Hellobee Boards


June 2016 moms!

  1. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Wow! Exciting to have your little one so soon but so scary! Best Wishes Everything goes smoothly!

    @catomd00: No fun. I hope the belt brings you relief !

    @Mrs. Champagne: No plans for family to stay with us, but my parents live 10 minutes away with traffic and 90% of my husband's family lives within 30 minutes of us as well so there really isn't a need too! I think having them at my home would drive me more crazy anyways. We also don't have another baby to care for though!

    @Alba4: No kids here, but one of my cats is horribly clingy lately. He's Mama's Baby and won't leave me alone and when another cat tries to snuggle with me he either bites them till they run of or just lays on top of them...

  2. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @Alba4: my two year old has been soooooo clingy! Now with this SPD I cannot pick her up at all so it's even worse. I feel so awful and cry about it multiple times a day. But, it's good she's getting used to hearing no from mommy without throwing a tantrum because she is going to have to rely on daddy a lot more for a bit once baby gets here. It breaks my heart though.

  3. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: I've been trying to train my toddler to walk (and not be carried) pretty much since I got pregnant. Now he's pretty good about it but still asks to be picked up when he is scared or overwhelmed. I usually tell him no or only hold him for a tiny bit. (When DH and I are together DS still asks me to pick him up first even though i never do and I always tell him to go to DH instead.) We sit on the couch together instead and read books or I'll get on my knees so I can give him a hug without picking him up.

    My mom will hopefully be coming after DH has to go back to work and staying for a week or two. She's a teacher so coming sooner isn't really an option. My dad and some other family will come at some point too but I'm not sure i want them right away. My MIL is 45 min away so DS will stay with her while I'm at the hospital and then she'll probably take him over night a lot to help out. I'm hoping that people will come take DS for a few hours so he can get his energy out.

  4. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @brownepiano: oh man I carry my two year old a lot. Today we went on a walk and he wanted up so I carried him for a while 😁😁😁 totally going to try to get him used to walking more. It's starting to hurt my back!

  5. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @MrsKRB: I think whether or not you find someone staying with you helpful or stressful depends on who that person is. My mom was here for 10 days (but stayed in a hotel). She wasn't helpful outside of bringing coffee to me every morning, but we don't have the greatest relationship so I can only handle her in small doses anyways.

    The things I needed help with (e.g., cleaning up around the house) are things I didn't feel comfortable asking anyone to do, so they didn't get done unless someone offered (no one did, except MIL who would discreetly tell my husband to collect our laundry and then take it to her house and do it without me noticing until it came back clean - she's a saint!)

    My in-laws are local and they came over probably every other day and brought us dinner already cooked and lots of food for leftovers. They were wonderful because they looked to us to tell them what to do. In the first few days, it was overwhelming because I'd get weepy at night which was when they'd typically come over, but also a blessing because they could deal with the baby while DH sat with me upstairs while I cried lol. I'm definitely going to be counting on them more this time for help and I know they'll be great. But, again not staying with us.

    Personally, I wouldn't want anyone staying in our house. Postpartum is messy business and I wanted my privacy. Plus, the help I ideally would want is letting me sleep at night, which is impossible with breastfeeding so it didn't matter anyways because no one could help me with that!

  6. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    @MrsPink: wow! Our first June baby arriving soon! Sending you loads of good wishes for an easy delivery and a strong, healthy baby!

    @MrsKRB: We had my mom come to stay after both of our girls were born and it was great! We requested a two week interlude between the baby's arrival (going by due date, and fortunately, both of them were very prompt!) and my mom's arrival, as we wanted those first two weeks to adjust to our new family. DH had two weeks of paternity leave and his return to work pretty much coincided with her arrival.

    It was so nice to have her there as she has no qualms about just diving in and doing what needs to be done. Whilst she of course wanted to snuggle the girls as much as possible, she knew her help would be much better put to use in the form of practical assistance - cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning etc. She also woke up most nights during one of the MOTN sessions and offered to settle DD back down to sleep after I'd fed her. We didn't take her up on that very often but the gesture was appreciated. With both girls, she stayed for eight weeks - we were living in Australia though (she was coming from the US) and we had no family on the same continent so we had zero support other than her. When DD2 arrived, DH was also working nearly 80 hr weeks (not by choice), and we were in the midst of preparing for our move to England two months later, so I REALLY needed the help!

    With this baby, she's not coming over until late August due to a confluence of circumstances that make it less than ideal to come before that. DH is hoping to have a month off, but there will still be a one month gap there where I'm on my own. Not going to lie, I'm a bit nervous about it, but at least we do have family in the area now who can help out too... Still, I'm used to have my mom's hands on support in those initial couple of months so it's going to be weird doing it all on my own!

    Anyway, super long response, but the bottom line is that only you know what your relationship with your mom is like. My mom and I are very close, and I know she's the type to jump in and help as much as possible, whilst also being very conscious of giving DH and I as much space as possible. So having her here for eight weeks was truly amazing.....if we had a different relationship, or if she was one of those people who expected to be treated as a guest, even though she was technically a guest, it might have been a different story!

  7. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    OMG people! Having babies already and I am so out of the loop!!!
    Good luck MrsPink! Sending you blessings and healing and power.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
    12 days till my exam, praying baby stays put. Crampy and starting to get some hand tingling. Feeling pretty large.

    36weeks! ACK!

  8. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    Thanks for the input! I have an ok relationship with my mom, but I've always been very independent so a big part of me wants to do it myself. I might just have her come up the week after, hopefully she doesn't get upset.

  9. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    Its looking like she's staying put for the next couple days atleast! Repeating the NST and ultrasounds on Friday morning, so we'll see what the results are then and maybe this weekend?

  10. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: More time to cook! Good luck at your scan!

  11. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: that's good! Did you have a nst today? Or ultrasound?

  12. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: that's good news! Every day counts !

  13. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: yay!!! Great to hear!!

    Is anyone less hungry than they were during second trimester? I've noticed I'm not as crazy hungry the last week or so....weird.....

  14. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: just the NST- Friday will be both!

    I'm not 100% sure why they're doing NSTs... But I believe they're wanting to extra monitor her heart variations to make sure they increase when she's moving

  15. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @meadow: I've struggled with lack of appetite this whole pregnancy. No cravings or anything. This last week and some has been even worse because of my cold. I've actually lost 5lbs.

    @Mrs. Pink: I hope you keep getting good news!

  16. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @meadow: I was actually just thinking about this! Nothing really sounds good anymore, quite frankly it's about time because I was a garbage disposal for awhile

  17. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    @meadow: YES! I have not had much of an appetite the past couple of days, I was starting to get worried! Glad I am not the only one.

    @Mrs. Pink: A little more time on the inside is definitely not a bad thing, hope your NST/Scan go good Friday! Keep us posted!

  18. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    Ultrasounds basically looked the same/similar but her NSTs improved so my OB has be down for another US Monday and then an appointment on Tuesday.

    I don't even know anymore- I've been stressing out which doesn't help my blood pressure- so I'm basically just going to assume everything is fine unless they say otherwise- it's pretty much the one where I'd start going in weekly anyways, so I'm trying to just think of this as that kind of monitoring so I can stop panicking

  19. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: This sounds like good news to me! Try to relax and enjoy the weekend. Thinking of you!

  20. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @MrsKRB: @MMcAlli: Yay for not being alone!

    @RKitty: Hope you are feeling better!!

    @Mrs. Pink: Yay for continued baking. Continuing to send you positive thoughts!!!

  21. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: try and relax! It sounds like your doctors are keeping a close eye on you, everything will be fine! You're almost 36 weeks!

  22. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    Happy mothers day ladies

  23. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Good plan, assume it's fine. Hugs!

  24. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @MrsKRB: Yes, happy mother's day all!!

  25. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    Happy Mother's Day! 💐

  26. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: hope your appt goes well!! hope you were able to manage the stress this weekend! thinking about you and baby!

  27. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    we had a diaper shower this weekend, and it's so awesome to have diapers and wipes filling up our closests wish we had done this with #1 too! It was a somewhat busy weekend, cleaning for guests that stayed with us, diaper shower, mother's day running around, but otherwise, it seems like it was a pretty typical weekend. but I am physically DRAINED AND WORN DOWN. ugh!!

    oh - and I could never identify BH with my first, and I can't definitively with this one either, but I had several spells of having cramping in my pelvic area with back pain this weekend while I was just laying on the couch, so I wondered if that might have been BH? Worried me a little.. but I guess it's normal at this stage?


  28. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @runnerd: Pretty sure it's completely normal! I'm not really sure what a BH is supposed to feel like either. I frequently get a tightening in the middle of my abdomen and it doesn't really hurt, but I'm not sure if she's just curling into a ball in a weird spot or if it's BH.

  29. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @meadow: I'm finally getting there! Thanks

    @Mrs. Pink: I hope you get good news today and tomorrow~ Keep that baby baking~

    @runnerd: I feel yah. I had a baby shower on Saturday and had to take nap right afterwards!

    I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

  30. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    I'm freaking out! Baby's eviction date is May 23rd (38+5) at the very latest. But, I think it's fate. Backstory: I got a call this morning from my OB asking if I could change my appointment today because I was accidentally scheduled with a high risk doc and I'm not high risk. I couldn't make the other 2 appt times they had, so I said no and they told me to keep my appointment. I nearly walked out of my appointment without being seen because I sat in the room for 45 minutes waiting. Well, the doc finally came in and she was really concerned about the SPD and said it's her specialty. Finally someone was taking me seriously and not just telling me to suck it up until I deliver! Anyways, she doesn't want the baby's head to get too big and make the separation any worse and wants to induce me early if I don't go before then. I pushed it out to the very latest she would let me, with the caveat we would reevaluate next week (she made me change my appointment to see her next week). I'm so scared about having to potentially be induced early if baby isn't done baking, but trying to just trust that she is the expert and knows what is best. It feels so weird to have a potential birth date picked out! She was like what day would you like? You can call and change it if you want lol. Oh, and she said I could stop working if I wanted to, but since I want to and can keep working and want the most time after baby arrives, she wrote me a note to work from home. At least I can do that guilt free.

  31. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @catomd00: wow!! That's crazy, you can begin the countdown!! So soon!

  32. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @catomd00: Wow! It's great you got to talk to someone with experience. It is definitely weird to have a set day. Last time I was scheduled for an induction (after my due date passed) and it felt like it took all the suspense away.

  33. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: how's it going??

    @catomd00: wow so soon!! Baby should be nice and big by then though! Hope you are feeling better!

    I have my 32 week ultrasound to check growth tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed she is still on her curve.

  34. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @brownepiano: I know I feel like there's no surprise now! Im hoping she still comes on her own. DD was born at 38+1 so there is hope! I guess I need to start researching induction methods. She said depending on how things look, I could opt for cervadil the night before instead of just going straight to pitocin.

  35. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @catomd00: oh wow! I mentioned my pain to my OB and she said it sounds more like round ligament pain than SPD. It's gotten a little better this week, although it comes and goes. Is yours getting worse? That's great you can WFH guilt-free now!

    @meadow: one more day of work!!

    In other news, I got my GBS test done today and it was no big deal, although kinda weird to get a semi-pelvic exam after not having one for months! I get the results in a week.


  36. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    If anyone still needs to get a breast pump through insurance, I used this company: Edgepark.com - it is so easy and it was shipped to me in a of couple days'

  37. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @starlitsky: yes, I literally can barely walk a lot of the time. She told me she would get me A wheelchair if I needed it its that bad lol. It feels like my pelvis is shattering when I take a step. I can barely touch my pubic bone without crying. In hindsight, I noticed this started a while ago - It would hurt if I leaned up against the counter when I was doing dishes, and it was really tender when they would measure my fundal height. I just never thought anything of it until now.

  38. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @catomd00: wow that sounds really severe! is there anything they can do to help you manage the pain?

    @Mrs. Pink: how was your ultrasound yesterday and appt today? keep us updated!

  39. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @starlitsky: unfortunately, not really. I had 2 PT appts to re-align things but it didn't provide much lasting relief. My doc wrote me a Rx for a pain killer, but I'm not really comfortable taking it and she even said it probably wouldn't do much anyways. For me, the pain is way worse after I have been sitting, so being able to WFH and lay down as much as possible as been the best way to manage the pain. At this point I'm just hoping I don't have long term pain post delivery.

  40. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @catomd00: Oh man that is rough! I hope it goes away with delivery! And I'm glad to hear they found you a specialist. Scary, but also I hope it helps you feel like you're in good hands.
    @MrsKRB: Nice! Has everyone gotten their pumps already?
    @starlitsky: LOL. I got mine done yesterday. It was like a q-tip though, not a pelvic exam. I declined the cervical check.
    @Mrs. Champagne: How was the u/s?
    @brownepiano: That is an interesting perspective! The uncertainty is a little unnerving. Just hoping my baby girl stays in past Tuesday. Other than that, she can come whenever she likes. Which probably means 4 weeks... haha.
    @meadow: I'm having a hard time eating! Where is my stomach? Still gaining but everyone is making fun of me for "not eating."
    @RKitty: How are you doing?

    My exam is Monday. Just took a practice one and feeling pretty burned out so I figured it was time to try to catch up!
    Feeling so preoccupied by the exam, I couldn't tell you much about baby at all! 10:30 pm is her witching hour and she moves like crazy. Mild stretch marks, can still see the sides of my abs--what!? Gained 28 lbs. Trying to stay calm through this exam, and my "after the exam" to do list (mostly but not all for baby) is incredible. So close....

    I've missed you all! Hope you had a lovely mother's day!


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