cherry / 212 posts
@Duckling: Thanks, nice to "meet" you!
You're waiting until Christmas to announce? Me too! And it is such a long wait! I'll be 14 weeks by the time I tell my family, and it's already getting hard to hide!
I hope all goes well at the specialist.
persimmon / 1385 posts
@mrs.ham: and @lilyann: Welcome! I'm so glad you decided to join
@Tundra Daisy: I'm thinking about doing the same thing. I just don't know if I can wait until 20 weeks. It started driving me crazy this week not knowing!!! I will be 15 weeks the middle of December and I just keep thinking how great it would be to know before Christmas.
nectarine / 2878 posts
@Tundra Daisy: @MsBadger: I am very anxious to find out what we are having too!! However, with my 1st, we had an elective scan at 15/16 weeks to find out gender, she told us girl. We had a gender reveal party and everything only to find out at our anatomy scan that it was a BOY!! DH will never let me get an early prediction again. I'm sure it doesn't happen often though! We both have a feeling this one is a boy again, not sure why though!
persimmon / 1385 posts
@lilyann: Good to know! That story may help me cool my jets and wait for January. I'm a little worried about gender disappointment so I don't think my emotions could take that roller coaster either way it shook out.
cherry / 212 posts
@MsBadger: Thanks!
I'm the same way - no ultrasound until 20 weeks. Can't wait to get eyes on my baby!
nectarine / 2878 posts
Thank you for all the "welcome" messages! Good luck to all the FTMs!! I saw quite a few 2nd time moms too, such a relief to find others going through similar experiences!
The ultrasound pic was from our dating scan at 10 weeks, 2 days!
I am 12 weeks, 1 day today...not sure when to reveal on FB but I am getting anxious to tell more people! I think I might hold out until Christmas Eve or Christmas Day! I'll be around 15 weeks by then
honeydew / 7916 posts
@lilyann: I'd be afraid of that happening!
I'm having a growth u/s at the MFM at 15 weeks and on one hand I hope they say something about the sex (especially because it's just before Christmas) but then I don't want it to be wrong!
persimmon / 1194 posts
@Tundra Daisy: I hear ya! I am way too impatient. I'm getting my scan tomorrow, I'll be 13 weeks. It's early but I went to the same place with DD and they told me without a doubt she was a girl at 12 weeks so I trust them. I figure worst case scenario they will bring me back for a free scan if they can't tell for sure. This week has been dragging for sure!
kiwi / 551 posts
Hello to the new moms!
@lilyann: I had GD with my first and I'm preparing myself to get it again, but will obviously be happy if it doesn't happen. I was able to control it with diet, but I also delivered 6 weeks early, so I only had to deal with it for about 8 weeks. I also got told that I have low thyroid stimulating hormone from my initial blood panel. I think that is hyperthyroidism? Not sure. They haven't done anything about it yet and will check again at my next appointment in 2 weeks. What have they told you?
kiwi / 614 posts
@MsBadger: The insurance plans and their coverage and billed vs negotiated rates make 0 sense to me. It is such a convoluted system that in my opinion is that way on purpose to thoroughly confuse consumers! It was so much easier to understand cost and coverage in France, I really, really, really miss their system.
It'll be interesting to see your final numbers!
@Mrs.Ham: @lilyann: Welcome! Glad to have some more June mamas in here!
Is anyone else team green? Everyone seems very excited to learn the gender (which I totally get)...We were team green with DD and I wouldn't have changed it for the world. I loved not knowing and having that wonderful surprise when we first met her.
nectarine / 2878 posts
@BabyBruins: I am on Levothyroxine due to my underactive thyroid, just found out at the initial blood draw, so hopefully pregnancy related? I did not have this issue with my first. Mine was at 7.54 and they will be testing it again soon to see how the meds are doing. Maybe your number was low but not bad enough to be put on meds?
kiwi / 614 posts
Oh, also, that stinks that so many of you have to wait like that for NT scan results. The place we went to does the blood test first, then the ultrasound and finally you meet with a geneticist a few hours laters to review the results. So it's all done in one day.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@Chastenet: I had the blood draw, u/s and genetic counselor all on the same day too. The doctor met with us to talk about why I'm high risk and briefly mentioned the u/s results being normal, but they made us wait for the blood results. Since I haven't heard more than a week and a half later, I'm guessing it was normal.
Did all of you do the sequential screen where you go back around 16 weeks for the second part?
kiwi / 614 posts
@spaniellove: hmm, I guess the place I went to has a rush order on the lab results or something
I don't know what sequential screening is, so no, I don't think I'm having that! Pretty sure the next thing is anatomy ultrasound at 20ish weeks
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Chastenet: ooh, that would be nice to know which "team" everyone is on, it would be fun to update the list with team green's and as others find out, boy or girl.
kiwi / 614 posts
@MsBadger: yes, it would be. In our Aug 2012 mom's group we had several team greeners and everyone had a boy except me!
olive / 65 posts
@Mrs.Ham I'm a FTM so I guess I want to be past my first trimester before I tell family. It will be a first grandchild. I'll be 15 weeks then; like you, I'm worried about my belly giving it away. So far, so good. I'm not too noticeable. I can still hide it.
@chastenet We're Team Green too. I like the idea of having a surprise to look forward to. However, my DH is not as sure about the idea, so his resolve might just weaken. He's terrified of being present at the birth, so I convinced him that it would be his job to announce the baby's gender after his/her birth. (Fingers crossed that this motivation will work.)
cherry / 212 posts
@Duckling: I am SO ready to tell family, but DH wants to wait. This is the first grandbaby for his parents, and he wants to do an announcement with a Christmas gift.
I'm already having trouble fitting into clothes...3.5 more weeks, I may need maternity jeans by then! lol
cherry / 179 posts
So I've been waiting until my 2nd appointment today to post (maybe a little superstitious?) and it went well today, heard heartbeat and all is on track!
Glad to join this group!!
EDD: June 26
When Did You Find Out?: October 28th
Child Number: #2 (#1 = almost 9 month old adopted daugther)
Where You Live: Georgia
What kind of provider will you see?: OBGYN
When's Your First Appointment?: Second was today
What kind of birth do you want?: Healthy baby, healthy mother birth
What You're Most Excited For: Feeling better
What You're Most Scared About: Haveing 2 under 2
Symptoms so far: extreme fatigue, nausea, smell aversions
olive / 65 posts
@Mrs.Ham That's how we're going to announce it--with a gift. Also, I am already in maternity jeans. Part of it, I think, is that I'm a very petite/small person, so everything "filled out" around my lower abdomen. But until now, I've just looked like I gained a few pounds. This week I feel I've started needing to wear scarves and bulkier sweaters. I might be hiding behind down vests on Christmas Eve...
apricot / 288 posts
@chastenet - I have decided to go team green this time. We found out we were having a girl so early last time (because I did CVS at 12 weeks). This time I think it would be fun to try it differently and my husband is totally on board.
@lilyann and @babybruins - I am on sytnthroid also. I had been seeing an RE and he found my thyroid was a little high on my first blood. It was initially a 2.7 and he said for fertility purposes they like to see it under 2.5 and ideally closer to 2. I haven't been retested and I will stay on it the rest of my pregnancy and then get retested after that. Bonus points, they say lower thyroid is associated with higher baby IQ (I have no idea if that is true or not).
I had my materniT21 test this week and go for my NT and sequential screen next week (I am 38). I wanted to leave time to do a CVS if any of the results come back positive. So we are holding off until we have all those results back before we tell our families at christmas.
I think I am one of the later June mamas (the 28th or 29th) and we will all be in the second trimester in just two weeks! Crazy how fast that went.
The biggest difference with this pregnancy is how much worse I have been eating. All I want is carbs and cheese (preferably together thank you very much mac n' cheese or grilled cheese).
olive / 65 posts
Update: The fetal specialists really wanted to do a dating u/s today, so we got one! Aaaaaand, it turns out that they need to move my due date up by a week and a few days to June 10. It was so exciting to see the baby, who ended up being very cooperative (thankfully).
Because of the high-risk pregnancy, I will have to have weekly checkups from wk 16-26. Test results from today won't be ready for another week. Fingers crossed. Also, some of my discomfort is related to an ovarian cyst. :\ So at least I have answer to that question.
cherry / 150 posts
Weeeeeeooo!! I went to have my 3D scan today, and it's..
heheh I wasn't that surprised because I have been dreaming it's a boy Still took me a couple of hours to wrap my head around.. pretty excited! and exhausted from all the anticipation
Anyone else finding out soon?
honeydew / 7916 posts
@Tundra Daisy: Congrats! You must be so excited!
We really need to update our list as everyone finds out/stays Team Green!
persimmon / 1194 posts
@Tundra Daisy: congratulations!!! I had my 3D on Wednesday but LO was not cooperating they said one shot resembled girl while another looked boy and the final shot they needed to confirm baby was not in the right position. We are going back in a couple days for another scan. I've had all boy dreams too so I was pretty floored when the tech first said girl. Well see! Fingerscrossed baby cooperates next time!
grape / 84 posts
@Tundra Daisy: Ah! So exciting. I won't know until January and I have no premonitions whatsoever. So excited for you!
persimmon / 1087 posts
Welcome to the new ladies and congratulations!
@Tundra Daisy: Congratulations on finding out you're having a boy! They're so much fun!
I got my NT and Maternit21 results back. Everything looks good right now. They also said that we are having a girl! We are very excited to have one of each. I'm 14 weeks and feeling good. The headaches won't go away. I would like to find another way to combat them without relying on taking something for it. I'm glad to finally be in second tri. I have a little bump now and I swear I feel some movement. They feel more like little taps. This is my second, so it isn't unheard of I'm sure.
persimmon / 1385 posts
@Tundra Daisy: Yay! Congrats!
Since we will all be starting to find out sex soon (or later for the team greens ;), I thought it would be fun to put our premonitions/predictions down and see what happens. I started a treat here
kiwi / 673 posts
@Chastenet: we're team green!! we were for my first pregnancy, and honestly that was the best moment ever finding out during delivery. and my predictions were correct
persimmon / 1385 posts
Due Dates
1st – Owlmom (#2)
1st – Sunshine710 (#2)
1st – Tundra Daisy (#1-Boy)
2nd – Meesker (#1)
2nd – STP (#2)
3rd – Beachbee (#2-Green)
4th – KentuckyGirl (#1-Boy)
5th – Calsmom (#2-Girl)
6th – Chastenet (#2-Green)
8th – MsBadger (#1)
10th – Duckling (#1-Green)
11th – Alexandra603 (#1)
11th – Lollipop (#2)
13th – SpanielLove (#1)
13th – BabyBruins (#2)
14th – Leelee (#2)
15th – Peacockblue (#2)
17th – Lilibillie (#1)
18th – Matcha Latte (#1)
19th – Kimbed (#2)
20th – Lilyann (#2)
26th – Mrs.Ham (#1)
26th – MKP17 (#2)
27th – Shortcake (#2-Green)
28th – Mrs Ranunculus (#2)
29th – LittleVeesMommy (#2)
First Time Moms - 10
Second Time Moms - 16
Boys - 2
Girls - 1
Team Green - 4
Unknown - 19
kiwi / 551 posts
@MsBadger: Thanks! Just a quick update for the next list... my due date got moved to June 10 after my first OB appt which makes sense based on when I think I ovulated. The June 13 date was my LMP, but she moved me when she measured the baby. And she thinks I'll be lucky to make it even to June 10.
persimmon / 1385 posts
@BabyBruins: Will do
If anything else is wrong or I'm missing someone, please let me know!
pea / 21 posts
Hi everyone, I've been inactive for a while. So glad to see that people are doing well and welcome and congrats to all the new mamas!
I'm 15 weeks today, hooray! My Bella Band has been working out great so far, but today I decided to get some maternity leggings from H&M and oh my they are so comfy. It's amazing how much bigger I look when I'm wearing actual maternity wear (or is it just in my head?!). I'm definitely bigger than I was at 15 weeks with my son, then again this is technically my 5th pregnancy (three 1st trimester miscarriages between 10 and 12 weeks) so maybe that's why I am bigger? Errr... or it could be the luscious carb diet as well.
Symptoms-wise I am feeling better day by day but I still get tired quickly and have the occasional bouts of queasiness. My skin has been blotchy with a persistent line of tiny pimples right under my nose!
I can't wait for the anatomy scan to find out the sex. It'll probably be first thing in the New Year.
Happy growing, everyone!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@MsBadger: Thank you for updating!
I finally met with my new OB today and am so glad I went through the trouble of switching. He's so much better and there's none of that chaos from before where I was only seeing nurses. Heartrate was good and I see the MFM in 2 weeks at 15 weeks. My belly was doing a weird thing for a while where it was oddly flat after having so much bloat but I'm finally starting to have a small consistent bump! It's not much but at least it's there when I wake up. Hope everyone is starting to feel better!
kiwi / 614 posts
@Duckling: @beachbee: @shortcake: Yay for being team green I really loved keeping the surprise for the end last time - it was such a special moment when we first saw DD and gazed into her eyes, only after a few minutes did we actually think to ask what sex she was!
@spaniellove: I'm glad your happier with your new care provider. I changed at 27w with DD and it was the best decision I ever made!
@MsBadger: Thanks for updating the list!
@calsmom: Congrats!!! Little girls are awesome I hope this LO is a girl, too so DD has a sister.
@Tundra Daisy: Congrats on your little boy - that's exciting!!!
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