Hellobee Boards


July 2015 Mamas!

  1. turkeylurkey

    kiwi / 541 posts

    @mrsjyw: hear ya! Sometimes all the pain is just too much! I had one BH last night that doubled me over and my DH ran over and asked if anything was leaking! LOL Not looking forward to the next few days as he left this morning to go back to work. My aunt is coming tonight for a few hours to help out. My Dad is taking him Saturday afternoon to give me a break and so I can attend a bridal shower. My mom has a more social life then a teenager. I usually can get her to pick-up food and bring it over but that's about it. DH was only home for 1 night this week. So hard sometimes to do this alone.

  2. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    It's my last day of work today!! Which is a good thing because the 12-hour shifts are almost killing me!

  3. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @travelgirl1: such a big decision! The good thing is that either way there will be a baby at the end! I'm so in awe of how you are handling all the immigration/insurance stress right now

    @turkeylurkey: @mrsjyw: me too I've been sleeping on the couch at night because the bed is so uncomfortable and my constant need to drink water, chew ice, or pee is driving dh crazy!

    @QBbride: so amaaaaazing! I have a week and a half left, counting down the hours! Woot

  4. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: Thank you so much. I'm trying not to make reckless decisions that compromise the baby's care because obviously he is the main priority. But at the same time make smart decisions about our financial future. tricky.

  5. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @QBbride: Yay! I am so glad I got off work when I did. I seriously hit a wall in the last week and a trip to Target requires a nap.
    @fuzzypeaches: I am right there with you. I dread going to sleep at night. I can't fall asleep in bed, the couch hurts my back but I can sleep there. I took the longest nap at my MIL'S today and it was glorious.

  6. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    I had an OB appointment yesterday and scheduled the next appointment for a little over a week away to get the GBS test! This makes it feel like childbirth could be around the corner because last time I had that test, I didn't have the results yet and my water broke in the middle of the night and the hospital had to treat me for GBS "just in case". I hope I can change that this time around. I wasn't positive last time and I didn't need that extra medication in my system. Also, the weight gain has slowed down Yay!

  7. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @QBbride: @turkeylurkey: @Tidybee: @fuzzypeaches: What a great idea to gather PP supplies now! Here's the little list I can see forming from your posts along with a few others I thought of:

    - gauze / vaseline for boy circumcision
    - nipple cream
    - colace
    - maxi pads
    - bum donut pillow
    - ice pack
    - breast pads
    - comfy bf tank

    Anything else?

  8. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    We have to start the next labour watch board! June is already in full swing! How did this happen??

  9. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MamaCate: Moving is stressful in and of itself. Moving while pregnant?! I can't even imagine. You deserve a medal

    @Mama Bird: I think figuring out child care can be so hard. Especially when you haven't even met the little baby yet! I hope you are able to find the best solution that works for you. And if that's more time off, I hope that your place of employment is understanding.

    @travelgirl1: Childcare at the hospital?! That's amazing. I can't even imagine if our hospital had that staff capacity. I'm stressing a bit about what to do with our son if this baby comes early. It's hard when it's a big mystery when they will arrive. I wish I had wisdom for you in making this decision. I know it must be hard weighing the financial aspects and the healthy baby/mom aspects.

  10. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Reese: That's bananas...I've been watching the June labor board and thinking...time is flying, we are so close!!!

  11. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @sweetooth: I think they obviously prefer it if you don't bring your kids.... But one of my arguments to my doctor for a c-section was that I could arrange childcare,then she told me she often has siblings in the room during delivery. Because Toronto is a city of immigrants, many people are in our situation of no family in the country and what can you do with your kid? It's not like you can plan for labour. I can't imagine many places being this flexible though.

  12. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @sweetooth: my gbs is next week too! I never made it to the swab last time so it feels like a good milestone

    That list looks good! There is probably more I used but I haven't really started preparing yet (denial? Lol)

    @simplyfelicity: the nap sounds amazing. I feel that I've returned to first trimester and I daydream about napping in my car lol. Thank goodness work is ending soon, I'm getting so useless.

  13. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @travelgirl1: i think they know you will just do what you have to do! There's a couple days (June 24/25) where if baby comes I have no nanny/dh and I'll have to bring my little guy too until someone can come get him! I'm just hoping it doesn't come to that. But I know it happens all the time!

  14. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @sweetooth: great idea! I forgot about the bum donut pillow.. I'm guessing the hospital won't give us one?

    @travelgirl1: your situation is so unique and challenging. You know what's best for your family. FWIW our godson was there for his sisters birth and just sat around until it happened. i believe family arrived at some point to keep him busy.

  15. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    I have been nesting like a crazy person: nursery is done, all clothes washed and organized, carseat installed, stroller put together, diapers organized, pacifiers sterilized, hospital bag and diaper bag mostly packed (save for a few things from amazon, ) our mothers are making some freezer meals, I even made "emergency" bags in each car just in case I run out of diapers, need an outfit or blanket. Even with all this, I don't feel ready. But I guess you can never truly be ready, right?

  16. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Reese: I heard sitting on your boppy with a garbage bag over works just as well.
    And, yes, I can't believe it's nearly time for our labor and delivery thread! I think @mrs.pickles: is the first (unless someone goes into labor early.)

  17. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @simplyfelicity: oh my goodness! You go girl!! I feel so behind and I'm afraid I will miss the nesting boat because I am SO exhausted! I get home and take a nap. DH is going to install the car seat this weekend and get some other thins checked off the list!

  18. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @travelgirl1: Makes sense. I do hope that everything works out just as you wish. But it's good to think through all of the "what-ifs". I'm trying to work through several scenarios in my head and write them down to let go of the anxiety it's causing me. It's not a financial decision like you're working through. But logistics are nutty, aren't they?

    @fuzzypeaches: It is a good milestone! Here's to making it WELL past it. Well, not too far though. I'm kind of ready to get this show on the road (call me crazy!)

    @Reese: The bum donut pillow wasn't provided to me at the hospital. But it definitely was a good purchase in those early days. That whole region goes through a lot of stress. I couldn't sit on many chairs without the donut for a while.

    @simplyfelicity: You sound SO prepared! I think the best thing you can do now to feel really prepared, spend some time on YOU. Go to a movie. Sit in a cafe sipping a beverage and reading. Take a nice long walk. Just do what makes you feel good. Your "emergency kits" make me think of one thing I think I'm going to do to prepare is have a little "what-if" kit in the car for going into labor anytime. A few plastic bags and towels that I don't mind getting messy. When my water broke in the middle of the night it was a little crazy that my husband was running around trying to gather a few things to protect the seat of the car before we could hit the road.

  19. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @sweetooth: Great ideas! I am going to try to spend sometime with my friends, too, since that will be more difficult with a LO.

  20. Bluemasonjar

    clementine / 920 posts

    @sweetooth: @simplyfelicity: The nesting urge has hit me hard but you both just reminded me of things I need to add to my list! We are going shopping this weekend to get the necessary items to complete our registry and have an appointment next Thursday for a car seat check. I have hospital bags packed for me and baby and a list for DH since his is all last minute stuff.

    At my 32 week appointment the midwife noted that i was consistently measuring 1-2 cm ahead and even though I am within range requested an ultrasound at my next appointment. I'm not too concerned but am hoping everything is good and focusing on the chance to see the baby one more time! Anyone else have a similar issue?

  21. Mrs. Pickles

    kiwi / 584 posts

    @simplyfelicity: way to go being prepared.. and OMG DON"T FREAK ME OUT

    but really I'm excited.. I just don't want to go into labor beforehand.. especially because my pedi is scheduled the day before my C-section and I really want to get it (it's the little things right?)

  22. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @Mrs. Pickles: Hahahaha! Seriously, though, it'll be a while until you can get another, right? I really want to get a massage...like yesterday.

  23. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    Still waiting until they let me see my husband in post-op...so...
    I asked my sister for a hospital list since she's done it four times and figured it might help some other FTM like me.

    ~~Hospital Bag List~~

    For Mom:

     -Anything you want for labor (i.e. fitness ball, massage lotion/oil, music, baby book)
    -Hand sanitizer
    -2 nursing bras
    -Breast pads
    -Breastfeeding pillow
    -Nipple cream
    -Going home outfit
    -Zip-up sweatshirt
    -3-4 pairs of cozy socks
    -Flip flops
    -Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, razor, face wash, moisturizer, deodorant, hair stuff)
    -Hair ties
    -Small amount of make up if you wish
    -Lap top/tablet – charger
    -Camera – charger/batteries
    -Phone charger
    -Money for vending machine
    - heavy duty pads for when you get home, they give them to you at the hospital

     For Baby:

     -2 pairs of scratch mittens
    -1 hat
    -2 pairs of newborn socks
    -1-2 light weight blankets
    -Going home outfit (newborn & 0-3 months)
    -Baby nail file
    -Wipes and 4 diapers – I just bring my diaper bag already for a normal outing
    -Car seat
    -(while in the hospital they will provide everything you need for baby...make sure you ask for your baby's first receiving blanket)


  24. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    Um my water broke! I'm heading in!! Omg

  25. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    Ok I'm only 2cm and cervix still back and long but lots of contractions and lots of fluid out. They are keeping me on the monitor bc baby is still early but looks like today is baby day!

  26. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: OMG!!!! Good luck!!!!

  27. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: wow!!!!! So exciting! I hope everything goes smoothly!

  28. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: omg!!! Good luck, let us know how you get on! I hope it all goes smoothly!

  29. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: WHAT?!?!?! Oh my gosh, wishing you the speediest delivery ever! Good luck, mama!

  30. turkeylurkey

    kiwi / 541 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: oh wow! Good luck!

  31. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    Still here, no baby yet! But got the epidural so life is much better haha. Hoping for a healthy baby girl by this afternoon! And hoping for no nicu time but I guess we will see ;)! Thanks for all the support ladies!

  32. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: Glad to hear you are feeling more comfortable!

  33. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    Since we've got one mama in labor and a couple with planned births at the end of June, I created the labor/delivery thread. Let me know if I missed something, I couldn't copy and paste the genders, so I had to put them in manually. Exciting times!!!

  34. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: We're all thinking of you and hoping baby girl avoids NICU

  35. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @simplyfelicity: omg!!! That board is freaking me out!!! But thanks for making it it's exciting!

  36. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @travelgirl1: Same here! I keep thinking that between now and July is an eternity but it *finally* dawned on me this morning that it's not... 25 days!

  37. Chocoholic

    cherry / 216 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: good luck to you!!

    @simplyfelicity: thanks for starting the labor thread! If this doesn't get my butt in gear nothing will!!

  38. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: Oh my goodness!! Good luck!!

  39. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: uhhhh WHAT?! Omg congrats!!! I can't wait to hear of your baby girls safe arrival!!!

  40. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: Ahhh! Good luck and sending prayers for a healthy delivery and baby!

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