Hellobee Boards


July 2015 Mamas!

  1. Mrs. Pickles

    kiwi / 584 posts

    aww man I wouldn't be able to survive without AC - for those of you without.. I'm sending you an ice machine

    so my DS told me.. mom.. the baby is going to like my sweet dance moves.. so funny
    and baby is up in my rib cage, we can feel little feet just poking out such a fun feeling

  2. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Candy_nee: So glad to hear all is well!
    @Mrs. Pickles: I think my little guy got the same memo. He was lodging himself up in my ribcage while teaching. Yeah...a little distracting. And I accept your offer of the ice machine.

  3. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @sweetooth: Glad to see you back and that the job is going well!

  4. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @Candy_nee: So glad everything went well with your ultrasound!

    @Mrs. Pickles: My little guy is a big fan of the rib kicks too

  5. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @sweetooth: hope your new job is going well! I do think your body tells you if back sleeping isn't good. With my first pregnancy I used to feel fine on my back but I feel very breathless if I do it this time so I avoid it.

  6. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @Candy_nee: @ValentineMommy: I wake up hot in the motn. I'm so out of it, but I'm like sweating and stuff. It's not fun.

    @Tidybee: Ugh, I had "slowed digestion" in the first tri. and a bit into the 2'nd. I'm so glad it's seemed to resolve itself. It was awful. I wouldn't go for like a week.

    @sweetooth: dang, something else linked to not drinking enough water! I suck at it. They seem to come and go, thankfully today is a much better day! And glad to hear from you!

  7. Candy_nee

    apricot / 324 posts

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: it's awful! I've taken to sleeping in a tank top and my panties. I think part of my problem is my bump nest pillow. But I can't sleep without it. So basically I'm screwed either way. I don't know how I'm going to sleep at all this summer!

  8. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @simplyfelicity: @travelgirl1: Thanks you guys! The job is going well. But it's crazy to tap into the "start a new role and impress my boss" mode while in the back of my mind I'm thinking, "Will I even be around when they are planning to launch this effort?" Doing my best to just stay focused and kick butt

    @travelgirl1: I'm trying to trust that will happen. I just couldn't get comfortable with my snoogle this time around so I'm taking the sleep however it comes. By the way - I'm glad to hear that everything is working out for you with the doctors, etc. That had to be such a stressful process!

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: I spoke with my OB today about the 'roids. She also reminded me about my diet. I have definitely been neglecting my fruits and veggies. So while water is still super important, diet is important too. Sounds so obvious, but when you feel queasy all the way until the third trimester, sometimes carbs are the only way to help!

  9. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    I had a good, boring OB appointment today. My OB said that the little guy is all tucked up on the right side of my body. That's definitely where I feel the most kicks. I was also told to start regularly counting my kicks. Are any of you using an app for this? I know it's important to stay on top of. I just have to figure out a way to remind myself to do it. Most of the time I feel kicks and think, "Yay! Kicks!" But now I need to be more mindful, and count.

  10. Mama Bird

    pomegranate / 3127 posts

    Ugh, I failed the one hour test big time and my iron is low. Maybe it's because I was sick and barely ate the week before, and fasted that morning... no idea if that could mess up results. The nurse that called me made it sound like it's some kind of emergency and I have to get retested and start "treatment" ASAP. And I know perfectly well I might just pass the second test like last time, but she did a great job making me feel sick from the stress

    At least DS is being such a big boy, he's been sleeping in a big boy bed since Monday! He's impossible to get to sleep if he wants to party, but I think he realizes this is a big improvement and he's doing great. So proud of him!

  11. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Mama Bird: Proud of your little boy! And hoping that you do well on the second test. Do you have to wait a while before you take it?

  12. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @sweetooth: Glad to see your update and that the job is going well! I am definitely starting to feel the one foot out the door vibe and I still have 12 weeks to go! As for kick counts, I never did them with my first pregnancy and don't plan to for this one. My OB never recommended them and they just seem like a way to stress yourself out! If I noticed I hadn't felt LO in a while, I would try to drink water or eat something small and then pay attention, and I would always feel movement.

    @Mama Bird: Sorry to hear about your failed test and boo to the nurse who made you feel bad! I do hope you pass the longer test and ring have to worry! And so exciting about your son and the big boy bed! So happy he is doing well with the transition!

  13. Mama Bird

    pomegranate / 3127 posts

    @sweetooth: thanks! I'm going in this morning, because it's such an "emergency," lol. Well, mostly because I can't do it on a weekend this time, and might as well get it over with now and have results before my next doctor visit. And glad the job is going well!

    @MamaCate: thanks! So happy for DS too! He's very pleased with himself

  14. Mrs. Pickles

    kiwi / 584 posts

    I finally bit the bullet and bought a Ju-Ju-Bee BFF.
    I've been super obsessed with finding a diaper bag I like so we'll see how this one sorts out.

    Amazon free return and 2 day shipping .. I also got it for $120 so I felt justified

    Have ya'll been obsessing about one purchase lately?

  15. Mrs. Pickles

    kiwi / 584 posts

    ok ok so I bought the be prepared too.. but I just had to know which one works better!

    @ValentineMommy: you understand me on this one right?

  16. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    Anyone getting sucker punched in the ribs? I just winced in front of my class and scared them.

  17. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @simplyfelicity: Oh my goodness, the rib kicks! DD never did that so this had totally blown me away. Ouch.

  18. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @sweetooth: thanks, we are so thankful we have the visa issue sorted. Still nowhere near sorted with the healthcare situation but DH managed to get quotes for everything but the OB's time if we need a c-section before OHIP starts. I think we are looking at about $10,000.

  19. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @Mama Bird: sorry about your test . Yay for your DS and his big boy bed!

  20. MrsMcInnis

    apple seed / 4 posts

    Hi ladies! I have just discovered the Hello Bee, so I'm joining pretty late!

    Location: Regina, SK. Canada

    EDD: July 16, 2015

    How far along: 28 weeks

    First child? Yes!

    First doctor appointment: Sometime in November.

    Any symptoms so far? Just lost of kicking and rolling around now.

    Who have you told? Everyone!

  21. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @MrsMcInnis: Welcome and congratulations!!! Do you know if you are having a boy or girl?

  22. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @travelgirl1: Yikes! Hoping the placenta previa fixes itself soon!

  23. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @MrsMcInnis: welcome!!

    I've been so busy recently I haven't had much time to check in!! DH and I are attempting to pack up our whole house in preparation for major renos that won't be done until June 17! Eek!! And we have to be out on Monday.

    Baby is good! I just had a midwife appt this week and she wrote me a note to stop my night shifts (thank god) and only work my day shifts, so looks like I will be working part-time until baby comes luckily I have lots of sick time saved up!! She said baby is head down and I will have another U/s between 32-34 weeks to make sure my placenta has moved out of the way. It only had 0.3cm to move so I'm not concerned. I go for my 2-hour GD test on Monday and I realllly hope I pass it. I'm on my feet all day when I work and my crotch is so sore! Anybody else??

  24. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @simplyfelicity: Not yet! LOs movements are starting to feel more "weird" though. Like, "Eh...that's a slightly uncomfortable spot...."

    @MrsMcInnis: welcome!

  25. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @MrsMcInnis: welcome and congrats!

    @simplyfelicity: Thanks! I have an ultrasound in a week so I guess we will see then.

    @QBbride: Good luck with the renos! I hear you on the crotch pain, it's horrendous. Mine is mainly on a night but every time I turn over it kills!

  26. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    Anyone else struggling with nausea still? Mine never vanished but did improve significantly. This week though it has really amped up and yesterday was awful, urgh.

    Hope you all gave a great weekend with lots of sunshine!

  27. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @MrsMcInnis: welcome! My due date is only a day after yours! So glad to have you join us!

    @QBbride: yes on crotch pain! Not as bad as last time yet but more uncomfortable when I walj too much or sit too much. Good luck on your GD test and the move!

  28. MrsMcInnis

    apple seed / 4 posts

    Thanks all!! Happened have found a this site, even if a little late! My original due date was the 17th, so I would've had a few date twins.

    @simpliyfelicity We're having a little girl!!

  29. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    Just got our Laz Z Boy recliner! I love it (and so do my dogs!)

  30. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    Follow up this week and everything came back as benign so happy that is all behind me and I can get back to worrying about everything else involved in growing this little man.

    YES! To the crotch pain while sleeping. When turning over its the worst - what is up with that??

  31. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Reese: What wonderful news!

  32. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @Reese: oh hurray! I am so thrilled to see this! So glad you can move on and focus on getting ready for baby!!

  33. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @Reese: best news ever!!

  34. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @Reese: brilliant news! So happy for you

  35. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @travelgirl1: No on the nausea, thank goodness. So sorry you're still dealing with it

    @simplyfelicity: nice! I love a good recliner! I inherited the one that my parents had, it's in our living room. My mom gave it to my dad for Valentine's Day in like, 1989 or something! And it's held up! (Knock on wood, lol.)

    @Reese: Yes!!! I'm so glad all is well!!!

  36. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @Reese: YAY!! Best news ever!!! Now you can relax and hopefully enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!

    I'm going for my 2-hour GD test this morning. Crossing everything that I pass!

    This baby feels SO low today, it feels like she's gonna fall out! Eek!!

  37. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @MrsMcInnis: welcome!!
    @simplyfelicity: that looks amazing lol. I want to sit in something like that right now!

    @Reese: best news everrrrr! So happy! @QBbride: good luck today!

    I've been so MIA mostly because I have been SO hormonal and crazy! I can't even stand myself lol. Please tell me I'm not the only one on the hormonal express train :s

  38. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: haha I'm hormonal and crazy too. Add majorly stressed on top of that and I'm a disaster!

    In good news, my midwife wrote me a note to take my nights off and only work my day shifts. Part-time here I come!!

  39. Bluemasonjar

    clementine / 920 posts

    @Reese: Great news!

  40. Bluemasonjar

    clementine / 920 posts

    I was feeling good about baby prep until I dropped off the registration paperwork at the daycare we selected today. The director called me later to say that they don't have any open spots but we could be put on the wait list.

    I am freaking out, we didn't like the other centers we toured. I sent out a few inquiries via email and so far only one has responded saying they don't have an opening until March 2016 and we need care starting in January . . .

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