kiwi / 551 posts
@bushelandapeck: Thank you. I'm a bit nervous that if I step away from the job market that it would be difficult to get back in, but its good to hear stories of others successfully getting back in. I even thought about asking to go back part time after my maternity leave with this one.
I know it will be positive, just a bad day today.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@BabyBruins: I'm so sorry this happened to you! It's hard when the decision is taken out of your hands. I hope this works out for the best for you and your family.
kiwi / 551 posts
@spaniellove: Thanks. I'm already feeling better about it and talking to some of my other co-workers who have left to raise their family and still get some part-time work so it has made me feel better.
I also wanted to respond to your question about the different OB groups. I'm surprised that the larger group doesn't guarantee that one of their doctors will be on call. I had a less than pleasant experience with the resident when I had my son and I was grateful that I got to talk to my OB later in the morning when we were making the decision to deliver. I would just check with the smaller group and find out what their policy and on-call schedule works.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@BabyBruins: It seemed odd to me too, but I ended up making an appointment with them for now. When I called the smaller group they wanted me to come in soon but didn't have any openings for a month which made me worry about their availability. So I guess I'll ask some questions at my appointment tomorrow and I can always try another group later?
kiwi / 551 posts
@spaniellove: I'm in a similar situation. My OB switched from a larger group to a smaller one with just one other doctor. With her old group, I didn't have problems making an appointment, but now my first appointment isn't until I'm 9.5 weeks, which seems late to me, but still within the 8-10 week window. I just wish I could get in earlier. If it continues to be an issue, I will probably change to another group, probably larger.
Regardless I might be changing due to the recent job loss and switching to hubs' insurance. Also, my current OB is walking distance from my office. Not so convenient anymore....
kiwi / 614 posts
@BabyBruins: Sorry to hear about your job. Hopefully it turns out to be a blessing in disguise and you can spend some time with your LOs and go back on your own time when you're ready.
I'm just hanging out here...Feeling less hungry and nauseous than I was for a week or two there. Still pretty tired...Still have managed to not tell my mom or sister.
I have another check up this Thursday with my midwife. Then will have my NT scan when we return from vacation early December. I hope that the dating won't be an issue - I still think my O date is correct which would put me at 14w the day of the test, but according to the ultrasound tech, I'll be 13w4d then. I hope if I am right that it doesn't make it too late for the test since it normally needs to be done by 13w6d.
Anyone else have their 1st tri scans set up?
honeydew / 7916 posts
@Chastenet: You have a lot of willpower to not tell them!
The appointment was uneventful, no u/s today (whew). They're referring me out to a MFM for sure because of all my health issues which is no surprise.
olive / 65 posts
Week 7 has been brutal. I haven't been to my OB/GYN yet. The first visit is next week. And--never thought I'd say this--but I am very ready to see a doctor. I think I need to hear him say everything is good (fingers crossed)...and see a baby...and hear that this intense nausea and exhaustion will pass. I'm so grateful that all has gone well so far (something I will have to remind myself when I enter the grocery store this afternoon and try to keep my lunch down.)
olive / 70 posts
Hi Everyone! I have been waiting cautiously, but I went to my first appointment and everything seems to be going great so I guess I will be joining you! My EDD is June 18. This will be our first after a miscarriage this past April. SO and I are still very nervous but are trying to stay optimistic.
I wish a Happy and Healthy Pregnancy to everyone
pomelo / 5720 posts
@Chastenet: we haven't told our families yet either. I'm waiting until at least 11/16 when we will celebrate my moms birthday. We have our first appt on Tues and then my NT scan is scheduled for 11/20.
@Matcha Latte: welcome! Congrats on a good first appointment.
pea / 11 posts
Hi June Mamas! Hope you'll let me join, even though I'm *technically* a May mama!
EDD: May 30 (close enough to June, right??)
When Did You Find Out?: 14 dpIUI
Child Number: #1
Where You Live: CA
What kind of provider will you see?: I've been seeing my RE this whole time, but I"m being graduated today. I see my OB tomorrow.
When's Your First Appointment?: Nov 5
What kind of birth do you want?: Pain-free! Whatever works to have a healthy baby.
What You're Most Excited For: 2nd trimester!
What You're Most Scared About: Miscarriage. I had one last year...
Symptoms so far: All-day nausea (getting slightly better the last few days). Heightened smell. Tired!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@Matcha Latte: @tulip: Welcome!
@Duckling: FX for a great appointment this week! When is it?
@bushelandapeck: I don't think we ever got your due date, or maybe I missed it?
I got my NT scan and MFM consult set up for 11/25 and go back to the OB this Wednesday and the RE Thursday so I'll have at least one u/s this week. I wish I wasn't so conditioned to have those go badly because I'm just praying that baby's heart is still beating and everything looks okay.
pomelo / 5720 posts
@spaniellove: It's June 2nd. First appt is tomorrow! NT scan is 11/20.
persimmon / 1087 posts
I know some of us have already stated it, but when are you planning on telling family then everyone else? Who have you told yet?
I've only told close friends so far. No family knows yet! We had an ultrasound today and we have another one on the 21st (@ 12 weeks). We will tell everyone a week later on Thanksgiving.
honeydew / 7916 posts, we have so many babies due in the beginning of the month!
June Mamas
1st - Owlmom (#2), Sunshine710 (#2), Tundra Daisy (FTM)
2nd - Meesker (FTM), bushelandapeck (#2)
3rd - Beachbee (#2)
4th - KentuckyGirl (FTM)
5th - Calsmom (#2)
6th - Chastenet (#2)
9th - MsBadger (FTM)
10th - DCBW (FTM)
11th - Alexandra603 (FTM)
13th - Spaniellove (FTM), BabyBruins (#2)
15th - Peacockblue (#2)
17th - Lilibillie (FTM)
18th - Matcha Latte (FTM)
19th - Kimbed (#2), Duckling (FTM)
21st - Crunchy1 (FTM)
23rd - Leelee (#2)
27th - Shortcake (#2)
Honorary June Mamas:
May 30 - Tulip (FTM)
honeydew / 7916 posts
@calsmom: We've told our parents and my SIL...everyone else will have to wait until 13 weeks!
grape / 84 posts
Hi all! Dropping in to say hello and welcome all the other June mamas. Went to the dr. on halloween and had my first sono. LO looked good, measuring welll and had a strong heartbeat, so that was great news. I got back for a NT Scan on 12/5.
Passed an early glucose (yay!) which was ordered since my first was a large baby. I've never heard of one so early in pregnancy, but oh well. Also, had to go on antibiotics for a UTI, which is interesting because I had the exact same thing with my first pregnancy at almost the same exact time.
Other than that feeling pretty grateful with some minor nausea and extreme tiredness. That extra hour this weekend was a godsend!
Have told immediate family and some close friends. Hoping to hold out till 12w to tell everyone else, which may be difficult if my overly excited husband and mother have anything to do with it!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@spaniellove: haha...I know why you thought that- my username was Orvis18 until last week when I changed it
honeydew / 7916 posts
@bushelandapeck: Ohhhhh it makes sense now Going back to fix that!
@kimbed: So glad to hear everything went well at your appt, including that glucose test!
pea / 11 posts
@calsmom: We haven't told anyone yet! (I'm 10w4d today). DH is wanting to tell people, but I'm so worried since last time we told people really early, and that one ended in miscarriage. We plan to tell parents in a couple of weeks, then friends after that.
kiwi / 551 posts
With this being #2, I'm telling a lot more people earlier. My immediate family knows, we told hubs' family on Halloween, I told a few co-workers after getting laid off (more to make them feel better) and one friend guessed.
I'm still waiting for my first appointment on 11/13. I keep calling to see if I can get in earlier, but no luck. This makes me concerned for future appointments, but I'm sticking with it for now. I researched a little for a doc closer to my house, but having trouble finding one who will do a vbac. Hoping my current doc can give me a recommendation.
I have been so nauseous and tired lately. I just feel terrible. But hopefully its a sign that things are still working in there.
Welcome to all the new moms!
olive / 65 posts
@calsmom We're hoping to hold out until Christmas because our family lives far away. We'll be about 15 weeks then. Of course, since it is my first, I can't be sure how long I can hide it. If we can make it through Thanksgiving w/o attracting attention, then I'll be happy.
persimmon / 1194 posts
@BabyBruins: kinda in the same boat as you, I lost my job a month before I found out I was pregnant. Now I am job searching and torn as to if I should tell them I am pregnant right away or not.
that's great that you have the option to SAHM. With our finances we can't afford for me not to work
@calsmom: my immediate family knows (we had to tell them or else it would've just looked like I was a lazy person napping all day, sooo tired this time around!) and we may tell DHs family after our first dr appt next week but might not until Dec, if if that's the case we would schedule a gender determination scan at a 3D place and see if they could tell us if were having a girl or boy (we found out with DD at 12 weeks)!
pomelo / 5720 posts
No good news here ladies. I found out at my appointment today that there was no stopped growing around 8 weeks (sulu poised to be 10w1d today). I'm starting the medicine today and hoping all goes well. Certainly not what I expected but I know it's common, so that helps some.
kiwi / 551 posts
@bushelandapeck: I'm sorry this is the news you got today. I hope the medicine works and you can get through this part quickly. Its so nerve-wracking to have to wait for the first appointment and then find that things are not well.
kiwi / 673 posts
@bushelandapeck: I'm so sorry to hear of your news. I hope the medicine works quickly so you can begin to heal. Lots of positive thoughts and support coming your way!
pear / 1786 posts
@bushelandapeck: I am so very sorry :(. I will be thinking of you during this difficult time.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@bushelandapeck: I'm so sorry you got this news and I hope this part goes by quickly. Many hugs to you.
kiwi / 614 posts
@bushelandapeck: No! I'm so very sorry to hear this! You're right that's it's pretty common, but I know from experience that that doesn't make it any easier to go through. I'm sending you many hugs to help you get through this. xxx
coffee bean / 36 posts
I haven't been as active on here as I thought I would. The first few weeks just seemed so uncertain. And now I've had some bleeding so I'm feeling less positive about this pregnancy. I won't be getting a doppler or US until my first appointment 12/4. Maybe I'll get good news and be around more then.
@bushelandapeck: so sorry! Be sure to take time for yourself to deal with this however feels right. I hope it passes quickly for you and you get your sticky baby soon.
olive / 65 posts
@bushelandapeck I'm very sad to hear that you received bad news. I hope you will be able to heal and rest.
pomelo / 5720 posts
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your comments, hugs and prayers. Having LO definitely makes this easier, and knowing at least I can get pregnant helps some too. I'm going I follow thins thread and cheer you all on along the way.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@crunchy1: I saw on your thread that you got a beta done, which is a good step to take. Don't stress too much about your doubling time because as betas go up doubling times slow down quite a bit, past the 48-72 hour window.
@bushelandapeck: Will be thinking of you!
cherry / 106 posts
A bit late but thought i'll join in. I'm expecting my 2nd on June 11, 2014. We have a 22 mth old daughter and a 6.5 yrs old chow chow at the momemt. Had my 1st US yesterday and measured 8w4d and saw the heartbeat so we're pretty happy. Been really tired and nauseous but am able to keep more food down w this pregnancy.
Congrats to all the June'14 mammas so far.
@bushelandapeck - i'm so sorry for your losss. *hugs*
kiwi / 614 posts
@crunchy1: I know what you mean about the first weeks feeling uncertain. I've a seen a heartbeat and I'm still kind of doubting our decision to tell family this weekend before our nt scan. About the bleeding, I've had a natural mc and the bleeding is a lot, a lot. Of course, you never want to see blood when your pregnant, but just know that it could be nothing. I remember Princessbaby had bleeding during her pregnancy and was quite worried but ended up with a healthy baby girl.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@lollipop: Welcome and congrats on the good appointment!
I had an unexpected u/s at today's OB appointment...I thought she was just going to do a quick pap but she felt bad for me with my history and threw in an u/s. No measurements but I got to hear the heartbeat which was a relief.
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