cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: @fuzzypeaches: I am super stoked about it! MIl bought it for us. My sister has had four kids and recommended a good recliner over a glider. We even "test drove" it with my 4 month old nephew and it passed the test!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Bluemasonjar: Fingers crossed you get off the waitlist soon and can snag a spot!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@fuzzypeaches: Dude. Pregnancy makes me angry/irritated or I cry while watching "Pitbulls and Parolees." I have problems.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@travelgirl1: Still having all day, every day nausea here. I tried twice (unsuccessfully) to wean off the diclegis, when in reality, I think I need a higher dosage. At 26w now, I'm pretty sure it's not going to go away until he's here. So sorry you're still dealing with this too
@Reese: Thank goodness! So happy for you!
@simplyfelicity: Whoohooo for the comfy chair! Love it!
nectarine / 2705 posts
I had the most bizarre dream last night. My baby actually pushed his hand against my tummy - still covered in my skin - and I placed my finger in his hand and he clasped his tiny little fingers around my finger. By far, my weirdest pregnant dream yet. Anyone else having bizarre dreams?
nectarine / 2705 posts
@MrsMcInnis: Welcome to the July mama group! And congratulations!
@QBbride: Good luck with your renovations! I went through that during my first pregnancy but we lived in the house through it. So you're smart to have another place to go. And yay for stopping your night shifts!!!
@travelgirl1: I thought I was through with the nausea. But it seems like if I get up in the morning and have to make a ton of movement really quickly - like, tend to my son and battle any craziness on the changing table - before I've had a bite to eat, then I start to gag and heave. This nausea needs to END! I'll be 30 weeks this Saturday! I never had my golden trimester during this pregnancy Sorry to hear you're still battling it.
@simplyfelicity: What a comfy looking chair!
@Reese: So happy for you! That's such great news! Enjoy nesting and preparing for that little baby of yours.
@Bluemasonjar: Daycare planning can be so stressful! Be sure to get on that waiting list though, because you never know when other people's plans change and you are moved right up to the top of the list.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@sweetooth: omg yes on the dreams. So weird, every night! Haven't really had any about the baby though, except months ago when I dreamed that I gave myself an ultrasound, and it projected the image into a mirror of a one year old baby boy! (This was before we found out we were having a boy!)
clementine / 950 posts
@QBbride: ong yes! I cannot imagine feeling like this and doing renos lol. Part time sounds amaaaaazing! Will you work up until the end?@simplyfelicity: hahahahaha Id probably have a very similar response!
@ValentineMommy: I can't believe you are still so nauseous that's awful! My very superstitious mom always used to say that your stomach and dreams are connected (ie upset stomach = bad dream) lol.
@bluemasonjar: january is still far enough away that hopefully something opens up! Ppl are always moving/changing jobs! Do you have a backup??
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@simplyfelicity: that recliner looks so comfy! it may be my solution to seating in my big girl's room that i just started thinking about!
@fuzzypeaches: still fairly emotional. We were talking about going to the hospital for the delivery and how someone would stay with LO and she said "but Mama, I always call for you" and I practically burst into tears!
@sweetooth: what a crazy dream! I have more vivid dreams but not that many about baby that I can remember.
@Bluemasonjar: fingers crossed that you get in early! Any other options? With LO#1, the daycare we loved didn't have a spot until 2 months after maternity leave ended and we were able to line up family (mostly my mom) to come watch LO.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
So my questions for the day:
-Anyone else feel like baby has already picked a side? I feel like baby is almost always hanging out on my right side, head down. LO#1 did that too but I don't remember it until later.
-If you have an older LO, do you have a plan yet for who will watch them when you go to the hospital? Especially if you don't have family in town? We are trying to figure this out now even though I know we have some time...
clementine / 950 posts
@MamaCate: omg that's so sweet!!!
I have a nanny so I'm hoping she will watch him (although she just told me she is on vacation June 19-26
nectarine / 2600 posts
@MamaCate: a side? I dunno...the last few days I feel like he is doing jumping jacks or something, because I feel him all over! How do you tell...??
clementine / 950 posts
Bah it keeps cutting off my other post but yes, this lo is all up on te right side just like the last one!
clementine / 920 posts
@simplyfelicity: @sweetooth: @fuzzypeaches: I am mostly frustrated that during the tour they didn't mention any issues with timing and openings. Since they ladder up to pre-school there are limits to the children accepted in different age groups but we did get our name added to the wait list.
So far I have found 1 other center in that area with an opening so I am touring on Thursday. Still reaching out to a few others and will expand my search to closer to home (less convenient and a concern with being able to get there on time after work.)
clementine / 950 posts
@Bluemasonjar: this is making me stressed about childcare for lo1 actually! I want to put him in preschool but he's be old enough until March and they haven't opened the wait list yet!
I guess it's a case of too much demand and not enough supply! are you going back to work in jan??
clementine / 920 posts
@fuzzypeaches: I have found this process the most overwhelming.
I am taking my 12 weeks off then DH is going to take another 12 weeks so we can keep Lo home until after the holidays. DH's company is changing their vacation policy so he ended up with a bunch of time to use up and can take some leave.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@sweetooth: @TheSwissWifeStyle: Ummm...yes on the weird dreams. I actually just had a dream last night that I was in an xray room at the hospital while someone was being scanned. I totally forgot about the radiation, started freaking out, and asked the tech if it was harmful for my baby. Just to be sure, she beat me with a bag of bagels (no joke.) A little while later, I started bleeding from the same spots that she hit me with the bagels and my mom thought I was making a big deal out of the puncture wounds. How is that for bizarre?
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@MamaCate: Yes! He loves my right side which is my "bad" side. I have been having this numb feeling under my right breast for weeks and has recently turned into a muscle ripping sensation. I told my doctor and he said the only cure is delivery.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
Okay, so totally weird but I think I felt hiccups in my nether regions. Wonder if that means he is head down already?
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@MamaCate: I feel a lot of kicks on the right side, so I think that's where he's comfiest
For childcare, we are considering asking my MIL to fly out. Otherwise, I have two close friends lined up. One is out of town around my due date but would be great if he comes early.
@simplyfelicity: I cannot even imagine how that must feel, lol.
@sweetooth: I think the golden trimester is a lie
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
Have any of you guys with heartburn woken up choking on it yet? This used to happen when I was pregnant with DD and used to scare DH to death. It happened for the first time with this baby the other night, so scary and gross.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: oooh, which pattern did you get? I really want the BFF as well...I love how it has a backpack option! I put it on my registry so I need to wait and be patient until after my shower before biting the bullet in case anyone gets it for me!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@travelgirl1: yes I wake up coughing on the acid! It's horrible!! I take a good swig of mint Gaviscon before bed and it really helps.
@simplyfelicity: there's a good chance he's head down!! My midwife confirmed my babe was head down (my palpitation) last week.
@Bluemasonjar: finding childcare is so stressful! But you never know, spots could become available when you need it. I find a lot of families plans change, they get into a different centre etc. We lucked out when finding care for our DS. A spot came up a month earlier than we needed it but we took it anyway (and paid for a month we didn't use it for... ugh!)
@MamaCate: I think this LO is hanging out on my right side. That's what my midwife told me last week at least haha. I feel movement everywhere so it's hard to narrow down where it is. I hope that my mum can look after our son when this baby is born. I haven't really checked with her but I'm sure she will. Ideally I'd go into labour early morning and DH could take DS to daycare (as long as it's Tues-Thurs since that's when we have daycare starting in July) and the baby would be born that afternoon. Is that too much to ask?? Hahaha.
@fuzzypeaches: we finally moved out of our house last night! I would not recommend packing up an entire house in less than a week but it's DONE! What a relief. I think for my last shift I'll be about 36 weeks. That's close enough to the end for me!! I have a few weeks of vacation I can use. When are you working till?
In the best news ever, I passed my GD test!!! I was SO nervous since I miserably failed the first one but it's all good. Now I can eat whatever I want guilt-free
nectarine / 2705 posts
@simplyfelicity: hahahaahahahaha!!! A bag of bagels! That is a bizarre dream
@TheSwissWifeStyle: wow! That's a cool dream to have and even more amazing that it was like a preview of your baby boy!
@MamaCate: I feel like my guy is totally hanging out on my right side. And as far as LO#1, we are talking through scenarios with our neighbor coming over temporarily if we end up going to the hospital in the middle of the night like we did with LO#1. And then having my sister come over ASAP to relieve the neighbor. In a dream world we'd take him to daycare and have the baby during the day...hahaha! Like non c-section babies ever come on a schedule.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Bluemasonjar: I'd be frustrated by that too. I often felt that in the daycare search I would leanr something new to ask each of the new places we visited with every center we went to. It's a very stressful process. I hope it all works out well for you and that you get the place you are most comfortable with.
@simplyfelicity: Yeah! hiccups down there is a good sign. I totally forgot about those feelings...they are super bizarre. But also reassuring.
@travelgirl1: I believe I experienced the most golden 2nd trimester during my 1st pregnancy. I felt like a million bucks! This time around - ROBBED!
@QBbride: Congrats on passing the test!!! Celebrate with something delicious!
kiwi / 541 posts
I think mine is on the right side head down. Will know next week at my ultrasound. Hit 30 weeks! Crazy to think 10 weeks to go. Maybe sooner or could go a week past like last time. Will see.
As for plans with DS during the hospital. I've thought about it but haven't talked it over with anyone yet. He's in daycare so he can go there during the day. I hate to ask my mom because I want her help when we come home. The other problem is my SIL is due the week before so it is possible we bingo at the same time. Which also means my mom will feel like she needs to help them too. I think I'll end up relying on my in-laws to keep DS. I'm thinking they can stay at our house that way they can get him to daycare easier. And come visit us at the hospital.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: if you are feeling jumping jacks all over, the answer is probably no! The way I can tell is that I feel more movements on the right side, when I lay down and look at my bump it is not symmetrical but instead sticks out more on that side, and when he gets close to the surface of my belly I feel what I think is the head on the right.
kiwi / 584 posts
@Bluemasonjar: good luck in your search, our preschool search has been a roller coaster too!!
@Reese: HOORAY that is so great!!!!!
@Ginabean3: I got lilac lace in the BFF and sapphire lace in the be prepared.. they are waiting for me when I get home, I can't stand it!
I ate pineapple today, and apparently it is not agreeing with babe.. my whole tummy is sooo angry
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@Mrs. Pickles: swoon! Both of those patterns are so gorgeous! Lucky girl!
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@MamaCate: I definitely feel like baby is in my right side head down as well!
As for my 2 year SIL and BIL just moved 5 miles away from us (and my SIL doesn't work) so they will watch LO until either my mom or in-laws get here. (Mom and in-laws are each 60 min away in opposite directions)
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@QBbride: yay! I'm so happy you passed!
I actually failed the first one as well and it was stressing me out...(I really really really love food and the thought of having to restrict myself made me nervous)...I just took my 3 hr one on Saturday and passed too! Yay for us!
apricot / 306 posts
Hey girls! We are back from our lovely French babymoon & it was SUCH a wonderful experience. Everything went very smoothly and it was so great to have that special experience together before really buckling down on getting ready for baby!
Like all of you I am also sleeping terribly! Not even because I'm uncomfortable but it's just totally random inexplicable insomnia. I start waking up around 2:30 AM every day and then wake up on and off every hour or so until 5 when I get up. It sucks! Having AWFUL heartburn too.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@angelachase: how lovely! I'm so glad you had a great time on your baby moon!
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@QBbride: @Ginabean3: yay! I passed my three hour test too! So awesome.
@simplyfelicity: bagels? That's a really odd dream
@MamaCate: my mom is coming to watch DS when I go to the hospital. I'm a little worried how I'll deal with early labor before then, though... last time it was overnight and I sat on every piece of furniture, plus the floor, trying to get comfortable. This will not be an option with DS running around But it probably doesn't take hours the second time around, and I'm being silly worrying about it!
pomelo / 5791 posts
@fuzzypeaches: seriously. I'm so over the nausea.
@MamaCate: this baby is all over the place. As for ds1, when dh is at the hospital, my parents will watch him. But, they're local to us.
@simplyfelicity: aww I miss the hiccups. Ds1 had them ALL the time (and frequently for the first year of his life). He might be was down, but he could still be moving around in there.
@angelachase: your trip sounds amazing!
apricot / 324 posts
@MamaCate: oh yeah my little dude is almost always on the right side. Could explain that weird pain I was having recently...
I was actually worried about who was going to keep DS1 while I'm in labor and during the day during my hospital stay bc my mom will come in but she and my in laws will be at the hospital all day with us during both. But my little sister is moving to NC and staying with us for a bit so she can take care of him while everyone is at the hospital. And bring him to us to visit.
apricot / 268 posts
Hey mamas!
I got the results of my GD test today and I passed! So relieved.
Starting to get reeeeeeal uncomfortable over here. Sleep is becoming a joke and I officially hate being in the car for more than 15 minutes. On one hand, I feel like time is going by so quickly and she'll be here before I know it, but on the other hand I can't believe I'm going to keep growing and waddling around for another 13 weeks!
clementine / 950 posts
@Bluemasonjar: Oh that's so nice that he can take some time! Do they have openings if LO starts a little earlier?? It is so stressful :s
@simplyfelicity: that is totally bizarre!!! You should write that one down to read later hahaha
@sweetooth: yeah, definitely not the golden trimester at all
@QBbride: So happy you passed! I was thinking of you today! I cannot believe you moved while this pregnant!
36 weeks sounds perfect - I'm planning to stop at 37w2d (although LO came early so I'll just see what happens!) but I'm already counting down the days. SO. OVER. WORK which I usually love!
@Mrs. Pickles: Congrats on passing! What a relief!
@angelachase: France sounds amazing! So glad you guys had a good time :)! Was travelling pretty comfortable?
@turkeylurkey: How fun to have your SIL due at the same time! Is it her first or also second?
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