Hellobee Boards


July 2015 Mamas!

  1. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @QBbride: I got up to 7lbs I couldn't resist it!

  2. Chocoholic

    cherry / 216 posts

    @ValentineMommy: I requested to join the FB group!

    How many weeks are you: 32!

    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Some heartburn, nothing too terrible yet.

    Innie or outtie: Flat?? Lol very shallow innie!

    Rings on or off: On!

    Lately I've been craving: everything I'm not suppose to have.. Ice cream, chocolate and French fries! Boo!!

    Stretch marks: None yet, fingers crossed.

    Braxton Hicks: I think?

    Hospital bag packed: Not yet. I'm in the less is more club.

    Baby's room: Baby will be in with me and DH for a couple months then in with DS. Hoping to set up the crib soon to have DS get used to there being another one in there.

    Baby shower: Nope (#2)

    DH/DW/Partner: He is a pretty awesome dude, I'm lucky to have him!!

  3. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: you know your babe will be small though! I have no idea what size mine will be. I guess my DS was just under 7 lbs and was in newborn clothing for about 6 weeks so I should get the small size to be safe.

  4. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @QBbride: or just get both and return one but I think even bigger babes for best in newborn to come home?

  5. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: ok! I'm sold. Better go pick it up and then hide it from DH.

  6. Mama Bird

    pomegranate / 3127 posts

    @travelgirl1: yeah it's even harder when the name you like is already a family name! We have a couple we like, but we can't use them for similar reasons. Plus we kind of promised we'd name the baby after my grandpa, so we've got to pick a first or middle name that starts with the same letter or something. And the worst part is, I've no idea what this baby's personality is like. maybe it sounds silly, but I could tell what DS is like way before he was born. No clue this time

  7. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @QBbride: I was gonna make it secret once everyone had joined. Would people still be able to find it through the link and join if it were secret?

  8. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @ValentineMommy: no I think you'd have to add them as a friend then add them to the group! I'm sure if we make it secret in the next few days it's all good!!

  9. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    How many weeks are you: 34! Holy crap..

    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Acid reflux when I go to bed, serious pubic pain, and LOTS of baby hiccups!

    Innie or outtie: outtie... now

    Rings on or off: On

    Lately I've been craving: Sweets, burgers...fries.. anything I probably shouldn't be eating.

    Stretch marks: None yet, but I am almost positive I will get them at some point.

    Braxton Hicks: No, no idea what they would feel like but I am pretty sure I haven't experienced them.

    Hospital bag packed: No, I still need to get a couple of things (front open PJ's) but DH mentioned on his way to work today that we should start getting that ready.

    Baby's room: Is completely done. All we need is a mattress pad but I am going to wait until my second shower before I buy the things we still need. We also plan on having DS sleep in our room for at least the first few months.

    Baby shower: Yes, I had one May 9th and have a second smaller one in my home town on the 31st. I am not sure if work will do anything but either way I feel extremely lucky. Most of our registry was purchased at the first shower.

    DH/DW/Partner: He has been incredible. He is extremely excited to meet him but also a bit nervous (as am I!)

  10. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @QBbride: We are at a name crossroads too.. We have 2 that we are thinking about but still keeping options open. The one that we both love and came up with had the largest spike in popularity and that is putting me off. Argh. names are hard!

  11. Ginabean3

    pomegranate / 3401 posts

    Morning ladies! I love reading everyone's update! Here's mine!

    How many weeks are you: 30w5d.....which is a big big deal to me because this is the exact gestational age when LO #1 made her unexpected appearance two years ago! I'm grateful that I have made it this far! Strangely I feel like anything after this is just gravy.....obviously I want LO #2 to bake as along as possible!

    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Achy back, insomnia...I also tire easily! Oh, and I'm starving, like ALL THE TIME.

    Innie or outtie: A shallow innie!

    Rings on or off: On!

    Lately I've been craving: Chocolate! I've been eating a lot of yummy Trader Joe's trail mix with chocolate in it. And those Healthy Choice fudge popsicle bars. Mmmmmm. But what I really want is sushi. I'm too nervous though!

    Stretch marks: None!

    Braxton Hicks: None!

    Hospital bag packed: Not yet! I should probably start by making a list though. I'll have to pack a bag for LO #1 as well because the grandparents will be taking her when I go into labor.

    Baby's room: Almost done! I'm actually really proud of myself....the room was this horrible baby blue color with a baby blue chair rail (it was like that when we moved in...the ONLY room in the whole nicely neutrally painted house that was blue!) and I repainted it to match the house and painted the chair rail white. We have all the furniture set up in there, I just need to get frames for the gallery wall I'm doing (already have all the art) and then I'll be done!

    Baby shower: Yes! I never had one with my first since she came early so this past weekend we/my sister hosted a family/co-ed Baby-Q. It was a lot of fun, good food, and just hanging out with friends and family. Exactly how I wanted it!

    DH/DW/Partner: He's helping out a lot! He's taken over bathtime with LO #1 and let me hire a housecleaner so I can't complain! Oh and he will eat leftovers for 2 days straight sometimes god bless his heart.

    @Valentinemommy: I'm going to request to join the FB group too!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful hump day!

  12. Candy_nee

    apricot / 324 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Thanks! I requested to join.

  13. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @Ginabean3: I was going to ask if you minded sharing the circumstances of your first preemie? And has your Dr given you an idea of how likely a second preemie is? Are you feeling stressed about it?

    I'm starting to get so anxious about everything lol. My first babe came at 35.5 weeks but I felt like i *knew* he would be early. I had a week of prodromal labour before the real deal. This time I feel like I have no idea at all! My Dr basically said it could go either way which even though I know it's true, helps me not at all haha.

  14. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Great idea, I just sent a request to join! It'll be easier to keep track of how everyone's doing and to reach out when I'm sleep deprived!

    So I know I'm always disappearing and showing up again, but it's nice to see everyone's doing great! Here's my update!

    How many weeks are you: 30+4, less than 10 weeks to go! Most people say I have a really small bump for 30 weeks which makes me worry about LO's growth (although I know that doesn't relate) but then today some woman commented that I was carrying "super low" and that I would never last another 2 months! She then immediately went on to tell me that her daughter also wanted a second LO but had a miscarriage that took 3 months to pass on it's own... Uhm, thanks for the pep talk lady I don't know!
    Btw, does anyone know if it's true that if your first baby was late, you have greater chance of going past your DD for baby #2 also? DS1 was born at 41 weeks.
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: varicose veins on my right leg, I've been wearing support stockings for more than two months now and I'm getting so so sick of them!
    Innie or outtie: a shallow innie, never popped with DS1 so I don't think it will now.
    Rings on or off: still on, but the weather's still mild over here.
    Lately I've been craving: wine! and a pedicure! I should really get one before birth..
    Stretch marks: not yet, didn't get them last time so I hope I'll get lucky again.
    Braxton Hicks: regularly, especially when I'm getting up from kneeling, bending over or walking up stairs.
    Hospital bag packed: Not at all! I'm going to wait a couple of weeks I think.
    Baby's room: non existent.. we're in a two bedroom apartment so DS2 will be in our room for the first couple of months, then he'll move in with DS1. We're house hunting though, hopefully we'll be moving soon!
    Baby shower: it's not something we do in Belgium so I won't be having one.
    DH: he's excited about having another boy, and he's trying to help more with DS1 but it's not always easy because LO is in a phase where he only wants mommy to bathe/change/clothe/carry/play with him!

  15. Ginabean3

    pomegranate / 3401 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: Hi there! My pre-term labor with #1 was totally unexpected. I had a very healthy and non-eventful pregnancy. One day I just felt a lot of leaking (sorry TMI!) and went in and got it checked out and it turns out it was the mucous plug and I was also 3 cm dilated. #1 came 3 days later (after I got the steroid shots for her lungs). They could never pinpoint a reason for going into pre-term labor! So this time I'm considered high-risk but my dr. did say that I had a good (70%) chance of carrying #2 to term without any interventions because I'm healthy/normal. #1 was born totally healthy/normal, she just needed to be in NICU to feed/grow. I have been getting progesterone shots every week since week 16 and I'm feeling pretty good! I was feeling a lot of stress/anxiety at first but I keep telling myself that's not good for the baby. And now that I've hit this milestone (for me) and that I'm doing something actively (getting the shots weekly), I feel like I can relax a little bit.

    Don't worry, every pregnancy is different! At least that's what I keep telling myself.

  16. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @Ginabean3: thank you! I don't know why I am so stressed about it - my LO was totally fine and just needed a bit of feeding support.

    I think it's just the unpredictability that makes me nervous - I've been reading birth stories like a mad woman lol.

    But you are right, every pregnancy is different. And it would probably help matters to relax a bit because obviously worrying eing change anything!

  17. Ginabean3

    pomegranate / 3401 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: I hear you!!! The unpredictability is unnerving! Hang in there....all will do well with you, I'm sure of it! Just try to enjoy these last weeks of pregnancy!

  18. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @ValentineMommy: I requested to join!

  19. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    You guys, I just had my OB appt and the scale must have been wrong. I'm not overly concerned, and my OB didn't seem concerned either. Rather, she seemed entertained when I said, "I think that I should weigh in after I pee. I drank a lot of water this morning and I think that number is partially just water" She just smiled and said, "That baby is making his presence known!" 6 lbs in two weeks? I'm scared. I remember the number that I topped out at before I had my first son, and I'm approaching that number rapidly. Maybe it's time I switch to more salads and ease off the burgers

  20. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    I might be delayed to the FB party. I have been FB-free for 2 1/2 years now. I try to limit how many social outlets I have online. I have an addictive personality with these things and I like myself better without FB. But I'd hate to miss out on those early mom days with all of you! I already miss my November 2013 mamas that switched to FB. Maybe I just need to end the streak and join again?

  21. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: I'm with you on the worry. My guy came at 37w 5d and I feel myself looking at the calendar and anticipating that date instead of my EDD. Here's hoping that we both have different experiences this time

    @Ginabean3: Wow - how crazy to not have an indications and then - hello mama! Your baby arrived early! Congrats on hitting the milestone this time and for being proactive with the progesterone.

  22. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @sweetooth: It's hard, isn't it??? I have low iron this pregnancy and my doc told me to eat more red meat. Can't argue with that!!

  23. Ginabean3

    pomegranate / 3401 posts

    @sweetooth: thanks!

  24. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @sweetooth: Enjoy those burgers. Just eat them with a side salad and you're good

  25. Mama Bird

    pomegranate / 3127 posts

    @sweetooth: I thought I was the only one with lack of Facebook! My profile is still there, but I've barely used it since DS was born. Just no point to it... the people who are still in my life can just call, and the rest disappeared when I stopped partying with them.

  26. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @ValentineMommy: I have low iron too, but was told to take a supplement. I haven't been the best at sticking with it. But I have increased my burger intake Enjoy some red meat this holiday weekend!

    @travelgirl1: I like the way you think

    @Mama Bird: Yeah, I deactivated my account so I could easily hop back on if I wanted to. I'm in touch with most people that I want to be and don't really like the format that people see into my life on FB. I've been off so long that most people would be surprised to know I have one kid, let alone another on the way! I'm glad to hear someone else is FB-Free But I am seriously tempted.

    Happy Friday everyone! I hope that those of you who have the holiday off on Monday enjoy the long weekend. And I hope that each and every one of us gets a chance to put our feet up and relax a little.

  27. Mrs. Pickles

    kiwi / 584 posts

    TMI moment..
    I totally went to the doctor yesterday because I was afraid my bag of waters had ruptured...

    no no .. just leaked pee

    Isn't pregnancy glamorous?

  28. Spinny

    cherry / 125 posts

    Popping in and love reading all of these updates. I'd also love to join the FB group, it would make it a lot easier to stay involved!

    How many weeks are you: 31 weeks today!

    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Just a few days ago I started to feel sick, but I think baby has repositioned (I know he's head down now) and maybe he has feet stuck in my stomach??? I have nausea on and off and feel full all the time and just uncomfortable. I hope this doesn't last

    Innie or outtie: Still an innie!

    Rings on or off: On but forecast is predicting 85 degree + weather next week so I see that changing soon

    Lately I've been craving: Not too much given the uncomfortable full feeling I'm dealing with currently...

    Stretch marks: None!

    Braxton Hicks: None that I'm aware of!

    Hospital bag packed: Not yet, I just started thinking about this but will probably put it off for a few more weeks.

    Baby's room: Halfway there....walls are painted and we have most of furniture/décor. Just waiting on my shower to finish up.

    Baby shower: June 7th....and a work shower on the 18th...

    DH/DW/Partner: He's getting excited to meet our son too...

  29. turkeylurkey

    kiwi / 541 posts

    How many weeks are you: 33.2 weeks
    Symptoms you're dealing with now: Tired, back aches, the overly full feeling all the time, pain in the pelvic bone
    Innie or outtie: Halfie. The top half is out the bottom in
    Rings on or off:Off but I wear a fake ring
    Lately I've been craving: Chocolate and bananas
    Stretch marks: None!
    Braxton Hicks: A few here and there
    Hospital bag packed: Not yet, I just started thinking about this but will probably put it off for a few more weeks.
    Baby's room: I'm waiting on the rug and need to hang a couple more items and it's done
    Baby shower: Since this is the 2nd kid we did a very small diaper shower with the grandmas and about 10 girlfriends
    DH/DW/Partner: He hasn't said much. He didn't really the first time either. He's a really good Dad. He's the fun parent!

  30. Mama Bird

    pomegranate / 3127 posts

    @Mrs. Pickles: oh gosh yes! So glamorous. A couple of days ago I was laughing at DH, and I'm just glad the lights were out, because I totally did the same thing. I think maybe this baby doesn't like me

  31. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @sweetooth: I'm FB free too! I deactivated my account at least 2-3 years ago. There are so many things I loathe about FB so I refuse to deactivate. That being said I do have a psuedo account that I use for some mom groups (wraps and buy sell trade) in my area. I started that up on the advice of my friend. So I could technically join if people aren't weirded out that I will have zero FB friends but belong to a million groups

  32. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @Mrs. Pickles: Oh no! So glamorous.. I imagine it's only going to get more so as time goes on

  33. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Can't figure out how to copy-paste so I'm going by memory...
    Weeks: 33 tomorrow
    Symptoms: pubic bone pain (which I didn't have last time), calf crampswhen sleeping, and ring out of breath/heart rate high after I do simple things like go up the stairs
    Belly button: outie
    Rings: on
    Braxton hicks: yes, daily and I strangely enjoy them
    Hospital bag: not packed ...last time I packed at 33 weeks, and then my bag wasn't with me when I went in , plus it didn't end up having what I even needes
    Nursery: won't have one but definitely not set up at all. Mainly we need to hit ikea to get a new dresser and that will motivate us to put together the rib and sets everything up
    DH: wishes I felt like more sex... Wanting none of that

    Fb group sounds awesome but I can't figure out how to join. Can someone add me: fb name is Courtney Bannon Pozzo

  34. turkeylurkey

    kiwi / 541 posts

    @Mrs. Pickles: I did this too with lo #1. It was the same day as my first dilation check. It turned out to be the gel she used that morning. Lol.

  35. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @cvbee: omg the calf cramps in the middle of the night! Me too!

  36. Ginabean3

    pomegranate / 3401 posts

    @Reese: me three with the calf cramps....and insomnia.....it's 3:45am where I live right now and I'm eating leftover chow mein and watching infomercials...

  37. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @Mrs. Pickles: Awww you aren't the first pregnant lady to do that. I ended up in triage with that problem with #1. No one actually said it was pee but it wasn't amniotic fluid so....

    @Reese: I haven't had them yet, this time, but I remember them from my first. Awful!

    @Ginabean3: Totally with you on the insomnia.

  38. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Reese: I read to do lots of stretching before bed and ankle circles. And every time I wake up to turn over I flex my feet to stretch a little. I fear the cramps; had one that took me several minutes to be able to physically get out of!

  39. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Drinking my first cup of red raspberry lead tea to celebrate 33 weeks. (Drank it last tie at about this time to and did have a pretty good labour so figure I should repeat!)

  40. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @travelgirl1: @Ginabean3: @cvbee: so terrible!! I was calling out for DH because last nights was exceptionally bad. I read it could be dehydration or lack of potassium. Do you think that's the case? Or just pregnancy awesomeness?

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