pomegranate / 3127 posts
@fuzzypeaches: omg good luck! hope baby girl arrives soon and doesn't need any nicu!
@simplyfelicity: Is your husband ok? What happened?
clementine / 950 posts
Thanks everyone! Just updated our new labour board! But baby girl arrived today at 1225pm and she is
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Mama Bird: DH had some elective throat and nose surgeries for sleep apnea and snoring. He's doing better today but I wasn't until I got a solid nap in.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@fuzzypeaches: congrats!!! That's amazing!
@simplyfelicity: glad you're both doing better!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
Anyone use a baby app?
Based on recommendations on here, I just downloaded baby connect. It's 4.99 which is a bit much for an app but if you buy it off amazon, you can download it to multiple devices and synch them (for your DH, care provider, etc.)
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@simplyfelicity: I think last time I downloaded that app but I never once used it haha! But I didn't go back for a year so I didn't really need to share info with anyone else.
ETA - looks like I downloaded an app called "total baby"
@fuzzypeaches: CONGRATS! Off the stalk the labour board!!!!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@simplyfelicity: I used that with A and did like it, but it drove me a bit nuts to be honest. I got obsessed with how long she was or wasn't nursing for, etc.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@travelgirl1: same!@simplyfelicity: it was great at first until we got a bit of a routine down. but I was spending a lot of time with my phone and got a little obsessive and upset of I didn't start the timer for nursing right on time. Or panicked if DH didn't log in a dirty diaper overnight. It was one of those instances where too much information was not always the best thing.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Tidybee: @travelgirl1: @QBbride: I can totally see how it could become overwhelming to log everything. Plus, I don't want to take focus from my little man. I'll probably use it for keeping track of feedings in the early days.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@simplyfelicity: just adding that i wish I had known before hand (from
Some fab second time moms ) that it had the capacity to become so dependent upon. I think as with anything, as long as you know it
Can cause you to become overly reliant upon it, you'll recognize in yourself when it's more harm than good! I had no idea it would be so time consuming. But it was definitely
Helpful until we got a routine and as long as you don't stress that baby had 8 wet diapers instead of 9 one day.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@QBbride: @simplyfelicity: @Tidybee: I used the Total Baby app and I agree...I became really obsessed with tracking everything! I would even print out reports to show my ped!
This time around I'm not going to use an app. But it was fun the first time around!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
I only stressed about diapers until my milk came in because my son went a whole day without peeing when he was like 1 1/2 days old. My MIL was totally stressing me out asking whether he peed like every half hour
nectarine / 2705 posts
@fuzzypeaches: WAIT! What?! We were just talking about the GBS swab milestone - and now your sweet girl is here?! Congratulations! And pardon me while I pack my bag and freak the eff out a bit!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@simplyfelicity: I used several free apps (Honestbaby was my favorite) to try and track things. It was helpful in the beginning when your brain doesn't remember which side you ended on from the last feeding. But I'm with everyone else, that it's good until it becomes an obsession. I actually resorted to a clipboard with a printed "feed me/change me" sheet that I designed so that when my husband and I were like ships in the night, we could still communicate easily. He wasn't big on using an app, but it helped if he had changed a diaper or done a feeding to have it noted. I was totally obsessed in tracking it all for quite a while. But I think the information really helped me, especially when I would go to the doctor.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@QBbride: I totally get why you would want to keep track of nursing, etc but why pee diapers?
nectarine / 2705 posts
@simplyfelicity: The number of pee and poo diapers, especially in the beginning, help indicate if they are getting enough nourishment.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@sweetooth: I didn't know that...hmmm...now I can see why people can get a little obsessed with tracking. I agree that it will probably be more helpful in the beginning when we are just trying to get our bearings and until he hits birth weight.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@sweetooth: I am freaking out, too! Especially with my name at the top of the list. *gulp*
nectarine / 2705 posts
@simplyfelicity: Yeah, there's a whole lot to obsess over with the diaper changes. Once the meconium (black, tarry stools) subside you will know that they are digesting the breastmilk. And from then the color, frequency, etc. become this whole other indicator for information on how your baby is doing.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@simplyfelicity: I thought for sure you would be the first one! But knowing that @fuzzypeaches was early with her first, and I was too, makes me feel like I should really be ready in the next few weeks! There's no way of knowing though. And from the sounds of it - you are SUPER prepared Great list, by the way, thanks for posting. It made me remember a few more things for my hospital bag. I also like that "Husband" is on the list
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@sweetooth: I have a feeling I won't be one of the first since we tend to go over due in my family. I think our group has one or two inductions late June. Still, it feels so far away and so close at the same time. I feel relatively prepared (just need to clean more and make some freezer meals) but I don't feel mentally ready-- not that you really can. I have been trying to take your suggestion of "me time" which involves Gilmore Girls and napping.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@simplyfelicity: I feel like when the baby comes is totally random. Both my mom and sister went past their due dates, and my first came early. You just never know - unless you are a scheduled c-section, I suppose. I don't think you are ever fully ready, but the steps you have taken to be as prepared as you can be, will be a big help.
Gilmore Girls and napping is an excellent way to take care of yourself I had a long leisurely brunch with a friend this morning and went to an art gallery and out to dinner last night. Just trying to pack in the fun while I can easily be out and about.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@simplyfelicity: it's really only important to keep track of pees/poops in the beginning like @sweetooth: said to make sure they're getting enough. It is totally normal for them to not have many pees/poops in the beginning though (sometimes term babies don't even pee for the first 24 hours) but some people really worry about it, then they supplement, which in turn can affect your milk supply, which is a huge bummer if you're trying to EBF. But anyways, my point is trust your body
@sweetooth: I'm totally freaking out now that @fuzzypeaches: has had her baby!!! I'm so unprepared it's not even funny. We are still out of our house until June 19 so baby cannot come before then!! And then I will madly pack a hospital bag and wash some clothes.
@fuzzypeaches: I hope you and Ayla are doing well!!
clementine / 950 posts
Hahaha yes everyone needs to pack their bag! I was running around leaking fluid everywhere in my house trying to pack and I was so stressed and panicky I barely brought anything useful lol (as an example - I brought hair product but no comb; toothpaste but no toothbrush; and completely neglected to bring any pants at all!)
Thankfully DH went home and brought the necessities!
@sweetooth: I honestly thought she'd stay put! No labor signs at all! No weird feelings during the day. Just randomly woke up at night in a puddle.
Actually that's another good point - I wish I had a mattress protector on! I don't even want to know what my mattress looks like :s
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@fuzzypeaches: did Ayla come at pretty much the exact gestation as your DS?! It must have been pretty close?!
clementine / 950 posts
@QBbride: he was 3 days older, but bigger and did better with feeding! He was able to room-in with me even
nectarine / 2705 posts
@QBbride: I was in your shoes for my first baby. We were renovating our master bed and bath and the baby room was all storage. It was a bit nutty! Renovations before baby are stressful - but then, it's all done and the baby is here. Bliss! Maybe you could just go to Target to grab a few little travel items so you feel like you have a jumpstart on your hospital bag
@fuzzypeaches: Ok, so today I'm going to get a mattress protector, and really pack my bag. Not just refine my list on paper. That "no signs and no weird feelings" is what's so crazy. That's how I remember it too! Obviously your babies know something you don't though and they don't want to hang out inside your tummy - they want OUT and they want to meet their mommy NOW!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@fuzzypeaches: I have definitely been spurred on to start ticking some things off my list
I've currently got all the gender neutral stuff from A's birth soaking with a load of Oxy Clean. When we got it out of storage they all had weird yellow stains on that weren't there even we put them away. Google suggests it's hidden protein from breast milk. Hoping they come out but we will see!
apricot / 268 posts
I can't believe I didn't sign in for a week and check in to see a baby has arrived! This is so exciting and so terrifying, I need to get on my game!
nectarine / 2834 posts
@travelgirl1: C;s has the same stains!! Thanks for letting me know. I was like - why did I put such dirty clothes away!??! Makes sense now....
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Tidybee: Yeah I was so puzzled that I would have put them away like that! Anyway, I soaked them all in Oxy Clean this morning then washed them. Most things look okay one, apart from the really white stuff, but I'm going to try treat them again before I throw them away.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@travelgirl1: yeah I've heard things yellow over time from breastmilk stains! I'm glad you got most of them out. I'm sure I'll have to do that too!
nectarine / 2705 posts
Is everyone in the FB group now? It's a little quiet around here...
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@sweetooth: The Fb group is definitely busier but it would be good to keep this one active too.
What's everyone up to?
I''m taking A out for a morning at the dinosaur museum to make up for her day of TV yesterday while I laid on the sofa and did little else!
Seriously struggling with exhaustion here, I definitely don't remember it being like this last time.
cherry / 216 posts
@travelgirl1: the exhaustion is brutal this time around! Also so much more uncomfortable so early on!
Not sure what we are going to do today. Maybe hit up the park or just hang around the house and fill the baby pool in the yard!
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@travelgirl1: morning! Going to get my progesterone shot this morning and then meeting up with some friends at the park!
The weather here has been so gross and weird...very muggy, overcast, and humid...very un-southern California! I don't like it!!!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@QBbride: I'm still resisting jumping back onto FB - but I am definitely tempted!
@travelgirl1: Sometimes you need those days of TV watching to balance out the rest. A visit to a museum sounds great! I definitely hit a wall by 4pm, and actually another one around 8pm. My most alert and able time is during my workday, unfortunately.
@Chocoholic: Baby pool! Fun! How old is your little one? I'm wondering if my 19 month old would enjoy a baby pool.
@Ginabean3: Isn't it time for June gloom? I lived in southern CA for over 5 years and I always hated June gloom.
I'm working, and trying to fit in little chores during my breaks. I work from home and the motivation to continue to be productive at work is seriously fading each day.
My belly also feels SUPER sensitive right now. Especially right around my belly button.
I got my tDap shot yesterday and slept on that arm last night and it's pretty sore today. I got it in just under the wire before I hit 36 weeks. I thought I'd be good with the one I had for the last pregnancy, but the technician explained that I needed one for every pregnancy. Did you all get one?
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@sweetooth: it is June gloom! You're right! I just didn't remember it being so humid....
Yup I got my tDap already! They said to get one for every pregnancy and then DH is good to get one every 5 years.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@sweetooth: I didn't get a tdap...I did have this swab test at my last appointment but I can't remember exactly what it is for. I have another appointment tomorrow and they are going to start doing cervical checks.
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