Hellobee Boards


June 2016 moms!

  1. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @runnerd: I'm due June 1st and will be 35w wed! DD came at 38+1 sooo yeah I'm freaking out!

  2. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @MrsKRB: I love hiccups multiple times a day because it is an easy way to make sure the baby is still moving without having to be kicked in the ribs. DS 1 had the hiccups a lot in utero and then also a lot as a newborn. They weren't as fun in the newborn side because they kept him awake when we were trying to put him down for nap.

    I'm 34 weeks tomorrow! But DS 1 came 10 days late so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. A late baby would be better for us schedule-wise but I'd like an early baby just because my insides are starting to hurt from the baby moving.

    Anyone else waking up at a night a lot? I've had several nights in a row where I've been awake around midnight and cannot go back to sleep for a while!

  3. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Ree723: Thanks, the anitbotics helped a ton, I'm still fighting some crud... but getting back on track.

    I went back a few pages till I found the list. I'm 31w today, and @Mrs. Champagne: is the only one later then that. Though didn't somebody also sneak over from the July board? So that leaves only one or two who technically aren't in single digit weeks yet... so yah it's totally in the realm of possibility of seeing a really early June baby!

    June 2016 Mamas
    June 1: pastemoo (#2) , Anne825 (#1), Contemplating (#1) , catomd00 (#2)
    June 2: Maddux41506 (#1)
    June 4: Mrs. Pink (#2) , BLA (#2)
    June 7: brownepiano (#2)
    June 8: MrsKRB (#1) , MCD919 (#2) , Lately (#2) , starlitsky (#1)
    June 10: babybinks, MMcAlli (#1)
    June 13: Purpledaisy (#2)
    June 16: LittleGBee (#3)
    June 24: Mrs. Peanut (#1) , meadow x2 (#1 & 2)
    June 22: Ree723 (#3)
    June 23: runnerd (#2)
    June 25: doodlepoodle (#2)
    June 26: Hazel27 (#1)
    June 27: Madyetbeautiful (#1)
    June 28: Alba4 (#2) , Dr. Pepper (#2) , RKitty (#1)
    June 30: Mrs. Champagne (#2)
    Tally: 6 girls, 10 boys, 4 Team Green

  4. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @runnerd: I'm going to be 34 on Wednesday, so yea we're getting pretty close to the first baby!

  5. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @MMcAlli: If it means good lungs, than I'm happy

    @brownepiano: I actually don't feel kicks too much, but I think it's because she's breech. I mostly just feel her head move, every once in awhile I feel a *zing* in my bladder

    Glad everyone else is feeling a lot of hiccups too!

    @RKitty: Thanks for posting that, I was thinking about doing that too since we are all getting so close!

  6. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @RKitty: good idea to grab the due dates!!

  7. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    I'm starting to feel a little frazzled knowing that it's almost May. My job is structured in a way that is project based, so I have all my work that I'm expected to attempt to complete before maternity leave assigned to me already. It really makes me feel the pressure to get my work list cleared out by the first week of June! (even though no one expects that I have to have it ALL done).

  8. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Alba4: yay that's great!!

    @brownepiano: I haven't been sleeping well for a while now! I always wake up during the night and it takes me a while to go back to sleep. I've also been feeling more aches and pains and moving more slowly overall in the past week or so!

    @MrsKRB: I've been feeling hiccups maybe once a week? But a lot of kicks and movement every day. I think feeling movement is one of my favorite parts of pregnancy and I will miss it once baby is here, although I guess at that point I'll be preoccupied with taking care of the baby and won't really have time to miss the kicks! haha.

    I will be starting NST (non-stress tests) twice a week starting tomorrow, which is earlier than I anticipated. It will be a little tricky with work but luckily my boss is understanding. Also, my official date to start maternity leave is May 11 at 36w, so I have a little over 2 weeks left at work. I can't wait!! I need the time to clean the house and finalize the nursery. I have my shower coming up this weekend so after that, I'll be using my registry completion discount to order whatever's left. I did order the car seat and stroller over the weekend though!

    Oh I also got my 3D ultrasound done over the weekend and will post the pic soon.

    How is everyone else doing?


  9. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @starlitsky: yay for almost being done work!! How come you have to do non stress tests?

    I'm doing good! Occasional back pain but the chiropractor really helped with that! Anxious to meet this baby

  10. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @brownepiano: I get up once a night and it takes longer than usual to fall back asleep. Just some prep for once baby comes and it is every 2-3 hours😝.

    @MrsKRB: only 3 weeks until you are full term!!!! Eeek! We may even see some babies by late May! I was a week and a day early with my first baby!

  11. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @brownepiano: Same with the sleeping, I have a hard time falling back asleep. I'm also getting bad hip pain from sleeping on my side so I pretty much hate laying in my bed - even with my snoogle!

  12. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    Thanks for the consideration everyone. I went for a long walk yesterday and was so tired but still couldn't sleep! I'm up a good 4 times a night to pee and constantly flipping because my hip starts to hurt. My poor toddler bears the brunt of it because it means i have no patience. Third trimester discomfort is the one thing that really gets me ready for labor!

  13. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    @brownepiano: My hips hurt too! I switch back and forth between sides too. Nothing helps, except having the baby. I remember being so psyched to sleep flat on my back once DS was born! But, I'm really a stomach sleeper and that wasn't comfortable until I weened.

  14. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: I think it's because I have GD and I'm considered high risk.

    @Alba4: I keep hearing about first babies who have come early, although in the past I thought I heard that most first babies are late! But I guess every baby is different!

    @MrsKRB: @brownepiano: @Alba4: I'm dealing with hip pain too, and occasionally arm/hand tingling.

  15. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @brownepiano: @Alba4: @starlitsky: yep I have hip pain too starting last week. I had it in 3rd tri with my first too, but had totally forgot about it until it flared up.

  16. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @runnerd: it makes it so uncomfortable to sleep!

  17. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @brownepiano: I'm so glad I'm not the only one with no patience for my toddler. I feel horrible about it and cry myself to sleep every night over it. I'm just so damn irritable and tired and in pain, I try so hard to keep it to myself but I can't. It makes me so sad to spend our last few weeks together constantly being annoyed and snappy. It also terrifies me for how the hell I am ever going to handle two!

  18. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    2 days in a row in the mid-80s and I'm already miserable. Gonna be a long 8 weeks to June here in the south.

  19. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    Had my 35 week appt today and an ultrasound to check on my cyst. They ended up doing a full growth ultrasound! Baby is head down (yay!) and weighs 4lb 12oz. Belly is measuring 33 weeks, which was consistent with the ultrasound measurements. My cyst has shrunk to 1cm so no concerns there either! I got to see baby on 3D but she was all cozied up to the placenta and refused to turn her head so she's a little squished looking! This is the latest I've ever had an ultrasound, it's crazy how different it was from the 20 week scan! Doc told me to prepare for another 38 weeker! 3 weeks to go in panicking!

    Also booked my last 4 appointments until my due date. It's getting so close!

  20. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @Alba4: So So glad that your placenta has moved even further away! YAY!!!

    @MrsKRB: A bunch have already responded, but I heard hiccups are totally normal and part of lung development! Enjoy!!

    @MMcAlli: Have fun at your appointment tomorrow!

    @Browniepiano: I have been waking up specifically during the 1am hour and 4am hour each night. I get up and go to the bathroom or roll over. I think I wake up other times too - but somehow I always catch the clock at those two times. One thing I noticed the past couple of nights is that my belly seems to need less support at night. If I fall off the pillow it is less "tragic" than even a week ago. I wonder if it is because my belly is getting wider - haha!

    @RKitty - Thanks so much for posting our due dates - I was actually looking back recently to see something and had to go pretty far back :-p. Awesome to have a reminder of who is when and with what

    @Starlitsky: We are starting maternity leave at the same time! How fun. I can't believe I have just 2 weeks left of work! Can't wait to see your 3D ultrasound

    @Alba4: Its funny what you mention about being a stomach sleeper - this weekend I was trying to put rubber feet under a dresser - and my instinct was to lie on my stomach and reach under. I did for a second and felt like a see-saw! It was hilarious, then remembered I shouldn't do that

    @Catomd00: I'm sure you'll adjust to handling two just fine. It will be different when you no longer have someone beating you up from inside

    Today I had a sudden burst of energy - which is weird because I was exhausted yesterday, then went to bed an hour late. I made a good dent in getting stuff settled at work for leaving. Putting away personal items so they don't get pillaged while I'm gone....making a list of what is left to do/organize....making a list of things/information to pass off to my replacement.

    My husband has decided that tonight is the night to pack my hospital bag. So that is a project for this evening!

    I have a backup c-section scheduled for 6/10. Totally fine if I go into labor earlier than that (not too early...but you know...) But since that is the latest I can go, they wanted to put me on the calendar.

    ETA - anyone experiencing swelling -- compression stockings are so worth it! I feel noticeably better wearing them. Not like no-swelling....but way less!

  21. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @meadow: I'm counting on it being easier to handle my 2 year old once I'm not pregnant anymore! I actually started packing my hospital bag this morning and washed and installed our car seat since we got our cars detailed this weekend! Last time neither were done before DD arrived! I just keep a list of hospital bag stuff so I can easily check it off when it's go time.

  22. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @meadow: I can't remember - are your babies in position where you will be able to attempt vaginal if you go into labor before 6/10?

    @catomd00: I really need to start washing things!! Car seat, rock n play, etc. It feels like one those things I'll end up not getting to

  23. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @runnerd: I've done all the gear stuff since it needs to be air dried. My dryer is currently broken, hopefully getting fixed next week so I can start washing some clothes! I have a basketful that needs to have a good soak first to get out old stains. I'm super anxious to get that done. I'll probably go to my in-laws and do it next weekend if our dryer isn't fixed by then! Running out of time here!

  24. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    I finally managed to sleep last night so I had "tons" of energy to work on things today. Our nursery/closet is almost set up and I got more food in the freezer (lunches for DH). My toddler loves playing with the baby toys that I set aside and seeing baby clothes etc so I'm glad that getting organized keeps him entertained too.

    Our car seat cover is washed and put back together. We probably won't install it till we're at the hospital because we like the extra space for now. I have two nb outfits in a diaper bag as a hospital bag. I'll probably just throw everything else in there when it is go time. I don't have enough extra clothes etc for me to pack ahead!

    34 w 1d

  25. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @runnerd: I'll have a better idea next Monday at my ultrasound. A month ago they were in a TV shape....baby a vertical but not head down...butt down & folded in half. Baby B lying draped across my upper stomach transverse. So not conducive to vaginal at all. I feel like baby a has changed position and feel like this baby is touching me with fingers low....so might be head down.......if baby A is head down then it all depends on which dr is on call the day I go in.....so we'll see! Haha.

    I went to an appointment to meet the Pediatrician today....was neat and strange at the same time!!

  26. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @meadow: I'm super excited to only have 2 weeks left at work! I feel like I've started to slow down within the past week and am feeling more aches and pains, so it'll be nice to be able to stay home in my PJs and work on the nursery etc!

    Is anyone else feeling soreness down there? It feels like I'm bruised! I'm thinking it's because the baby is putting pressure on my pelvis? It kinda hurts to walk!

    Here's our 3D ultrasound pic! Baby was sleeping the whole time and the umbilical cord was blocking the lower part of his face so this is the best pic we could get, a semi profile shot. It'll be interesting to see how much he looks like this pic when he gets here!

    Also, eek 34 weeks today!

  27. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @starlitsky: oh my gosh - how sweet!!!

    And yes - feeling soreness!! And I get little shocks when I got on my daily walk; and suddenly have sore inner thighs like I've been doing squats (which I most certainly should be, but am most definitely not!)

  28. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @starlitsky: absolutely precious!!!!

  29. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @starlitsky: so cute!! yup, I've felt bruised/pain down there for awhile, I think it might be the relaxin.

    @meadow: I have an appt with a ped in a few weeks, hopefully it's not too late!

    @brownepiano: good job getting a lot done, it always feels nice!

    I'm getting started on some freezer meals, I made lactation cookies and forgot to add sugar, so that's where my heads been at lately! I also locked myself out of my house the other day hahaha.


  30. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @MrsKRB: I'm sure that's fine......of the 5 mom's there including me....one was 37 and the other 38 weeks.......I don't think everyone does it anyway.....

    Cool on having energy for freezer food!!!

  31. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @meadow: sounds like quite the positioning going on in there!!

    @MrsKRB: I really wish I had my act together enough to make freezer meals - I struggle to get the current week's meals together! I am planning to make a bunch of zucchini and apple muffins to freeze bc LO #1 loves those for breakfast and snack.

    I had my 32 week appt today. Nothing special to report. She did confirm my suspicions that the pressure I've been feeling on my right hip bone is bc the baby's head is resting there.

    I'm jealous of you ladies who are going out on leave prior to baby's arrival!! I am planning to work up until the event. I guess I would go ahead and start my leave at 40.5 weeks if I haven't had him yet.

  32. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @runnerd: @meadow: @MrsKRB: thank you! can't wait to meet him!

    @runnerd: @MrsKRB: sorry to hear you ladies have been feeling pain down there too! it's definitely slowing me down and causing a bit of a waddle situation.

  33. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @runnerd: Me too! I'm working up until the last minute hopefully. With my 1st I was due on a Wednesday. I had work schedule me through that Friday and everyone was mad at me because I was going to leave the without someone working that shift. Well, I went two weeks late, so I ended up having a week and a half at home before baby came. I just filled out my leave of absence paperwork this week. I put 7/4/16 as my official start of leave (I can always go early- because seriously who knows when baby is going to come). My boss looked at me funny (I'm due June 28) and I said I put that date because there is NO WAY I'm coming to work after that date. I may only have them schedule me until the 24th and then pick up shifts and/or do special projects the following week if I haven't had baby yet.

    I've been MIA for a while, but that's because everything has been going pretty good- which has been a nice change from the first half of pregnancy.

    We might have decided on a name. What does everyone think of the name Blake Harry Hanson? Harry is my husbands grandpa's name, so it is non-negotiable (expect for maybe Franklin- grandpa's middle name). Names have been so hard for us.

    31 weeks now. This weekend I plan to finish moving my 2 year old into his new room so then I can start getting out all my baby stuff and getting ready for this baby!

    2 weekends ago my husband and I took a short trip out to the north shore of lake superior for an early 5th wedding anniversary (not until June) and mini babymoon. We stayed at the same resort we had honeymooned at. It was super nice and relaxing. Now time to buckle down and get stuff ready. I've pretty much done nothing yet- other than work on getting my son's new room ready.

  34. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @runnerd: I don't cook ever and I made 9 freezer crockpot meals. It was super quick and easy - literally just throw the ingredients in a bag and freeze! Took me no longer than a regular shopping trip and maybe an hour to make them all. I'll post which ones I did if you want!

  35. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @runnerd: @catomd00: yea, for some reason freezer meals were a little easier for me - maybe because I knew I didn't have to eat it right after?

    @runnerd: I'm working up until my due date, I'm too nervous to work after the date though!

    @starlitsky: waddling here too!

    @Dr. Pepper: I like Blake!

  36. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: We're both due the same day and I let work know the last day I'll work is July 1st. (Assuming my little guy isn't here by then.) It fits well with our contact and pay periods.

    I've been fighting a nasty cold/virus and end back up at my docs today. He said everything looks okay but gave me cough pills so I can maybe sleep more then an hour or two. He also cleared me to go to my birthing class this weekend. I didn't want to go to a class of pregnant women and have them all mad at me for going! But this is the only class my husband can go with me too!

  37. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    So, an update and a request for thoughts of sorts

    My blood pressure is high (for me) so I'm being monitored for that- but no other signs of preeclampsia- *but* we also had our growth scan today and she's down from being 33rd percentile to below 5th

    My midwife called in more ultrasounds for Monday but also put in to the OB on staff (he's out of town) to see if they need to deliver earlier, because there's a problem with the placenta, basically with the SUA the bit about the baby not growing as quickly is happening now- she's *maybe* 4.5 lbs which is of course an iffy estimate as we all know!

    I'm trying not to worry until we know more, especially because she's kicking up a storm and has been showing great heart rate etc-- but we may have an early May/Late April baby instead of June...

    I'll update you guys when I hear something!

  38. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: thinking of you fellow sua mama! How many weeks are you now?

    I forgot to ask my ob at what point they decide baby is safer to come if they aren't growing well, so I'm not much help there...

  39. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Good luck, I will be thinking of you! Are you 34 weeks or so? Baby should be healthy if anything does happen!

  40. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: sorry you are dealing with the extra stress!! I don't know if it helps, but LO #1 was monitored bc I had a small placenta abruption and they induced me at 39 weeks bc he was measuring around 10% and they were estimating 4.5-5lbs, but he came out 6lb7oz

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