pomegranate / 3521 posts
@turkeylurkey: Great news!!
@cait: Love the name!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Great idea! so cute!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@turkeylurkey: great news about her growth!!
@simplyfelicity: au can't believe your boy is measuring 2 weeks ahead! I wonder if he'll come early?? I love your organized drawers! Only slightly jealous since I'm so unprepared!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@turkeylurkey: that's great news!
I think I've grown a few sizes last week. I've had ten different people at work and in the neighborhood ask if I'm pregnant (wait, so before they thought I ate too many donuts?) and people have started giving me a seat on the subway. Soooo nice! I'm really drained after a day at work, and sitting down makes such a difference.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@simplyfelicity: wow look at you go! those tiny little clothes all folded up are so adorable!!
@Mama Bird: so people are just now noticing? I feel like I have been obviously pregnant and getting comments for at least 6 weeks (29 weeks now) and I don't remember it happening so early last time..
@turkeylurkey: so glad baby is growing and healthy!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
as for me, i forgot to update that I had my appointment on friday with a follow up sono and my placenta moved far enough away that the doctor was happy. Baby boy is measuring on target (within a week of my due date) and is already head down and on the right side, which is where i thought he was!
things are still crazy with moving but coming together and i keep telling myself it will be over soon (we close in two weeks)!
pregnancy wise, I feel good. Regular movements and less discomfort lately. Not sure if it is better sleep or doing pregnancy workouts but I will take it. DH is working nights right now and the upside is that I have the whole bed to myself to sprawl out! Trying to find the silver lining...
pomelo / 5791 posts
@simplyfelicity: Love the organization, and that I'm not the only one nesting.
@Mama Bird: I've also had people noticing recently. This morning a coworker asked if I was expecting - I was like, "Yea, in 89 days" lol And great update! So exciting to be closing in 2 weeks!!!!
As for me, I'm trying one last time to wean off the Diclegis. I'm so over feeling nauseated, but I just can't bring myself to buy another bottle of it lol. I'm down to 1 pill (day 3 now) and still feeling ok. I'm going to go completely off of it starting this weekend, I think. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
clementine / 920 posts
@MamaCate: My DH is working nights from now until our due date so I have a lot of room to sprawl out in bed. Except for when our pup decides to snuggle!
nectarine / 2600 posts
@MamaCate: Having the bed to yourself is divine!! I love when DH gets out of bed in the am! lol
apricot / 324 posts
Oh my gosh I am so behind on this thread!
I saw something a few pages back about stretch marks and I have to share. I got them horribly with my first pregnancy. After, I started using coconut oil to fade them. It worked like a charm and way better than any of the other stuff I tried. So with this pregnancy I started with the coconut oil from the get go and it's been amazing. My old ones haven't gotten worse or more red and I only have a few new ones (as of now) and they're not nearly as red and angry as the old ones were at the point. Plus, coconut oil is amazing for dry cracked nipples when breast feeding!
My sweet hubby and his best friend are painting the nursery today. Finally! After that's done I'll feel like some progress is being made. We bought the dresser at IKEA yesterday and ordered the ottoman (my mom bought us the glider as a gift). So we officially have all the furniture too. Now to get it all together and put the clothes away. I'm so glad to be having another boy since we already have so many clothes!
kiwi / 541 posts
@Mama Bird: Don't you just love that?!
@MamaCate: Yes the bed to yourself is a huge bonus right now. I make my DH sleep upstairs in the guest bed. Or I should say he starts out in the bed with me but I have a gazillion pillows and apparently am snoring a lot! LOL
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@QBbride: I wish! I have a feeling he is just going to be HUGE.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: what cute favors! and it's fun to have a nice dress for your maternity shoot. we're doing a combo family/maternity shoot and i'm trying to decide what to wear.
@Mama Bird: i'm pretty sure i had a growth spurt also. someone at work said "wow you're really pregnant". and the cashier in the cafeteria who is also pregnant asked me whether i got bigger. i guess the answer is yes!
@Candy_nee: that's awesome that coconut oil worked for you! i love coconut oil because of the yummy smell, although i haven't used it for a while (i'm a cetaphil girl most of the time).
@simplyfelicity: i'm jealous of your nesting abilities. the clothes organizing is the part i'm least looking forward to.
kiwi / 541 posts
@simplyfelicity: I'm over-whelmed with LO's clothes. I'm using my DS' clothes which I have over 5 storage tubs full. I tried really hard to keep all the same sizes in the same tub but that didn't happen. So now that I've started pulling the Newborn out I'm also getting up to a 9 month size. It's like a clothes explosion in his closet right now and I'm really not in the mood to figure it all out. Send your closest fairy dust my way please
nectarine / 2834 posts
@simplyfelicity: he'll be perfect. And I was measuring 28 weeks at 26 weeks and started panicking. And I'm definitely bigger this time around. But at 29 weeks, I was measuring 27 "mayyybe 28". The doc thinks the baby just dropped.
With DD, I was always measuring what week I was, and she ended up being 6'15" so she was on the smaller side.
nectarine / 2834 posts
I just got everything down from the attic but I'm trying to hold off washing everything until about 36 weeks so I don't have to wash it all again. But I'm finding that I'm going to need all new newborn and 0-3m clothes for this one because almost everything is long-sleeved.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Tidybee: That's a relief to hear! I was imagining this 12lb baby.
@turkeylurkey: @edelweiss: Hahaha, It really was a pain in the butt. Plus, I put all new contact paper in the dresser. I have one more drawer to do and then I am done!
@Candy_nee: How exciting! You have to share a picture of the finished paint. I will have to try the coconut oil. I have noticed the start of stretch marks, @TheSwissWifeStyle: Same here! I miss DH when he is gone...but not at night,.
@MamaCate: Yay for placenta previa fixing itself!
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@simplyfelicity: oil up! What does the beginning of a stretch mark look like? Pink? I've been searching. I know I will get them but I'm just waiting to see when it will happen.
When are people having their showers? Mine is this Saturday and I'm having some anxiety. I hate being the center of attention! I bought this dress which im super excited to wear.
clementine / 950 posts
@turkeylurkey: what a relief! I just went through my zillion baby clothes tubs too! Omg it was exhausting. I thought I had been way more organized than it was lol.
@Reese: that dress is amazing! I'm not having a shower this time but I can't wait to see pics of everyone's because j think they are so fun! @TheSwissWifeStyle: your favors are so cute! @MamaCate: great update!!
I love how we are all nesting! It really is starting to feel real now I went to BRU this weekend and bought a bunch of the little things (breast pads, lanolin, pacis etc) and set up the bassinet and swing :)!
I'm not doing a nursery right now because I need to wait until our guests that come after baby are gone, but I'm trying not to get too bummed about it
clementine / 950 posts
@Tidybee: I ended up buying new stuff too because my sons stuff is all fleece and winter lol. Also buying baby clothes is fun
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Reese: Have you been using oil? It kind of looks like light pink lines. I am assuming it's the beginning of stretch marks.
That dress is SO pretty! Where is it from? My shower is May 30th.
pomegranate / 3521 posts
@simplyfelicity: Thyme maternity. I'm having a smaller shower back home on the 30th too but this weekend is my "main" one. I was worried everyone was going off of the registry because not a lot was purchased but today 15 items were bought. I guess everyone was just waiting until the last minute
I use a cocoa butter cream every few days.. Doubt it helps at all. I got stretch marks when I went through a growth spurt when I was younger (on my chest) and I have some on my thighs from around the same time. I have no doubt I will be covered in them
clementine / 920 posts
@Reese: Love the dress!
I had a shower back home at the beginning of April, my co-workers threw a shower at the office last Friday and then I have another shower in town at the end of the month. This baby is very loved!
nectarine / 2600 posts
@Reese: That dress is great! Have fun at your shower Mine isn't til June 13, I'm wearing this dress:
pomelo / 5791 posts
@Reese: loooove that dress. My sprinkle is May 31!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: so pretty!!
@Tidybee: Same here...I had to buy newborn and 3m stuff since DS2 is going to be born opposite seasons of DS1.
You ladies are making me want to shop for a shower/sprinkle dress now. Plus my maternity/family pics are the day before so I'll probably wear the same thing, depending on how much I spend on it. I need to go shopping!!!!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@Reese: @TheSwissWifeStyle: I love both your dresses!! I don't think I'm having a shower this time. Maybe we'll host a "meet the baby" bbq after baby is here??
@fuzzypeaches: eek we haven't bought anything new for the baby! Just 2 swaddle blankets and a ride on board for my UppaBaby for DS which I need to pick up in the States tomorrow.
apricot / 306 posts
@Reese: I had my first of two showers this past weekend! It was really lovely, although I have to say that I was surprised by how many people brought off-registry gifts. All lovely things, don't get me wrong, but I am getting a little nervous that we are going to have to spend a lot on trying to finish the registry ourselves. (We got LOTS of cute clothes but no bottles, that kind of thing!)
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@Reese: @TheSwissWifeStyle: those are so pretty!
I'm kind of hoping to avoid having a shower or anything of the sort! It'll be bad enough when baby is born and everyone wants to give her clothes - if we get as many as we did for DS, I won't get to pick a cute outfit for her till she's like three
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@Reese: @TheSwissWifeStyle: both of your dresses are so beautiful! I'm just wearing a boring black tank jersey dress for our BaByQ next week, but I did buy myself a new necklace to spice things up.
kiwi / 584 posts
I'm loving all the nesting! I'm definitely behind.. we're planning to paint the nursery next weekend.
I definitely have stretch marks but I'm prone to them so I was expecting them to appear.
So I can't believe I'm in the less than 2 month countdown!!!!!
nectarine / 2600 posts
Anyone who is pregnant w/ their first celebrating MD as a mom?
We are going over to the ILs tonight to celebrate MD for MIL, not sure if I'll be included as a "mom" this year. But my mom sent me a card and something to open for tomorrow, so that's nice I doubt DH got me anything. I did order him something for Father's Day next month though. Well, they're really onesies for the baby, but they say things like, "I got my good lucks from my dad" etc.
I'm a Girl Scout leader, and funnily enough we have our Daddy-Daughter dance tomorrow! Whoops. We originally wanted it today but the hall we rented was already booked.
Anyway, Happy Mother's Day to us all!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
I got so behind on this thread!
I love the dresses you guys posted, and congratulations to those whose placentas moved out of the way
I had an ultrasound on Monday and baby was looking great, they commented several times on how active he is, ha. The placenta has moved! Yay! And he is head down, which surprised me a lot as DD wS breech.
So now I need to really get on sorting out some pre natal care. And I guess decide between a vbac or a c section. I am leaning heavily towards a c section, partly because after all the stress of this last few months it would be so nice just to go to hospital and know what will happen. Even better if I can make it to my due date and not have to pay for it, but, we will see.
Here is my little dude:
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@travelgirl1: So happy that you can now choose the type of birth you want. That's great news. And what a cutie!
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