Hellobee Boards


June 2014 mamas!

  1. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @MsBadger: @leelee: @BabyBruins: I'm so glad you all got to see your healthy babies yesterday!

    Does anyone want to update the due date list? I don't mind doing it but felt like I was cursed or something so maybe it's someone else's turn!

  2. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    @spaniellove: Here ya go. I sure hope this doesn't jinx anyone. Sticky baby dust to everyone

    June Mamas
    1st - Owlmom (#2), Sunshine710 (#2), Tundra Daisy (FTM)
    2nd - Meesker (FTM), STP (#2)
    3rd - Beachbee (#2)
    4th - KentuckyGirl (FTM)
    5th - Calsmom (#2)
    6th - Chastenet (#2)
    8th - MsBadger (FTM)
    11th - Alexandra603 (FTM), Lollipop (#2)
    13th - Spaniellove (FTM), BabyBruins (#2)
    15th - Peacockblue (#2)
    17th - Lilibillie (FTM)
    18th - Matcha Latte (FTM)
    19th - Kimbed (#2), Duckling (FTM)
    23rd - Leelee (#2)
    27th - Shortcake (#2)
    29th – LittleVeesMommy (#2)

    Honorary June Mamas:
    May 30 - Tulip (FTM)

  3. littleveesmommy

    persimmon / 1472 posts

    So.... we had our appointment with the OB today and I saw a little bean with a flickering heart! EDD remains the same and little bean is measuring as expected. A little bit of relief for now.

  4. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    I've been sick this week with a virus. I caught it from my husband. He had a little nausea, but mine is out of control. I had intense cramping and nausea last night, so I decided to sleep it off. I'm still nauseous, but at least the cramping is gone. I have the desire to eat non-stop and am hungry, but my stomach feels otherwise. I can't wait to have some pizza once my stomach feels up to it!

  5. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @MsBadger: thanks for updating the list!

  6. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @MsBadger: Thank you! Maybe now my curse will be broken And I guess if anyone feels up to adding their upcoming appointments that would be fun so we can support each other!

    @littleveesmommy: Yay for little flickering hearts!!

    @calsmom: That sounds so miserable...I hope your husband is taking good care of you to make up for giving you that nasty virus. Get well soon ASAP so you can enjoy your pizza!

    I got the call today that I can finally reduce my progesterone injections to every other night!! Last night was the first night I thought I couldn't take it anymore because while the needle was in I could feel the pain shooting across my back, and I have this ache around my tailbone that makes it hard to walk. But now there's hope!

  7. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @littleveesmommy: YAY!!! I'm so excited for you

    @spaniellove: also fabulous news! Congrats

    LOL, sorry to keep popping in here, but I'm excited for y'all!

  8. Sunshine710

    cherry / 206 posts

    I have my 12 week genetic counseling and ultrasound tomorrow. Nervous for some reason even though I saw great ultrasound and heartbeat at 9 weeks. If all goes well we will be spreading the news after!

  9. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    @spaniellove: Congrats on no more progesterone! That would be fun to do upcoming appointments or at least the majors! My next appointment is 11/26 for the NT scan.

    @calsmom: Feel better soon!

    @Sunshine710: Good luck tomorrow!

  10. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    @MsBadger: Are we totally on the same schedule? My NT scan is the 26th, too.

  11. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Love that you take care of everyone!

    @Sunshine710: Good luck tomorrow!

    @MsBadger: @BabyBruins: Mine is the 25th!

  12. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    @spaniellove: I could have scheduled my NT scan the week of Thanksgiving or the week after and I just really wanted that extra appointment before I saw the whole family. They all know already, but I liked knowing that I would get another peak before the big holiday.
    I got some cool news last week... I grew up with a cousin and we were very close (she is 2 weeks older than me) but she got married many years before I did and started having kids soon after. She now has 2 kids and adopted her husband's kid from another relationship. When I told her mom (my aunt) that I was pregnant, she let me know that my cousin is also expecting and due a month before me! We have grown apart a little, but it was cool to hear that we are both pregnant at the same time.

  13. meesker

    grape / 84 posts

    We had our first appointment today. Our Junebug is measuring exactly on time with our June 2 EDD. It was so squirmy! This definitely feels more real now. Oh! And the US tech was able to grab the NT measurement and said it looks good. Heartbeat was 168.

    Because my mom has Type 2 diabetes, they had me do the 1 hr glucose test today. Here's hoping I pass because I wasn't expecting that at all and had eaten fruit snacks and a fortune cookie for breakfast less than an hour earlier and had been sucking on a starlight mint immediately beforehand.

    I've had really bad nausea and vomiting, so I left with a prescription for Zofran and my next appointment is 11/27. We don't have a date for the NT scan, but that may be because they got the neck measurement today (11 weeks 3 days) and also got blood drawn for the Harmony test today. We are hoping the Harmony results are back by the 27th so we can announce on Thanksgiving.

    I am still nervous about everything that can go wrong, but I am just so excited now that I know there is really a little human growing in there.

  14. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @spaniellove: I can't help but get excited

  15. Sunshine710

    cherry / 206 posts

    All went well today, thank goodness. Still on track for June 1 and got a good heartbeat of 161. Hope everyone is doing well today!

  16. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @Sunshine710: yay for a good visit!!!

  17. MamaT

    olive / 50 posts

    I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant with our second. We heard the heartbeat at 8 weeks (!) She did say the baby was measuring a few days "behind"- I'm very tiny and they always said my son was measuring "behind", too. I know I should feel relieved we heard the heartbeat BUT I have not had a single pregnancy symptom so it leaves me feeling so worried. While most people would be thrilled with no symptoms, I can't help but worry. Anyone else not had any symptoms?

  18. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    @MamaT: I haven't had very many symptoms either. If I really think about it, I guess my boobs are sore and I'm a little gassy/bloated, and I'm a little more tired than usual. But those are all things that happen when I'm not pregnant too. I guess I should be enjoying the fact that I'm not bowing to the porcelain god everyday , but I just keep waiting for it to hit!

  19. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @MamaT: My baby has been 4 days behind all along too. I worried a lot in the beginning because they first told us at 5 weeks and how far behind can a baby be at 5 weeks and still be viable? But it was still 4 days behind at 7 weeks, and then 9 weeks and seemed to be perfectly fine so I gave up thinking about it. I just attributed it to the fact that my baby is expected to be smaller so it must have gotten a head start on that.

  20. kimbed

    grape / 84 posts

    @MamaT: I've had very few symptoms as well at 9w4d and it is a blessing and a curse. Just have to keep telling myself to think positive and whatever will be, will be...

    Next appt is 12/5 for my NT scan. Counting down the days till I get to see this little bean again!

  21. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    I think I have to do it...maternity pants. I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow and I have a client meeting on Wednesday. I had a meeting this morning and put on some of my bigger pre-preg pants and the zipper barely stayed up. It was not a good look.
    I could do a dress, but the one I am thinking of is a dress I have already worn in a meeting with this guy. Do guys notice that stuff?
    I was really hoping to hold out until Thanksgiving...

  22. Matcha Latte

    olive / 70 posts

    @BabyBruins: just wear your dress I don't think they'll notice,I usually don't notice that stuff but maybe I'm just weird. I bought a pair or maternity jeans this weekend and omg I felt so much better now that I'm able to wear pants that fit comfortably again lol. I figured I better buy them early and get my money's worth. Maybe they will have some deals on Black Friday if you can wait until then.

    I'm happy to hear the good news about everyone's appointments. I have my NT scan one week from tomorrow and I'm so nervous and excited at the same time.

  23. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    @Matcha Latte: I loved my maternity jeans during my first pregnancy. I was scared I would never want to wear regular jeans again. I was just hoping I could hold out a little longer. It just feels like I'm giving up so early. I didn't start wearing maternity pants until 14 weeks last time.

  24. Duckling

    olive / 65 posts

    @BabyBruins Oh, I'm totally in maternity jeans now, which really surprises me. (It shouldn't. This is my first, so I have clue what is going on half of the time.) I've gained a pound but no bump yet although I feel like I'm suffering from growing pains this week, so maybe week 11 will be the week I see one! Everything between my hipbones has filled out, so I guess that's why I can't sit comfortably in my normal jeans. I've only bought one pair of maternity jeans so far but they are such a relief to throw on by the weekend. I can't stand tight waistbands.

  25. Tundra Daisy

    cherry / 150 posts

    I'm feeling like I have a bit of a bump now too! Surely it's too early.. must be all the food I ate to keep the morning sickness witch happy hehe

    I have my 12 week scan tomorrow! Omggg I'm excited and nervous.. really can't wait to see my baby in the right place doing the right thing hehe! I think I'll feel so relieved to know it's all good and I'm going into the second trimester!

    Two of my friends found out the sex at their 12 week scan! Crazy to think this time tomorrow I could know if I'm having a boy or a girl!

    Any second time mums had this happen?

  26. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: With our first, we found out we were having a boy at our 12 week scan. The ultrasound tech and then the peri both guessed boy and the doctor felt so sure he put it in the chart. It was confirmed at the 20 week scan.
    BUT, I know a lot of people that were told one thing early and then it was changed later. My sister in law got an early ultrasound (14-16 weeks-ish) and was told boy and she never had another ultrasound and ended up having a girl. Her whole shower, all their clothes and their nursery were all for a boy. Another friend was told girl early on and then told boy at the 20 week.
    So, I would take whatever guess they give you tomorrow with a grain of salt.

  27. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: hope your scan tomorrow goes well & you get an idea of the sex!

    I am eagerly awaiting my Harmony test results. I had blood drawn last Tuesday afternoon & they said I should have results in a week!

  28. beachbee

    kiwi / 673 posts

    I've been pretty quiet lately, LO's first birthday and pregnancy sickness all collided at the same time So happy to see all the new ladies joining our group!

    I had my 12 week appt yesterday and NT scan. Everything looked great and I was so relieved to see baby! Strong heartbeat and super squirmy baby makes for a happy mama the tech said the neck measurement looked good but they will know more once the blood work comes back. I was so happy to see the baby I totally forgot to ask how long the blood results should take. With my first pregnancy we weren't able to do the blood test since it was multiples so this is my first experience with the test. Does anyone who has had it previously remember how soon the blood results came back?

    We started telling close friends and extended family last night. It's all starting to feel real now! We're going to wait a little longer to announce on FB. Maybe we'll do something cute next week for Thanksgiving. Anyone else sharing the news over the holidays?

  29. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    This morning's ultrasound looked good which was always a relief! Now I'm just waiting for Monday's NT scan which I'm a little worried about since being on Topamax like I am is known to cause neural tube defects.

    @beachbee: I think we're going to share with more of DH's family when we see them at Thanksgiving!

  30. beachbee

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @spaniellove: thanksgiving will be a great time to share the big news!! Lots of positive thoughts coming your way for a great NT scan on Monday!

  31. Tundra Daisy

    cherry / 150 posts

    @kentuckygirl: @BabyBruins: Thanks guys !!

    Scan went really well! All looked normal.. phew! it even had the hiccups which was sooo cute!! they couldn't give us an idea of the sex which was a bit of a shame but it was so awesome to see our beautiful baby it didn't matter! any guesses from the pic?

  32. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: No idea about the sex but you've got a beautiful baby there! Congrats on the great scan!

  33. mrs ranunculus

    apple seed / 2 posts

    Hi all - I'm getting in here a bit late, but I wanted to wait until we had our first appointment (which was yesterday!) Everything went well, so now I'm here to join the June 14 mamas!

    EDD: June 28

    When Did You Find Out?: 9 DPO, October 16th

    Child Number: #1!

    Where You Live: Austin, TX

    What kind of provider will you see?: OBGYN

    When's Your First Appointment?: November 20 - yesterday!

    What kind of birth do you want?: I'd like to have it be as peaceful and smooth as possible and end with a healthy baby. That being said, I am considering getting an epidural.

    What You're Most Excited For: I'm relieved the first appointment went well, and am excited about waiting for feeling movement for the first time as well as finding out the sex.

    What You're Most Scared About: Probably just the normal first baby jitters and mostly being so far away from my family.

    Symptoms so far: sore boobs, all day queasiness, and holy cow - the fatigue!!!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!

  34. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @mrs ranunculus: Welcome and yeah for good appointments!!

  35. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    Has anyone else had cravings? And by that I mean Cravings. I hadn't really experienced this until last night I suddenly wanted biscuits and gravy, the kind you get at KFC. This morning I still wanted it, so I had to make do with Whole Foods' gluten-free frozen biscuits and some gravy in a box because that was all I could find ready-made!

  36. littleveesmommy

    persimmon / 1472 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: I feel like I am getting some sort of a bump too! I tried to suck it in and it's still there so I'm telling myself it is not all the ruffle chips and hummus I ate the night before (haha).

    @meesker: Hurrah for a great first appointment! It really does bring a lot of relief to see a healthy little bean in there.

    @LovelyPlum: Thanks!!! You have been so immensely supportive through my ups and downs.

    @Sunshine710: Woohoo for a good NT appt and strong heartbeat! Nothing beats a strong beat (pun intended haha).

    @beachbee: So happy for you! All these NT appts making me very anxious for ours but we still have a month to go for that.

    @Tundra Daisy: What a beautiful baby pic! I love side profile pics - the little nose!!!

    @mrs ranunculus: Welcome and hurrah for a great appt! You are due one day ahead of me - exciting!

  37. beachbee

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: yay!!! Beautiful baby!!! I'm no help on the sex guesstimate, but yay for the great appt!!

  38. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: aww! That's a great pic!

    @mrs ranunculus: Welcome and congrats!

  39. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    I got my Harmony test results back this afternoon. After drama/runaround/false infor from the receptionist which was super frustrating!

    Kentuckybaby has only a 1 in 10,000 chance of Down's or other chromosonal abnormalities!!!! And it's a BOY!!!!!!!

    I was so shocked y'all! I really thought it was a girl. I am soooo excited about a little boy who looks like my hubby!!! Most of my decorating ideas were girl centered, so I have to start looking! Fortunately, I am going shopping this weekend for Christmas gifts, but we'll definitely make time for baby boy ideas! Hope you all are doing well!

  40. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @spaniellove: So glad that this week's visit was good and I am definitely thinking of you for your scan on Monday! Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for good news for you!

    I haven't had true cravings but I have had a frequent desire for Frosties and McFlurries. I have not even had strong aversions, just a horribly strong feeling that nothing sounds good even when I am starving.

    @mrs ranunculus: Welcome!!!

    I am trying to hold out on the maternity pants until Thanksgiving Day, I think that sounds like a good day to start wearing them!

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