pomegranate / 3521 posts
Also - advice needed!
I got a diaper bag for my shower and I love it. It's the skip hop Chelsea downtown bag.
Then yesterday my mom and I are shopping and I eye this gorgeous backpack (seriously the pics don't do it justice) and my mother (SERIOUS SHOPPING ENABLER!) insists I buy it. I feel guilty because I already have a diaper bag and I have thought about getting DH a Mec Satchel/man diaper bag .. And that would be THREE bags. My mom insists I won't always want to lug the diaper bag (skip hop) around and a back pack is extremely convenient.
What do you think? Backpack really that convenient? FWIW we plan on baby wearing.
Here are some pics.
pomegranate / 3521 posts
ETA: I would be keeping both bags or returning the backpack. I have to keep the gifted skip hop.
DH also says he doesn't need a man bag and could just carry the skip hop around.. But I thought it would be a nice gesture.
Okay sorry.. Rant over..
nectarine / 2039 posts
@Reese: I find a lot of pregnancy symptoms pass on their website wn in about half a week. If I've still got the leg cramps by mid-week I will give magnesium a try. I hear a calcium-magmesium combo in liquid form is effective.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@cvbee: I got horrendous leg cramps with DD1. My doc suggested caltrate D, and I never had a single one again with her or with this pregnancy so far. Of course tonight I'll probably have one.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Reese: I think a backpack would be great, especially when babywearing. We're getting one this time around.
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@travelgirl1: @Ginabean3: @cvbee: Thank you for making me feel better about it
Do you guys subscribe to Amazon prime? Debating if it's worth it. I use it way more often now and imagine I will use it even more once Bebe gets here.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Reese: We don't. I do most of my baby shopping at Winners and a local baby store a couple of blocks away. So far we haven't needed Amazon Prime.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@Reese: we do.....we actually got the membership as a Christmas gift! Best gift ever.
clementine / 950 posts
@Reese: I'm totally an anti-backpack person but that one is so cute! Keep it I have a zillion "diaper bags" haha
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Reese: cute bag! this sounds like such a first world thing to say, but I don't know what I would do without amazon prime.
nectarine / 2834 posts
Hey y'all! Back from my 9 day "vacation". It's really hard to be on vacation with 12 family members in the same house , when you're the only one with kids, have a 2.5 y/o, 32 weeks pregnant, and DH leaves in the middle for a business trip. I guess that this is just the new normal! I so wanted a margarita though......
I read along with the posts but it was hard to respond on my phone.
Here's my little update:
How many weeks are you: 33 weeks today!
Symptoms you're dealing with now: The varicose veins which are still a huge issue but are thankfully not as painful as they've been.
Innie or outtie: totally flat.
Rings on or off: On! But tight when it gets hot out.
Lately I've been craving: really not much. Though the scale doesn't reflect that....
Stretch marks: I may have a few light new ones, but I can't tell if they're just the old ones from DD1.
Braxton Hicks: none.
Hospital bag packed: Not yet. I feel like I should get started on this though.....
Baby's room: Painted but not organized. LO2 will be in with me and DH for a few weeks until the grandparents stop staying over to help out and we can set up the crib.
Baby shower: Nope. 5 of my close mom friends here did throw me a little surprise sprinkle at brunch one day. SUPER sweet.
DH/DW/Partner: He's great. Totally ready for baby...and he started reading all of the newborn stuff again that he used to get ready for DD1.
clementine / 950 posts
@Tidybee: lately I have really been wanting a drink here and there which is totally unlike me! Maybe it's the anxiety of what's to come the sprinkle sounds so sweet
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@fuzzypeaches: @Tidybee: I've been dying for an ice cold Strongbow!!
What diaper bags does everyone have? I have a Danzo bag from last time but I want something different this time haha! I have my eye on a Lululemon bag but I'd have to buy it on eBay.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@fuzzypeaches: did you order your crib? I just saw this limited edition blue one. Drool.
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@travelgirl1: I would never even think of Winners as an option.. But I do love going to Marshall's which is basically the same thing lol. What do you normally buy there?
@Ginabean3: I accidentally signed up for it and then backed out when I saw the charge on my card. It was $79 promo or something at the time. I wonder if I could get it for that price again.
@fuzzypeaches: @simplyfelicity: Verdict is in, the bag stays! Women after my own shopping enabler heart
@Tidybee: @fuzzypeaches: I have been wanting a nice cold drink too! I blame summer. Speaking of, what's the pump and dump rule for having A drink.. Or is no drinking at all while you're breastfeeding? I'm sure this is such a FTM newb question..
clementine / 950 posts
@QBbride: I did! I really wanted the yellow one actually but it was $100 more so dh made me get the white one lol it's supposed to come sometime this week and im so excited! Still need to buy a mattress though
As for diaper bags, I bought a jujube be prepared in the states and I LOVE it! So big and allows for my packrat tendencies
@Reese: I think it kind of depends on your comfort and how often baby was feeding! I would feed him, then drink a max of 1-1 1/2 drink very occasionally and then pump and dump the next one. I think some people are more cautious and will pump a second time, and some of my friends avoided alcohol altogether.
Because it was so much work And planning I didnt indulge much either :s
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@QBbride: I went and looked at/tried on the Ju-Ju-Be BFF today and was bummed....it's a beautiful bag but the backpack mode (which is how I would use it) doesn't work for me! My shoulders are too narrow and the straps kept slipping off (even when shortened).
Back to the drawing board. I might have to check out the bag @Reese: posted about!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@Reese: pumping and dumping is actually a myth! The alcohol is your milk is "broken down" at the same rate as your blood, so basically it's not like pumping just gets rid of it. The general rule of thumb is if you're ok to drive, you're ok to breastfeed. It is up to your personal comfort though!
@fuzzypeaches: wow your crib is coming so soon! I think I will likely order the white one too. I met with the sleep consultant today and she said DS should pretty much stay in his crib for almost another year, so I think i can convince DH to buy a second crib. We were planning on using the Uppababh basinet in our room for a bit though so it won't be a huge rush.
@Ginabean3: how about the petunia picklebottom boxy backpack? My friend has one and loves it!!
So at my last midwife appt she mentioned my placenta is 3cm from the os, which is the minimum requirement but to expect I will bleed a lot once I get to 9cm. She said not to worry since with multips they usually go from 8-9cm to babe in arms in about 20 mins but I'm still sort of nervous about it. First of all my hemoglobin and ferritin is suuuuper low (I'm on supplements) so I don't have much to spare. And the whole bleeding thing in general kinda scares me. Anyone else have experience with this?
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Reese: all sorts, but you never know what they have in so it can be a bit random. We've gotten A&A sleepsacks and bibs from there, winter sleepsacks, Halo sleepsacks, Bundleme for the stroller for winter, bottles, water cups, nursery stuff....
I love the selection of toys and books too.
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@fuzzypeaches: even just half a beer on the deck would be nice. @Ginabean3: yes! Get it! I promise it's even more gorgeous in person. It's also leather so easily wipe able.
@QBbride: I like this theory. I will remember to ask my MW
@travelgirl1: come to think of it - I did score an A&A crib sheet (blue stars) for $10! It was in the last minute sucker cash out aisle so I thought it was just a one off thing. I didn't even think to check the baby section (I have been try to restrain myself).
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@QBbride: I'll look into the PPB bags, thanks! And no experience with the placenta but I am praying for you and sending good thoughts your way!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@simplyfelicity: Not at all! Sometimes I am underwhelmed with Amazon.ca but they have upped their selection lately.. but its still not comparable to its US counterpart. I had to order carpenter ant bait for ants that we found around our deck and shed. It was $13 on Amazon.com and $80 on Amazon.ca. Whaaaat!?
nectarine / 2834 posts
@Reese: I actually split a beer with my sister over vacation. I figure we're well into the 3rd tri and it's a half a beer with food...I don't know. Second time around, I'm just not *that* concerned. My doctor with DD1 was Italian and said it was fine to drink a glass of red wine a few times a week! I didn't go that far, but I treated myself to a half glass here and there, and DD is somewhat normal
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@Tidybee: My cousin is pregnant and is pretty relaxed. I know she has a half glass of wine here and there. I am just such a paranoid chicken.
clementine / 950 posts
@Reese: amazon.ca sucks :s
@QBbride: I have no experience with the placenta issue - but I think it can still move more prior to delivery, right? It is kind of scary though. At least you know everyone is aware of it and you're in the right place for people to act fast if needed!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@fuzzypeaches: yeah I did ask her if it could move more as I got (even) bigger and she said that it could. It was so weird, she was so nonchalant about it and then afterwards I'm thinking, I can't afford to have a big bleed!! I trust my midwives 100% so I should just settle down but I think I'll ask whoever is on next week (there are 3 of them in the group) and see what she says.
Meanwhile, pass me the iron supplements
pomegranate / 3192 posts
Oh also I forgot to mention I went on a major shopping spree at the Gap today! It was 40% off everything. I got a few cute newborn sleepers, a white terry towel hoodie, a hat, and some stuff for my son. I just want to find some cute leggings for her to wear in the evenings or on cool days but I couldn't see any there I really liked.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@Spinny: Let me know if you want me to add you - feel free to pm me your FB name so I can!
@cvbee: I FB friended you so I can add you to the group
@Reese: That backpack is gorgeous! Babywearing is WAY easier with a backpack IMO. And it really doesn't hurt to have more than one bag, as long as you don't mind switching out all your stuff from one to the other. And amazon prime is TOTALLY worth it. I buy from there at least once a week lol.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@QBbride: aw, baby clothes! We still haven't bought any yet but we're going to get our acts together this next few weeks.
clementine / 950 posts
@QBbride: oh man i am banned from baby gap right now lol. I love everything!! I know we will get a lot of gifts though so im trying to reign it in (unsuccessfully).
But I did see really cute baby leggings at carters (sadly I don't think there's one near you but they opened a HUGE one at Lougheed Mall) and also at H&M!!
pomelo / 5791 posts
I went way overboard and bought everything to finish the nursery over the weekend. I couldn't resist the 15% off everything at Land of Nod. My credit card is weeping.
clementine / 950 posts
Anyone getting the car seat ready??? I just took mine out of storage to wash! Eek!
I had BH contractions every 7-12 min for 3 hours last night (this went on for a couple weeks every night prior to labor with my son, so my guess is it doesn't actually mean anything at this point) but I realized that I better get some stuff done just in case lol.
clementine / 950 posts
@ValentineMommy: oh me too!!! Why is land of nod so adorable?? What did you get?
I shipped a whole bunch of stuff to my in laws place (free shipping)!!! I'm nervous about when they see how much I'm expecting them to bring with them when they come lol.
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