Hellobee Boards


June 2016 moms!

  1. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @runnerd: you have so much done! Good for you!

    I, too, am pretty exhausted, even though I'm still on modified bedrest. I'm feeling huge and uncomfortable. It's hard to get around!

    The new nursery is taking shape. We had a new glider delivered over the weekend and the newly refinished furniture (was my dad's childhood set) will be here on Friday. It will feel good to start washing and organizing. Of course our washing machine broke last week and we have to wait 7 business days for the part! It is a huge pain (have to visit a laundromat). I've been spoiled since leaving the city!

    How is everyone feeling? Only 1 more week until I find out whether I'm cleared for a vaginal birth or scheduling a c-section. At this point, I just want to know either way. There are benefits to both, and I'm just going with the flow!

  2. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @runnerd: good job! I have a lot of energy right now, but after I get a bunch of things done I am WIPED out.

    I keep going back and forth between wanting her here NOW and wanting her to take her time! I guess my doctor is very induction happy, at my last appointment he said we can talk about inducing at 39 weeks, I was like wait what?

    Can't wait to see all the babies being born!


  3. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    @runnerd: way to utilize that energy!
    @meadow: oh the swelling..... My feet & ankles are just plum pitiful. I feel for you, mine hasn't reached my legs or hands. Blah. We are so close!
    @Alba4: Ugh, could your machine not have broke at a different time? Never how it goes, huh? Hope the news you get next week is what you are wanting but like you said there are benefits to both. Healthy Baby & Mom are main goal!
    @MrsKRB: I am the same way, full of energy but wipe out after a full day! I am with you on going back & forth. Most of the time I am SO READY but then when I start having contractions I start to panic a little.

    Nothing new here. Been having tons of what I assume are Braxton hicks. I am determined not to go to L&D until I am pretty certain it's happening. A few nights ago my Braxton hicks were consistent but they still weren't "painful", they did keep me up most of the night but I could still think, breath, talk, etc. during them so I assumed they weren't the real deal. By morning they had become inconsistent. Last night I had a few what I believe are close to the real thing, they were pretty dang uncomfortable but I only had 3 or 4 then they stopped. Blah.
    We are all getting so close! I cannot believe our month is right around the corner! Hope everyone is doing good!


  4. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @meadow: My toes look like little sausages... so swollen most days. And so are my ankles... But everywhere else seems okay.

    However I am starting to believe that I'm one of the lucky women who have worse morning sickness at the end of the pregnancy then the first trimester. I've been throwing up so much lately. I was blaming it on my cold but now I have no excuse and its been bad the last couple of mornings. I'm planning to talk to my doctor about it at my appointment this week. Thankfully I can still eat and keep down food most of the day. I know it's also in part due to my heartburn but I've been nauseous even when I don't feel heartburn.


  5. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @RKitty: you poor thing!!! how miserable to be back at the morning sickness at this point.

    @MMcAlli: I can't imagine how annoying that is to feel on edge - is it something or nothing!

    @MrsKRB: the only guideline I have for wanting to stay in is DH will get paternity benefit as long as baby isn't born before 38 weeks (to have been at the job long enough)

    @Alba4: I'd be anxious to know how things will be going down!!

    So ladies - back to the aches and pains of pregnancy - do you have achy abdominal/stomach muscles? I am just aching all over my body, and the muscles all throughout my abdominal area are sore and uncomfortable. of course when I tell DH, he thinks I should call the doctor, but I assume it's just normal uncomfortable end of pregnancy stuff? I have appt Thurs anyways.


  6. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @RKitty: oh no! Vomiting? That is the worst. Hope it is temporary.

    @runnerd: I'm totally achy and feel sore. I asked my dr last week about tenderness around my belly button and she said it was normal. Yesterday my back, hips, and pelvic area all were so sore. We are in the final stretch!!!

    33 w 6d

  7. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @RKitty: I'm sorry I've been feeling nauseous if I eat too much, but I know it's not the same

    @runnerd: sometimes my stomach feels achy when I push on it, but mainly my hips and groin are SO sore, especially when I get up in the morning-it's awful!

  8. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @runnerd: I'm so surprised by how much energy I have this pregnancy, despite having a toddler. I must just be used to exhaustion at this point! If only this SPD didn't come along and ruin my ability to move!

    I just had my LAST appointment of this pregnancy. It's a little surreal. Next time I see a doctor will be for my induction at 8 am on Monday! (unless I go into labor on my own before then.) I just need DH to vacuum the house and do a load of laundry and we are as ready as we will ever be!

  9. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @catomd00: Monday!!!! Oh wow, so soon

  10. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @catomd00: wow so soon!!!!

  11. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @runnerd: @Mrs. Champagne: I know, crazy! I'll be 38+5 (DD1 was born at 38+1 on her own). so I guess there's a chance this one might come before then. It's so weird to know the date if she doesn't, though!

    I'm surprised more of our babies haven't been born yet....my WB group already has 6 June babies born!

  12. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @catomd00: wow! Crazy to think there will be more soon!!

    I'm just 33+3 so I've got a bit to go... 5 weeks Friday is my c section! Hoping to make it till then

    Feeling pretty good so far. About to go out and get some candy. 😁

    Second guessing our name options now. Ugh. It is so hard to pick. Is anyone else still unsure?

  13. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: hope you're doing well!! Love the name Zoey!

  14. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @catomd00: 1 more week! Crazy!!

    Maybe we should start a Labor thread??

  15. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: I keep forgetting I'm at the beginning of June (well may now!) and that some people still have 5 or so weeks to go! That fees like an eternity now! I'm so ready for this baby to be out!

  16. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @Alba4: ugh about the washer!!! What timing!

    @MMcAlli: Hope the BH don't keep amping up....then again, I hear it is your uterus practicing, so maybe it means you will have a smoother labor? Who knows!

    @RKitty: Sorry you are feeling sick

    @catomd00: AHHHH Monday!!!!! How exciting

    @Mrs. Champagne: as for names -- YES we are still undecided - its bad....I keep telling my husband that we need to sit down and do this and he is so not motivated :-p!!

    Hoping to keep these munchkins in at least one more week.....doctor visit yesterday and things are looking good so I am still hopeful! I also finally had my Tdap vaccine - I had to initiate it, I was surprised that it wasn't automatic at one of my visits.

    -34w4d (max 3 weeks 3 days to go! ahhhhH!!!!)

  17. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @meadow: good job cooking those babes so long!! I can't imagine having twin options to consider for names... I'd never decide! Also no one has mentioned tdap to me either!! I better ask at my next appointment.

  18. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: no one mentioned tdap yet either. Weird! I think I was allergic to it last time. Got a huge bump and my arm was sore for 2 weeks... Still better than dealing with whooping cough!

    We think we have a name. We were leaning towards another one and then my husband brought up one of my favorite contenders from DS #1. He had vetoed it 3 years ago, so I'm excited that it is now a possibility! I still want to see the baby before anything is decided.

  19. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: @Alba4: Glad to know I'm not alone in the Tdap dark....but weird considering its such a big deal!!!

    @Alba4: sorry to hear you were allergic...I wonder if there's another version...like with the flu shot. Also super exciting about your favorite name being in the mix!!

  20. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Alba4: @MrsKRB: @meadow: @runnerd: Thanks... It's actually worse then 1st Trimester was for me! But it's very much morning based so by afternoon I'm pretty good. Figures having an easy 1st Tri would come back to haunt me~

    @catomd00: Exciting to know you're so close.... and I bet frantic trying to get everything ready!

    @meadow: My office reminds me to get my TDAP but they don't do them in the office.

    I was actually going to get my TDAP the day I got sick almost a month ago now, but there was no way I getting it and being sick at the same time. I'm just now feeling up to getting it so I'll do it sometime this week hopefully.

    @Alba4: I couldn't wait till the baby was here to pick names. I spend weeks getting the right name for my cats... my kiddo would be like 2 before he had a name if I waited.

  21. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @RKitty: surprisingly I feel more prepared this time than I did with DD and I have made less preparations haha. She came unexpectedly early so our house was a mess and we hadn't installed the car seat yet or anything. This time I planned to go early, so I have the basics ready at least.. Still holding out hope she comes on her own before Monday, but it doesn't feel like she will.

    I finished my last work project today and my boss said he wasn't giving me anything else so I scored 3 free vacation days! DH is going to vacuum the house tomorrow and then I think we are good to go.

  22. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @catomd00: Enjoy your last couple of days. What a nice boss!

  23. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @catomd00: Aww yay.

    I am totally unprepared right now--messes everywhere! Tomorrow and the day after are cleaning days, I hope!

    @meadow: Weird! I definitely recommend the TDaP! Some places give it at delivery instead of 3rd tri? I had mine quite a long while ago now. End of February?
    I'm surprised it wasn't automatic. Will they induce or section if you hit 38 weeks?

    @Alba4: Aww yay! We have a 80% sure of it name. Need to see the baby, too!

    @Mrs. Champagne: mmmm candy! How are you doing?

    @MrsKRB: Please start a labor and post partum mama thread!
    @runnerd: Yes, all those aches, so many aches. Ugh.
    @MMcAlli: Bummer about your BH, I hope it gets easier!

    My test is over! I'm back. Wooo! And I am So not ready and totally freaked about birth. AHHHHHH. :o


  24. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @runnerd: we used the weekend to finish buying stuff we need like a baby monitor, baby carrier and we tried to get a glider off craigslist but they never replied so we might just order one. I've been having random spurts of energy alternating with feeling super tired too! like yesterday I spent a few hours cleaning out the closet but today after my appts (OB + NST) I just lay around in bed and did nothing.

    @Alba4: That's exciting you'll know soon what kind of birth you'll be trying for!

    @MMcAlli: How are you doing? Are you experiencing more BH contractions?

    @RKitty: My toes are like little sausages too! and my fingers are swollen but not my ankles (yet). It's a weird sensation like my toes are about to burst.

    @catomd00: Ahh how exciting that your induction is less than a week away!!

    @Mrs. Champagne: We are still undecided on a name too! Trying to narrow it down to 3 options and then we'll pick one once he's here.

    @meadow: Yay glad things are looking good with the babies! Hope they stay in a little longer! I got my TDAP a while back too, I think around the time @pastemoo did.

    @pastemoo: Congrats on being done with your test! I totally feel you on not feeling ready and messes being everywhere! ahhhhhh!

    I had my weekly OB appointment today and found out my GBS test was negative. Also had a growth ultrasound last Friday and baby was measuring 6 lbs 4 oz, which is 49%. My OB said next appointment, we can pick a date for induction between 39 and 40 weeks, assuming the baby doesn't come sooner on his own!

    I can't believe I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow! Is anyone else kind of on edge thinking the baby could come at any moment?? If I feel a twinge in my belly I'm like eek, is that a contraction?! The other day I had an upset stomach and I wondered if it was a sign of labor. And every time I wipe I look for signs of losing my mucus plug. lol


  25. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @starlitsky: Haha, I am also on twinge watch, it's ridiculous, I am being totally ridiculous!

  26. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @pastemoo: congrats on finishing! I am totally freaking out about birth too, I had been really calm about it this whole time until I reached 9 months and now it's like, ok this thing really has to come out of me!

    @starlitsky: is there a reason you're being induced? My doctor offered the same thing.

  27. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    Labor thread is up!

  28. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @pastemoo: Congratulations on finishing! That must be a relief.

    I'm 37 weeks now and so done. I started getting hip and pelvis pain when standing last night and it freaked me out! I'd love to not be pregnant anymore but need at least two more weeks for PT appointments and for DH to finish some house stuff. I guess we'll see what happens!

  29. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    @RKitty: Oh no, I hate you're experiencing morning sickness again! Hang in there!
    @runnerd: I have noticed my inner thighs are super sore. Like I have done an intense workout or something. Hope your soreness lets up for you.
    @catomd00: Just a few more days till you meet your Little One. So so exciting! Enjoy your last couple of days!
    @meadow: If the BHs are considered practice, my body should be ready for labor. Ahh just 3 more weeks? I hope you're able to keep them in as long as comfortably possible. I can't wait to hear their gender! :))
    @pastemoo: Glad your test are over, now onto preparing for baby! :))
    @starlitsky: My doctor said the same about the induction scheduling. Are you going to schedule one or wait for natural even if that means going over 40 weeks?!
    I am with you on the looking for labor signs.

    My contractions/Braxton hicks seem to have picked up over the past couple of days. Some are a little more intense than others. I am so over timing them because they can become pretty consistent which makes me think time is close only to subside hours later, I am to the point of "when they start getting painful then I will time them".

    Is anyone worried about their water breaking? Like I want it to happen just so I know it's definitely time. But not knowing when or where it could break puts me on edge. I find myself doing things & all the sudden I'm like "what if my water broke right now"


  30. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @MrsKRB: I'm high risk since I'm AMA and have GD, so my OB doesn't want me to go over 40 weeks. Not sure why your doctor would offer to induce you though since you're not AMA and don't have GD... hmm. Thanks for posting the labor watch thread btw!

    @brownepiano: Hope your hip and pelvic pain isn't too bad! I definitely would love at least 2 more weeks too but we'll see what our babies want to do! 👶

    @pastemoo: lol twinge watch June 2016!


  31. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @MMcAlli: I'm going to schedule the induction for sometime between 39 and 40 weeks (closer to 40 hopefully) since my OB doesn't want me to go over 40 weeks. And yes I totally worry about my water breaking too! Like should I bring a change of clothes with me in case it happens in public?? But then I read about how most women don't experience their water breaking before going to the hospital and even if they do it's not a gush. But you never know!!

  32. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @starlitsky: I always read that too about water breaking, but when I go stalk labor threads on bigger forums it seems like everyone's story starts with "I woke up at 12am to my water breaking..." Lol

  33. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    Have any of you ladies been having cervical checks? I know it doesn't mean much, but I'm ready to have one bc last time I didn't dilate or efface before I was induced, so I'm interested to see if my body is reacting different this time.

    @catomd00: how awesome about the extra days off!!

    I can't believe how many of you don't have a name yet!! I'm totally Type A about that, and had a name within days of gender lol I'm stressed out on your behalf


  34. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: how is Z doing??? I meant to tell you how much I love that name too!!

  35. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @MMcAlli: Last time I was worried about my water breaking at night and even put a cheap shower curtain under my side of the bed! When it did break (at night like all the stories) it wasn't a huge rush, just a quick leak. It was pretty easily contained by an overnight pad. It felt like I was peeing, but I knew I wasn't so I figured it must be my water breaking.

  36. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @MMcAlli: why does your doc want to induce?

    @runnerd: I'm going to have my first one tomorrow for my 37 week visit, I want to know exactly what's going on so I'm definitely not going to be one of those people who decline! Im totally type A too and we've had a name since then as well!

    I'm not worried about my water breaking at all. Actually I have the mindset that my body won't go into labor in its own, no idea why but I'm just not holding out any hope!

  37. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @catomd00: That is awesome about the bonus 3 days!!! YAY

    @pastemoo: Yup, messes everywhere here too! Interesting about the TDap at delivery - I wonder what the point of that is. I thought the reason to get it during pregnancy was to pass along the antibodies - which I can't imagine happens during delivery. Interesting! I currently am on the doctor's master calendar for a c-section at exactly 38w0d. If the babies were in a position where a vaginal delivery was possible, I would certainly speak up that day about inducing instead. But I do know that there is no way they'll let me go past that date. Congrats on your test being over and being able to focus on baby!!

    @starlitsky: YAY for a neg GBS! That makes life easier. 6lbs 4oz is a great size for little one - yay!

    @mmcalli: At our birthing class the statistic for the number of women whose water break on their own before going to the hospital was so small - I was really suprised. Something like 10% of women.....don't quote me, but it was small like that!

    I feel like I grew massively overnight. My body is very achy today and I looked in mirror and felt pretty massive. Of course the number on the scale is exactly the same as yesterday, so I don't really know what is going on. Last night, while I was driving to meet a friend for dinner, I swear one of the babies "starfished" spreading its arms and legs in every direction as I suddenly got punched .... EVERYWHERE. It was so awkward -- hahaha.


  38. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @pastemoo: @meadow: I have no idea about how it all works, but I had mine at delivery last pregnancy - no one offered it to me before then. I'll have to ask my doc at my apt tomorrow (I'm with a different OB this time)

  39. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @meadow: @MMcAlli: My water did not break on its own, but I still put towels under me when I slept and in the car... Just in case.

    With DS#1, they started cervical checks @ 38 weeks. I only had 1 (was dialated 1 cm). Dr did a membrane sweep that same appointment and I delivered less than 48 hours later!

    I can't believe so many of you are full term already! It's all very real now!!! I'm getting excited!

    Oh and washer is being repaired tomorrow. Phew!
    -34 weeks

  40. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    Sorry for the lack of updates! Wifi here sucks!

    We are still in the nursery- she's doing great considering, but she's not ready to come home yet- still a few milestones to meet!

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