Hellobee Boards


June 2014 mamas!

  1. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    Hi Ladies!

    I am pretty late to the game on joining in, but I wanted to wait until I felt ready. I am finally starting to feel less anxious and like this whole thing is really real! I just shared the news with my bff last night and will tell my mom and my in laws tomorrow!

    EDD: June 23, but I will be having a medically scheduled c-section so baby will be here June 2nd!

    When Did You Find Out?: October 17th - our 4th wedding anniversary

    Child Number: #1

    Where You Live: Chicago

    What kind of provider will you see?: OBGYN

    When's Your First Appointment?: 11/1, but I've had two more since then, the most recent was 12/10 for my 12 week visit and first trimester screening with great results.

    What kind of birth do you want?: The safest one for the baby and me, which will be a c-section at 37 weeks. I had a huge fibroid removed several years ago and because of the large incision they had to make, I am at risk for uterine rupture. So a c-section well before I go into labor is really the only safe option.

    What You're Most Excited For: holding baby!

    What You're Most Scared About: being a parent! even though everyone seems to have lots of advice, it really seems like something you have to figure out how to do on your own.

    Symptoms so far: fortunately the nausea, exhaustion and vegetable aversions seem to be lessening now that I've made it to the second trimester. New symptoms include some round ligament pain and sleeplessness.

    Looking forward to being on this journey with you lovely ladies!

  2. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @CakeLady: Welcome and congrats! It sounds like you are making the best choice for you and baby.

    We had another good MFM appointment; the u/s was 45 mins long this time so we got to see a lot of baby. The dr thought I should try to get some nausea meds from my OB because at this point I'm not able to eat or drink at all. And we were foiled again - the tech couldn't tell us the sex so I came home and booked an appt at the end of next week with a 3D place!

    ETA: Talked to my OB and he gave me Diclegis but thinks it's my ulcers and I need to ask my gastroenterologist for Nexium again.

  3. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    Hi, I was a June 2013 momma!! I bet you all are starting to look so cute and pregnant! Last Christmas was when we announced our pregnancy!!! Congrats and hope that morning sickness starts to go away....

  4. Chastenet

    kiwi / 614 posts

    @spaniellove: since you've had ulcers you probably need something much stronger, but with DD I had lots of heartburn and tums really helped.
    @CakeLady: Congratulations and welcome! That makes 3 June 2014 mamas in Chicago on this board We should get together!

  5. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Chastenet: Diclegis seems to be doing the trick for now, so fingers crossed!

    I think I felt the baby move this morning! At first I wondered if I was having a random spasm down low after I scrubbed my belly in the shower, and then it happened again after I put on lotion. What a great Christmas present!

  6. beachbee

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @spaniellove: best Christmas present!! Glad to hear the MFM appt went well. Hopefully you have better luck with the sex at the 3D place! Maybe baby just wants you to be team green

  7. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    I hope you all have enjoyed the holidays! Now that Christmas has passed, I am ready to move into full baby mode! I feel like childcare is going to be a big task for me. I probably will start research on that soon and hopefully begin visits in February (we'll see if that actually happens!) I also need to start researching some gear and making my ideas for the nursery a reality. Oh and of course, I need to put some time into finding a name. What's on your baby to-do list at this point? What am I not thinking about that needs to be done soon?

  8. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    @Chastenet: that's a really fun idea! I'd love to meet up. Anyone else in or near Chicago interested?

    @kentuckygirl: Oh my gosh, I am starting to feel totally overwhelmed by the baby to do list! I feel the need to research literally every piece of gear I am considering and there are a million options for everything. Not to mention figuring out child care...

    Any advice from second time moms about favorite, must-have gear? Anything I should seriously consider (really anything from strollers to swaddles) or anything else a first time mom might not think of?

  9. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @CakeLady: Sorry, I didn't mean to overwhelm you! Last night, as I was telling DH about what I wanted to start working on, I also got a little overwhelmed. There are lots of good posts on HB about gear. If you go to the lower right side at the bottom, the Features/Hellobee series link leads to a lot of great blog posts and guides about different things. I have a lot of hand-me-down gear from my sister so I will only looking for a few things (like a stroller). I know I will get a Chicco infant carrier but also will start researching some convertible carseat options.

  10. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    @kentuckygirl: don't worry - I was already thinking about the to dos and feeling stressed before you raised the question - but I've had a little time off of work to do some research and read the gear posts and I think I am making some progress

  11. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @kentuckygirl: We bought a lot of gear while TTC (wishful thinking!) so right now we're dealing with house projects that need to be done to make the bedrooms more livable. Sometime in the next week or two we're having hardwood put down in the nursery and I need to go through the paint deck soon. We also just finished putting in a new HVAC system with a humidifier so the nursery would actually get heating and cooling!

  12. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @CakeLady: Glad you are making some progress! I am trying today.

    @spaniellove: Sounds like you are making some great home improvements! I think it is awesome you already have some gear, what have you chosen? Any input on strollers? I have a Chicco Snap-N-Go stroller base and some extra (still in date) Chicco infant car seat bases from my sister. So I don't need options for a newborn but I am starting to look at UppaBaby and City Mini style for late infant months and beyond.

    As far as the house, we have a leak that DH is waiting for warmer weather to start work on. We have a covered back deck and we think that it was an addition and not done well.

    This is my bedding:

    I want to paint part of the walls green, either an accent wall or do the top half green and the lower half in white beadboard. Our crib is Espresso.

    I am struggling with what color rocker. I would prefer to do something gender neutral in hopes of using it for baby #2, but the bedding and color scheme I mentioned is leading me toward navy blue (maybe with white piping). I guess I could always have it recovered.

  13. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @kentuckygirl: I love that bedding, especially the cute alligators! If you get a sturdy rocker, you could definitely get it recovered later on. Navy with white piping and white beadboard would be such a great preppy look.

    I ended up with a Cruz and Vista...originally I got the Vista and realized it was pretty heavy to load in and out of the car constantly, but I still wanted it for when we're in the city because the wheels are better for the cobblestones and messed up sidewalks. The Cruz is a lot easier to manage and a little narrower, so I think it'll be a better everyday stroller in the suburbs with a car. I actually ordered a City Mini GT before either of these, and liked the fold but I think you still need two hands to load it into a car because unless you're suuuupper strong it's way too heavy to pick up with one arm (and a baby in the other). If you have a Buy Buy Baby near you, you should definitely try them out and compare! They were so nice and brought out a ton of seats to help us figure out what actually fits in DH's car.

  14. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    I guess I'm also curious...my SIL keeps telling me I absolutely need the Chicco version of the Snap n Go since I'm getting the Keyfit. Is it that essential or will I be okay just using the Cruz in the beginning?

  15. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    Sorry I've been MIA. I finally feel like I can come up for air after all the Christmas festivities.

    We're starting the baby prep in earnest now too. A couple months ago I got a wild hair and took down all the wallpaper in the nursery, but we just closed the door and haven't done anything since. DH has a few days in a row off this week, so he's planning on prepping the walls and then I supposed it's time for me to pick paint, yikes!

    Here's my nursery pinterest board if anyone is interested http://www.pinterest.com/allisenemilie/nursery-inpiration/

  16. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @MsBadger: Love your nursery ideas! I also pinned that book wall. I have neglected my Pinterest boards. They are all just ideas from before we knew the sex. I really have no specific ideas yet on wall art, just bedding, furniture and color scheme. It looks like you have several very similar paint colors, so hopefully you won't have too much trouble picking one!

  17. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @spaniellove: Thanks for the idea to go to BBB and try out the strollers. There is one about an hour away, near my sister, and I had planned to register there. I have browsed a few times already and really like their selection vs. Babies R Us. I already have a small PBK registry and I'll need to do a BRU registry for the people here in my city. Yikes, I'll probably end up with four registries since DH's family only has a Wal-Mart close to them. But I'll just do basics like diapers and wipes on that one.

  18. Duckling

    olive / 65 posts

    Happy 2014, everyone! We broke the news over Xmas. The reactions did not disappoint--total surprise for the parents. I have not been thinking about nursery stuff or anything else yet, but I should have known that everyone was ready to "help" me with those details as soon as the news broke.

    On Friday we have our 17-week echo. I am going to have to resign my position on Team Green, I'm afraid. My SO has begged and pleaded with me to find out the gender, esp. since he will be viewing weekly ultrasounds until the third trimester. {Sigh} I don't think I can torture him weekly (i.e., I can't endure his weekly torture), so I'm going to cave on this one (and fight like hell on the next molehill!).

  19. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Duckling: That's good to hear that you had positive reactions from family! Always a good thing. I'm sorry to hear that you had to give in on Team Green...your SO owes you one! I might have missed it; is there a reason you're having weekly ultrasounds? Hope you're doing okay!

    @kentuckygirl: That is a lot of registries to work on! I've been racking my brain trying to figure out where to register. I'm 99.9% sure I'm not having a shower, but we've gotten several comments about gifts so it seems like I need to register anyway. On one hand I like that we have a BBB near our house and it's so easy to deal with returns/credits, but the stores aren't convenient to many people we know. Then there's Amazon...I love that I can link directly to a smaller registry on a cloth diaper site so no one has to look anything up, and they have every obscure item we might need. But I also worry that some older (tech-phobic) people might avoid Amazon. It's a toss-up.

  20. Duckling

    olive / 65 posts

    @spaniellove Thanks for the sympathy on the exodus out of Team Green territory. I think I'm done pouting now. (Maybe.) My baby is at risk for heart development issues because of my own health. The chances are slim, but they don't want to take chances. So...bring on the weekly echos!

    @kentuckygirl I think I'm going to use Amazon, myregistry.com (the comprehensive list), and Target. That should cover everyone in my life.

  21. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Duckling: Ah okay. I think we're having one fetal echo at 21 weeks because of med exposure. You'll have to let me know how the echo procedure is different from an ultrasound. Please keep us all posted; I'll be thinking of you and LO!

  22. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    Question for both FTMs and STM(+)...we booked our photographer and originally thought we were going to do maternity/newborn/1-year with him. In finalizing things with him, it occurred to me that I actually can't stand looking at my pregnant self. I haven't taken any photos besides a few "woohoo I'm pregnant!" pics in the beginning and now I hate how fat I feel. Would you rather have more pictures of your LO (6m instead of maternity)? It'll cost us more in the end with having to buy prints or images, but it's so tempting b/c 6 months will fall around the holidays...

  23. BabyBruins

    kiwi / 551 posts

    @spaniellove: I didn't do maternity shots and I kind of wish I had. (They were actually scheduled, but I had J six weeks early) I think pro shots can be done in a way that will make you look really beautiful and not fat and its such a great excuse to have some nice pictures of just you and hubs before everything changes. I would suggest waiting until the beginning of the 3rd tri when your belly is nice and round and hard (mine is still a little mushy at 17 weeks) and you may feel differently about how you look. I loved being pregnant and wearing tight shirts and showing off my belly. I'm not normally a skinny person and I never felt better about my body than when I was pregnant.
    You will have a bazillion pics of your kid once it comes, but i know i am hesitant to take pictiures of just myself now without a good excuse. Get your hair done and your makeup done and find an outfit that you feel amazing in, even if its just jeans and a tshirt. I know it will be more money, but you can still get shots at 6 mos for the holidays if you want that.

  24. Duckling

    olive / 65 posts

    @spaniellove -- I will let you know! I am scheduled to meet in an u/s room, and they will be using a high-frequency u/s machine. I have watched a few youtube videos of echos to give myself some peace of mind.

  25. Tundra Daisy

    cherry / 150 posts

    Hope everyone had a awesome Christmas and New year! I had a nice chilled Christmas day and then stayed home and ate curry on Christmas eve!

    Still on holidays from work and dreading going back on the 13th - I'm so used to sleeping in now ha ha!

    I'm getting quite a few compliments lately about looking 'glowing' etc can't tell if people are just saying that because they are supposed to or not though lol.

    @BabyBruins: I'm feeling pretty good about myself at the moment - usually hate my tummy but now my bump is getting bigger I'm loving it!

    @spaniellove: I think you should do maternity! Better than regretting that you didn't! I'm sure you look much better than you feel.

    @Duckling: I felt really happy when I found out, like I was more connected to him and could imagine him better once I found out it was a him hehe! Another plus is buying clothes - just go on a bit of a spree once you find out to reward yourself ha ha

    Anyone else got a scan coming up? I've got my 20 week next Thursday and am sooo excited to see him again hehe

  26. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: I'm hoping to have our 20 week scan the second to last week this month. I can't wait to find out whether it's a boy or a girl, I've really held myself back with clothes. The only thing I've bought is a pack of Wisconsin Badger onesies from TJMaxx and I can't wait to go crazy!!!

  27. Duckling

    olive / 65 posts

    @TundraDaisy Shopping therapy will definitely be in my future. I realized last night that it's not as if I'm going to regret knowing. It's the same joy--just at a different time and place than I'd planned. Now I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Maybe I'll get enough of a peek from a chummy tech to know in 24 hours. Crazy!

  28. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Tundra Daisy: We're doing our elective gender scan tomorrow! Please let baby cooperate this time because I'm not going out in the bitter cold for nothing.

    @Duckling: How exciting is it that we may both know after tomorrow?! I actually started out wanting to be Team Green and DH convinced me to find out. Now I'm so impatient, as you can see!

  29. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    @spaniellove: and @duckling:

    Good luck tomorrow! I am super jealous! I can't wait to update the list.

  30. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    So jealous of all you ladies that are finding out the sex soon! I have a regular appointment on the 7th and I am hoping he does a scan so I can have a sneak peek! I will be 17 weeks at the appointment, so it should be detectable

  31. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @lilyann: It should definitely be detectable at 17 weeks!

    I'm starting to wonder if my scan tomorrow will be canceled with the storm we're having and the governor declaring a state of emergency and all. Don't they know I need to find out the sex of my baby?!

  32. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @spaniellove: Oh, I hope you get to have your scan tomorrow! Fingers crossed for you!!!

  33. Duckling

    olive / 65 posts

    @spaniellove Oh no. This storm better not mess up your scan. Good luck tomorrow--I hope you can be safe and successful!

  34. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @Duckling: hope you find out tomorrow too!!!

  35. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    Got my Cystic Fibrosis test back today and I'm not a carrier, so that's good news. Fingers crossed for cooperative babies and weather for you guys with appointments today! Can't wait for updates

  36. Duckling

    olive / 65 posts

    Scary roads out there today, but I made it. Everything went very well despite an uncooperative baby who must have been cold because it wouldn't uncurl from its tight little ball. The tech told me she knew the gender but couldn't get a clear shot because the baby kept...ahem...putting its hands down there. Yeah, you guessed it--we're having a boy.

    @spaniellove The echo was just like an ultrasound--only with 40 shots and measurements of the heart. (Slight exaggeration, obviously.) It lasted longer because they were trying to capture the heart's rhythm from multiple sides during his hiccup marathon. They took many up-close photos of the heart's chambers and valves. They also turned on blue and red color indicators to show blood entering and exiting the valves. But--basically--it just felt like a loooong u/s to me. I hope you made it to your appointment!

  37. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Duckling: I hope everything looked good at the echo! It sounds like the growth scan but focusing only on the heart.

    The tech wanted to check from every angle just to be sure, but...it's a boy! (Wow, there are a lot of boys in this group!) And now I have a billion pictures of his parts.

  38. Chastenet

    kiwi / 614 posts

    @CakeLady: I organize a monthly meet-up for Chicago moms in Lakeview East, if you are interested in coming you are more than welcome The next one is Saturday the 18th at 4pm, it's for the whole family. This is LO#1 for you, but don't be shy about joining before he/she gets here, we've had pregnant mamas come before.

    As for favorite - or must have gear - it definitely depends on your situation/lifestyle. But some things I could not live without:
    * Rock n play: this was dd's bed for the first 5 months - it's small, portable, and she was so cosy in it. I'm getting a new one for #2 since I gave ours to a friend.
    *Skip hop portable diaper changer: I take this with me everywhere for diaper changes when we're out and about - probably one of the items I've used the most
    *Baby carrier: I prefer baby carrying to the stroller whenever possible, it's just easier for a city mom, imho. I have a Baby K'tan which I love, but I'm getting an ergo now that DD is older so I can wear her on my back.
    *nose frida: don't get one of those crappy bulb nose suckers, they don't work.
    *Breast feeding pillow: I have a boppy - but I don't think the brand matters. If you're going to breast feed, you'll want a nice pillow to rest LO on so your arms don't get too tired. This is another thing that got extensive use.
    *wipeable changing pad: I have the so-popular-they-went-out-of-stock baby smart cooshee changer, I also have the one by Soft Gear. They rock - you don't have to wash a poop-stained cover, you can just wipe it off with some anti-bacterial spray. LOVE this product.

    I think that's it for my gear advice. Really, you don't need much at first. I know everyone wants to get you gifts and there's so much marketing & pressure to have ALL THE STUFF...But if you can hold off on some things until LO gets here, you may find you don't need them at all (example: friends told me I needed a swing - never got one, never needed one...Some babies need swinging, mine didn't).

  39. Duckling

    olive / 65 posts

    @spaniellove Congrats! I'm glad you got to go in. The tech said that they were looking for either undeveloped heart chambers or valve function at this stage because of my own condition. I had the impression that later scans are looking for other sorts of development issues (i.e., holes, etc.).

  40. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @spaniellove: came over to see what the little one was-I'm so excited for you!!

    And while I was over here, I got some great gear advice-thanks, @Chastenet: !

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