nectarine / 2705 posts
@Ginabean3: Yeah, humidity in southern CA doesn't seem right. I always loved the dry heat on the west coast. I'd take that anyday over humidity! // RE: the tDap shot: It makes sense that my husband is still covered but that we need to get it for each baby in our belly. I'm glad I asked the questions - no one told me! And I just thought I was covered.
@simplyfelicity: You probably had the Group B Strep test if it was a swab. I never made it to the cervical checks for my first pregnancy. You're inching closer and closer to meeting your little guy!
cherry / 216 posts
@sweetooth: DS is 17 months and loves the baby pool. It's great for when it's hot out for something to do in the yard!
I didn't get the tdap this time. With DS I got fever and chills and was pretty miserable for about 48 hours so my midwife said it was ok to skip this time.
clementine / 920 posts
@sweetooth: @Ginabean3: I got my tDap but DH still needs to get his. Good to know that he will be covered for 5 years. I know my family was checking their records and most of them are covered bc they had it within the last 10 years.
kiwi / 584 posts
I got my tDap at like 28weeks, we had a big whooping cough issue here last year so I feel better getting it especially since it gives babe a little help until he can get his at 2 months..
@sweetooth: go for the baby pool!!! such fun sensory play, my son has been obsessed with his since he could sit up and plays in the pool every day at 3.5. it's really fun if you put like soup ladles in it.. make sure to let the water warm a bit though
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@sweetooth: make an account just for the baby group but don't add friends win, win!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@sweetooth: hmm I've never been told I need a TDap in pregnancy. Well I'm past 36 weeks now so might as well not worry about it at this point! Yes I agree with @travelgirl1: make a fake account so you can chat on Facebook! I find it so much easier than being on HB.
@simplyfelicity: wow I can't believe you're 37 weeks!! My MW offered to check me next week (but not do a sweep since I don't want labour to start before 38 weeks!) but I don't know!!
I'm starting to get my postpartum supplies (pads, stool softener) together and a few things for baby (some diapers, gripe water etc). I still need to wash clothes and I want to get a stand for our basinet. I was hoping to find one used but haven't so far. DS will be 2 on Saturday I can't believe 2 years ago I was prepping for his birth!!
It's hot here and I can't sleep at all. I should probably just accept not sleeping properly again for a loooooong time. Sigh.
kiwi / 541 posts
@Chocoholic: funny you say that I finally got my shot about 2 weeks ago and I felt great before and then felt miserable afterwards.
@QBbride: 2 years! It flies by fast for sure. Mine will be 2.5 when the baby gets here.
I hit 36 weeks today. Tuesday was rough really bad BH contractions going on but today they are gone. Thank goodness! My SIL who is due the week before me has a breached baby so they've scheduled c-section for 2 weeks from now. She's not happy about it so we've all been trying to do the whole pep-talk thing. I have an ultrasound tomorrow to determine babies size. Will know more about my plan of action hopefully tomorrow.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@sweetooth: What's the tDap shot?
I'm 34+2 today. Yesterday I did absolutely nothing! Seriously. Today I really need to clean. MIL is coming over after DH gets home to borrow some decorating stuff for my shower this Saturday. (Beach themed, and since our whole place has beachy stuff all over...) And then DH will go over there to wrap more gifts that have been coming in. And during my shower DH is having a few guys over to hang out. He still needs to make my cake too! I am trying not to stress about Saturday. I made my own favors, I think that is enough for me to worry about for my own shower! Found out only about 12 ppl are coming Boo for not being around family. Oh well, I'm grateful that I am even at this point of having a shower, after years of wondering if I ever would!
Has anyone attempted the "massage...down there" ?? For FTMs, did you do it w/ LO 1, and did it help?
We attempted it for the first time the other night. I put a timer on for one minute and it was pretty uncomfortable. I'm going to try to work my way up to 5 mins. I attempted to do it myself yesterday, but yeah that's not gonna happen. I know DH isn't thrilled about doing it, but neither am I! I told him if it helps to avoid scar tissue down there, it will benefit us both in the long run!
And why they call it massage is beyond me. So misleading! lol
clementine / 950 posts
@sweetooth: comeeee to the dark side (fb!) lol
Can't believe how close Everyone is getting! Baby A is waiting for friends!!!!!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@QBbride: Aw, happy birthday to your boy for Saturday!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: I haven't done that before, mainly because a vag birth wasn't on my radar. Since it's now on the cards I might Google it and have a go!
@fuzzypeaches: She won't have to wait long, there will be more babies in June
My toddler stood up in the bath last night and declared, "look at my baby bump! It's just like yours, mummy! Look at my baby bump!" Ha ha. Love the things kids say. DH was mortified and told her she had better not get one of those until she has finished university
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Chocoholic: We've been trying to decide between a pool and a sandbox. Or maybe one of those water tables? Know anyone who has a combo water and sand thing? I want to be able to leave it outside though - so it has to be able to withstand the elements. // I was worried about symptoms from the TDap, but so far it's just a very sore arm for me. I can see why you'd want to skip it if you had that reaction before.
@Mrs. Pickles: Yeah, knowing that I could boost my little guy's immunity while he's still inside is the reason I went for it. I'm just a tad annoyed my OB didn't bring it up sooner. I had to look into it on my own. Just another reminder that we're all our own best advocates. I guess I just didn't pay attention if any of you mentioned it a while back // Thanks for the tip on making sure to let the water warm up before putting my kiddo in the pool. I think I might look into a baby pool. But I am still curious about a water table, or a sandbox. Very different things...but my little one seems so interested in digging lately.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@QBbride: No one ever brought up the whooping cough during your pregnancy? You can get a shot once they are on the outside too to be covered. No need to worry about it though. // I know I could make a fake account, it's just that my tendencies on social media outlets is to suck all of my time up...and time is so precious! I already spend WAY too much time here on HB // Happy 2nd birthday to your little one!
@turkeylurkey: Good luck at your ultrasound! Hope you can find out how your baby is situated and the size and know more about your plan. I have one next Monday, I'm hoping to know more about where I stand then. I always feel like those measurements are just a ballpark though. I remember last time they told my my guy's noggin was HUGE! But when he came out - he was fine. I wouldn't have been surprised though since his mama is a member of the big noggin' club
cherry / 216 posts
@sweetooth: we're planning on a sand box at some point as DS loves digging too. I think DH will make something if he ever has time. I'd like to get a water table, been keeping an eye on my local yard sale page.
@travelgirl1: lol to toddler baby bump! Only out of the mouths of babes!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: I had the 'massage' (more like stretching) done by my nurse during labor with LO1. Not sure if it contributed but I didn't need any stiches. . Hoping to try for the same this time. Beach themed shower should lovely, you'll have to take pics!!
@turkeylurkey: good luck at your apt!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: The tDap shot is one they recommend you get during the 3rd tri for whooping cough. Here's a link for a little more information :
12 people is a nice number for your shower. I remember your shower favors, you're so prepared! Just sit back and let everyone else worry about the rest of the details. And then soak it all up Enjoy the celebration!
So this massage you speak of...I haven't googled, but are we just know, "taking care of yourself"? I have been a horn doggy this trimester but my husband hasn't wanted to "poke our son in the head" so I've been taking care of business for a while. Is that the massage you speak of?
nectarine / 2705 posts
@fuzzypeaches: You all are tempting me! I will probably cave - but I'm trying to resist for a while longer! I hope all is well with you and Ayla! Still can't believe you're on the other side!!
@travelgirl1: Your little girl is so cute - and I love your husband's response
@Chocoholic: Yeah, I'm sure my husband would love to build a sandbox too. But for now, many other projects are topping the to-do list before the baby comes.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@sweetooth: lol, no not at all! And full disclosure, we haven't DTD since becoming PG! (So maybe that's another reason why it was uncomfortable...) With my history, we've been too afraid to, but we said once we hit 36 weeks, we'd give it a go.
Anywho, the "massage" I speak of is perineal massage. It's meant to stretch the skin between your vag. and butt-hole basically,(glamourous) to prevent tearing or the need for an episiotomy. The way I described it to DH is that he needs to stretch out my "taint" since I know men love that word so much.
Sorry I am so vulgar! lol
Here's the link we used...(complete with amazing illustrations...)
ETA: my fave. illustration from that site. When DH saw this he said "But I don't have the soul-patch..." lol Sorry, I'm in silly mood today
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@sweetooth: I am here! I am on FB, but am private about only having friends I've met in real life on there per my social media agreement with DH. So I'm not going to join, I hope there will be a few of us on these boards post-babies to keep each other company!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: It's the vaccine for whooping cough and a few other things. I got one the day I delivered DS1, and this time I got it preemptively at 28 weeks or so? DH got one in 2012, so he'll be skipping it this time.
I didn't have a reaction last time, but this time I had it done the same day I did the glucose test and I was sick and nauseous with a sore arm for 24 hours. BLEH.
Ugh, sleep is getting so uncomfortable. And I'm not sure if it's 2nd time pregnancy or what, but I need to slow my roll. DH says I'm not taking it easy and trying to do much, which in the end makes me feel worse being 33.5 weeks pregnant and all! I just hate not feeling like my normal self I guess.
I can't wait to "meet" all our babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: HAHAHAHA!!! You're cracking me up...I can relate on the DTD. Going through IF treatments to have both of our babies has made my husband wary to interfere with anything down there. Especially for our first when I had the SCH and was on pelvic rest for a chunk of time. But yeah, that may have contributed to your discomfort. Although, after looking at your link, that massage doesn't look too comfy I'm just hoping my OBs are as protective of that zone as they were last time. I remember one of them coming in and saying "no pushing - not yet. I'm trying to prevent any tearing".
You're not vulgar at all - you're getting right to the point. And I have become very familiar with the word "taint" since having my son. My husband likes to joke around and make me laugh by telling our boy during bath time - "Time to clean the ol' PBT!" (penis, balls & taint) I tell him - "That is NOT a word I want my son to be able to say back to me anytime soon!!!"
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: not vulgar! I had an episiotomy last time, and thankfully healed fast and well, but will def be mindful of this in the coming weeks!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@mrsjyw: Good to know I won't be the only one left on HB once the babies arrive! But I will miss everyone! My November 2013 mamas migrated to FB and I miss them a bunch! // I know what you mean about not feeling like your normal self. I look forward to getting my body back. These final weeks are the most uncomfortable for sure. I feel like my guy is pushing on my belly button and doing barrel rolls in there. And my maternity wardrobe is dwindling too. I wasn't this pregnant in the summer months last time and so some of my outfits don't meet in the middle. Tugging at my tops is getting old!
nectarine / 2600 posts
@sweetooth: hahaha! Never heard "PBT." Too funny!
@mrsjyw: I just hope I can stick with it! After trying it, and also getting my first cervical check on Monday, I'm like "Yeah...definitely gonna need that epidural, and early!"
nectarine / 2705 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: I'm not looking forward to my cervical check next Monday. I never made it to that point during my first pregnancy. So when I checked into the hospital after my water broke and when I finally had the first check I was like, "HOLY MOLY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" The epidural definitely helped with those checks
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: no, I havent done any massage. My midwife encouraged it last time but I never did, oops! I just couldn't imagine asking DH to help me haha! I tore a tiiiiny but (2 stitches) but I think a lot of it is baby being in a good position plus pushing slowly and only when your body want to push. My midwife also used a lot of hot compresses last time, which I think really helped. Let me know how it goes!!
@sweetooth: no, nobody has mentioned TDap. I live in Canada so maybe things are different. Here I've only heard of them giving boosters to pregnant women when there is an outbreak.
kiwi / 584 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: @sweetooth: ya'll crack me up.. and I appreciate bluntess.
and OMG PBT, best thing of my day
we keep trying to explain a c section to my son so he's not as scared.. so he'll run up to me and be like " are they going to cut you here mommy? then he dissolves into hysterical laughter" ah to be three
kiwi / 541 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: That is a weird illustration!
Had my appointment. Baby is weighing about 7lbs give or take a bit. I'm already dilated to 3cm. So we've scheduled induction for July 1st. Basically because if we let me go naturally he'll be around 9lbs or more. This works for me. My DH is a pilot and so this way he can get off work and be home instead of me going into labor alone. Of course that's 3 weeks from now and I could bingo at anytime. LOL
nectarine / 2600 posts
@turkeylurkey: oh wow! Your original dd is my bday.
I just realized I said FTMs on my "massage" question. I meant 2nd time moms. Pregnancy brain...
nectarine / 2834 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: i didn't do the massage the first time around but my doc did it during delivery which I think really helped and I didn't tear. But I think it hurt more than actually delivering DD!
@sweetooth: haha your mind is in the gutter...just like mine!! I canNOT stand to DTD though but it's what I miss most this time around, so I've been taking matters into my own hands haha (literally?) although the "cramping" is starting to stress me out more than be enjoyable now that everything is so large.
cherry / 216 posts
@sweetooth: lol at PBT! DH refers to 'smelly balls' during bath time. Men will be men!
@turkeylurkey: July 1 will be here before
You know it!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@travelgirl1: oh my! I found out a couple of weeks ago that DS thinks he and DH also have babies in tummies. One has a toddler belly, the other has sympathy weight... so I can see why he thought that
@mrsjyw: you're not alone! Also very tempted, but staying off Facebook!
@turkeylurkey: that's so soon!!! But at least you know the date!
I had my appointment yesterday too. I was sure they'll tell me I'm having a giant baby, but she's only 4.5 pounds. I just have a huge water belly. Now I'm worried about her gaining enough weight... I'm sure the stress at work is not helping, but I'm trying to put up and shut up so they maybe let me have a longer leave. Wish I'd had the smarts to move to another country when I was younger...
kiwi / 541 posts
@travelgirl1: Took my little one today with me to the ultrasound. His first time. On the way there he asked if we were picking up the baby! LOL Kids say the darndest things!
@sweetooth: We have the sandbox table. I have it on the back porch in the shade. The first few times he used it sand was everywhere. But he's getting better about keeping it in the box. I didn't do the water/sand combo table because water plus sand makes mud. So I didn't want that mess to contend with. I also have a water sprinkler toy that you hook-up to the hose. I didn't want to mess with filling a pool and emptying it when done. He like the sprinkler and has even picked it up and gotten me with it.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@QBbride: I'd trade the Tdap for a year of maternity leave It's always informative to learn about the differences, isn't it?
@Mrs. Pickles: Glad I could make your day
@turkeylurkey: Hopefully everything works out just as you wish it to. I always question the weighing of the baby inside though, you know? There's just so much going on in there, how can they really know? // Thanks for sharing about your sandbox table. And I've been thinking about sprinkler attachments too. I just feel like he's still too little to enjoy that. But maybe he would surprise me?
@Tidybee: Glad to hear you're taking care of yourself too I do sometimes worry that I might make labor happen early though and have to explain what I was doing that brought it on.
@Chocoholic: Men will totally be men! I'm about to have three men in the house - so I'm just trying to get prepared for all of these lovely topics. Smelly balls made me crack up! I guess I'm just as bad! I'm meant to be a mom to boys
nectarine / 2705 posts
Happy Friday everyone! Any final to-dos as we approach the middle of the month of June? I find myself wanting to tackle the to-do list and also just slow time down and squeeze in some final family of 3 outings. We'll see what wins this weekend. No matter what, I WILL pack my hospital bag!
clementine / 950 posts
I had never heard of PBT before lol. I feel enlightened hAhahaha
clementine / 950 posts
@turkeylurkey: that's really cute! My LO still has no idea about what the baby means but I've been making him kiss baby pics on my phone haha. Hopefully it translates into a semblance of understanding once he can visit properly lol
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@sweetooth: I need to do the hospital bag thing!
Happy Friday ladies! My in-laws are coming to pick up DD today for a three day weekend of fun with them. I'm excited...going to get a haircut and a pedicure...but I already miss her and she hasn't even left yet haha.
On a more annoying note.....we had a slab leak at our house and yesterday the plumbers came to reroute the leaking pipe and there are holes in the walls and ceiling. Ughhhh. We are getting everything dry walled today. At least this happened before the baby comes......but ugh, such an inconvenience and I hate spending $ on stuff like this!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
PBT?! Bahahaha! You guys are cracking me up.
@Mama Bird: Oh my gosh, my guy was 3.3 lbs at 28 weeks! Pretty sure he is going to be a toddler when he's born.
@sweetooth: My nesting is kind of ridiculous. I don't know why but I have been cleaning out the closets and kitchen cupboards and stuff like that.
@fuzzypeaches: How's baby girl doing today?
@turkeylurkey: July 1st is my due date, too!
kiwi / 541 posts
@sweetooth: How old is your LO? Mine is 2.5. The sprinkler toy we have just shots up in the air and doesn't move around.
And yes I know they can be off on the weight thing but I figure I may not even make it to July 1st since I'm already dilated to 3cm! Yikes! LOL
@Ginabean3: Oh no that stinks! Hope they can get it done quickly and move out of your way!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
I'm so behind!
Now I'm freaking out because I asked my MW about any specific vaccines we should get prebaby and she didn't mention anything. Definitely not Tdap!
I'm 37 weeks (holy crap how did that happen!) I wonder if it's too late..
I'm getting my nails and hair done today just in case baby comes early (which I hope he doesn't) hearing my midwife tell me I'm full term was frightening!
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