pomelo / 5791 posts
@fuzzypeaches: I bought his curtains (seriously, why are cute blackout curtains so expensive?!?), some cute wall hooks (they look like paper clips), 2 changing pad covers (the only thing of DS1's I'm not reusing, since they didn't go with DS2's colors), some of the canvas hanging things for the closet with matching drawers, a canvas shoe organizer for DS1 (that kid has so many shoes), and one of the Nod chairs for his 1st birthday gift (I know that seems ridiculous, but I wanted the same one that DS1 has, I'm afraid they're going to discontinue it, and since it was 15% off I couldn't resist). But GEEZ, everything adds up!!!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@fuzzypeaches: ohh I totally forgot they opened a Carter's in Lougheed! That's not too far for me. I will travel for cute baby clothes my bff is STILL using my infant car seat! She's waiting for a sale on a Diono Radian and I'm like ummm OK I need it back soon! Hopefully if you're getting lots of BH now you still have a few weeks!!
@ValentineMommy: I've heard Land of Nod has cute stuff!! I should check it out!
I think my semi sleeping days are over. I'm so uncomfortable and I can't sleep I feel like my skin is being stretched and I'm so damn hot!! I don't remember feeling like this last time but I'm sure I'm just conveniently forgetting. Today is my 4th last shift, thank goodness!!
pomelo / 5791 posts
@QBbride: They're my favorite! They're the kids line of crate and barrel and CB2. Their stuff is brighter and more modern than PBK IMO.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: Better safe than sorry! I went to the ER when my water broke but as a first time mom I thought for sure they would just send me home telling me I wet my pants! Nope - it was go time! Glad it was just pee for you
@Reese: Maybe a pseudo account will work for me too. We'll see I'm glad I'm not alone in the FB-free club!
@Spinny: The nausea is the worst! Sorry you're in the nausea club too.
@turkeylurkey: I like that you made your own category for belly button - Halfie
@cvbee: Those calf cramps are the worst!!!
kiwi / 541 posts
@Reese: I have Prime and I love the free shipping. I do a lot of my gift shopping for bdays and Christmas on there. We have in-laws that live out of state so I have things gift wrapped and shipped directly to them. Plus I buy a lot of items for us on there. So it adds up quickly. Also, on the diaper bag/backpack not sure. I have the skiphop diaper bag and love it from when I had LO#1. In fact we still use it. It stays packed with a change of clothes, diapers, wipes and snacks. We grab it on the run when we don't know how long we will be out and about. I bought a wallet to fit in one of the pockets so that I could nix the purse. That helped more than anything. It also has enough pockets for my sunglasses and cell phone.
kiwi / 541 posts
Has anyone ordered a pump from their insurance company? Do you have to have a prescription from OB? Do you get to pick what type you want?
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Reese: I LOVE the backpack in your photo! I think I'm moving on to a backpack because I'm finding it hard to deal with the single strap bag and wrangling of kiddo. And yes to Amazon prime. It was a godsend after we had the baby to order things as we needed them and to have them arrive lickety-split. Also, the subscription service has been fantastic with diapers arriving on our doorstep like magic. One less errand to run!
@Tidybee: Oh my goodness, I would want a drink so bad if I had been in your shoes! I've been dreaming about cold glasses of wine, gin and tonics, and specific summer brews...
@fuzzypeaches: @QBbride: I posted pictures of my two white Jenny Lind cribs over on the July nursery thread if you're interested in seeing them.
@QBbride: I don't have any experience with what you're going through, but yes, bleeding isn't comforting. I guess it's nice to have that heads up, but it's still a bit stressful I'm sure to think about that... hugs!
@fuzzypeaches: We have the carseat ready to install, but we're waiting until mid June so we can continue to sit in the backseat with our son. I'll miss sitting back there with him!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@turkeylurkey: I didn't order a new pump from my insurance because I figure I can just use the one I got from my first son. There were only a few choices that I could pick from. I ordered it after I had my son last time because he came early and I wasn't prepared
nectarine / 2705 posts
Made lots of progress on house stuff this weekend. I really need to spend some time with baby clothes - organizing, cleaning, etc. But overall, once I get my hospital bag all ready, I feel like we can have this baby After we reinstall the infant carseat in the car. Last thing I really need to nail down is figuring out the family help. I know that my family wants to be here for us, but I'd really like to figure out what WE want and how they can be the most help. Even if that means not being here right away. Hardest part is trying to figure out how to plan for who can be with our son if we end up being in the hospital longer than planned. I know my neighbors have offered, but I think my son would be a lot more comfortable with grandma.
apricot / 324 posts
@turkeylurkey: I haven't but I'm going to. Mine won't let me order it more than 30 days out. My insurance approved me for only 2 different ones (Madela and Ameda). both are starter sets, but I can upgrade for a smallish fee. You should be able to call your insurance and they can walk you through the whole process. Mine uses several outside companies to process the claim. I think I will need a prescription, but I want to say they called even called the office for me.
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@turkeylurkey: I got a Drs not from my family Dr and they cover up to X amount of $$ so it's up to me to pick what I want.
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@sweetooth: I think you sold me. That and the mentioning of buying gifts. So much easier than battling the malls.
kiwi / 541 posts
@Candy_nee: Thanks! I just called BlueCross and they gave me a list of companies to call to order it. One of them had a very user friendly site so I went ahead and ordered it. They say on their site that they will send over to OB for approval. They also say that if you have a 30 day window like what you mentioned above, that you can go ahead and start the process and they will get approvals done with OB and wait on that 30 day mark. So you might look into that to get it done with. I choose the Medal because I borrowed one from my SIL the first baby and I bought all the bottles and attachments then.
kiwi / 584 posts
glad I'm not alone in the pee department haha
We have the nursery 100% ready to go, I feel so much better now that it's ready. My husband is a rockstar
@Reese: I'd say 90% of my shopping is Amazon Prime.. but I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere so it's hard to go shopping
@fuzzypeaches: we got our infant seat out of storage and it's totally expired so we had to buy a new one.. (CARSEATS ARE A RACKET ok ranting done) and the new one we bought needs the new buckle from Graco Recall seriously dumb
clementine / 920 posts
I have a shower coming up this weekend and then I feel like I will have a better idea of what we still need to pick up. I am anxious to start washing baby clothes and pack bags for the hospital. The car seat is sitting in the nursery but we will be installing it in a few weeks and having it checked since this is our first Lo.
kiwi / 584 posts
also I got my Tula and am so excited.. hoping I can figure out how to use it
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: ohh which Tula did you get? I'm Tula obsessed... I have 3!
nectarine / 2834 posts
@ValentineMommy: can't find the HB group on FB...but we're already friends from the miscarriage group, so could you add me?
pomelo / 5791 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: Yay! Which one did you get? I would love a WC, but can't afford one off the swap and have had 0 luck scoring.
@Tidybee: The group is secret now at the request of a couple people. I'll add you now!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: ugh that's so annoying that it's expired!!
@ValentineMommy: can you add me too? How would you do that? I only have a psuedo account that I use for BST and local Mom groups
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@Bluemasonjar: I bought some things to get my hospital bag ready today! Granny panties and nipple pads (is that what they are called?) in the words of Fergie - G L A M O R O U S
nectarine / 2600 posts
@Reese: I bought some "breast shields" or whatever you want to call them too! I was so curious when I got them in the mail, I had to open one up and see what it looked like. It's totally a maxi pad for your boob! lol
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: I thought the breast shield was for the plastic piece you put over your nipple to prevent pain.. or is that a nipple shield??
Yep, I totally opened one and it does look like a maxi pad for your boob! crazy! I wonder how often you have to change them. Do we leak the entire time we are BF? I bought a 100 pack.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@Reese: no idea what the correct term is, lol! I think I got a 100 pack too...I don't know what to expect!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: haha okay! you had me worried there was another "shield/apparatus" that I needed to buy. I guess we are both talking about the same thing. I know they have reusable/washable ones but maybe that would be better when it slows down...?? I was told to get a mattress pad for our bed as well because if you leak and it gets through to your mattress it's extremely difficult to get the sour milk smell out! (I wish there was a barf emoji)
kiwi / 584 posts
@Reese: @TheSwissWifeStyle: I'll tell y'all my experience but I'm sure everyone is different
nipple shields are helpful to some if you have cracking or latch issues ... this is where your Lactation Consultant is a godsend..
there are different types of breast pads.. reusable or disposable ( I like disposable because hey less laundry)
when your milk comes in it is hard to regulate.. so you can leak frequently .. in the beginning you may go through more breast pads.. I would wear them at night too with a sleep nursing bra.. if I heard a baby cry I would totally leak all over the place
if you do wear a sleep nursing bra with the breast pads you should be ok as far as your mattress goes but the first night my lo had a longer sleep cycle I leaked through.. and through my pajamas .. in other words I was a hot mess
but eventually you regulate out and sometimes don't even need them
sorry for the long reply but nobody told me beforehand so I didn't have a clue!!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
Just a note on breast pads, don't buy too many to begin with!! I always had a good milk supply and verrrrry rarely ever leaked! I didn't usually wear them. The only time I leaked is when my son slept well (rare)!
nectarine / 2834 posts
@Reese: I leaked PLENTY overnight -- DD was a good sleeper. As long as I had a shirt on and stripped the sheets if it really got soaked, I had no problem with smells. I would wake up from the pain of engorgement and the wetness before it could do too much damage to the mattress.@TheSwissWifeStyle: hah 100 should be plenty! I still have half a box of 100 that I'm just going to use for this kid.
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: @Tidybee: @QBbride: Great advice! Good to know!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: I guess we are the sucker FTMs with the bulk pack of nipple maxi pads thank goodness for this group!
kiwi / 541 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: @Reese: so two different things. Nipple shields there is two different types. One type is plastic and looks like a baby bottle nipple. I used these to help baby latch. Used them for about 2 months until he and I became pros. The second type is also plastic but it is round with holes. You wear it in between feedings and it keeps your bra off your nipple and helps with air flow. Use these only if you're having cracks and drying. The pad like nipple things you're talking about are for absorbing while leaking. I bought both diposable and cloth. I thought the cloth were more comfortable to wear. I found that while nursing on one side I would leak on the other side. So having the disposable ones while nursing were nice so I could throw away after I was done. Then I'd wear the cloth in between feedings for a just in case leakage.
I had a mattress cover or think blanket like you see at the hospital. I found this helpful for the first week or so to capture leakage from down south. You can get them at Walgreens.
kiwi / 541 posts
Anyone noticing really strong kicks and punches? Some of mine have been so strong that it jolts me. I asked the OB and she said they tend to be stronger the more pregnancies. Any 2nd timers think these are stronger than first go around
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@turkeylurkey: mine are definitely stronger but I had an anterior placenta the first time and a posterior placenta this time, so that makes a huge difference too (I think).
clementine / 950 posts
@turkeylurkey: hmm I actually was thinking that this baby is less strong than my Lo! That guy was crazy - my whole belly would move from side to side haha. I'm hoping the more sedate inside the more sedate outside too lol
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@turkeylurkey: Sooo much stronger this time! But I think part of that is position. DD was breech, sat up inside me, I don't think she had the room to stretch out much. This guy is head down and shoving his fists into my groin and his feet into my ribs on the regular.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@turkeylurkey: I don't think mine are stronger this time, but I've definitely had some that hurt...a lot. However, I have anterior placenta and a breech baby this time.
apricot / 324 posts
@turkeylurkey: WAY stronger this time! It startles me frequently. I also read on one of my weekly emails that this late in pregnancy the baby is running out of room and there's less amniotic fluid to act as a buffer so the movements feel stronger due to that as well. I'm constantly freaking out all the guys I work with when I flinch or make a face at a really strong punch/kick.
Oh, and as far as the breast pads go - I loved the fabric ones. My nipples were SO sore and cracked that these were way more comfortable. Plus they laid better under clothes. Here's the kind I used and they were so nice.
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