use with LO, but it might be too hot, plus QBbride freaked me out a bit. But, the good news is that once DD was getting bigger and we swaddled her with arms out, we could just wrap these swaddles around her chest and legs and she'd still feel snug and we got use out of them!
kiwi / 584 posts
@turkeylurkey: sending you hugs
as far as arms out swaddling.. our LO hated to have his arms in so we never even swaddled with his arms in.. he would sleep with a "goal" position .. once he got bigger he would just wiggle out so we stopped as soon as he could fully escape.. about 3mo ish
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@simplyfelicity: We have a few of those from DS1, he hated being swaddled! We briefly reswaddled him from the pack n play to crib transition around 3 months, but after a month or two, he was unswaddled and in a sleep sack in his crib!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@turkeylurkey: Prayers for you guys. That must be so stressful
@simplyfelicity: I feel like we are the total flip side as we swaddle arms (only until they can flip) but not legs. It's all so hard trying to decide what to do!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@Tidybee: ahh I'm SO sorry I didn't mean to freak you out!!! I was just saying why swaddling isn't recommended here anymore. Tons of people obviously still do it though! Heck, if it isn't a billion degrees here this summer I might consider it!
nectarine / 2600 posts
@turkeylurkey: such a sad situation, thinking of you all!
35 weeks today, 35 days to go til due date!
On the subject of swaddling, I got this one after one of the bloggers talked about it. It's the Love to Dream Swaddle Up. I got it in the small size, and if he likes it we might continue with the bigger size. We'll see!
nectarine / 2705 posts
Hey July mamas! I had my NST/ultrasound and 36 week appointment yesterday. And now...there's potential that I might deliver this baby on Thursday. I was in a bit of panic mode yesterday. I took the day off from work for all of my appointments, and ended the day with a pedicure - BEST thing ever.
Turns out my amniotic fluid is low. So I am guzzling water like it's going out of style and getting checked again on Thursday. If it's not high enough, they will be admitting me and I will be having the baby. I asked if this means a definite C-section and they said no. But I'm nowhere near dilated. So I feel like this could be like last time, induction and long labor. I don't know - trying to stay positive. But also freaking out a bit.
Lesson for all - just pack your bags. Get 'em packed. And don't put anything off thinking you have more time. When they told me I could have my baby this Thursday I was like, "Um, you mean July 11th?" I knew that since my first baby came early (37w5d) there was always potential for another early baby. But this Thursday is 36w5d. And as much as I want to meet him, I'm hoping he stays put just a little while longer.
Send good thoughts to my amniotic fluid Drink lots of water and pack those bags!!!
pomelo / 5791 posts
@sweetooth: oh my goodness! Fingers crossed he stays put for a while longer! How did they figure out that your amniotic fluid was low???
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Reese: I hope the conference is low-stress and that cramp you mentioned has gone away. Take good care of you!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: That's such a cute cake! What a sweet husband Thanks for sharing your expereince on BabyList. I was curious about that service. // Happy early birthday to you! My birthday is 11/9 and my due date for my first was 11/28. But he surprised me early and came 11/12. Maybe you'll have a baby birthday present!
@mrsjyw: Pack that bag! Glad you had a good mani-pedi. How was the cut and color? Enjoy your pampering
@ValentineMommy: Hope you had a great vacation!
nectarine / 2600 posts
@sweetooth: omg! Anxiously awaiting to see what happens on Thursday...! Fingers crossed! (As much as I want to meet all of our July babies...!)
nectarine / 2705 posts
@ValentineMommy: The ultrasound. They took measurements and saw that it was low. Mine measured at 5.3 and it should be between 8-25. I have my ultrasounds at a place associated with the hospital I will be delivering at. And I had another ultrasound at my OB because she wanted to measure for herself and she said that it is low - but drinking lots of fluids should help. She showed me on the ultrasound that everything still looked clear and not foggy so there's a good amount of fluid. Still, it makes me feel like my days are numbered. And there's no way I'm having a Slurpee baby - 7/11.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@turkeylurkey: Loss and new life all at once is so hard. My husband and I both lost our maternal grandmothers before our son was born. So while our moms were happy for a new grandchild, they were working through some serious emotions. If your husband does go spend more time with his grandfather, do you have a neighbor or good friend that can be there for you this week, just in case?
nectarine / 2705 posts
@simplyfelicity: Definitely save all swaddles for future babies too because you never know. Having options is key, because once you find something that works - you'll do whatever it takes to keep that streak of sleep going! We swaddled our son with his arms in, but he always "houdini'd" his way out!
@Mama Bird: yay for packed bags! Never, ever too early for that item to be checked off the to-do list.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@sweetooth: lots of extra fluid vibes your way! I'm sorry you're going through that, hopefully all that extra water will solve the problem. Your slurpee baby reference made me laugh, I'd never heard that before! I was born on July 11, so I guess that's what I am
clementine / 920 posts
@sweetooth: I have a little extra fluid, was measuring a little big so they did a u/s and I am at 26 so just over the normal amount. Wish I could share! Hoping the water helps
My bags are packed! I got worried that they would find something when I had my u/s and send us straight to the hospital so I made DH pack up the car that morning.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@sweetooth: prayers for you! I am sure the biggest priority is safe and healthy mama and baby but it would be great to have a little more time for baby to mature in there.
I have so many things to do but I will work on getting a bag packed asap!!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@sweetooth: hey there, thanks so much for remembering. Conference has been pretty relaxing. I'm able to go up to my room and just nap/relax when I would like.
Going to go swimming tonight. Waiting at my midwives office now. Hoping to get some more info on my potential mucus plug loss. I still get the right side cramp if I walk too far/fast.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@turkeylurkey: thinking of you and your family during this difficult time!
@sweetooth: hugs mama, sending my prayers for baby boy to stay put a lil longer and that your fluid levels are back up!!
A couple more hours until my hair appt, I am so giddy, like abnormally excited. I think DH and I might go on a spontaneous movie date night tonight (my mom offered to watch DS overnight!) since I don't want the hair salon styling to go to waste!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@travelgirl1: Glad I could make you smile And what a cool birthday! I don't know if 7/11 babies are typically referred to as "Slurpee Babies" - but I was telling people that we would name our son "Slurpee" if he was born that day
@Bluemasonjar: You're smart! Packed, ready to go, and lots of fluid for your baby to swim in
@MamaCate: I know that people survive without a packed bag - but it's one of the things I'd like to change from my first birth experience. Our son was early and all I had with me at the hospital was chapstick and a hair tie. I'd really like a few more comfort items this time! I know the to-do list never ends, and maybe you'll be fine without your bags packed, but I'm learning from my past mistakes and these little curveballs that babies can throw at us!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Reese: Oh man - relaxing and swimming...soak it all up! Learn a bunch too!
@simplyfelicity: Thank you!
@mrsjyw: Thank you! And you've got the right idea on getting the most out of that hair appointment. Enjoy the night out!
clementine / 950 posts
@sweetooth: keep cooking baby!!! Are you feeling ok??
@TheSwissWifeStyle: that cake is seriously amazing! My dh would never be able to do that lol!
@mrsjyw: date night and new hair sounds amazing!!
@turkeylurkey: what a rough time big hugs!!
clementine / 950 posts
Re: swaddling - I'm in the same dilemma right now! The nurses keep telling me not to swaddle anymore (once they reach 36w gestation) but I find she sleeps a lot better when I do! I swaddled my son for a long time.
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