GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@turkeylurkey: definitely stronger and a lot more frequent. I think it's also because I had an anterior placenta last time, so I felt less overall. Some of DS2's movements and kicks take my breath away!
@ValentineMommy: just out of curiosity, can you tell that the baby is breech? I've had this weird feeling that this baby may be breech and/or sidelying, but then his hiccups are always down low and I think the ball I feel underneath my rib cage is his bum, so it might all just be in my head.
kiwi / 584 posts
@turkeylurkey: stronger I think.. I had an anterior placenta with #1 .. my husband comments that I'm a completely different shape this time .. lo #1 was much lower, this guy is up high
we call it alien baby when he's rolling around and my entire stomach is shifting at 35 wks he's definitely running out of room
kiwi / 541 posts
Glad I'm not alone on the kicking dept! Sometimes it really hurts! LOL
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: Carseats are totally a racket! How long has it been since you used it? I know my sister had to get a new one for her second child but it had been in storage for about 3.5 years.
@turkeylurkey: Yes to the stronger kicks! Sometimes i also feel like the kid is just raking his arms and legs against the inside of my belly. WAY more aggressive than my first.
@TheSwissWifeStyle: @Reese: I think it's good to have some disposable breast pads because if you have to deal with any sort of infection or bleeding, etc. Then you can change frequently, not do another load of laundry, and just stick another pad in there.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@sweetooth: it bad that my stomach just turned upon reading "infection" and "bleeding?" lol
I feel like after everything you've just gone through (pregnancy, childbirth) your body should really just work with you and make BFing easy! Hahah! A girl can dream...
nectarine / 2705 posts
You guys, it's practically June! We are getting so close!!! Seeing these June mamas have their babies at the end of May is making me think that some of us might be in the same boat. By the end of June some of us could be holding our little ones in our arms!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@sweetooth: Holy crap! I was having some anxiety last night because I was reading a thread that polled when people went into labour with their first. There were quite a few 36/37/38 weeks and it made me realize all of the stuff I still need to get done to prep for baby .. and ME. I am also starting to get extremely anxious about L&D.. will I get an epidural? be able to go med free? will it be too late when I request? will everything be OK? will I need an emergency C section?
nectarine / 2705 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: It's not bad at all - I'm trying to psych myself up for a more successful BF experience this time around. I do wish I didn't have such a hard time with it for my first. And I agree - after infertility, pregnancy, childbirth - we deserve a break! Best advice I can give, is try to read up and prepare for breastfeeding instead of thinking it will come naturally. Even just watching some videos on YouTube, and reading some articles can help. I went into it last time with such limited knowledge. I'm hoping this time around I'll know better how to handle any pain or issues that arise.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Reese: The thought of 36 weeks makes my heart race because I'm 34 weeks tomorrow! But all we can do is chip away at our to-do's each day. And know that we really have so little control over when these babies decide to come! My first came at 37w5d so I feel like mentally I'm preparing for that...and secretly hoping that he decides to stay in there until his due date!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@sweetooth: I will be at a conference (local!) at 38 weeks. I am freaked out my water is going to break or something equally crazy around my colleagues lol
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Reese: Glad to hear it's local Just don't let anyone tell you that first babies don't come early! We were in the middle of a home renovation and my contractor was telling me, "First babies never come early!" And bam - two days later, my water broke in the middle of the night. (not trying to scare you!) Just make sure you bring some plastic bags and towels in case someone has to drive you to the hospital and you don't want to make a mess of their car
kiwi / 541 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: @Reese: @sweetooth: Sweetooth is right about the infection factor. I got mastiss with the first one. Very mild case but I then turned around and got a sinus infection and LO did too. It was horrible! And yes get yourself mentally prepared that BF isn't easy at all. I ended up having to pump at first until we figured things out. So have your pump set-up ready to go and know how to use it.
And yes some of us could bingo the last week or two of June! My SIL just posted 34 more days for her and she's a week ahead of me. That was my shock and awe moment! LOL
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@turkeylurkey: My countdown app says 33 more days! Holy guacamole. I could be one of the late June mamas since my DD is July 2nd.
kiwi / 584 posts
@Reese: @turkeylurkey: @sweetooth: I will be!! Our scheduled C Section is June 25!! and I second the HOLY GUACAMOLE
clementine / 950 posts
Ahhhh am so not ready lol. So much to prepare still! Everything is a big mess
Thankfully all they need at the beginning is milk and diapers right?
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@sweetooth: I can't believe how close we're getting! I'm totally in denial. My bff was like, "you could have a baby in a month!" I'm like umm, what?! I have soo much to organize and get done before then. I think I will start with buying some postpartum supplies so at least I have something!!
kiwi / 541 posts
@QBbride: that's what I've been doing. Each time I go to the store I grab a couple PP items. I also need to pick-up the gauze, Vaseline for little boy post-circum.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
We should start a list of fave PP supplies!
I loved Earth Mama Angel Baby bottom spray, that stuff was amazing. I also took Arnica shortly after birth and honestly by day 3 I felt totally fine. Could be coincidental but I'll do it again this time!! Oh and nipple cream. You can live without nipple cream.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@QBbride: yes - medela nipple cream!!! It was the smoothest to rub on. I didn't love the earth mama angel nipple butter that everyone raves about.
I found that my favorite PP item was a soft ice pack from cvs that I could just stick between my legs and sit on, and a mini dawn detergent bottle for cleansing that area.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Tidybee: I was just gifted the medela nipple cream! Okay, so I feel like such a newb but what is the dawn soap for?
kiwi / 541 posts
Take home everything from the hospital. Ie the ice pack pads, diapers, mesh undies.
@simplyfelicity: the hospital will give you a small bottle that you put warm water in and squirt it on you. It helps soothe the area. If you don't get one or forget it you can use a small dish soap bottle.
The ice pack pads were my favorite item!
nectarine / 2834 posts
@simplyfelicity: my bad! An empty dawn bottle! To put warm water in when you go to the bathroom for cleaning.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@turkeylurkey: mesh undies = the best!!! Totally
Underrated in my opinion.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@Reese: true story- I made homemade guacamole on Saturday after reading this post!
I cannot believe how close we are getting!!! Def need to get it together!!
clementine / 950 posts
@mrsjyw: @Reese: haha! I totally had guac today too!
My faves were the medela lanolin, Lansinoh breast pads, frozen cabbage (oversupply/engorgement lifesaver), hot pack (engorgment/blocked ducts) and a comfy bf tank! Mesh undies stolen from the hospital were the best!
Thankfully things downstairs didn't have too much trouble. But the boobs needed a lot of tlc. I'm hoping things are smoother this time.
clementine / 950 posts
@QBbride: did you use the bottom spray for you? Or baby? I've never seen that before
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@fuzzypeaches: it's for you. You spray it on after the bathroom. It's super cooling and felt really good!!
I tried lansinoh last time but maybe I'll try the Medela nipple cream this time. I've also heard good things about Substance nipple cream and the Earth Mama Angel Baby stuff.
Oh also I bought some Live Clean Non Petroleum jelly that I used for the first few days for the meconium.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
Happy June, Mamas! Can't believe how time is flying!
I have been trying to check in occasionally on my phone but haven't had the time to update until now. In May, we successfully closed on the sale of our old house, purchased our new house, moved and went on vacation.
We still have a lot to do at the new house but the good news is that the baby now has a room and I can start figuring out what we have and what we need (not much I don't think) and have a place to put hand me downs.
Pregnancy wise, I am 33 weeks and feeling pretty good although I am trying to minimize the number of trips up and down the stairs--am I the only one? My DD has started asking if anyone with a big belly is pregnant but has not embarrassed anyone so far. Let's see if it stays that way!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
Oh and here is my mini update:
How many weeks are you: 33 weeks 3 days
Symptoms you're dealing with now: Some back pain when I over exert--hoping to get back to exercising once moving stops being my main exercise, getting up to pee regularly, very occasional heartburn
Innie or outtie: innie but just barely. for some reason really hoping it stays that way..
Rings on or off: On--hoping to make it the whole way
Lately I've been craving: chocolate! But slowing down overall as baby crowds out my stomach. Weight gain seems good so I am just following my body.
Stretch marks: Pretty sure yes but don't know if they are new or old. I wore a bikini at the beach anyway on vacation since it seemed like too much trouble to get a maternity suit!
Braxton Hicks: I think I had my first one yesterday. Mine are just tightening all over, not painful
Hospital bag packed: Not even close! I guess I should add this to the list.
Baby's room: The baby has a room! And a bed and a dresser and will be getting a bookcase this weekend. We ordered blackout shades too. I think the baby is inheriting a lot of decorations from DD but we have to sort that out. I feel like I can just start thinking about this now.
Baby shower: Not sure. Some friends at work mentioned doing something but nothing definite. I had a work shower and a family shower last time so I don't feel neglected.
DH/DW/Partner: Done so much with the house and is starting to get excited. So awesome!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@turkeylurkey: Great advice! All that hospital stuff is so useful!
@MamaCate: that's great, how did you manage all that in a month?!
You're all making me nervous talking about being prepared I have most of the really necessary stuff, but still haven't worked out the child care situation. We've been bouncing around ideas what to do after the FMLA three months are up... all of them are pretty lousy. DH thinks I should just ask for more leave. I
him for suggesting that, but it'll probably get me fired. Still plan to ask, once I get up the courage...
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@Mama Bird: um, I didn't sleep much?
What are your child care options? We had this great idea when I was pregnant with LO #1 that DH and I would be able to split schedules and not start daycare until 6 months or so. Then he kept adding times he wasn't available and it no longer looked feasible. We didn't actually find our daycare until LO was 6 wks old and we got lucky. My mom watched her for the two months between when I went back to work and we had a daycare slot. She has been at that center ever since and we love it! I feel really lucky. It is accredited (NAEYC) which helped me feel comfortable at the beginning too.
kiwi / 541 posts
I'm starting to have mild cramps and more intense BH. Getting really tired now late afternoons! 35 weeks today. I think I can I think I can!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@turkeylurkey: I never had by bh w ds1 but the last two days I've felt them intensely! I'm only 32.5 wks!
I haven't had a moment where I said "OMG this is hard" yet this pregnancy but last night and today. The bh, public bone pain, breathing issues all were at their worst and it really winded me and I was uncomfortable even just laying down... Oy 7.5 more weeks... I hope this was just a bad couple of days!!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@turkeylurkey: @mrsjyw: It has surprised me this time that with five weeks still to go, it is already SO uncomfortable!
Putting a lot of thought in whether to have a cbac or try vag this time. My doctor wants me to try. I initially had no interest at all in this but am coming round to it. My initial concern was childcare for A if I randomly went into labour but she said she often had parents bring their kids to hospital and everyone deals with it and sometimes nurses help out. It's not my ideal but might be a reality for part of the time if I went into labour at night. Still got lots of thinking to do!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@travelgirl1: honestly I think you should do what you feel is best, not because your Dr wants you to try. Your body, your baby. Having said that labour is often unpredictable and I think people just deal with it. You will figure childcare out even if it means bringing A to the hospital!!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@travelgirl1: Since this is my first, I don't feel qualified to give advice but I think you should do whatever gives you peace of mind. There is no wrong way to bring your LO into the world...just go with your gut.
My sis went back and forth between a repeat c/s or VBAC until the morning of her induction and the doctor said that my sister called all the shots. At the last minute, she decided to go with VBAC. Would your doctor let you go in with an open mind and see what feels right for you?
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@QBbride: @simplyfelicity: She will let me choose, but is recommending I try vbac. She is a family doctor and part of a team of them that offers an OB service. So either her or one of her colleagues would deliver baby, but it would not be them doing a c-section. She offered to refer me for an appointment with an OB at the hospital I'll deliver at for their opinion, but I'm hesitant because my healthcare doesn't kick in until my due date and that appointment would cost me $330, which, isn't the end of the world but I've paid for all of my pre-natal care so far and since we may end up paying 100% of the delivery I'm trying to watch what I spend. Plus, I didn't get an appointment before my first c-section so I don't really know why I need one this time.... Anyway, right now I'm thinking to wait to book a c-section, then to book it for one week after my due date. Then any appointment would be covered, and it gives me one week to have a v-bac if I want one. I don't want an induction or forceps used,so in either of those eventualities I would go to c-section anyway. Lots to think about.
kiwi / 584 posts
@ValentineMommy: I'd like to be added to the FB group.. but .. I feel dumb saying this.. I don't know how to pm on hellobee!!
pomelo / 5791 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: If you go to "posts" next to your name at the very top right of the screen.....then click on "wall". I sent you a pm, in case it's easier to respond to that Let me know if you're still having trouble.
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