nectarine / 2705 posts
@mrsjyw: @ValentineMommy: Ugh! I'm so sorry to hear you're both dealing with nausea still too. But misery loves company! This morning I thought I could manage until I brought my son down to breakfast. I went down to start his waffle and began heaving at the kitchen sink. I'm ready for this symptom to LEAVE the premises!
pomelo / 5791 posts
@sweetooth: Ugh. I'm sorry I'm not alone in the nausea department. I've weaned off my meds finally, but I definitely still have my bad days. Blech.
nectarine / 2705 posts
How many weeks are you: 32 weeks and 2 days!
Symptoms you're dealing with now:
- Nausea is still lurking in the AM if I do not shove a piece of food in my mouth right after sitting up. Pain in the A.
- The squatting and standing to interact with my son is getting harder and harder. Each time I stand after squatting I find myself waddling to work through the pain.
Innie or outtie:
- Innie! Although yesterday the little guy was kicking at my belly button and I had to tell him that mommy would like to keep her innie please!
Rings on or off:
- Usually off, but they still fit! Just easier to have them off when I get a little swollen from the rising temps outside.
Lately I've been craving:
- LUNCHMEAT! I really want a cold cut sandwich. That is going to be my first request after I have the baby. And a nice cold glass of wine. (not necessarily together )
Stretch marks:
- No
Braxton Hicks:
- Not that I notice - but I can't say I'm an expert on them.
Hospital bag packed:
- Nope, but I am going to start making my list very soon!
Baby's room:
- Coming together nicely! Crib assembled this weekend. Art framed. Needs to be hung on the walls. And I need to rearrange some clothes in the dresser to make room for baby.
Baby shower:
- No shower for baby #2.
- He's been amazing...that's all I can say. Love him.!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
How many weeks are you: around 31
Symptoms you're dealing with now: exhaustion and nesting. The nesting is out of control. Our living situation is a little lacking right now, and I want to buy the kids nothing less than a house unfortunately, moving now would throw a huge monkey wrench into our plans for summer and fall.
Innie or outtie: outtie
Rings on or off: on, but I take my ring off at night when it's hot. I'm scared I'll wake up and it'll be stuck.
Lately I've been craving: everything! I've had two stomach bugs, two nasty colds, and possibly a mild strep throat, so when I can eat, I eat!
Stretch marks: I dunno, I can't see the bottom of my stomach.
Braxton Hicks: yeah, all the time. But I'm proud to say I walked a mile and a half this week, and didn't feel like junk afterwards!
Hospital bag packed: nope, but this time I think I'll keep it light - a hairbrush, a nightgown, and a book!
Baby's room: uhhh... like I said, our living arrangements are kind of embarrassing.
Baby shower: nope.
DH/DW/partner: he's not giving this baby as much attention as DS got before he was born, but neither am I I guess it comes with having a toddler. Other than that, he's amazing as ever!
kiwi / 584 posts
How many weeks are you: 34 weeks this week
Symptoms you're dealing with now:
-Swelling in my feet , except on weekends which is weird
-heartburn (Pepcid is my friend) which turns to nausea, I think I'm giving birth to a wooly mammoth
- I can't sleep more than an hour at a time, yay angry pelvis
Innie or outtie:
-Innie, my son thinks it's hilarious to look at my bellybutton
Rings on or off:
-off, not actually because of swelling, my eczema has just been worse on my hands lately
Lately I've been craving:
juice.. gallons of juice and Pepsi (sadly no Pepsi for me but it sounds glorious) I also second the lunchmeat
Stretch marks:
-yep but I get them so not surprised
Braxton Hicks:
-yep off and on
Hospital bag packed:
-I should probably start thinking about that
Baby's room:
painted, just waiting on the trim to be done
Baby shower:
we have all we need from DS #1
is much more impatient to meet LO this time!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
I am seriously behind!
@sweetooth: I was sleeping well but my hips are so tight when I wake up. And, as far as trimming goes...I shave but that's about it.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@QBbride: I also have NO clue what I have gained. I haven't looked at the scale since August. My OB has never mentioned it and says it looks good but doesn't tell me the number. I keep getting told I am"all belly" and I pretty much look the same (except for the massive belly) but I could be wrong.
DH will be off work for 6 weeks (we are both teachers) and won't return to work until mid August and then I go back in January.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
How many weeks are you: 32 weeks and 5 days!
Symptoms you're dealing with now:
-mid back pain by end of work day
- difficult to breathe at times, feels like he is curling up into my lungs
- totally weird but my nipples are super dark and are like those things you stick in a turkey
-sleep is pretty lackluster
-acid reflux
-so so so many hiccups from the the little guy
Innie or outtie:
- So, I usually have a pretty deep belly button, but now it is super shallow. Still an innie though.
Rings on or off:
- Off for a long time now. I don't even know if it is just in my head as I hate the feeling of tight rings.
Lately I've been craving:
- I. want. all. the. sangria.
Stretch marks:
- I have these light pink vein looking things so I am going to say yes.
Braxton Hicks:
- I *think* I was having them last week.
- Not yet, but my sis is working on a list for me.
Baby's room:
- All done!
Baby shower:
- I just had a work and bible study shower. My friend and family shower in next Saturday.
- While he isn't always thrilled with the incessant baby talk, he has been really great with decorating, giving me back rubs and generally being attentive. He is getting really excited.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@simplyfelicity: Oh man, off till January?!? and DH will be home for 6 weeks?!? You're so lucky!!! I am super jealous
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Mama Bird: Are you guys looking to buy? Maybe you can just bookmark dream homes on Trulia to help satisfy your desires while you make your way through the newborn phase again.
@Mrs. Pickles: I've caved for this pregnancy. During my first pregnancy - no caffeine, and definitely no soda. But this time around, I let myself have the occasional Dr. Pepper.
@simplyfelicity: You're not behind - I always think of you as the most of top of this thread of all of us! Do you have a patient portal where you can see your vitals? That's the only way I can really see my weight gain accurately. I don't really think about it though. Just interesting to compare it to my first pregnancy. And also as a reminder that even though I gain, it's all for the baby.
apricot / 268 posts
How many weeks are you: 30 weeks on Thursday
Symptoms you're dealing with now: So hot and sweaty all the time!
Innie or outtie: Innie still
Rings on or off: Off
Lately I've been craving: Flavored ice!
Stretch marks: A few on my sides
Braxton Hicks: Yes, they've been increasing lately but not painful
Hospital bag packed: No but I've started a list for what to pack
Baby's room: Almost set, mostly just have to do and put away the tiny laundry
Baby shower: None this time around, but we're set with almost everything from DD1
DH: Is excited and seems ready!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@sweetooth: Haha, that's probably true if four pages seems behind to me.
@ValentineMommy: I am pretty stoked! Just hope DH and I don't kill each other in those first 6 weeks. I think it will be a special time for the three of us.
apricot / 324 posts
Oh my gosh I can finally log in from work! I can actually keep up now. Hopefully
How many weeks are you: 32 Weeks 3 Days (how bad is it that I had to look that up?!)
Symptoms you're dealing with now:
-Major hip pain. I basically have to stretch every night and can only sleep comfortably propped up on my back with my legs in the butterfly position.
- Heartburn. Even when taking Zantac every morning
- Mild feet/ankle swelling
- Crap sleep
Innie or outtie:
-Innie, I have a really deep belly button, but it's getting very shallow
Rings on or off:
- I have an engagement ring and 2 wedding banks, so I'm just wearing 1 of the wedding bands these days. I can still wear all 3, but it's about a million degrees here so I don't want to risk them getting stuck.
Lately I've been craving:
Milk with chocolate chunk cookies. Mmmmmmm
Stretch marks:
-Yep, but less than my last pregnancy. Coconut oil is amazing
Braxton Hicks:
-Nope, not yet
Hospital bag packed:
-Oh gosh no. That probably won't get packed till I'm in labor. I'll need everything I'm going to pack between now and then.
Baby's room:
Painted, all the furniture is in there, just not assembled or where it needs to be. Bedding is ordered and washed, just not on the crib. Nothing is on the walls. So, we're on our way.
Baby shower:
We have all the big stuff from DS1, but my MIL is throwing me a shower at the end of the month.
Much more protective of me this time. He basically makes me sit down and relax for 30 minutes when I get home, won't let me carry anything too heavy (other than our toddler), and is always worried about me over doing it. I think my preeclampsia from my first pregnancy freaked him out more than he ever let me know.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@sweetooth: haha, thanks for the suggestion! Doesn't quite work though, I bookmark them and then start hounding DH to actually go see them! But we do have to move, it's just a few months too early to do anything drastic.
Anyone else still having trouble picking a name?
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@Mama Bird: yes! Still haven't settled on a name here. Anyone want to share their choices? Maybe seeing one I love will help!!
pomelo / 5791 posts
@simplyfelicity: You won't! You will definitely have exhausted moments where you'll be like "GET AWAY FROM ME", I'm sure (at least I did), but it will be an amazing bonding time for all of you! (My DH was off for a few months after DS1 was born).
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@simplyfelicity: DH was off for six weeks when LO1 was born! We soaked up every minute! Def had some teary moments (my hormones) and frustration due to sleep deprivation, but we WISH he could have that same time off this time. Enjoy!!!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@mrsjyw: @ValentineMommy: DH usually works summer school but he's in a new district and won't be this year. We've never had so much time off at the same time before. I agree, though, that it will be really special.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
Teaching seventh grade + 34 weeks pregnant is so not working for me right now.
kiwi / 584 posts
@Mama Bird: @QBbride: here's the ones that were on our list but didn't make the final..
Girl: Claire, Layla, Delilah, Avery, Brenna
Boy: Chase, Jacob, Cade
pomelo / 5791 posts
@simplyfelicity: Teaching 7th grade at any weeks pregnant would not work for me! Lol!!
pomelo / 5791 posts
Would anyone be interested in joining a FB group just for us July '15 mommies? It would be so much easier to keep up on! (Is this even allowed to be posted in here?)
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@ValentineMommy: Haha, fair enough. You have to be partially crazy to teach middle school.
I'd be interested!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
Boys: Ethan, William, Emmett, Gavin, Blake
Girls: Madeleine, Amelia, Isla
apricot / 324 posts
@ValentineMommy: Me! I would! I'm in a FB group from my last pregnancy and we all still post to it regularly. It's great to keep up with eachother as our kiddo's grow up and reach new milestones.
clementine / 950 posts
@ValentineMommy: Yes I would be interested too! Hellobee has been really hard to use from my phone lately
How many weeks are you: 33 weeks!
Symptoms you're dealing with now:
-BH contractions ALL the time is driving me insane!
-Back pain
-Very irritable lol.
Innie or outtie:
- Outtie (and has been out for awhile!) I saw the plastic surgery thread and was thinking I probably need Belly Button rejuvanations if that's a thing hahaha
Rings on or off:
- On. No swelling
Lately I've been craving:
- Cucumbers
- Cheeseburgers
Stretch marks:
- I got my first one yesterday and cried and cried and cried
Braxton Hicks:
- ALL the time (I had them last time too like this) it's so uncomfortable :s
Hospital bag packed:
- It's on my list of to do's this weekend!
Baby's room:
- I just spent an embarassing amount of money at Amazon. Also my DH is going to the US this weekend and I pre-bought a whole bunch of things for him to bring back for me!
Baby shower:
- No shower for baby #2.
- Mostly amazing The above mentioned irritability is probably tough to manage and he's doing pretty well, given the poor guy is usually the target haha
clementine / 950 posts
@QBbride: Also I totally bought that same sleeper from the Gap! Great minds think alike
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@ValentineMommy: yes I'd love a Facebook group!! I have one from my June 2013 mamas (not from HB) and we chat everyday!!
@fuzzypeaches: OMG isn't that sleeper just the cutest thing ever?! I'm so in love with it. What size did you get? The under 7lbs seems so small but the 0-3m seems huge!
pomelo / 5791 posts
Yay!! I have a group with my feb 2013 moms and we talk every day
I just created the group. It's called "HB July 2015 babies". I added my ds's page cause I had to add one person from my friends list to create the group. I'll delete him once someone joins.
Let me know if you guys can find the page and join or if I need to add you or what. I forget how it works
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Mama Bird: Omg yes, we are nowhere close to choosing a name!
@ValentineMommy: I would love to join the FB group but I just searched and couldn't find it.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@travelgirl1: poo. How about anyone who wants to join can pm me their name and I can friend them to add? Then they can unfriend me if they wish?
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
How many weeks are you: 32 weeks +4
Symptoms you're dealing with now:
- Nausea either when I'm hungry or in the mornings after I eat breakfast for an hour or two
- Horrible heartburn
- Intense public bone pain
Innie or outtie:
- Innie
Rings on or off:
- Off. I've started with some heat related swelling but nowhere near as bad as I was with A
Lately I've been craving:
- Ice cream
- Anything sweet
Stretch marks:
- No. I didn't get them with A either until after she was born, when I got some on my hips. We'll see what happens this time.
Braxton Hicks:
- I don't think so... I never had them with A, I'm honestly not even sure what they feel like
Hospital bag packed:
- Ha ha ha, no. Not even close.
Baby's room:
- He'll be in our room. We still have it set up from when A was in there, as she only moved out a few months ago (I know, I know). There is a crib and some jungle animal decals on the wall.
Baby shower:
- No
- He doesn't get excited until baby is here. We had both been very stressed with our immigration/healthcare issues but we're both more chilled now and working on finding a name. Tough order, his taste is insane
pomelo / 5791 posts
Here's the link to the group (I hope). I'm on my phone, so hoping it's right.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@ValentineMommy: thanks for making the group!! I requested to join but is there any chance we could make it a secret group instead of closed? I'm weird about things like that haha!!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: @simplyfelicity: beautiful names!
@QBbride: @travelgirl1: this is so hard! Hoping for name inspiration for all of us!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Mama Bird: Do you have anything you agree on? We have two we like but I doubt we will use either. One is the Spanish version of one of DH's brothers' name (FIL is Spanish so they do use the Spanish version sometimes). I want to use it. DH says he really likes it but would be disappointed if we used it
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