pomegranate / 3521 posts
Hey all! Sorry I have been MIA. I had my shower this Saturday. It was crazy and kind of overwhelming! Opening gifts in front of people was really strange and uncomfortable for me. There were about 50ish people there (all women) so it was a lot of gifts to get through. That being said, I am totally not complaining! I thought most people would go off the registry from what I have read on HB but 85% of our registry was purchased which is AWESOME.SAUCE!! People did add some clothes to their gifts and some off registry gifts but most people bought from the registry which is just super helpful. I also have another smaller shower in my hometown that my mom is hosting 20-30 people. That one will be much more low key because I come from a small town and I am comfortable with everyone.
Need some advice! My 30th birthday is coming this weekend and DH has planned a weekend away. The place is $200 a night (X2) + all of our meals and things to do... I really do want to get away with just the 2 of us (babymoon/30th birthday party) but realistically my sleep has SUCKED and I doubt I will be able to sleep somewhere else. The main reason is that I also really want a nice DSLR before the baby comes and if we don't spend all this moolah on the weekend away I could easily justify buying the camera. Is a DSLR really necessary though? Do you have one? love it? planning on getting one? FWIW I also have a pretty powerful P&S but it obviously doesn't hold a candle to a DSLR
Am I being cheap? What would you guys do? I will be 33 and a half weeks at that point..
We could always go away after the baby is born and use our travel points (we cant with this place because they only take cash ..its a B&B)
Sorry.. super long winded and selfish post... please help!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@fuzzypeaches: I have been craving sugar like a mofo... sugary cereal.. cookies... chocolate... YUM! I have been trying to have some self control. Peaches is a GOOD craving to hav, indulge!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@travelgirl1: Ugh the pelvic pain! It is seriously interfering with my sleep. I need at least 2 pillows. I can instantly feel the relief when I have them in place... but yes, uber annoying when you need to turn over. That is awesome that your DH is a physio, how convenient!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
So since my previous posting I have decided to cancel the weekend reservation and get the DSLR. DH said we will still do some nice local activities and I am totally happy with that. I am also super excited for my new toy.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@fuzzypeaches: I'm craving watermelon! I had this craving for weeks last time. And then one day bam, it went away and DH had to eat a huge watermelon all by himself...
@Reese: DSLRs are amazing! I have a Canon Rebel. I don't use it often because it's pretty bulky, but when I do, every single picture is print-worthy!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@Mama Bird: I got a Canon Rebel too! I also picked up the a prime lens for portraits (50mm f.1.8). I figure at least I will have it for my year off at home and I can bring it/have it for special occasions where I really want some nice memorable shots.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@Reese: You made the right choice! We have the Canon rebel too and LOVE it.
nectarine / 2705 posts
Hey July Mamas! I've been MIA too. Just trying to keep up with the pace of life these days. How is it already the middle of May?!
@Reese: Great choice on getting an SLR. I don't think you'll regret it one bit. I know that I have to make the extra effort to bring that camera out to snap photos. But whenever I do, I'm so happy I did. Almost every memory we have captured with our SLR is frameworthy. Now if only I made the time to actually print some photos...
nectarine / 2705 posts
I know that many of you have spoken about not so great sleep at night. But for those of you that are sleeping well - or anyone else that wants to chime in - does anyone wake up and forget that they are pregnant for a bit? I sometimes wake in the morning and feel like it's all been a dream. Then it's this harsh reminder when I try to roll over and use my abs to sit up I only feel this way when I wake in the morning. Otherwise, I always feel VERY pregnant.
Also - is anyone having difficulty keeping up with the grooming "down there"? It's getting harder and harder to see and I'm just kind of blindly trying to clean things up so I don't look like a hairy beast.
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@ValentineMommy: @sweetooth: So happy to read this! I'm getting really excited for it to arrive and the camera and lens were both on sale so it wasn't that much of a guilty purchase.. I just felt bad for canceling DHs weekend plans. He said he still "owes" me a weekend and we can do it after the baby arrives and have my parents stay at our place to take care of LO
@sweetooth: DH had to assist me last week. It wasn't glamorous but he totally didn't mind. It freaked me out more than him. I imagine he will be helping until DD time.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@sweetooth: I was having insomnia for awhile, but thankfully it's passed. If it weren't for my dying urge to pee the second I wake up, I would feel the same as you, but my bladder is always on the verge of exploding! Lol As far as grooming, I cant see a darn thing down there. Lol I trim as best as I can and shave the bikini line by my legs but that's all I can manage.
@Reese: I'm sure you'll love the camera!
I just tried to paint my toenails and it was soooooo difficult. I didn't have this many problems with ds1, but my belly is SO low! Pretty sure they're a mess, but I can't even tell hahahaha
apricot / 268 posts
@Reese: I think you made the right choice! I have a Canon Rebel too and love it, wish I had it when my DD was first born. And for what it's worth, I stayed in a hotel after a wedding recently and was really looking forward to it... I ended up finally passing out in the chair in the early morning hours because I could NOT get comfortable anywhere!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@sweetooth: last time I got waxed right up until the end, this time I haven't done much but trim it's getting a bit risky though since I can't see so I will probably get a wax!! I don't want to ask DH to help haha!
@fuzzypeaches: I've been really wanting popcorn!
I can't remember who asked me about whether the pendants would be on two separate chains, but I think they would. Who even knows, maybe DH would get me something different (or nothing at all!)
The other day I had the worst reflux/epigastric pain ever. I took every medication I could and nothing helped finally I had to leave work because I was in agony!! It seems better now but I'm scared to eat/drink anything in case!
I have an U/s in a few mins to check placental position since it was slightly low lying at my anatomy u/s. I never has another U/s after my anatomy u/s last time so it will be cool to see!! I'm hoping they can tell me an estimated fetal weight too so I know how scared I should be.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
Estimated fetal weight 4lbs 6oz good thing it's just an estimate!! My son was just under 7lbs at 39 weeks, I'm hoping this one wouldn't be any bigger.
In good news, my placenta has moved!!
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@Reese: so exciting getting a new camera! Congrats!
@sweetooth: I had insomnia at the beginning of my pregnancy, then it went away, and now at 29 weeks it's reared its ugly head again! I've been waking up at 2 and staying awake until 3-3:30 sometimes! Good thing I have lots of interesting things to watch on my DVR.
@QBbride: yay for your placenta moving!
I'm feeling pretty good over here but I'm hungry like ALL THE TIME. I almost wish I had a mini fridge built into my nightstand to help me with my midnight munchies......
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Reese: Happy Birthday for the weekend!
@Ginabean3: ha ha, I LOVE the mini fridge idea
@QBbride: Yay for your placenta moving!
@ValentineMommy: I desperately need to point my toe nails too. But am scared of wearing flip flops as I'm pretty sure I'll start to swell as soon as I do. Last pregnancy I was like elephant man, seriously.
@sweetooth: ha ha oh yes, I need to do something about that mess. DH offered to groom it, but I don't really like that idea.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
Guys, I made the best discovery to ease the crotch pain last night. When you have to turn over in bed, lift your pelvis/bum up as you move. I swear, last night was amazing!
The night before was so bad I was groaning in pain and my sweet daughter asked "mummy, have you hurt yourself? Do you need a cuddle?"
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@travelgirl1: that is so sweet I'm going to try the butt lift. I feel like I must have tried everything but I will try it. I currently sleep with my snoogle and a big pillow between my legs. I can instantly feel the relief.
@QBbride: yay to you placenta moving! Great news!
How is everyone's weight gain? I think I'm at 18ish pounds at 33 weeks.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Reese: When I told DH this morning he was Like "oh yeah, that totally makes sense. I wish I'd have thought of it before for you". Ha yes, me too. Like in 2012 when I went through it the first time
pomelo / 5791 posts
@travelgirl1: Oh man, I'm afraid of the swelling in this heat! I dind't swell at all with DS1, but he was a winter baby. Did your swelling go completely away after you had your dd? I'm afraid when I hear people say their feet grew and never shrank again. I can not buy all new shoes! lol Aww - your dd is so sweet! DS1 has been saying "mommy does your belly hurt? is brother kicking you?" I melt every time!
@Reese: Weight gain is approaching something like 25 pounds now @ 28w. Not happy
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@ValentineMommy: Last time I had a hugely swollen face by about 7 weeks preg and just got worse quickly, as in my doctor would laugh every time she checked my ankles in an "omg!" kind of way, ha. I'll be honest, it took a while for the swelling to shift - I don't think the fluid from the c-section helped matters, but it did all go away and all my pre-preg shoes still fit. This time I am nowhere near as bad but I learned a few tricks from last time. Also, if your feet and ankles start to swell, going for a pedi can really help temporarily because of the massage.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@ValentineMommy: @Reese: I don't have an official weight gain number but it is A LOT. Seriously. I just laugh when well-meaning people try tell me I'm all bump because no, my ass and thighs did not look like this back in October. Fact.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@travelgirl1: Good to know! Yea, I did have the swelling post-csection (which I had no idea about and totally caught me off guard), but it was only a few days. I wonder if there's any way to avoid it? Or is it from all the fluids they pump through you???
Just out of curiosity, who here already knows they're having a c-section?
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@ValentineMommy: I don't think you can avoid the c-section swelling. The heat will likely add to it too. But compression stockings and wearing very unsexy supportive shoes helped me a lot last time. Flip flops really made it worse.
Re c-section, I am very torn, but in my heart I want one. I don't want a vaginal delivery because frankly I am terrified of one. I feel like such a failure because seems I'm the only person in the world who would not want a vbac if they could have one. I have to sort out getting pre natal care again (hopefully getting a cheque certified today for that stupid deposit they want then can finally book an appointment) then talk to a doctor about it.
kiwi / 584 posts
up until now I've just had puffiness in my feet after the day and then it goes away ... today my feet were slightly swollen this morning but it's nothing compared to full leg feet ankle hand swollen all day every day last time at this point
maybe it's because I was SOOO SWOLLEN but post C-section I lost 40lbs by the time I left the hospital and could actually see my ankles again.. bodies are odd
clementine / 950 posts
@Reese: 18 lbs is amazing! I'm definitely way more than that, but I've stopped looking lol.
I didn't have a c/s last time but I also got pretty swollen post vag delivery too, which I always attributed to the abx/IV for presumed strep B. I left the hospital weighing MORE than when I went in, but lost (at least the extra water weight) within a week or so.
I had my 32 week appt yesterday (!!) and we discussed labor plans plus that we will do my Group B swab next appointment (34 wks) just in case I go early again. Sh!t's getting real lol.
clementine / 950 posts
@QBbride: Oh that's such a relief! I can't believe the babies are so big already! It blows my mind that they could just be born now and would probably be just fine with a little help.
@travelgirl1: I'm pretty sure you are not the only one. People get elective C/S sometimes too Also sometimes it's more comfortable with what you know! Also I tried your bed moving trick last night and it totally worked. Miracles
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Reese: I can't imagine being able to be calm enough to have my husband wielding a razor around my bits...you're brave! I'm at 19 lbs at about 32 weeks. I remember putting on the most weight in these final weeks last time around.
@ValentineMommy: I think I'm managing to keep the bikini line in order too, but that's about it! Also, I just trimmed my toenails and that was hard enough. Looks like I need to go for another pedicure pronto!
@QBbride: yay for your placenta! And just take comfort in knowing that weight is an estimate. I was told my 1st baby had a big ol' noggin' - and it wasn't a surprise because it runs in my family. But when he came out, he was tiny! 6lb 6oz. The size of his head now...that's another story...
@Ginabean3: a mini-fridge by the bed sounds perfect...I'd like mine to be full of baked goods and ice cream
@travelgirl1: Do you actually lift your bum with your hands? I'm not sure I could coordinate that kind of move in the night. But I'm going to give it a try tonight. Last night my husband's snoring kept waking me up! And I had to readjust everytime I woke up.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@ValentineMommy: Vaginal birth here. But my fear is that this guy will come early like his brother. So I feel the need to start gathering my hospital bag NOW. I was so unprepared last time, I'd rather be OVERprepared.
@fuzzypeaches: Shiz is totally getting real!
pomelo / 5791 posts
@travelgirl1: My c-sec is medically necessary (and was last time), but I'm with you. I don't (and never) wanted a vaginal delivery. It scares the bejesus out of me lol Don't feel like a failure. No matter the method, all that matters is that you have a healthy baby and you are healthy too!
@sweetooth: I started writing a hospital bag packing list yesterday, so you're not alone! I think when I come back from vacation the first week of June, I will pack mine!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@travelgirl1: if in your heart you want a c/s, then by all means you should have one!! Don't feel like a failure AT ALL! People choose c/s's for a variety of reasons.
@Reese: I have NO idea how much I've gained, I haven't weighed myself since 20 weeks and my midwives don't weigh me. Probably better that way!!
@fuzzypeaches: OMG I can't believe you've talked about labour plans and doing your GBS swab! How is it that time already?! I have an appt next week so I guess we'll touch on labour plans then! Part of me wants to stay home as long as possible and the other part of me wants an epidural asap since I put it off so long last time and I was so miserable until I got one haha!!
How long is everyone's SO's taking off from work? My DH only has 3 days vacation to use for the baby and that includes my labour/delivery apparently if he wants more time off he needs to use unpaid time. They likened the birth of a child to a child's graduation... uhhhh, really?! I found that pretty insulting actually!!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@fuzzypeaches: It feels like I'm the only one, lol. But I know you are right. A lot of the mums I socialize with are home birthing fans so they really think I'm crazy. And yay, so glad the trick helped!
@sweetooth: I think I supported myself with my hands but didn't use them to lift. You don't have to lift very high at all to feel the benefit. Hope it helps
@ValentineMommy: mine was medically necessary last time too so maybe that's why I had such a good experience, it was planned and I didn't labour at all. Not even one contraction!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@QBbride: He's taking two weeks but it's all unpaid. I will need the help though with having our toddler too, especially if I have a c-section. And omg that comment from your DH's employer is totally insulting
kiwi / 541 posts
@travelgirl1: I'll give that move a try too! I have noticed that if I put the full pillow the whole length from knee to toe that it helps more. I was only putting half the pillow in between my knees and the other half up under my belly.
@ValentineMommy: Right now my little guy is weighing a week ahead. We will do another ultrasound in 4 weeks and decide then what to do. But we discussed inducing if we think he is going to be over 9lbs like DS1.
I had my 32 week appt yesterday. My weight is 23lbs. Which I think with DS1 I gained 30lbs total so I'm right on track to gain the same as last time. My feet and hands swelled up really bad over the weekend. But it was from doing WAY too much! My aunt and mother-in-law have been coming over 1 night a week to help me. My mom is back in town and will start helping too. Glad to have the help since DH is gone.
clementine / 950 posts
@sweetooth: I know I'm worried too... have your started your hospital bag? I haven't started yet, but I've been thinking about what I need. Last time I didn't get a chance to put one together and DH brought me clothes that didn't fit lol.
@QBbride: I know! My first birth was super fast (4hrs) and I didn't get the chance to get an epidural. So basically I told him my only "birth plan" is to get an epidural because I thought I was going to die last time. He just laughed and says if things go fast then not to count on it
Also DH was just telling me he has to go out of town soon after baby is born because he's trying to stay in town the month of June. I'm a little peeved about it. And birth does not equal a graduation in any way shape or form. WTF lol
@turkeylurkey: OMG 9 lbs! Does this baby feel as big?
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@fuzzypeaches: umm, you do realize second births are usually way faster than the first time right?
clementine / 950 posts
@QBbride: I know! And the baby is measuring small again :s My Dr. was like, if you feel ANYTHING just go in and text me on your way hahaha.
DH is terrified I will give birth in the car or something.
p.s. I know you work in healthcare too, are you giving the ok for students/residents? I didn't say anything last time and it got kind of awkward as it ended up being people I knew, so this time I've said no.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@fuzzypeaches: I've only thought about the bag, but I think I need to start a list soon. All I had for my first birth experience was chapstick and a hair tie. My water broke in the middle of the night and I didn't really think "this is it!" - I thought, I'll be sent home for sure. Nope! I had to do my best to guide my husband all over the house by phone to bring in clothes for me and for the baby! Let's both start packing this weekend
@ValentineMommy: yay for early hospital bag packing!
@QBbride: wow - the birth of a child is so far from graduation...ugh. Companies! My husband is taking off 2 weeks. But I wish he could take off longer.
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